№17|The Night Before Court

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№17|The Night Before Court
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Declan starred aimlessly out the window in sadness, Bianca came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, and resting her head on his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“No,” Declan’s eyes glanced down at his arm in a sling, “my arms broken, my compound is destroyed, and my little brother is going to Werewolf Court.”

“You said it was okay for Barron to take him to Court.” Bianca reminded him.

“I know,” Declan sighed deeply.

“You’re not having second thought, are you?” Biance questioned, looking up at him.

“No,” he kissed the ring on her finger, “it’s just… I can't believe he took it this far…”

“Baby, you knew this was coming.” Bianca whispered softly as she kissed along his neck. “You’ve been so stressed ever since you woke up.”

“What do you expect, Bianca?! My baby brother is a monster! I don't even know what he is anymore…” Declan frowned. He felt ashamed. He had promised his parents on their deathbed that he’d take care of Kirkland and now he had failed them.

“I want you to relax.” Bianca muttered, pulling him down onto the bed. “Let’s just breathe… look into each other's eyes.” She stroked his cheek, gazing into his chocolate brown eyes. “You have beautiful eyes, Declan.”

“Your beautiful onyx put my brown to shame.” Declan chuckled, tapping her nose. Bianca giggled.

“Don't worry, Declan.” Bianca snuggled up to his chest. “Kirkland brought this upon himself. He’ll pay for what he did.” She kissed his lips. “I promise.”

Meanwhile, Barron called an emergency meeting. The wolves fled upstairs in Barron’s room and gathered inside.

“You could’ve warned me about this meeting.” Medusa scolded, wrapping her robe around her body. “I was in a very short night dress.” She muttered, tying the ribbon of her robe around her waist.

“You look beautiful either way.” Barron smiled, sitting down in the lounge chair. Medusa sat beside him.

“Why did you call us up here, Barron? It’s 3am.” Kwame groaned, rubbing her eyes as she rested in Dr. Lycia’s lap.

“Because,” Barron stood up and walked over to his desk to grab his tablet. After a few taps, a hologram of Kirkland popped up, “we need to select who’s going to be in Werewolf Court as well as study our opponents.”

“Opponents? As in more than one?” Medusa turned towards him. “I thought you were just fighting Kirkland.”

“No. Depending on the problem you're trying to settle, it’s either one-on-one battles or team battles.” Barron shortly explained.

“I can’t wait to kick Kirkland’s ass!” Chelia cheered, punching a fist into her palm.

“Only wolves can participate, Chelia.” Barron said. Chelia frowned.

“Stupid rules…” She pouted slightly.

“You better kick his ass for me, then.” Chelia pointed her finger at Barron, glaring at him.

“Yes, ma’am.” Barron chuckled.

“So if I’m correct, our team of 8 will be Lawrence, Ayame, Vanessa, Montego, Kwame, Alistair, and Yvette, and I.” Barron looked up at Yvette. “Yvette, you don't have to-”

“No, I’ll do it. He hurt me, and he’s gonna pay. I’ll make sure of that.” Yvette promised, determination filling her eyes.

“So hot…” Alistair muttered. Yvette winked at him.

“This is so stupid. Why can’t I fight?” Medusa glared at the alpha.

“Because you’re a flesh-”

“Barron, don't you dare tell me I’m a fleshie cause I’m not.” Medusa hissed. “I just think that it’s a little weird that I can’t participate…”

“It’s the rules, my love.” Barron kissed the top of her head. “I would love for you to participate but you can’t. Rules are rules.”

“Oh sure, now he cares about rules…” Medusa muttered, looking away from Barron.

“Don't do that, Medusa.” Barron turned her face towards him, kissing her cheek. “I would love to break all the rules for you, but this one I can't.”

“Fine…” Medusa sighed, rolling her eyes. She looked up at him. “Does Kirkland have a team too?”

“Nope.” Kirkland’s voice made them turn towards the door. “I’m gonna kick all of your asses on my own.”

Alistair held Yvette close. “What are you doing here?!”

“Awe, what's wrong?” Using his advanced speed, he practically teleported to Yvette’s side and flicked her under her chin.

Yvette grabbed his fingers, crushing them in her hand. “Don’t touch me, you pig!” She hissed, pushing him away.

