№2|Welcome to the WhiteClad Pack

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№2|Welcome to the WhiteClad Pack
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Medusa couldn't believe it. She was finally funded! She flopped down on her bed, holding the check to her chest as she rolled around yelling, “I’m funded! I’m funded!”

Barron watched from the doorway with another girl beside him. She had kinky black hair styled in a loose afro and violet eyes, “so this is the scientist?” she chuckled, “not what I thought, but you do you, brother.”

Barron laughed, “she’s going to help us come into the world, Vanessa. Something about her is...special.”

“I can sense it too. I think the pack will love her.” Vanessa patted his back. 

Barron coughed on purpose, getting Medusa’s attention. “Ready to go, Medusa?”

“Yeah.” Medusa sighed in delight, looking up at the check she held high above her head. “Barron,” she turned towards him, “I can't thank you enough! You’ve given me the best thing a scientist can ask for!”

Barron ruffled her snakes. They seemed to be very fond of his touch. “I bet you had a whole list of other candiets, huh?” Medusa drummed her fingers on her hip. 

“No, I didn’t,” Barron shook his head, “meeting you was a happy accident. I knew you could be trusted because you took such good care of me when I was hurt.”

“It’s the normal thing to do.” Medusa shrugged. 

“Not in this day and age,” Vanessa twirled the wolf skull on her fingers, “these days, people are scared of werewolves. They think we're dangerous when really we aren’t!”

“I think you can help us come into the light, Medusa,” Barron lifted up her chin, “and that’s what makes you special.”

Medusa smiled, blushing slightly at his words. She felt a warm feeling in her stomach when the word ‘special’ escaped his lips. It was the first time someone called her special without it being mean or having the word ‘special looking’ after it.

“Medusa?” Barron snapped her out of her thoughts. 

“Yes, Barron?” Medusa blinked a few times. 

“You were staring at me. Are you okay?” Barron sounded sincerely concerned. 

“Yes, I’m fine,” Medusa smiled, “just shocked.., I never thought I’d be funded! All the investors hated my ideas.”

“Those investors were stupid. I read your research reports. They’re more accurate than anything I’ve ever read, but you need a more hands on experience.” Barron smiled, holding her hand as him, Medusa, and Vanessa walked down stairs, passing Jack in the hallway.

“You!” Jack stomped towards Barron, who held Medusa’s hand tighter, “where are you taking Medusa?”

Barron sighed, groaning softly, “it’s none of your business. Medusa will be gone for 2 years, maybe more, due to a research study she will be conducting.”

“No way, Medusa isn't going anywhere with your kind.” Jack pulled Medusa towards him. 

Vanessa sighed, sitting on Medusa’s suitcase, filing her nails, “try not to make this one bloody, Barron. The clean up crew is still trying to clean up your last scene.”

Barron cracked his neck and his knuckles, “oooh Jack, I don't think you get it. When I said Medusa was coming with me, it wasn’t a request, it was an order.” He pulled Medusa back towards him, holding her close to his chest, “one you shouldn’t interfere with.”

“She doesn’t want to go.” Jack stated, glaring at Medusa, “right?”

“Wrong,” Medusa got off of Barron’s chest, “1) I’m choosing to go with the werewolves to evolve my research, and 2) Jack, you don't dictate who I can and can't hang out with.”

Barron smirked, chuckling as he slung his arm around her. “Let’s go, Medusa. Your research awaits.”

As the trio walked towards the door, Barron looked back and growled at Jack, “look at her and you’ll die.”

Jack quivered in his boots, but with his large ego, he confidently walked off, trying not to be afraid.

Medusa noticed a beautiful town car waiting for Barron, Medusa, and Vanessa. A man with emerald green hair and black eyes opened the door for Medusa to enter. “Medusa, this is Lawrence. Aside from Vanessa, he’s my top beta.” Barron introduced.

“Bonjour, Medusa,” Lawrence kissed her hand. Barron glared at him, causing  Lawrence to back off, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well, Lawrence.” Medusa greeted back politely. “Wait, if you and Vanessa are betas, then,” Medusa turned on her heels towards Barron, “what does that make you?”


