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◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“There she is… the one we’ve been searching for…” A raspy voice spoke, leaning over the cauldron. She looked up to face her fellow hooded figures that were surrounding the cauldron. “Find her! We need her for the ritual!”

With that, the hooded figures disappeared in puffs of black smoke. The original hooded figure looked back at the cauldron. “Soon we’ll have her eyes’ sisters and then nothing will stop us!”

Medusa winced, getting a sudden headache. “Ow…” She muttered.

“Is something wrong, Medusa?” Barron asked, Medusa nodded, not wanting to be a bother. 

“Yeah, I’m good,” Medusa shook it off, “Barron, do you mind if I interview you?”

“Sure, we can do the interview in my office.” Barron said, opening the door to his office. Medusa sat on the couch while Barron sat in the chair in front of her, facing Medusa who had a pen and pad ready.

“How long have you been Alpha?”

“2 years. I’m actually the youngest alpha in history.” Barron replied rather proudly.

“How old are you?” She questioned. 

“29. You?” Barron asked. 

“28.” Medusa replied. “Who was the last Alpha before you?”

Barron tensed. “Julius WhiteClad. He was my older brother. He ruled over the pack with an iron fist… he was ruthless and used fear to force the others to do his bidding.”

“And how do we know you're any different from your brother?”

Barron glared at her slightly. “I’m not, believe me. The tour we had before this interview should be enough to prove to you that I strive to be a fair and kind alpha unlike my brother.”

“What customs do werewolves have?”

“Well, there’s many customs us werewolves have. One of which is hunting.” Barron explained, watching as one of the members walked past with a deer carcass.

“What do you hunt and why?”

“Normally we just hunt whatever’s around, however I strictly forbid hunting pregnant animals and their cubs. As to why we hunt... it’s not only how we get our food, but it's also how we get our exercise, and it allows the wolf in us to roam free for a while. Plus, the bigger the kill, the better you feel about yourself.”

“Why is that?”

“I think it’s the wolf side of us. I know when I go out on a hunt and bring back some huge elk, I feel this sense of pride and honor.”

“Oooh! So it’s a pride thing! The wolves seem to have some complex where you are all very determined to get the bigger kill.” Medusa wrote down, nodding her head slightly. “This is great stuff.”

“Do you have any traditions - AGH!” Medusa yelled suddenly, clutching the sides of her head in pain.

Medusa...we will find you...no matter what it takes...we’ll kill anyone to get to you…!

“Get out of my head!” Medusa yelled, falling to the floor. “Agh! It hurts!”

Barron rushed to Medusa’s side, holding her in his arms as they rushed through the halls. Wolves who saw the two quickly became both confused and concerned over the researcher’s wellbeing. “Don't worry Medusa, you’ll be okay.” Barrona assured her, bursting through the medical ward.

“Where’s Dr. Lycia?” Barron ordered as the doctor in question came out of the crowd.

She had deep black hair and pale midnight blue eyes, “what happened to her?”

“She was interviewing me and all of a sudden she had a massive headache. Now she’s screaming about somebody being in her head.” Barron explained as he laid her down on the hospital bed.

He suddenly growled when one of the male nurses grabbed her arm to take her pulse. The nurse backed up, not wanting to upset the alpha. “Sorry.” He apologized.

“Just back off, got it?!” Barron growled deeper. The nurse backed more, just as the alpha ordered.

 “Alpha, I know it’s out of line but you need to let my nurse put an IV in her so we can sedate her.” Lycia said softly. Barron sighed and nodded.


“Thank you.” Lycia smiled, motioning the nurse to place the IV in Medusa’s arm. Medusa whimpered in pain, shifting in the bed. 

“Get out… get out of… my head…!” Medusa muttered in her sleep.

We will find you Medusa… nobody can protect you… everyone who tries will die…

“No… I don't wanna die… please!... please don't hurt them!”

You and all you care about will suffer unless you give us what we want!

“I don't know… what you want…!”

“What’s happening to her?” Barron held Medusa’s hand, looking to Lycia for answers. 

“Someone’s talking to her through her mind,” Lycia levitated her hand over Medusa’s forehead. “They’re telling her they’re coming… anyone who tries to protect her will die… she’ll fulfill her destiny as a sacr-”

Before Lycia could continue, Vanessa bursted into the room “We got trouble, big bro.”

