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◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“Alpha please calm down!” Alistair pleaded as him, Vanessa, Ayame, and Lawrence watched the white wolf destroy his office. 

“Must… destroy…” Barron dug his paws into the carpet floor, shaking his head with a pillow in his mouth. Fluff flew the seam reared open with a sickening rip.

“We know you're mad, but destroying your office isn't the way to do it!” Ayame said, trying to come closer, but he snapped at her, his red eyes fuming with anger.

 “I’m… gonna kill… that wolf!” Barron jumped on the couch, tearing apart the cushions.

Medusa walked past, feeling drawn to the room. She paused, not wanting to interrupt, and stood behind the doorway. She pulled out a video recorder and began filming. “What got him so angry?”

“I am gonna… rip him to shreds!” Barron scratched the walls, ramming into them. 

“Alpha! Stop it! You’re hurting yourself!” Vanessa scolded. 

“I want… him dead!” Barron roared. Medusa yelped, her eyes widening as she covered her mouth.

Barron stopped, sniffing the air as he stalked outside to Medusa. “Medusa… scared…” Barron softly muttered. Medusa scooted away from him, “don't be… afraid…”

His eyes turned from red to a calm cobalt blue, he licked Medusa’s face, causing her to laugh. 

“Wolfie! Stop it!” Medusa laughed harder as Barron continued licking her face. He smiled when her tears faded away.

“Medusa… happy?”

“Yes, Wolfie. I’m happy.” Medusa petted him as he rested his head on her lap. He purred at her touch.


“What got you so angry you destroyed your office?” Medusa questioned, scratching behind his ear. Barron transformed back into his human form. His shirt was removed, allowing Medusa to see the scar on his left peck. What happened there?

“It’s just stress, Medusa, nothing for you to worry about.” Barron helped her off the ground. “Hey,” Barron noticed the glint of fear in her eyes. “Don't be scared of me. The last thing I want is my pack to be scared of their Alpha.”

“I’m not a wolf, and I’m not part of your pack.” Medusa muttered. 

“I know you're not, but I still don't want you to be afraid of me.” Barron held her hands, “how about-”

“Medusa!” Kirkland appeared in the doorway and leaned against the frame. “Some of my buddies and I were gonna go hunting? Wanna come?”

“Sure,” Medusa answered. She looked back at Barron and sighed quietly, “um...see you later I guess.”

As Medusa walked away, Barron felt his anger bubbling. “Let’s go…”

“Where?” Montego gulped, afraid of the answer.


Medusa stood at the head of the wood, watching as Kirkland and his buddies conversed amongst themselves. Medusa began scribbling down notes in her journal, documenting the wolves' actions.

“Is this the snake chick?”

“Yeah, I mean she’s alright, but the snakes are a massive turn off. Plus, she’s always taking notes in that stupid book of hers.” Kirkland rolled his eyes, “Look, as long as Barron doesn’t have her, I’m a happy wolf.”

“You gonna talk or hunt?” Barron smirked, appearing beside Kirkland. Kirkland scoffed and knocked into the alpha’s shoulder on purpose. “We were just about to start actually.”

Medusa watched as the wolves removed their shirts. “Hmmm...so they take off their shirts but not their pants… interesting.” Medusa muttered. 

“Yeah. It’s because the fur tears right through their shirt, but keeps their pants fine,” Chelia shrugged, sitting down next to Medusa, “no idea why though.”

“I don't believe we properly met. I’m Chelia Lee, resident fairy and Montego’s mate.” Chelia extended her hand for Medusa to gladly shake. 

“Medusa Demogorgon, I’m studying the wolves for a research study.” Medusa introduced. “So you’re a fairy? I thought wolves only mate with other wolves?”

Chelia laughed hard, “gods no. The way Montego explained it to me is that wolves know that love is love, no matter the race, sex, gender, age, or magical race.”

“That’s really progessive of them,” Medusa nodded slightly. A beautiful ivory golden wolf, which was Montego's wolf form, walked towards Chelia, nudging her. 

“Ready to go I see?” Chelia noted, tapping the wolf’s nose with her wand.

Barron sat beside Medusa, nudging her with his face to get her attention. “Is something wrong, Wolfie?” Medusa asked, still looking down at her notes.

Barron kept nudging her. Medusa laughed and shut her notes. “Alright, alright, you want me to hunt with you, don't you?”

Barron nodded, wagging his tail excitedly. Medusa placed her notebook in her purse. Just as she was about to get on Barron back, Kirkland grabbed her hand and placed him on his back.

“Kirkland!” Medusa yelped as the beige wolf darted into the forest. “What are you doing!”

“Hunting, duh?” Kirkland laughed, Medusa was shocked by how ruthless Kirkland's group of friends were during hunting... they didn’t care about how young or old the prey was. They just killed on the spot.

Medusa gasped when her notes fell out of her purse along with her recorder, which got trampled on by the wolves behind Kirkland, “Kirkland!” she patted the beige wolf on the neck. “We need to go back! My research equipment fell!”