Medusa looked at him up and down, “huh, that’s weird. In all the research books and videos I’ve seen the alpha is bigger in size… but Lawrence seems bigger than you, and Vanessa is a bit bigger than Lawrence.”

Medusa pulled out a mini recorder, “alphas aren’t always the biggest in size in the pack.”

“What is that?” Lawrence asked curiously.

“Oh! It’s a recording device to use to keep my notes.” Medusa smiled, waving the little recorder in her hands. “Cute right? It’s shaped like a little kitten!”

“Awe that is cute.” Lawrence played with the recorder, “although we should probably get going to the pack compounds, there you’ll meet the rest of the pack.”

“Okay.” Medusa climbed into the car with Vanessa as Lawrence closed the door behind her. 

“Sooo, what do you think of Barron?” Vanessa cooed. 

“He’s kinda cute, for an alpha and all.” Medusa waved at Barron, who had started a conversation with Lawrence.

“Is there something wrong, Barron?” Lawrence asked as he reached for the driver side door.

“Yes, I saw the way you looked at Medusa... don't get any ideas. Alright?” Barron ordered. 

“Barron, with all honesty, she isn't my type,” Lawrence patted his shoulder, “but she’s all yours, Alpha.”

Barron chuckled, “not yet, but soon.” he smiled, getting in the passenger seat as Lawrence got into the driver's seat. “Sit tight, Medusa, it’s a long ride to the compound.” Barron smiled at her from the rearview mirror.


As the drive droned on, Medusa fell asleep on Vanessa’s shoulder. In no time at all, Vanessa shook her awake and helped her out of the car. “Welcome to the Whiteclad compounds.” Vanessa greeted. Medusa stood in shock.

Eight strong, square towers have been built on various tactical spots for an ideal defense and are connected by tall, solid walls made of blue stone.

Elegant windows are scattered here and there across the walls in a seemingly random pattern, along with symmetric holes for archers and artillery. A sizable gate with tall metal doors and a moat offered a safe home to all those in need.

Various large houses were spread outside the compound gates. Surprisingly, the rich were comfortable with living outside the gates as well. The castle looked very new, but without knowing its history, it's impossible to tell if it's a newly built compound or a well kept one.

“It’s… beautiful!” Medusa fumbled to pull out her recorder, the pack seems to live in an elegant compound instead of caves.”

“You thought we lived in caves?” Barron laughed. 

“Well, yeah.” Medusa shrugged. Barron held her hand.

“There’s so much you need to know about us.”

Barron opened the door to reveal a lively werewolf community, “Alpha!” A voice called out from the balcony railing. As Medusa glanced up, she saw a boy barely holding onto the railing.

“Montego…” Barron sighed, shaking his head, “how did you end up on the railing… again?”

“Well, you see Alpha, we were all worried about you not coming back. The compound went into panic... I was rushing and didn’t notice the floor was slippery, so I slipped and I fell over the railing.” Montego explained, clutching the railing tighter.

“Who’s he?” Medusa asked.

 “Montego Aetós. He’s my Delta. He’s an amazing wolf, but his achilles heel is his clumsiness.” Barron hit the side of the collom, causing Montego to fall into Barron’s arms.

“Thank you, Alpha!” Montego smiled widely. Montego had golden honey, bijou toned, skin, rustic dark brown hair with deep brown eyes. He jumped down from Barron’s arms, “oooh! Is this the Medusa you called us about?”

“Yes,” Barron smiled as Montego extended his hand.

“Welcome to the pack, Medusa. I hope you like it here.”

“I’m sure I will,” Medusa pulled out her recorder, “it seems there's a ranking named Delta, it appears to be below Beta and Alpha but higher than the Hunter and Omegas.”

“Uh...sir?” Montego glanced at Barron, confused. Medusa was studying him like he was a specimen. 

“She’s studying Wereology. She’ll be staying here until she completes her study on us.” Barron explained.

“Montego!” a cheery voice called out, Montego smiled widely, 

“Chelia! You’re back!” Montego morphed into his wolf form, tackling the porcelain ivory skinned girl with medium length black hair and black eyes.

“Is that how Deltas greet everyone?” Medusa chuckled.

 “Only his mate, Chelia Lee” Vanessa smiled, “the two have been apart for 3 months because I sent Chelia on a recon mission.”

