№12|The Full Moon Festival (Part 1)

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№12|The Full Moon Festival (Part 1)
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Medusa crouched down in front of Barron’s desk, eye level with the necklace. “Okay, necklace.” she glared at the fine jewelry. “I know you have a power source,” she shot up from her crouching position. “We just need to find it!” She brought out a hammer, a sick smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Barron was passing by his office when he noticed Medusa slamming the necklace with a hammer. “Why… won't… you… break!?!”

Barron quickly rushed in, placing his hand on Medusa’s to stop the hammer. “Woah woah woah! I thought you liked the necklace!”

“I do, it’s beautiful,” Medusa took off her goggles and smiled at Barron before looking back at the necklace with a hard glare, “but what is its power source?!”


“Don't you dare say batteries because there’s no slot to put them in, there’s no charging port, and it doesn't glow in the dark! The only time it glows is when I’m wearing it, and I already ruled out heat. So what is the damn power source?!”

“Medusa,” Barron chuckled, putting down the hammer, “this is a special necklace,” he placed it back on her neck, smiling when it glowed, “it’s power source is something different.”

He stroked her necklace. “It only glows for certain people. Stop worrying about how it glows and enjoy the beauty,” he smirked, “its beauty will never compare to that of the person wearing it.”

Medusa blushed, her heart skipping a beat at the Alpha’s words. “Thank you… for the necklace…”

“You don't need to thank me. I’d do anything for you,” he kissed her forehead, “now come on, we have to get to prayer.”

“Prayer?” Medusa questioned as her and Barron walked out onto the courtyard to see that it was decortated with beautiful moonflowers. Tiny little string lights that hung along the trees lit up the night as the red moon shone brightly down on the compound.

Medusa noticed the mats that surrounded the fountain on the Moon Goddess that was in the middle of the courtyard. “What’s this all for?”

“I told you. Prayer.” Barron said, sitting down on the mats. He patted the mat, motioning Medusa to sit beside him. “Come on. You’ll enjoy it.”

Medusa pulled out her notebook. “Wolves apparently pray to the Moon Goddess.” She looked up at Barron. “Why?”

“Because the Moon Goddess blessed us with the regular moon as well as mating season. She also is the reason why wolves have mates.” Barron laid down on the mat, smiling at all the stars in the sky. “My mom used to tell me that all the stars in the sky represent the people here on earth, but the brightest ones are wolves. She said that the Moon Goddess puts stars next to each other when they’re mates.”

Medusa laid down next to him. “Where’s your star?”

Barron pointed to the golden star. “That’s mine.”

“How do you know?” Medusa questioned.

“Wolves always know which star is theirs,” Barron tapped her nose, “it’s a little difficult for fleshies to find their stars since there’s so many of them.”

“Well, I’m not any normal fleshie.” Medusa looked at the stars, trying to track it with her finger before landing on a green one next to Barron’s. “How about that one? Yep, that’s totally mine.”

Barron smiled. “Yeah, that’s your star.” He nuzzled his nose into her hair, taking in her delicious scent. Right next to mine, just where my Luna's star should be.

Meanwhile, Yvette’s timid head peeked from behind the bushes. “I don't know, Alistair… maybe it’s best if I skip the Full Moon Festival.”

“Yvette,” Alistair held her hand, “Look at me. Don't be nervous.” Alistair kissed her nose. “It’s just prayer right now.” Alistair led her to the mat next to Medusa and Barron.

Barron held his finger to his lips. “Shh… she’s asleep.” Barron whispered, stroking Medusa’s hair. “She’s so beautiful when she’s sleeping.”

He smirked at Yvette and Alistair. “Are you excited for tonight?”

Yvette blushed but nodded. Alistair wrapped her arms around her, “I’m so excited! You’re gonna love tonight, baby~” he whispered in her ear.

“Ali-Alistair!” Yvette squeaked.

Barron chuckled, “I’m guessing after the hunt I won't see you until tomorrow?”

“Let’s say tomorrow afternoon. She still needs to rest.” Alistair winked.

Ayame chuckled, sitting down on the mat across from them. “Don't go too rough on her, Alistair. “She still needs to walk tomorrow.”