“It’s fine Medusa. I’ll get you a new notebook.” Kirkland assured her. 

“You don't understand, Kirkland. My entire life’s work is in that recorder and notebook! I need it for my study!” Medusa explained, Kirkland rolled his eyes.

“It’s just a recorder. You can get another one.” Kirkland said in a whisper, crouching and advancing onto the deer in front of them. 

“I can't! All my research is on there!” Medusa shouted, scaring off the deer.

“Medusa! Look at what you’ve done!” Kirkland scolded. 

“It’s just a deer. My research is more important, and you’re not even listening to me!” Medusa got off of Kirkland, standing in front of him. “You should know how important that research is to me!”

“I do, but it’s kinda your fault for not shutting your purse.” Kirkland shrugged. 

“I told you to go back and you didn’t!” Medusa glared at him.

 “I’ll send one of my friends to look for it later, okay?” Kirkland sighed.

“Fine, whatever.” Medusa muttered, getting on Kirkland back as they continued hunting.


“Kirkland, I thought you said you were gonna look for my research.” Medusa sighed. It had been 5 hours since she lost her research, yet Kirkland wasn’t even paying attention to her. He was too busy eating and drinking with his buddies.

“Yeah, yeah. Later okay,” Kirkland brushed off as he took a large swig of his beer. Medusa got up from the table and sat at the bar, crying into her arms.

 “All of it… gone… my life's work is gone in a flash!”

Vanessa rubbed her shoulders. “I know, maybe we can help you replace it?”

Medusa shook her head. “No… it’s irreplaceable…”

“I’m sorry, Medusa,” Alistair frowned, “maybe you can make new notes.”

“I guess… but my entire studies were in that notebook… and my recorder got smashed!” Medusa sobbed. “Why didn’t I close my purse!?” Medusa felt her stomach grumble, “and now I’m hungry…” She looked around at the wolves eating meat. “Why did I have to be a vegetarian?”

She felt something nudging her legs. She looked down to see Barron in his wolf form holding a basket of fruit and vegetables., “Oh… thanks Wolfie.” Medusa smiled sadly, taking the basket.

Barron placed his front paws on her lap and began licking her face. He whimpered as he tasted the saltiness of her tears. Barron nugged her face in hopes to cheer her up, but it didn’t work.

“I lost my research wolfie…” Medusa whispered. Barron stuck his head into the basket, rustling through it before pulling out the notebook and recorder. The notebook was muddy but readable and the recorder was taped up but looked usable.

“My notes… where did you-”

“It wasn’t that far from where I was hunting, I noticed you dropped it and picked it up, I know how much you care about this research,” Barron pushed the basket towards her, “I also got you some fruits and veggies from the garden, since you're a vegetarian.”

Medusa leaped into his arms, hugging him tightly. “Thank you! I thought all my work was gone! Thank you, really thank you, Barron!” Medusa looked up at him, smiling softly. “You’ve done all this stuff for me...how am I ever gonna repay you?”

“Do your research. That’s how you can repay me.” Barron brushed his thumb over her cheek, “other than that, be yourself Medusa,” Barron tapped her nose.

“Ugh,” Kirkland growled, chugging down his beer, “what does that wolf have that I don't?”

“Respect for Medusa.” the omega serving his group muttered a little too loudly. Kirkland growled at her. 

“Did you say something, omega?”

The omega gulped.

 “Not-nothing sir,” she sighed, picking up the empty beer bottles, “nothing at all…” she grit her teeth. Kirkland pulled down the omega into his lap, groping her breast. 

“For an omega you got a pretty good chest.”

“Yo-you per-perv!” She leaped out of his lap, picking up the empty bottles before stomping off into the garbage room.

She struggled to lift up the garbage bag, but unfortunately, the bag ripped, spilling bottles all over the floor. She hung her head low. “Today is not my day.”

“Need some help?” A voice asked, handing her an empty bottle.

 “Thanks,” she looked up to see Alistair smiling at her. 

“I’m Alistair,” Alistair introduced, picking up the bottles. “You?”

“Yvette Romanov,” she shook his hand, “it’s nice to meet you, Mister Alistair.”

“You don't have to call me mister. Alistair is fine.” Alistair chuckled. 

“Sorry, reflex from my pack,” Yevette chuckled nervously. 

“It’s alright. If you don't mind me asking, why do you let Kirkland and his buddies treat you like that?” Alistiar asked.

“It’s not like I can pull rank on them. I’m just an omega.” Yvette shrugged. “So I really can't say anything. It’s not like anyone will listen to me.”

“I will.” Alistair rested his hand on her shoulder, “I’ll listen to you.”

Yvette felt her heart flutter at his touch and words. “Th-thank you…”

“Your welcome,” Alistair smiled, brushing strands of her black hair with pink highlight back. She had rich mocha skin and blue eyes, “your wolf looks like she wants to come out. How about a late night run?”

“U-Um...omegas can-can't run till sun-sunrise.” Yvette sighed.

 “I’m sure the alpha won't mind.” Alistair held her hand as they walked through the pack, gaining looks and whispers from the other wolves.