“Where to?” Medusa was intrigued. 

“To investigate some magic cult that's been causing trouble to our neighboring packs and our pack.” Vanessa replied, her nose crinkling at the thought.

“I thought magic was good for werewolves... Lots of books say you used to protect cults and magic societies.” Medusa pulled out the recorder, putting it up to the alpha's face “is this false?”

“Yes and no,” Barron lowered the recorder, “werewolves do protect magic societies that practice good deeds but we refuse to do business with cults due to the fact that they practice forbidden magi.”

“I see,” Medusa stroked her chin, “why don't you condone Forbidden Magi? People do place your werewolf abilities under Forbidden Magi attributes.”

“That’s what the public thinks, Medusa. Our werewolf abilities are actually under Magical Race Magi.” Barron corrected. Medusa angled the recorder towards her.

“As suspected, werewolf abilities are classified under the Magical Race Magi family.”

Medusa looked towards Montego and Chelia, who were already partaking in a very heated make out session, her eyes widened as she covered them, “uh… don't you think they should be doing that in a more private place?”

“Were very open about sex and love here, some humans think it’s weird to have sex or partake in heated make outs or do public displays of affection because of differnt reasons. Us werewolves on the other hand find it empowering, especially sex. It’s sorta like something that everyone does.”

“But… it’s weird just to do those things in public.”

“Not for us. Werewolves don't have a lot of shame, Medusa.” Lawrence winked, “so we’re perfectly comfortable with doing things like sex or makeouts in public.”

Medusa sighed, pulling out recorder, “werewolves apparently have no shame,” she looked away from the wolves and muttered, “or have any control over sexual urges.”

Barron laughed, “Montego!”

Montego growled at the alpha for interrupting him while he was with Chelia. “Excuse me?” Barron glared at him. 

“Yes, alpha?” Montego forced a sweet smile.

 “Take the rest of the day off, I’m sure you want to spend it with Chelia.” Montego picked up Cheilia, bridal style, and saluted the alpha.

“Thank you, Barron!” He yelled before running off deeper into the compound with Chelia in hand.

“They’re so cute.” Barron muttered. Smiling slightly, he turned back towards Medusa, noticing her cloudy eyes. “Medusa, are you-”

“Blind? Yes, but I see through my snakes.” Medusa replied, not letting him finish the question.

“Sorry-” Barron was cut off again.

 “Don't say sorry, I’m not some idiot you can take pity on, and before you ask, yes I can turn people into stone and unless you wanna be a statue I suggest you drop the subject.”

Barron was shocked by her boldness. If she were one of his pack members, Medusa and Barron would have been fighting by now. But Medusa wasn’t a wolf, Barron had to remind himself of that.

“Well? Got anything else to say about my eyes and hair or can we move on?” Medusa glared at him.

 “Nope,” Barron and Medusa walked deeper into the compound with Lawrence and Vanessa not far behind.

“But your snakes are amazing,” Barron said, breaking the silence between the two. 

Medusa stopped in her tracks, “amazing, huh? Nobody said that before…”

“Humans are scared of what they don't know.” Barron threaded his fingers through her snake/human hair.

 “Do you think that’s why they hate werewolves?” Medusa guessed. 

“I don't think, I know.” Barron muttered.

The silence continued until Medusa’s snakes suddenly began to rattle. She quickly whirled around, catching a battle axe that was headed straight for Barron. “Sorry, Barron!” A femine voice that peeked out the doorway in front of them apologized. “Alistiar wasn’t looking when he was aiming the crossbow!”

“Me?!” The man that appeared beside her was practically an identical copy of the woman, only male. The twins both had brown hair with striking green eyes. The woman had her hair styled into a loose bun with hair flowing down the back while the man had it shaved on the sides.

“Alpha! It was Ayame who told me to shoot it!”

“Nu-uh! Alistair was the one aiming it wrong!”

“Only because you told me to aim it towards the left!”

“I was talking to the people moving the boxes of weapons!”

Barron’s laughter broke the argument, “I’m fine. There’s bound to be some mishaps during weapon testing.”

“You’re too kind Barron.” Ayame smiled. 

