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◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Barron, Lawrence, Malakai, and Julius sat in the back of a town car as they drove to the meeting. Barron growled occasionally when him and his brother locked eyes.

“Don’t look at me.” Barron snarled. Julius kicked him in the shin.

“You’re gonna learn how to play nice. Especially in front of these people.” Julius growled back.

“What people?” Malakai questioned.

“Your people.” Julius hissed a response.

“Warlocks?” Malakai eyes lit up at the thought of going back home. He’d been at the pack so long he’d hadn’t seen another warlock in months. “If we’re going back to Ardglass, then that means we’ll get to see warlocks and witches! I’ve been dying to see someone of my own skin!”

Barron glared at the warlock. “Have you now?”

“The pack’s great and all but I miss other warlocks…” Malakai muttered. Barron smiled slightly, making a mental note to allow more warlocks and witches into the pack.

“I think he meant fleshies.” Lawrence clarified.

“Still, that includes warlocks and witches because all fleshies are born with magic. that automatically makes them a warlock or a witch.” Malakai explained.

“Still a fleshie.” Julius replied, sipping his smoothie. “A retarded baker fleshie~”

Malakai was about to punch Julius, but Lawrence held him back. “Don’t let him temp you.”

“Wow… no wonder you're a beta. You can’t even land a punch.” Julius teased as the car came to a stop.

Once exiting the car, the four stood in front of a large mansion. “It’s beautiful…” Malakai muttered in awe.

“Yeah. Don’t get used to it, bud.” Julius snapped.

“What is this place, anyways?” Lawrence asked, opening the gates as they walked in.

The smell of freshly bloomed flowers filled their senses as they walked across the beautiful courtyard. Barron glanced towards the rose bushes to see a woman cutting the roses.

Once locking eyes with her, Barron could sense pain… anguish… fear… 

“Something’s not right about this…” Barron muttered to Lawrence and Malakai.

“Yeah... the aura this place has is all off.” Malakai shivered slightly as they reached the large marble white doors. Slowly opening them, two women dressed in maid outfits bowed at their entry.

The first had beautiful peached toned skin and auburn hair that flowed down her shoulders. The other had mabel toned skin with midnight blue hair that was tied into a tight bun.

One of them, the peached toned taller of the two, came up behind Julius, and took off his coat. “Welcome back, Sir Julius. The Archangels have awaited your arrival.”

“I’m sure they have.” Julius replied, pushing past the women to walk up the beautiful spiral staircase.

The three newcomers watched in shock and disbelief. “Um, quick question,” Malakai leaned in towards the midnight blue haired girl.

“Yes Mister Santos?” She responded, her voice sounded almost robotic.

Malakai shivered. Not only did she know his name, but the way his name rolled off her lips freaked him out. “One, how do you know my name? Two, what is this place?”

“Candyland.” the two women responded simultaneously.

“Candy what now?” Barron asked again.

“Candyland, where all dreams come true.” They both responded, yet again in unison.

“Right, but what is Candyland?” Lawrence questioned, moving away when one of them tried to remove his jacket. “I can do it myself, don't worry.”

The three watched as confusion and fear filled her eyes as Lawrence raised his hand to remove his jacket. Lawrence froze at her petrified gazed. “Are you alright?”

“Y-Y-Yes,” she quickly shook her head, returning to her robotic state, “everything is perfect here in Candyland.”

“Okay… that’s not weird.” Barron muttered, removing his jacket to hang it up on the coat rack. “Are you sure everything is okay?”

This time, fear filled both women’s eyes as Barron’s question lingered in the air like thick syrup. “We’re perfectly fine, Mister WhiteClad.” Their lips said one thing, but the fear coating their eyes said another.

“Uh huh…” Malakai said slowly, unsureness filling his voice, “anyways,” Malakai tried to force a fake smile, “we’re gonna get going upstairs…”

“Of course. Follow us.” Their walk was just as robotic as their talk.

“Barron, I don’t like this.” Malakai gulped, communicating telepathically with the alpha.

“Me either. Something isn't right about those wolves.” Barron gave the two women a weird glance behind their backs.

“Wolves? Those two can’t be wolves!” Lawrence gestured towards them. “They’re practically robots!”

“No, they’re werewolves. Their wolf is just… blocked.” Barron squinted at the two women’s backs. “They’re there but the wolves can’t talk to them.”

“What happened to them then?” Malakai questioned.

“I don’t know,” Lawrence felt an ominous aura coming from the black doors the women stopped in front of, “but something tells me we’re about to find out.”

They opened the door, revealing Julius laughing and drinking with a small group of witches and warlocks. “Oh, Julius, you simply are divine.” One woman stroked his bicep. “Have you been working out?”

“Yep.” Julius trailed his hands down to her hip. “I see you’ve been doing a little growing as well.”

“Oh, Julius, you’re too much!” She giggled, patting his pec.

Julius turned towards the door to see the three standing there. “These are the three I was telling you about.”

Barron, Malakai, and Lawrence walked towards the group. Soon they got blocked off by a she wolf approaching them with three shot glasses on a platter. “Drinks?” She whimpered slightly, averting her gaze from the three men.

Malakai was about to accept her offer, but Barron shook his head. “We’re good.” He turned towards Malakai and Lawrence as the lady walked off. “Don’t drink or eat anything they offer you, got it?”

Malakai and Lawrence nodded, continuing their march towards Julius. “What is this place?” Malakai questioned, looking around in question and awe.

“Didn’t the woman downstairs tell you?” A man replied, sipping his drink. “It’s Candyland.”