“You know you still love me,” Kirkland winked at her, pulling her in close. “Remember all those nights we made love for hours and hours.” Kirkland looked at the angry hunter from the corner of his eye.

Alistair was about to pounce on him, but Lawrence held him back. “Stop it.” He whispered. “You’ll get your revenge soon. He’s just trying to tempt us.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, Lawrence,” Kirkland clicked his tongue, “did I ever tell you how wonderful negotiations were with Ayame?”

“Kirkland, shut up!” Ayame scolded.

“What?” Lawrence looked at Ayame.

“Your girl really wanted that sword,” Kirkland snickered, “so much so she’d do anything to get it.”

“Kirkland, I said stop it!”

“Do you know what she did?” Kirkland smirked, his eyes filling with slyness.

“Kirland! Please! Don't do this!”

“We had sex. She was so desperate for the sword. The night we went out she snuck out of bed and came to my room saying she’d do anything to get the sword back.”

Lawrence wrapped his hand around his neck, pinning him to the wall. His eyes flooded a deep green with anger. “She would never… EVER… cheat on me!”

“Well… she did…” Kirkland croaked as Lawrence slammed him against the wall.

“Stop lying!!” Lawrence snarled, throwing him to the floor. He was about to morph, but Barron rose from his seat.

“Lawrence!” His stern voice brought silence to the room. “No.”

Lawrence whipped his head towards the alpha, his eyes pleading with him to take out the beta on the floor. Barron shook his head, “Stand down, Beta.”

Lawrence sighed and nodded. “Sorry, Alpha…”

Barron patted his shoulder. “Take a walk, and  take Ayame with you. You two need a break.”

Lawrence nodded, grabbing Ayame’s hand as the two left the room.

Kirkland got up, rubbing his back. “Damn beta.” His eyes landed on Chelia. “Why hello, my little fairy~”

Montego growled, pulling Chelia into his lap as he glared at Kirkland. “Mine…”

“Oh? Look who’s being possessive.” Kirkland chuckled. “Montego, I thought you had more respect in yourself? Dating a fairy.” He scoffed. “Disgraceful.”

“What is your problem with fairies?” Chelia asked. Kirkland rolled his eyes.

“You fairies are like flies. Always buzzing around and bugging people...” Kirkland ranted. Chelia pulled out her wand, pointing it at Kirkland’s neck.

“I’m a fairy not a fly.” Chelia’s eyes fumed with anger. “You may think because I’m a fairy that I’m weak, but I’m not. I can whoop your ass right now and you know it. I know over 500 spells that could stretch your limbs in ways you never thought were possible. I don't need to follow the alpha’s rules because I’m not a wolf,” her wand began to glow, “so the only question is… what spell should I use to kill you?”

“Chelia.” Barron locked eyes with the fairy.

“If they don't kill you,” Chelia poked his throat with the tip of her wand, “I will.” She backed away from the wolf, glaring at him with every step back to her seat.

He gulped slightly, smirking at Malakai. “Ah yes, the fleshie in our ranks.” Kirkland grimaced at Malakai.

Malakai shot him the same nasty look. “Ah yes, the rapist in our ranks.”

“What do you see in him, Vanessa? He’s a baker. A baker. Do you know how sad that is?” Kirkland laughed mockingly.

“Last time I checked, I’m not just a fleshie,” Malakai stood up standing toe to toe with Kirkland, “I’m a warlock as well.”

“Oh? A warlock. So basically a fairy without wings?”

“A warlock is a male wizy. You would know that if you picked up a book once in a while.” Malakai flicked his forehead, but Kirkland moved his hand.

“Don't touch me fleshie.” He spat, giving Malakai a smug glare.

“You fleshies are all the same. Selfish, greedy monsters, and the fact that you're a warlock doesn't make it better.” Kirkland scoffed. “So you can do some magic. Woopty-doo! You want a cookie, Harry Potter?”

“You’re such a damn prik.” Malakai rolled his eyes. “No wonder the Moon Goddess didn’t give you a mate.”

“I don't want one anyways. Mates just drag you down.” Kirkland groaned. He eyed Vanessa. “Do you really want this fleshie dragging you down?”

“He isn’t dragging me down,” Vanessa glared at him, “if anything having a mate has made me stronger.” She smiled at Malakai from the corner of her eye. “But you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

“You could’ve had a mate with Celaneo, but you only used her for your own selfish desires. A girl like Celaneo didn’t deserve that.” Malakai hissed at him.