Barron looked back at Medusa with sympathy before letting go of her hand and placing a small kiss on her forehead. He followed Vanessa into the main hall to see the alpha of the Willson pack stumble in.

He had dark skin, which was covered in blood, and hazel eyes that were coated in fear. His black hair was greased by the blood. “Barron…” he rasped. Barron slung the alpha’s arm over his shoulder.

 “Declan, what happened to you?”

“There were so many… it all happened all so fast… I couldn't stop it… so many wolves… lost… dead… I couldn't even save her…” Declan sobbed into Barron’s chest. 

“What happened to your mate and the pack?” Vanessa asked, looking past him to a crowd of wolves.

“Bianca’s burnt real bad and the rest of the pack is even worse. Even my baby brother is badly wounded.” Declan coughed hard.

 “Take him to Dr. Lycia. See to it that all the members of his pack receive care.” Barron ordered, the pack rushing to follow his orders.

“Thank you… Barron.” Declan’s mate, Bianca, thanked, holding her wound on her stomach.

“Don't strain yourself, Luna.” The younger brother of Declan, Kirkland, advised, helping the Alpha Female to her room in the hospital ward.

“Where's… where’s Declan? Di-Did he get hurt?” She asked him.

“Nothing a little werewolf healing can't fix.” Declan smirked, holding her hand as he laid on the hospital bed beside her. “How are you feeling, my little cherry blossom?”

“I’m fine Declan. It’s just a little burn,” Bianca whimpered, 

“A little?” Declan scoffed, “your right arm is crisp!”

Bianca laughed, “you're always so worried about me. I’m fine my love, those witches aren’t taking out this Alpha female.” Bianca winked.

“Witches?” Vanessa questioned, hopping onto the countertop beside them.

“Yeah. We were out hunting when I got a signal from one of my omegas saying the pack was being attacked. They were demanding the location of “The Eyes”. I told them we didn’t know what they were talking about but they didn’t listen and started burning down the pack.” Declan explained, “there was nothing left… it all went down in flames…”

“Sadly this isn't the first time they’ve done this,” Lawrence frowned, staring off into space. “There’s been reports of fires happening at wolf packs all around the country.”

“Your pack is able to stay with us as long as you like, Declan.” Barron patted his shoulder. 

“You’re too kind, Barron,” Declan smiled at him. “You look just like your mother, but those eyes...” Declan laughed, “those are your father’s eyes for sure.” He sighed in delight. “They were amazing werewolves. They would be very proud of you, Barron.”

“You think so?” Barron rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“Of course.” Bianca held his hand, patting it slightly.


“...Medusa!” Dr. Lycia yelled, grabbing Medusa’s wrist as she walked down the hallway. “You’re supposed to be in bed! The alpha demanded it.”

“And you think I’m gonna listen? I’m not a wolf, hence I’m not under his jurisdiction.” Medusa stated, bumping into a sturdy surface. She looked up to see a well sculpted, birch toned 28-year-old young man with a weirdly perfect smiled and auburn colored hair.

“Sorry about bumping into you.” He apologized. “I’m Kirkland.” He kissed her hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”

Medusa blushed. “Pleasure to meet you too. Are you from this pack? I didn’t see you on the tour.”

“No, I’m part of the Willson pack. Our pack got burnt down by some witches, so Barron is letting us stay here.” Kirkland explained. 

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Medusa frowned. “What were they searching for?”

“Something they called ‘The Eyes’.” Kirkland shrugged. Medusa held her temples as a sudden headache emerged.

“Again…? Get out of my head.” Medusa grumbled, hitting her temple.

She was about to hit it again but Kirkland caught her hand. “Hitting your head will cause more pain.”

Medusa sighed as Kirkland released her hand. “Let me help.” Kirkland leaned forward and kissed her forehead. Medusa felt her face heat up, but more importantly her headache disappeared.

 “U-Um…” Medusa stuttered, her cheeks turning red.

Kirkland chuckled, smiling brightly. “All better?”

Medusa smiled back. “Yeah, it is.”

Dr. Lycia sighed, shaking her head as Medusa walked off with Kirkland. “The alpha isn't gonna like this…”

Later that day, Vanessa leaned against a wall, looking around to make sure nobody was around before pulling out her phone and calling someone.


Vanessa smiled at the man’s voice. “Hey Malakai.”

Malakai chuckled, holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder. “How’s your day, love?”

“Hectic,” Vanessa sighed, “another pac- I mean business partner’s office got burnt down so they’re staying here at our office.”