Yvette whimpered. “Maybe I should stay. You can run, though.”

“No,” Alistair replied determinedly, “I’m not running unless you're with me.”

“Alistair, I’m just an omega. Just... forget about me and enjoy your run.” Yvette sighed, Alistair shook his head.

“Yvette, I’m not running without you.”

Yvette chuckled. “I… alright. Let’s run,” Alistair smiled as him and Yvette reached the head of the forest. As Alistair removed his shirt, Yvette went behind a nearby tree. Alistair tilted his head. 

“What are you doing?”

“Taking my shirt off.” Yvette replied. 

“I know, but why are you behind the tree?” Alistair asked, walking towards Yvette to see her without her shirt and in her bra.

 “Alistair!” Yvette yelled, covering herself up.

“Why are you so ashamed?”

“It’s just weird… I don't have beautiful bodies like the betas, hunters, and deltas do,” Yvette looked down, “I’m certainly not as beautiful as the alpha female. I mean... she’s a goddess.”

Alistair looked at her up and down, licking the inside of his lips slightly. What is she talking about?! She’s gorgeous! Alistair couldn't believe she thought she wasn’t beautiful. His wolf certainly thought otherwise, he couldn't get enough of her.

“Stop staring!” Yvette scolded, Alistair blushed and looked away. 

“Sorry, but I think you look amazing.” Alistair smiled widely.

 “You’re just saying that.” Yvette muttered. 

“No I’m not.” Alistair kissed her cheek, leaning in to whisper, “you truly are beautiful.”

Yvette blushed hard. “Th-tha-thank you Ali-Alistair.”

“You’re welcome. Now let’s run,” Alistair morphed into a black wolf while Yvette’s was a beautiful peach/blush color. Amazing… Alistair smiled as they began their trek.

Lawrence peaked into the weapons room to see Ayame tweaking one of her weapons. “Ayame? Are you busy?”

Ayame almost dropped the weapon as she attempted to clean up her workspace in a hurry. “No-nope!”

Lawrence chuckled, resting his head on her shoulder. “I missed you, a lot, Ayame.”

Ayame ran her fingers through his hair. “I missed you too. That year at Willson was hell.”

“Do you think your brother was right? Should we mate? We have been dating for almost a year now.” Lawrence suggested.

 “You wanna mate?” Ayame questioned. 

“Yeah,” Lawrence kissed her neck, “I want you to have my mark and I’ll have yours.”

“Lawrence, I need to focus on fixing the weapon.” Ayame insisted, trying not to give into her desires. “Come on...AH!” Ayame moaned when Lawrence sucked on her pulse point.

“Come on, let’s play~” Lawrence purred, his hands running under her shirt, “I haven’t felt this beautiful body for a year.”

Ayame smirked, hopping on top of her desk. Lawrence cleared it off with one swoop of his hand, laying her down on the cool metal table. He kissed along her neck. “You smell and taste amazing, love.”

“You’re not too bad yourself.” Ayame chuckled, unbuttoning his shirt, “gods, you're so amazing.”

Lawrence was about to unbutton her bra but Montego bursted in. “Hey, Lawrence? you got any- oh I’m sorry,” He smirked, leaning against the doorway. “Is someone busy?”

“Yes, now leave!” Lawrence growled. “I just need some lavender tea. It’s for Chelia. She can't sleep and it works to help her calm down.” Montego explained.

“It’s the second cabinet on the - Ahhh~ Lawrence! - left side.” Ayame said, blushing hard at Lawrence’s hand movement on her body. 

“Thanks,” Montego reached up for the lavender tea. “Don't get her pregnant too soon, Lawrence~” Montego cooed, skipping out of the weapons room and back to his room with his mate.

Montego sat beside her on the bed, “I got the tea. Is everything alright?”

“Yeah,” Chelia sighed. “It’s just that cult… it’s messed up babe, they were sacrificing women, children, babies… using magic to torture people…” Chelia shook in fear, “so much forbidden magi… it was toxic… I-I-I couldn't breathe!”

“Shh..sh...shh… we’re back home now… they can't hurt you here.” Montego held her close. “I won't let them hurt you anymore.”

“Montego… they’re planning something big. These fires are just the start… they want The Eyes-whatever that means-for their plan, and they’re willing to kill anyone to get to it.” Chelia looked down at her hands. “I felt so helpless… my magic was nothing compared to them…”

Montego kissed her cheek. “You’re a strong fairy and you know that. Anybody would have felt helpless at the cult. We should tell the Alpha what you saw.”

“Will you go with me?”

“Of course, my love,” Montego held her hand as they walked to the Alpha’s office, “I’ll always be by your side.”


It's Monday my dudes and y'all know what that means! It's update day! Here is chapter 4 and is frankly one of my favorite chapters!

Beside that, what did you think of this chapter? Yay? Nay? I thought it was pretty good!

I honestly love Yvette, she's one of my favorite characters! She's so adorable!

Today I got my first DM from a person saying they loved Wereology! That made my day!

Tell em what u think in the comments!

Till Wednesday! Bye!!

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