“Oh, come on. She’s just some stupid nymph! Sure, she has a nice body and her magic is pretty useful, but other than that she was just a nobody,” Kirkland walked over to the minibar, serving himself a glass of scotch, “but nice try using her as leverage over me. Only thing you did wrong was use the wrong person.”

Medusa looked at him strangely, silently pondering his words.

“You’re a pig, you know that?” Kwame spat suddenly.

Kirkland gasped dramatically. “Such language, Kwame! You kiss LyLy with that mouth?”

Kawame growled. “Only I call her LyLy!”

Dr. Lycia rested her hand on Kwame’s bicep, silently signaling the wolf to calm down.

“I can’t believe you allowed this, Barron.” Kirkland grimaced at the alpha. “Wolves of the same gender shouldn’t be mated. To make matters worse, she’s a fleshie... just like Malakai!”

“I allowed it because wolves here are free to love whomever they choose, no matter the race, gender, or age.” Barron replied, glaring back at Kirkland.

“You know you don't have to date Kawme,” Kirkland winked at the doctor, “I’m sure you’ll have so much more fun in a hertosexual relationship.”

“I’m fine, thank you. I’d rather be celebate than mate with a homophobic like yourself.” Dr. Lycia growled, glancing at him up and down in disgust.

“And yet being with that piece of trash is better?” Kirkland shook his head. “I will never understand you modern wolves.”

“You’re the same age as us, Kirkland.” Medusa reminded him. “So don't go parading around the place like you're better than everyone else.”

“Medusa,” Kirkland waltzed over to the Luna. “Congratulations on becoming Luna. It just sucks that you’re his Luna.”

“Barron is a delightful man,” Medusa hopped off the desk, pushing Kirkland away, “if it weren’t for him I would’ve never found out all this information on werewolves!”

“See, that’s the problem with you, Medusa! You think too damn much.” Kirkland tapped her forehead. “Girls aren’t supposed to think. They’re just supposed to look pretty.”

Medusa hissed, as did her snakes, as her clouded eyes began to glow. She extended her hand. “Stone shot!” The next thing Kirkland knew, balls of stone came flying at him, sending him into the wall.

Medusa marched over to him, kicking him in the stomach. “Women can be both strong and beautiful,” she sent another round of stone balls at him, “and you’d do well to remember that.”


Lawrence and Ayame walked around the courtyard garden in silence. Ayame looked at the ground in shame. “Lawrence, you should know that-”

“Did you enjoy it?” Lawrence asked in a serious tone, his eyes shifting to Ayame from the ground.


“Did. You. Enjoy. It?” Lawrence repeated, spacing out every single word, making sure she heard it this time.

“I heard you and yes, I did enjoy it.” Ayame said, smiling at him.

“How could she be smiling?!” his wolf growled. Lawrence frowned, his heart sinking to the bottom of his stomach.

“Do you want to know why I enjoyed it?” her hand wrapped around his.


“Because I kept seeing you.” Ayame stood in front of him. “I love you so much my mind couldn’t fathom seeing another man other than you under me.”

Lawrence looked up at her. “Seriously?”

“Yes!” Ayame hugged him tightly. “Lawrence,” she smiled up at him, “since the day we started dating, I promised you I was only yours,” she tapped his nose, “and I like to live up to that promise.”

Lawrence rested his hand on her cheek. “How did I ever get so lucky to be blessed with an amazing woman like yourself?”

“You know what I think it is?” Ayame wrapped her arms behind his neck.


“The day we met in daycare, the Moon Goddess knew that we’d be together forever.” Ayame pecked his lips.

“Yeah.” Lawrence kissed her back, tasting her chamomile and yang yang taste. “You’re mine forever.”


Celaneo was brushing her hair in the vanity when her eyes glanced to the poppy flower in the vause. She giggled, thinking back to her time with Orion.

She spent so little time with the wolf, yet she felt closer to him than anyone she’d ever met! Her cheeks turned slightly pink at the thought of the brown sugar wolf. She twirled the flower in her fingers, sighing in delight.

She was so heartbroken after she learned the truth of Kirkland, but Orion bursted in like Superman! He swooped her up like Lois Lane and saved her. She leaned back in her chair, “I’ve only been here a day and yet I’m falling again!”

