№16|It's Okay To Get Saved

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№16|It’s Okay To Get Saved
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“Alright, I’ll tell her.” Medusa sighed, hanging up on Barron before entering back into the room to see Celaneo making flower headdresses for Montego and Chelia.

“Celaneo,” Medusa sat across from her in the sofa chair, “what was the relationship like between you and Kirkland?”

“Oh, he was the best! Every night he’d bring me chinese food and we’d talk for hours, and maybe do a little kissing and striping and some sex. He’s just so great. He would listen to me rant for hours about the silliest of things and never get mad. He said that tonight we were going to run off to this island designed for rogue wolves and their mates where we can live freely! Just the two of us!”

Medusa bit her lip, Celaneo looked so happy when she talked about Kirkland, she’d hate  to be the one who had to burst her bubble… but alas… she must. “Celaneo,” Medusa took a deep breath in and out. “Kirkland doesn't love you.”

“What are you talking about? Of course he does!” Celaneo shook her head. “You’re lying! I know he loves me!”

“I know this must be hard to hear, but it’s the truth.” Chelia rubbed her shoulder. “According to our Alpha, Barron, Kirkland was just using you for sex and to sell your magic on the black market. The necklace he gave you takes your magic little by little and transports it to a power bank which he takes from to sell on the market.”

Celaneo felt her heart smash into smitteriens. “N-no! It can-can’t be true! H-He loves me! He said he did!”

“Sometimes men, even male werewolves, say things they don't really mean.” Medusa said softly.

“S-So,” Celaneo sniffled, “wh-when Montego sa-says he loves Chelia, i-is that a lie? Just like h-how Kirkland li-lied to me?”

“No.” Medusa shook her head, moving to sit beside Celaneo, and wipe her tears. “True mates, like Chelia and Montego, are forever bonded by the mind, body, and soul. That’s how you know that when Montego tells Chelia he loves her, or vice versa, they’re not lying. They love each other too much to be faking it.”

“It must be nice to have love like those two.” Celaneo watched with sadness and envy as Chelia played with the flowers in Montego’s hair. “I thought I had that with Kirkland…”

“Let me show you something.” Medusa led Celaneo to the window and opened it. As they watched all the colorful stars twinkle in the night sky, Medusa turned to Montego “Montego, can you point out Kirkland’s star?”

Montego pointed to the grey star farthest away from the others. “That’s his star.”

“Why is it so far away?” Celaneo asked.

“The Moon Goddess places people's stars far away from others when they're so bad they don't get mates.” Montego explained. “She only does this in extreme cases, like Kirkland’s, so it should tell you how bad he is.”

Celaneo began to cry into her hands. “How can I be so stupid?! I was blind for months! Months!” Her mascara began to run down her face. “I thought he loved me… he said this necklace was a symbol of his everlasting love.” She ripped it off and threw it against the wall. “Now it’s just a symbol of his never ending greed!”

Celaneo dropped to her knees. Medusa, Chelia, and Montego crouched beside her. “The-they’re not all like this? Right?”

“No,” Chelia shook her head, “Kirkland was just a bad seed, a really bad seed. His actions shouldn’t cloud your judgment on all wolves.”

Celaneo nodded sadly. Montego helped her up. “Do you want to see your star?”

“How will that help?” Celaneo muttered, wiping her tears.

“Because, you can tell how far or close to you are to your soulmate.” Medusa replied.

Montego pointed to a lime green star. “That’s yours.”

Celaneo was confused. There were so many stars around, she couldn’t tell which one was her soulmate. Heck, if Montego didn’t point it out, she would’ve never found her star.

“Don't worry. I was confused the first time I looked at it too.” Chelia chuckled, smiling at the nymph.

Celaneo smiled back, soon frowning when she turned back towards the suitcases. “I don't know what I’m gonna do…”

“Just go home, take a long bath-”

“I can't go home. I moved out today! Kirkland said that we were going to go to this island where rogue wolves can live freely and happily. I even quit my job!”

“You can stay with us!” Medusa replied spontaneously, surprising all in the room.  “Can your nymph powers do anything that can contribute to the pack?”

“Well, I can heal, communicate with animals, and make plants grow quicker. I also have this cool trick where I can track down people by using the aura imprint people leave on the earth.”

“Aura imprint?”

“Kinda like a footprint or a fingerprint your aura leaves.” Celaneo explained. Medusa pulled out her notebook and began writing down the information.

“I’m sure you’ll fit right in with the pack.” Medusa grinned as Montego helped Celaneo put her suitcases in their car.