Chelia laughed from nearby. “I’m sure she’ll be able to walk, but she’ll probably lose her voice from screaming Alistair's name all night.” Vanessa smirked. Yvette felt like fainting.

“Shh, prayer is starting,” Barron shushed as he woke up Medusa, “come on, prayer is about to start.”

Medusa pulled out her notebook. “How’s this gonna work-”

“Shh.” Barron shushed. “You have to be quiet or she won't show.”


“Just watch.” Barron smirked, kneeling down, his forehead touching the mat. Medusa watched as the rest of the wolves did the same. Soon, the winds picked up, the moonflowers flying off their stems and circling around the fountain. It wasn’t long before the stature of the moon goddess became real.

 The Moon Goddess was a young woman with curly, long black hair which reached her waist. Her forehead bore the same yellow crescent moon that she wore as a cat, and which are also featured on her earrings. 

A yellow ribbon was tied into a bow around her neck, as well as a crescent moon necklace. She also had an anklet of the same design above her foot. 

She wore an elegant, flowing gown which was yellow and black, while being shorter in the front than in the back. Her eyes are aqua blue, and she appeared to retain her cat-like features.

“Good Evening.” she said sweetly, she noticed Barron. “Oh, Barron Whiteclad. You’ve grown up so much. You’re a wonder alpha… your parents would be proud.”

“Thank you, Moon Goddess.” Barron was still bowing.

She turned towards Medusa. “Hello, Medusa.” she smiled. “I was wondering how long it would take you two to find each other.”

“What?” Medusa questioned, “Are you trying to tell me you’re the reason we met in the alley? To be honest, that’s not possible.”

“No, it is,” the Moon Goddess nodded. “Well, I can't take all the credit, some of it goes to he-who-must-not-be-name.”


The Moon Goddess chuckled and shook her head. “No, no, no… you’ll find out about him much later.”

The Moon Goddess stroked Medusa’s cheek, “I know about all my children Medusa.”

“How did you-”

“I can hear all my children's thoughts.” The Moon Goddess giggled. “Here, I’ll show you,” she turned towards Vanessa, “she’s trying to decide whether or not to leave prayer early to mate with Malakai now, when she knows she shouldn’t, or wait until later tonight.”

“I’m sorry, Moon Goddess. I’ll wait till later tonight…” Vanessa pouted slightly, bowing to the goddess.

“I told you, you don't need to bow.” The Moon Goddess sighed, shaking her head. “Bowing makes me feel like I’m some dictator. It’s weird.” 

“Of course, Moon Goddess.” Barron got up, smiling at her. He brought out a platter of small cookies shaped into moon flowers. “They are for you, Moon Goddess. I’m sure you’ve gotten many of these, but it’s the least we could do for you. You’ve done so much for us, getting countless wolves to their mates, allowing us to bask in the cool glow of the moon, and finally gracing us with your presence tonight.”

“That you, Barron,” she accepted the platter, taking a bite of a cookie, “so good~”

“Are those your favorite cookies?” Medusa asked, writing it down in her notebook.

“Yes,” she said, eating another cookie, “it’s also kinda like my only nutrence source.”


“Yeah. For you guys, multiple foods give you energy. For me, this is how I get my nutrence. So many wolf packs make me these cookies, I’m stocked for the entire year!” The Moon Goddess explained.

“Wow…” Medusa was speechless. “This is amazing! I can have an entire section just for this one festival in my paper! Thank you, Moon Goddess.”

“Of course,” she smiled, waving goodbye. “Now I must leave. I have a pack in France who is about to start their prayer. Stay safe, children.” And with that, the Moon Goddess disappeared in a swirl of Moonflowers.

“Now what?” Medusa questioned.

“We get ready for the dance!” Vanessa cheered, pulling her upstairs to get ready.


“How do I look, Montego?” Chelia questioned, spinning around in her dress.

Montego couldn't respond. “Beautiful…” he pulled her in close. “Although you’d probably look better without all those clothes~”

“You’re one horny ass wolf.” Chelia chuckled, kissing his nose. “You know you always do better after you hunt. You gonna catch something big for me?” Chelia smiled.

Montego nodded. “Yep! Are you gonna eat it rather than cooking it and making it into some fancy dish?”

“Montego,” Chelia kissed his cheek, “you should know I don't raw carcasses like you wolves do.”