“You would think it’d be on the news...” Malakai muttered.

 “Uh… they didn’t want to cause a huge scene.” Vanessa said, trying to cover up her lie. 

“I guess that makes sense.” Malakai shugged.

“How come I can't learn your name? I really like you, like… a lot, and I want to know more about you. I don't want this just to be a meaningless fling.” Malakai sighed, cutting up strawberries.

“It’s not Malakai! I promise!” Vanessa assured him. 

“Then how come you can know my name but I can't know yours?” Malakai asked. 

“Because,” Vanessa pinched the bridge of her nose, “I’m trying to protect you. My job isn't ideal, and a lot of people frown upon it.”

“I don't care where you work. I want to know more about you… at least your name.” Malakai mumbled the last part but Vanessa heard him. 

Vanessa hesitated for a moment but sighed, “Vanessa.”


“My name. It’s Vanessa.”

Malakai chuckled. “It sounds beautiful... just like you.”

“Shut up…” Vanessa laughed, “was that you attempting to be flirty or sly?”

“Did it work?”

“Sure, my love, it worked.” Vanessa smiled softly. Her smile dropped when she noticed the door opening. “I gotta go, talk to you later.”

She ended the call when Barron walked into the hallway. “Have you seen Medusa? I went to go check back on her, but she wasn’t in her room.”

“Yeah! I saw her and Kirkland in the garden a couple minutes ago.” Vanessa answered. Barron furrowed his eyebrows.


“Yeah-” before Vanessa could finish, Barron was long gone on a power trip to the garden.

Kirkland placed a rose in Medusa’s hair. “It looks beautiful with your snakes.” He tried to pet them, but they hissed, snapping at Kirkland.

 “Babies! Play nice.” Medusa ordered. The snakes hissed softly, laying back down. “Sorry about them, they’re not good with new people.” Medusa apologized.

 “It’s alright. They’re just gonna have to get used to me being around.” Kirkland winked, walking deeper into the garden.

“Hey, check this out,” Kirkland placed her hand on one of the flower buds. Kirkland placed his hand on top of hers, watching it glow as the flower bloomed into a chrysanthemum stone flower. “The flower blooms into whatever the two people touching it represents.”

Medusa sighed. “So that’s why it’s stone…”

“Yeah, because of the… um…”

“Snakes.” Medusa finished for him. 

“Yeah,” Kirkland said, “it’s just your snakes are so out-”

“Kirkland!” Barron clenched his shoulder, “shut up.”

Kirkland glared at Barron. “Is there something wrong, Alpha?”

“Nope,” Barron smiled, but his eyes told another story. “Didn’t I just say shut up!?” Barron scolded, talking telepathically to Kirkland. 

“I’m not in your pack, and you're not my alpha, so you can't tell me what to do.” Kirkland replied snarky.

“Oh really? We’re pulling rank here? Alright, I’m game. Last time I checked, I’m alpha, you're in my pack, in my section of the woods, and since your alpha isn't fit to lead right now, I’m leading your pack. So that means, I can tell you what to do.”

Kirkland growled. “It’s a  pleasure to stay here… alpha.” He snarled every word.

“You’re welcome, Kirkland.” Barron smiled sweetly, the two of them watching Medusa as she took notes on the flowers. “If you know what’s best for you, stay away from Medusa.” Barron warned.

Kirkland shook his head, chuckling softly, “I don't care if I’m in your stupid pack. You're not my alpha, so don't boss me around. And if I wanna date the stupid snake girl, I gladly will.”

“Her snakes aren’t stupid, they’re beautiful.” Barron retorted.

 “Sure, if beautiful means stupid, then yes, they’re utterly beautiful.” Kirkland scoffed, “I honestly don't care about her, but if you want her so do I.”

“You’re despicable.” Barron hissed.


100 reads. It's been one week and we're already on 100 reads!!?? That's amazing!! Thank u all!!

I'm so glad this is the final chapter of the week! It ends on a great spot and y'all are gonna have to wait till Monday to find out what happens next!

This chapter is a huge chapter! I can talk y'all already hate Kirkland and he's just gonna get worse! Oh I can't wait till next week!

Anyways! What did you think of Vanessa being the mystery woman Malakai is dating?! Great huh! Ooh it's gonna be great! So this is really when the actions get good!

Oooh!! Wait till we get to chapter four! Ooh it's gonna be great!

See u on Monday!

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