“You think so?” Celaneo chuckled softly as she sat in the front seat with Medusa.

“Oh yeah.” Montego nodded. “I’m sure a lot of unmated wolves will fall in love with your mango and mandarin oranges scent.”

“That’s my scent? That’s weird. I don't even use any body wash with mango or mandarin in it…” Celaneo muttered.

“You don’t have to. You can use all the body wash in the world, but wolves will still smell your natural scent of mango and mandarin.” Chelia explained, snuggling up to Montego in the back seat.

As they drove to the compound, Celaneo noticed Montego and Chelia had fallen asleep in the back seat. Medusa laughed softly. “You’ll have that too, ya know.”

“I don't think so… I thought I had that with Kirkland, but I guess I was wrong.” Celaneo sighed, staring out the window in sorrow.

“Don’t say that.” Medusa ruffled her hair. “I know you’ll find someone that’ll make you happier than you’ve ever been before!”

Celaneo rolled her eyes. “I’ll believe it when I see it…” She muttered.


“She can’t stay, Medusa.” Barron whispered.

Medusa glared at him, her hands on her hips, “Barron, she just lost her apartment, her job, and just got her heart broken. Have mercy on the girl.”

“But she was with Kirkland…” Barron muttered.

“Who used her. Just help her out.” Medusa rested her hand on his arm. “For me… please…”

“Fine. She can stay in the Beta quarters, I’ll make sure she has a guard since Kirkland is here.”

“Thank you, Barron,” Medusa kissed his cheek. “I-I...I um…”

“Medusa,” Barron chuckled, “I love you too. I told you, you don't need to rush your feelings. You’ll say it when you're ready.”

Medusa sighed in relief. “Thank you.”

“Of course.” Barron kissed her lips. “I love you Medusa. I always will.”

Meanwhile, Celaneo was in the courtyard garden, sitting on the stone bench and taking in the beauty of the stars. Tears slowly trailed down her cheeks. She tried to wipe them away, but more just kept coming.

Orion was play fighting with Lawrence in the courtyard when the smell of mango and mandarin oranges stopped him in his tracks. Lawrence looked at him questionably. “What’s up with you?”

“That smell…” Orion muttered, looking around for the holder of such a sweet scent. “They’re crying…”

“What?” Lawrence looked at the bench to see Celaneo. “Oh, yeah. That’s Celaneo. She’s the girl Kirkland used for her power. She must have just found out.”

“Fucking Kirkland,” Orion rolled his eyes, “she didn’t deserve this…”

Noticing flowers nearby, he morphed into his wolf form and plucked one of the poppies. He walked over to Celaneo with the flower in his mouth. Leaping onto the bench, he gently placed the flower in her hair, and nuzzled his face against her cheek.

Celaneo jumped slightly, and scooted back. Orion whimpered slightly. “Don't move away!” His wolf frowned.

Celaneo was about to scream ‘get away from me!’, but she then remembered Medusa’s previous words.

“Don't let Kirkland’s horrible actions cloud your judgment on all wolves. There are some great wolves out there. Kirkland is just one of the horrible ones.”

Celaneo took a deep breath before scooting closer to Orion. “Why hello there.” Celaneo scratched behind his ear, causing the brown sugar toned woof to wag his tail happily. He leaned into her touch. “Who might you be?”

“That’s Orion.” Lawrence introduced, walking up to the two of them. “He saw you crying and thought the flower would make you feel better.”

“Awe,” Celaneo smiled, “it did make me feel a little better.”

Orion barked happily, his mission accomplished. Somehow, seeing that smile on her face made Orion’s heart swoon.

As she flicked her wrist, roses sprouted from the ground and formed into a little flower crown that Celaneo placed on his head.

“Roses really suit you.” Celaneo chuckled as she watched the wolf play with the crown. “Hey! Don't claw at it! You’ll mess it up.” She placed it back on his head.

As she touched the poppy in her hair, more sprouted from it to make a flower crown on her own head. “See. Now we’re matching.”

Orion licked her cheek, licking the tears away. Celaneo laughed. “That tickles!”

Lawrence suddenly smirked. “Hey Orion. Why don't we go hunting?”

“Maybe later. I wanna stay with Celaneo.” Orion said to him telepathically.

Lawrence facepalmed. “Orion, why don't you hunt something for Celaneo?”

Orion’s ears perked up, and he nodded rapidly. Lawrence rolled his eyes jokingly. “Orion and I are going hunting. We’ll see you later, Celaneo.”

“Can I join you?” Celaneo asked.