Montego chuckled. “It’s okay, I love you either way.”

“I love you too~”

Barron was utterly star struck by Medusa. He didn’t know if it was the moon or just Medusa herself, but he felt he was being drawn towards her.

“You look… amazing.” Barron was speechless. She looked like a goddess all dressed in white with some of her snake/human hair pinned up in the back while the rest flowed down her shoulders. “You look like a goddess….”

Medusa blushed and looked away from Barron. “Th-thanks…” she cleared her throat, trying to reign in her blush but everytime she looked into Barron’s eyes, she couldn't help it. “S-so how does this da-dance work? Can you te-teach me some moves?”

“Oh, we don't know,” Barron shrugged.

“Excuse me?” Medusa questioned seriously.

“Nobody really knows the moves because they’re different every year. When we start dancing it’s like the moon is in control of our feet and all we have to do is enjoy it.” Barron explained.

“Wait, so your telling me, the moon,” she pointed to the moon, “controls the dance.”

“Yep.” Barron nodded, smiling at Medusa.

Curse that smile! Why do you have to look so cute?! Medusa mentally scolded.

“I don't get it. The moon can't control the dance.” Medusa shook her head.

Barron grabbed her hand, pulling her onto the makeshift dance floor they set up in the courtyard.

“Barron,” she stopped right before the dance floor, “to be quite honest, this is ludicrous. The moon can't move people into dancing.”

“The moon moves the tides.” Barron shrugged.

“That’s different. Science tells us the tides move because of the gravitational pull of the moon and the earth.” Medusa explained.

“Medusa.” Barron sighed. “Some things science can't explain, you just gotta feel it.” he stroked her cheek. “Don't you trust me?”

Medusa bit her lip, staring into Barron's cobalt blue eyes, getting lost in their mystery. “Of course I trust you, but-”

“But nothing! Just feel the music and have fun!” Barron cheered, pulling her fully onto the dance floor.

Barron wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Medusa looked up at the moon, basking her eyes the moon's radiance.

She looked back at Barron to see his eyes were glowing slightly, “Barron, your eyes…”

“I know, this is supposed to happen. Don't worry.” He assured her.

Medusa looked down at her feet, but Barron lifted her head, “I told you, don't worry about getting the moves correct. The moon takes care of that for you,” he tapped her nose, “all you need to do is enjoy the ride.”

Medusa nodded. “Alright.”

Ooh la la

By the pool we're singing "Bailando"

Two ni-nights with a view, yeah

Keeping those blinds closed, yeah

She said I wanna find somebody by nightfall

Ooh na na, could it be ya

Baby, I like you

As the song started, Medusa was astonished by how her feet were moving all on their own. She tried to look at her feet but her eyes couldn't rip away from Barron's face.

“Barron… how is this even possible?!”

Barron chuckled. “The moon is pretty great, huh?”

Medusa nodded. “This is groundbreaking! I need to write this down!”

Barron stopped her from leaving. “You can write after. For now, leave all the science behind and enjoy the moment.”

Oh, watching her move, I was lost in the rhythms

And she pulled me close by the look in her eyes

Don't know her name but I know that I need her

She said "Boy, you won't be lonely tonight"

Barron didn't care how the dance was happening, all he cared about was the woman in front of him.

Everything about her put him into a mind boggling trance of love and lust. The way her body moved so fluidly with the music, the way her snake/human hair flowed when she turned, and the way her eyes sparkled in the moonlight. All these and more made Medusa the most amazing woman in the world.
Over the past few months Medusa had become not only Barron's best friend, but he was 110% sure she would be the woman he'd spend the rest of his life with.

It was the little things that made him fall for her. Like the way she said his name, or how she was so passionate for her research, or maybe it was because of how she questioned all around her.

No, that's not it. Barron stared into her clouded eyes.

He knew exactly what it was. It was the fact she didn’t run away.

She said "Ooh, ooh, ooh"

Kiss me like your ex is in the room

Don't you be afraid of something new

If you play it right, you can be that someone

Yeah, that someone who

Won't leave me lonely tonight

That night, in the ally, she could've ran away screaming bloody murder and have had Barron arrested for even being in town.

But she didn’t.