“Medusa, this is Ayame and Alistiar, my head hunters. Ayame, Alistiar, this is Medusa. She’ll be staying here while she does a study on werewolf species.” Barron introduced.

Medusa pulled out the recorder, “list of ranking: Hunter.”

Ayame and Alistiar sweatdropped, “okay…”

“Welcome home, Ayame. I trust the weapons expo at the Wilson pack was successful?” Barron said, noticing the cates marked WEAPONS in big bold letters.

“Do you see all these boxes, Alpha!” Ayame opened one of the creates, to pull out a blaster, “3 months of negotiations with the Wilson pack, but I got the blaster!” She looked through the sniper scope to see Lawrence.

“Law-Lawre-Lawrence?!” Ayame fumbled with the gun before tripping over some loose wires. You haven’t seen Lawrence in almost a year and this is how you greet him! Pull yourself together, Ayame!

“He-Hey, Ayame.” He tried to play cool but on the inside he was jumping for joy. Him and his wolf were ecstatic to see the girl he had a crush on since childhood again after being apart for a year. “How have you been?”

“I-I was just testing out some weapons and such...nothing too big.” Ayame tried to fix her hair to look presentable, “y-you?”

“Just showing Medusa around with the Alpha.” Lawrence blushed slightly. 

Alistiar snorted in laughter, putting the blaster back in it’s crate, “why don't you two just mate already, gosh!”

“Alistair!” Ayame and Lawrence scolded. 

“It’s not like I’m wrong, but you two go at your own speed... it’s so much fun watching Ayame make a fool of herself when she’s around you, Lawrence.” Alistair sat on top of one of the tables, eating a handful of popcorn, “don't mind me… act like I’m not here.”

“We’ll leave you two be to catch up,” Barron pulled Alistair out of the room by his collar.

“But Barron! I wanna watch my twin look all silly in front of her crush!” Alistair  protested.

“Well too bad. You’re replacing Lawrence on the tour.” Vanessa stated. 

“At least let me get my popcorn!” Alistair said, gabbing the bowl of popcorn before Barron could fully drag him out the room.

“Where to next, Alpha?” Medusa teased.

 “You don't need to call me Alpha, Barron is fine.” Barron chuckled. “By the way…  how did you know that axe was gonna hit me?”

“My snakes have this ability where if they sense danger to me, my friends, or someone that is in need of help, they rattle and tell me where it’s coming from so I can avoid the attack or use one of my own attacks to protect myself and my friends.” Medusa explained, catching the popcorn that Alistair threw at her.

“The girl got reflexes like a cat!” Alistair applauded. Medusa muttered a quick thank you, feeding the popcorn to her snakes.

 “How come only some of your hair is snakes and some of it is human hair?” Vanessa questioned.

“That’s because my parents were human, but my mother got cursed by a witch while she was pregnant with me.” Medusa sighed, “the curse entailed that the baby, me, would have a trait that would ward away all who see it. Ergo; snakes.”

“Oh…” Barron whispered. 

“But I don't mind it. I love my snakes. Since I can turn things to stone, I have Stone Magi.” Medusa smiled brightly. Barron wrapped his arm around her waist.

“I like your attitude Medusa, I think you’re gonna fit right in here are the Whiteclad Pack.”


It's Wednesday and y'all know what that means!!! Update day!!! So this is where we get to see a few of our main character for the series as well as in chapter 3! That's when things really get kicking!

Sooo! How did y'all like Lawrence and Ayame little cute scene? They're gonna get some more screen time soon. Don't worry. Also the brother, Alistair, find someone too soon! Do you think there's too many characters introduced?

Also. I don't know how this is humanly possible but we already have 70 reads and we're barely on chapter 2! Chapter 2 ppl! Do u know how long it took me to get to 70 reads on DeVil's In The Name?! It surely wasn't a day and a half!

Maybe it's the fact that it's a werewolf book and those get reads quickly or maybe because this is actually a good story idk! I'm happy either way!!

Can't wait till Friday cause that's when we get to see the Trevor Stein's character in the cast list come in!! It's gonna be great!

Oh! Before I forget big shout out to the editor of this book UntameTiger they're an amazing editor (I said they're because I haven't asked for pronouns or maybe I did... Idk!) Anyways they're the best and trust me they deserve the upmost of praise!

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