“Um… we just thought-”

“Because I’m a nymph I don't like hunting? Or that I’m a vegan?” Celaneo glared hard at the two beta wolves. “Cause I’m not. I’m not some weird hippie. I eat meat.” She poked Lawrence’s chest. “ Just because I’m a girl doesn't mean I can't go hunting. Got that, dog?”

“Loud and clear.” Lawrence chuckled nervously.

“She’s a feisty one.” Lawrence watched as Orion practically drooled over her actions.

“She’s amazing!” Orion wagged his tail happily as he lifted Celaneo on his back.

“Ready to go?” Celaneo chuckled, ruffling his fur.

Orion nodded as the nymph and wolves ran into the forest.


After the trio finished hunting, Lawrence burst through the doors of the weapons vault. Ayame looked up from the weapon she was fixing.

“Lawrence, are you ok-”

“The night you went out with Kirkland. Did he touch you?”

“Well yeah, on my thigh, but I slapped his hand away. It’s no big deal.” Ayame shrugged.

Lawrence gripped her shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me? He shouldn’t be touching you without your consent.”

“I know that, Lawrence,” Ayame rolled her eyes, “that’s why I moved his hand away.”

Ayame gazed into his eyes, seeing the anger for Kirkland fuming in the background. She rested her hand on his bicep, kissing his cheek. “I’m okay. I promise.”

Lawrence lifted her onto the steel table, kissing her thighs, which were covered by her jeans. “Mine…”

“For the sake of the gods, Lawrence,” Ayame lifted his head, kissing his lips, “you know I’m yours and I know you’re mine.”

Lawrence nodded. “Sorry… it’s just my wolf went into protective mode.”

Ayame smiled, wrapping her arms around him. “I like your protective mode. Sometimes, it makes me feel like I’m safe… wrapped up in a warm ball of happiness.”

Lawrence nuzzled his face into her neck. “You make me feel that everyday, Ayame…”


Medusa was typing her notes into the computer when she felt Barron’s arms wrap around her waist, causing her jump slightly. “I didn’t spook you, did I?”

“A little,” Medusa kissed his cheek, smiling softly as she gazed into his cobalt blue eyes, “but it’s okay, even if you scare me, I still lo….lo-lov-” her mouth closed shut. Dammit! Just say it you idiot!

Barron could see the conflict in Medusa’s eyes, so he kissed her nose. “Didn’t I say not to worry about it?”

“True,” Medusa muttered, “I just feel bad, you say that you love me all the time, ever since we mated, and I can’t even say the words! All I can say is ‘me too’.”

“And I will never blame you for not being able to say it.” Barron rested his head on her shoulder. “I know that big, beautiful, tactical brain of yours has a hard time saying it.”

“You know, most guys would've left by now.” Medusa informed him, looking back at her computer screen.

“Well, it's a good thing I'm not one of those fleshie guys.” Barron kissed along her shoulder. “You got an alpha as your mate, that’s better than a thousand fleshies combined.”

Medusa tilted her neck, allowing more access. “A thousand fleshies, huh?” She typed that into her computer. “I do need a section on werewolf and fleshy, and their contrast in abilities. You said stronger than a thousand fleshies?” She looked up at him for confirmation.

“I was being sarcastic.” Barron muttered. “Sure wolvies are way stronger than fleshies, but one wolf against a thousand fleshies doesn't seem like good odds, even for an alpha like me.”

“So why say that then?” Medusa questioned seriously.

“I was trying to show you how strong I was, hoping that would romance you-”

“I don't get romanced by strength. I’m not some damsel who’ll automatically fall at your feet like in the fairy tales. I get romanced by brains, respect, and patience. So if you want my love you have to try better than that.” Medusa got up in a huff, walking out of the room.

“Now you’ve done it, Barron! She’s mad at us!”  Wolfie scolded, snarling at his human half.

“Dammit!” Barron rushed out of the room after Medusa.


Medusa marched through the compound, holding her notebook and laptop under her arm. “Romanced by strength? Pshaw!” She scoffed loudly. “I’ve been here for months now. He should at least know I don't get romanced by strength!”

She sat down at the cafe inside the compound. Malakai served her a piece of red velvet cake. “What got you down, Medusa?”

“Barron thinks I’m some damsel who gets romanced by strength. The nerve of that wolf... I have more respect than that! Like what does he think... I’m automatically gonna be swept off my feet by some strength?! Sure, that’s important, but that’s not all I look for in a potential partner.”