She shook her head, sprouting up from her chair. “No! Stop it Celaneo! You know better than to fall for a boy like him.”

She thought back to Medusa’s words. “Don't let Kirkland’s actions cloud your judgement on all wolves.”

She grabbed the flower, flopping down on her bed. “But it’s so hard not to fall!” She cheered, a larger smile on her face as she held the flower close to her chest.

A knock on the door made her shoot up from her bed and race to the door. She opened it to reveal Orion.

“Hi, Orion! What can I do for you?” she smiled, moving her hair back behind her shoulder.

Orion couldn’t help but eye her unmarked neck, licking his lips slightly he lost his train of thought. Orion was snapped out of his thoughts when Celaneo rested his hand on his bicep. Her touch was so soft, like clouds dancing upon his skin, exiting every nerve in his body.

“Orion, are you there?” She asked sweetly, her soft brown eyes peered into his onyx ones.

“Ye-Yes!” He practically shouted.

“No need to shout, love.” Celaneo chuckled, patting his bicep.

He loved the way she said ‘love’. It just flowed off her lips… smooth like velvet. I could get used to hearing her say the word love, granted it would be better if the words ‘...you, Orion’ came after it.

She brushed strands of her hair behind her ear. “Is there something you need, Orion?”

“You.” He blurted suddenly.

“W-What?” She blushed, her heart beating faster than a drum solo.

“U-Um! For-forget I said any-anything!” Orion stammered. “U-um, Barron want m-me to be yo-your guard.”

“Guard?” Celaneo looked at him questionably. “To be quite honest, I don't need a guard.”

“It’s just until Werewolf Court is over, Barron wants to make sure you’re safe.” Orion said. Celaneo smirked.

“You sure it’s not you who wants me to be safe?” Her smirk only grew.

“Ma-Maybe.” The beta blushed slightly, looking away from Celaneo.

Celaneo fingers gently grabbed his chin, turning his head back towards her, and stroked his cheek with her thumb. “I would love for you to protect me.”

Orion felt his heart skip a beat at her smile. His wolf was running in circles in excitement. “She’s our mate! It’s her! She’s the one the Moon Goddess blessed us to be with!”

Celaneo let him into the room, closing the door behind them. “You can sleep on the couch if you want.” She called out from the bathroom, her scent of mango and mandarin oranges stronger than ever.

His wolf came sprouting forward, salvatiling slightly at her delicious smell. He watched her walk out of the bathroom wearing a white silk night dress. The brown sugar wolf sat patiently in front of her, wagging his tail rapidly.

“Hello,” she crouched down, scratching behind his ear. Orion leaned into her touch. “maybe I should come up with a name for your wolf side… how about… Wolfsbane?”

“But that hurts us.”  The wolf chuckled. “Our mate has so much to learn.”

“I know it hurts you, but it’s ironic. Why name a wolf something that can kill it? Easy,” she kissed the top of his head, “cause I know you're stronger than Wolfsbane.”

Wolfsbane purred. “She thinks we're strong!” He was more giddier than a school girl.

Orion morphed out of his wolf form. He glanced her up and down. “You’re beautiful…” He muttered, but Celaneo heard him.

“Let’s get to sleep,” she blushed slightly, watching as Orion took off his shirt and laid it beside Celaneo. “Wh-what ar-are you doing?!”

“Sleeping.” Orion replied, pulling her in close to his chest. “You should try it sometime.”

Celaneo pouted. “You can't tell me what to do.”

“Technically as your guard I can tell you what to do to ensure your safety.” Orion said matter of factly.

“And sleep will ensure my safety?”

“Yes,” Orion nuzzled his face into her braided hair, “now sleep…” He yawned, “my beautiful forest nymph…”

Celaneo waited until he was completely asleep to turn around and smile at his cute face. She snuggled up close to his chest. He was so warm to the touch, it was like sleeping in a warm burrito.

She sighed in delight, her hands circling his chest, prompting the beta to purr. She rested her head on his pec, listening to his heart beat. Orion. She looked up at him, his hand unconsciously stroking her hair. Never leave my side.


Hello!! So the election is still going on and I stayed up till 2am watching it and I'm exhausted.

So to keep this short and sweet what did u think of the chapter? I really like Orion and Celano cause they're so cute!!

Anyways, see u Friday!!

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