She didn’t scream, and she didn’t call the cops. Instead, she helped him and nursed him back to health. She let him sleep in the same bed as her the first night they met. She even let him cook her breakfast.

Medusa was different from the other girls he’d been with. Beside the fact she had snakes in her hair, she loved his wolf side. Every time his wolf side, or who she called “Wolfie”, would come out, she’d pull out her notebook and begin to write down everything scientific about him.

Not only that, Wolfie couldn't get enough of her. When Barron let him out, the first thing he’d want to do was tackle Medusa and lick her face.

He couldn't deny it anymore. She was his mate; his one and only.

His… destiny…

Yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah


Meanwhile, Alistair watched as Yvette freaked out with every move.

“Yvette, just relax. It’s impossible for you to get a wrong move.” Alistair kissed her forehead, spinning her around.

“B-But wha-what if I ste-step on you?” Yvette stammered, her eyes shifting between her feet and Alistair.

“Again, that’s impossible. Remember, the moon is controlling your feet so you won't mess up.” Alistair assured her. “Baby, just relax. You're safe with me.”

“I-I know I am, but-” her eyes shifted to the left to see Kirkland smirking at her. Alistair turned her head back towards him.

“Hi.” He whispered. “Don't look at him. You’re worried enough as it is. “Just look at me.”

Yvette let out a shaky breath. “O-okay…” she gazed into Alistair’s eyes, “h-hi…”

“Hello.” he gave her a quick kiss on the lips, “I promise you, Yvette, he won't hurt you.”

“Promise?” she whimpered.

“In the name of the moon, I’ll protect you.” Alistair promised.

Yvette felt tears streaming down her cheeks, “I’ll protect you too, Alistair, till the end of time.”

Ooh la la

Make a move, yeah, baby by last call

Full moon night with the lights off

Baby your eyes glow (yeah)

Don't know why, but I feel like I'ma go psycho (psycho)

Ooh la la

If it's cool, yeah, baby I'd like to

Medusa had a million thoughts racing through her head.

How is this happening?

Is it because of the gravitational pull?

Maybe because of the light of the moon?

Is it because of the flowers?

“Medusa,” Barron chuckled, “your mind is racing a mile a minute, isn't it?”

Medusa nodded, trying to figure out how the gravitational pull worked.

“It’s not a gravitational pull,” Barron shook his head, “nobody knows what it is. Just enjoy the mystery.”

“But mysteries are meant to be solved.”

“Some aren’t.” Barron shrugged. “Just enjoy the music.”

Oh, watching her move, I was lost in the rhythms

And she pulled me close by the look in her eyes

Don't know her name but I know that I need her

She said "Boy, you won't be lonely tonight"

“Enjoy the music… right…” Medusa nodded, but her tactical brain wouldn't shut off. “But what do you think it is, though? If it’s not the pull is it the flowers? Or something we ate? Is it the necklace?”

“Medusa!” Barron laughed loudly, “I love that big, beautiful, brain of yours, but you need to shut it off in order to enjoy this.”

He kissed her forehead. “Just enjoy…” his words echoed in her head. Her body began to feel loose, almost like she was floating on air, as if she were as light as a feather.

Barron smiled. “Better?”


She said "Ooh, ooh, ooh"

Kiss me like your ex is in the room

Don't you be afraid of something new

If you play it right, you can be that someone

Yeah, that someone who

Won't leave me lonely tonight

Medusa felt almost giddy, like a little school girl finally getting close to her crush.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. “Is this what it’s like to feel drunk?”


“Yeah!” Medusa cheered, “I haven’t felt like this unless I’m drunk!”

“You haven't drank anything though.” Barron reminded her.

Medusa nodded, tapping his chest. “That’s correct, so then why do I feel like this?”

“I told you, it’s the moon.” Barron tapped her nose, “it’s like an adrenaline high.”

His hands traveled down south, “a beautiful, hot, adrenaline high…” he breathed, coming in closer.

“Yeah…” Medusa agreed, “it’s a pretty good adrenaline rush… makes your body feel all hot and bothered…”

“We shouldn’t keep it all inside…” Barron said, “but I’m sure we can do something to release all of this… adrenaline.”

“Yeah,” Medusa continued dancing, “dance!”