Malakai laughed. “Medusa, he wasn’t saying you were a damsel. Sometimes men feel like they have to show off their strength to make themselves feel better. Men, especially werewolf men, feel like they have to protect what’s precious to them, and right now you're the most precious thing to him.”

“But I don't need his protection…”

Malakai sighed, chuckling as he shook his head. “He knows you don't need it, but it’s there if you do. Sure, I don't need Vanessa’s protection now, but if I were ever to scream,” he took a deep breath, “AHH!! OH NO! KIRKLAND, STOP!

As quick as lightning, a velvet color flash careened across Medusa’s vision. She glanced at Malakai’s left to see Vanessa morphing out of her wolf form. “Where is he?!” Vanessa held Malakai close, growling at anything that moved as she scanned him for injuries. “Did he scratch you? Touch you? What did he do?”

Malakai chuckled softly. “See what I mean, Medusa? I know that I don't need Vanessa’s protection right now, but I know it’s there.” Malakai kissed Vanessa’s cheek. “Plus, it’s okay to be saved once in a while. You don't always have to be the saver.”

“But I’ve always relied on myself…”

“But now you don't have to. Lean on my brother a little. It’ll make you and him feel better.” Vanessa promised, snuggling close to Malakai’s chest while she sat in his lap.

“But I want to… it’s just… my brain-”

“Won't let you?”

“Yes… it wont even let me say those words.”

“What words?” Vanessa questioned as Malakai fed her a piece of Medusa’s cake. Vanessa giggled, watching as a small cut on her hand from hunting healed “Thanks. I love you.”

“That.” Medusa pointed out. Vanessa looked at her strangely.

“What? I love you?”

“Yes! I can't say that to him!” Medusa buried her face in her arms.

“That’s not true. I heard you on the night of the full moon yelling, ‘I love you, Barron.’.” Malakai mocked her voice.

“That was on the full moon. I was under a cocktail of pleasure, heat, lust, and labido.” Medusa shook her head. “So scientifically, those words don't count.”

“Fine,” Vanessa rolled her eyes, “but you know Barron doesn't mind you not saying it. He understands how your brain works.”

“But any normal girl would’ve said it now.” Medusa muttered.

“You’re not a normal girl, and Barron’s not a normal boy.” Vanessa smiled, stroking Malakai’s hair.

“How do I know he’ll be there to save me - seeing if I need it, which I don't.” Medusa puffed up her cheeks.

“Test it out. If you were to scream I know Barron would come rushing.” Malakai promised her.

“Okay,” Medusa nodded, taking a deep breath. “AGH!!!” Medusa screamed on the top of her lungs.

Next thing she knew, Barron burst through the doors of the cafe in his wolf form. He rushed towards Medusa, morphing into his human form. “Is everything okay? What happened?” Barron scanned her body for injuries, just as Vanessa had done to Malakai.

Medusa hugged him. “Nothing happened.  Just testing a theory.”

Barron kissed her nose, taking her hand and leading her away. “You and your theories…” They walked in silence for several seconds before Barron spoke up. “Did you know butterflies taste with their hind feet?”


“Yeah, and a group of crows is called a murder.”

“That I did know, but-”

“Tomato sauce was sold in the 1800’s as medicine to fleshies.”

“Yes, I know-”

“And a donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won't.”

“That I did not know. Wait, how do you know that?”

“I read a book about weird facts after you ran off. I know like a good 50 pages of weird facts. I wanted to prove to you I have brains. You said brains romance you.”

“They do, but how did you remember all of that?” Medusa asked.

“Wolves have photographic memory.” Barron said simply. “That’s how I know 50 languages, and almost 100 fleshie languages.”

Medusa stopped in her tracks, her mouth slightly agape in shock. “Amazing…”

“Sure, having a photographic memory is great,” he looked up at the night sky, thinking about how he ended up in that alley months before, “but there are some things I wish I could forget.”

Medusa rested her hand on his bicep, bringing him out of his head. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Barron kissed her cheek, “just remembering a happy memory.”

“What was it?” Medusa asked, Barron wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Meeting you in the alley. It’s one of my favorite memories.”


Hellooo!! Happy Monday y'all!! Just 24h to go before election day!! But then again we might not get results till a while after but that okay.

Whoever wins. I know she'll be a great vice-president.

Anyways!!! Sorry for updating so late in the day!! Normally updates are doing noon or around 1pm bit never 9pm!! Eek!! Dammit I'm late lmao

Anyways! My city is on lockdown for the day for election day just in case they're riots.

So what did u think of this chapter?? Ya? Nay? Never the less, there's another chapter coming ur way on Wednesday!! Seen u then!!

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