Caliente, te pongo caliente (mmm)

No te de miedo vivir algo diferente (eh, eh)

Las ganas no se equivocan (equivocan)

Pon tu lengua en mi boca (eh)

Vive la vida loca, loca, loca, mmm

Medusa grinded her body against his, listing to his mewls of pleasure made her smirk slyly. “What’s wrong, can't take a little heat?”

“Medusa,” his voice came out gruffly, “you have no idea how much heat is traveling through my body right now.”

“Then why don't you show me? Since I apparently don't know~” Medusa trailed her fingers down his chest, the alpha grumbled, his desires were starting to get the better of him.

“Come on, Alpha~” Medusa cooed, swaying his hips against his, “I wanna see all of you… share some of that heat with me~”

“Medusa, don't do this to me… please.” he begged, Medusa only smirked more.

“Oh? Is the big strong alpha getting beat by little ol’ me?” Medusa gasped when Barron thrashed her body against hers. Medusa could feel the tent pitching in his pants. “I do have an effect on you?”

“Medusa, I don't think you understand how much of an effect you have on me.” Barron whispered, biting her earlobe slightly. “If you keep teasing me I might take you right here on this dance floor.”

“Do it.”

Toda la noche bailando contigo

Suave y salvaje como un animal (eh)

Yo sé que te gusta pero esto es prohibido

Yo me voy contigo, dame la señal

“I don't think you want that, Medusa.” It was taking all of Barron’s strength to make sure he didn’t take her right here, right now.

“Oh no, I do,” Medusa whispered seductively, “I want to be your Luna. Make me your Luna.”

Barron scrunched his fist, “Medusa…” he grumbled, “don't tempt me… don't tell me you want me…”

“But I do,” Medusa slowly ran her single finger down his lips, “just let me in and I’ll let you in me~”

Barron growled, “Medusa… please… I’m trying my best here…”

“Then stop trying~”

She said "Ooh, ooh, ooh"

Kiss me like your ex is in the room

Don't you be afraid of something new

If you play it right, you can be that someone

Yeah, that someone who

Won't leave me lonely tonight

“Medusa,” Barron shut his eyes, “don't make me do this… I want to wait till the end of the night.”

“But you’ll be miserable waiting all the time,” Medusa moved her hair, revealing her unmarked neck, “I don't want you to be miserable,” she traced her fingers down her neck, “I wanna relive your tension, not give you more of it.” 

Barron was practically salivating at her unmarked neck, her scent of veiter and camomile filling his senses as he teetered on the edge of insanity.

Barron stomped his foot hard on the floor, trying to distract himself from Medusa.

Medusa turned his head towards him. “Open yourself to me, Barron.”

And that was it, the way she said his name. That was the final trigger that sent him falling off the edge into a sprialing labido.

Ooh, ooh, ooh (ooh, ooh, ooh)


(Ooh, ooh, ooh) Tonight

(Ooh, ooh, ooh)

Someone who

You won't be lonely tonight

“Medusa, I love you.” Baron breathed, the entire courtyard fell silent.

Medusa’s eyes lost the gloss look in them, her tactical brain turning back one to process Barron’s words. “You… what?”

“I love you, I love you, so damn much, Medusa.” Barron confessed, Medusa pushed him away.

“N-No!” Medusa ran off. “Ju-just leave me be!”

Medusa ran off into the compound, the entire pack watched in shock.

“Alpha,” Lawrence spoke up, “are you alright?”

Barron breathed in and out. “Yep,” he nodded, “we’re going hunting.”

“Barron, I don't think-” Vanessa began.

“Vanessa!” His loud voice boomed throughout the courtyard. “We’re going hunting! Got that?!”

“Yes, alpha, we’ll get ready right away…” Vanessa sighed, shaking her head.

Dammit, Medusa. She looked back at her brother with concern and sadness. What did you do to him?


Hellooo!! So my covid-19 results came out negative but my mom, dad, and sis results haven't came in yet and I'm worried!

I'm sure they'll be okay but still... My mom is a diabetic and I'm worried.

Anyways! This isn't about covid-19. It's about Medusa and Barron getting it on during that dance~

Like dammmn! I had this scene in my head for months and I'm so glad to finally share it with you all!!

Also, next chapter are going to be pretty steamy if u know what I mean 😉😏☺️

Till Monday!

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