“What is Candyland?” Lawrence sat down on one of the bar stools.

“You wanna know?” The woman fawning over Julius cooed. “Can we tell 'em, Julius?”

“Please do, Fauna. I’m sure they’d love to know.” Julius smirked widely at the trio.

“Candyland is a reeducation camp for wolves.” Fauna played with Julius' hair.

“A what?” Lawrence asked.

“Basically, we whip wolves into shape.” Fauna giggled sadistically. “Those mutts need to be brought down a peg or two before they’re ready to work for us.”

“What?” Malakai scrunched up his fist, his eyes shifting towards marks on the bartender’s arms.

“Some wolves are harder to break than others.” Fauna glared at the bartender, who quickly looked away from her. “Isn’t that right girly?”

“Ye-Yes, Miss Fauna.” The bartender whispered, looking down in fear.

“What's wrong with you? You're a witch! You’re supposed to represent the link between humans and other magical races!” Malakai stood up in anger.

“Malakai, calm down.” Lawrence warned.

“No!” Malakai pushed him away. “You can’t just walk over wolves like they're a doormat! They’re people as well! They have emotions, experiences, and can feel pain!”

“Oh trust me. We know they feel pain,” Julius chuckled, “last week we had a wolf in here that just kept screaming and screaming when we came within 5 feet of her!” Julius took a sip of his scotch. “We had to get earplugs for her tortures.”

Malakai pounded his fist into the barsteep. “You’re a wolf yourself! How can you condone this?!”

“Because,” Julius stood up, flicking Malakai’s forehead, “other wolves are stupid… like my sister.”

Barron stiffened, growling at Julius, “our sister isn’t stupid! Don't disrespect her.”

Malakai gripped his wrist. “She isn’t stupid! She’s beautiful! And don’t you dare say her name!”

“Watch it, Malakai. Don’t want your girl ending up here.” Julius snickered.

Malakai slammed his face onto the barsteep. “I’ll kill you before that happens! I’ll rip you to shreds! I’ll make sure you regret ever being born!” Malakai’s eyes lit a flame with a sudden anger Barron and Lawrence had never seen before. “I’ll be damned if she even steps foot into this mad house!”

Malakai turned towards the rest of the witches and warlocks in the room. “You monsters!!” Astream of electric blue energy released from him, sending a shiver down everyone’s spine. “How dare you treat wolves this way?! Have you no respect! You’re using your magi to cause pain! That’s not what Hacate intended us to do when she blessed us with magic!”

“Malakai, I was like you once... so hopeful,” Fauna stroked his cheek, “so full of light and beauty and belief in the world.”

Fauna sighed deeply, clenching Malakai’s jaw. “One day you’ll see these wolves are nothing but trash to kick around,” she leaned in close, “and I’ve seen Vanessa… she ain‘t all that great.”

“I’m nothing like you.” Malakai growled, slapping her hand away. “I’m not like any of you!” Malakai roared, his eyes gleaming a bright blue as he extended his hand, sending everyone into the nearest wall.

Barron and Lawrence watched in awe. “What… just… happened?”

Malakai heaved. “Sorry…” Malakai released Julius, dropping his unconscious body onto the floor. He looked around at the destruction he caused. “U-um… I go-gotta go…”

With that, Malakai ran out of the room. Barron and Lawrence were still in shock. “What… was… that?!”

“I think we just saw what Malakai’s like when he’s pissed.” Barron shook Lawrence. “Come on, we gotta find him.”

Malakai wandered the halls of the mansion before reaching the garden. He sighed deeply, raking his fingers through his hair. “Breathe… breathe…” Malakai repeated, his mind drifting back to his younger days.

“Mama! Mama!” 8 year old Malakai cheered, rushing into the kitchen to see his mother baking yet another sweet treat.

“Yes, Malakai?” His mother, Harlyn, turned towards him, mixing some cake batter with her magic.

“Look!” Malakai formed a small fireball in his hands. “Isn’t it cool?!”

“That’s amazing, Malakai,” Harlyn kissed his cheek, patting the top of his head, “your magic is really growing... you get that from your father.”

“Mom,” Malakai climbed up onto the counter, “how come I can’t meet dad?”

“You know your father, Zayair.” Harlyn said simply.

“No, my real dad, mom.” Malakai muttered.

“Because, we don’t say his name in this house,” Harlyn slammed the bowl on the counter, “got it, Malakai?”

Malakai whimpered, “o-okay…”

“Malakai, I’m sorry that I scared you.” Harlyn kissed the top of his head. “I just don’t like your father.”

“Does that mean you don’t like me… because I look like him?” Malakai frowned.

“No,” Harlyn smiled, hugging her son tightly, “I love you, Malakai, more than anything in my entire life.”

“I’m sorry I look like him…” Malakai muttered into her chest. “I wish I looked like you…”

“Malakai,” she lifted his head, “you have my eyes, and my nose, and my smile. You’re my son; not his.”

Malakai giggled, wiping his tears. “Yeah, I’m your son.”

“Hey! You’re my son, too.” A hearty laughter filled the room as Harlyn turned towards the door.

Harlyn smiled widely when Zayair walked in. “Zay!” Harlyn rushed towards him, embracing him in a tight hug. “Never leave without telling me!” She shot a laser in his direction. “You had me worried sick!”

“I love you too, hun.” Zay groaned, attempting to sit up, but Harlyn’s foot pressed him down.

“Never. Scare. Me. Again,” she leaned in closer, “got that?!”

“Ye-Yes, Harlyn!” Zay whimpered slightly.

She smiled kindly, helping him up and planting a small kiss on his lips. “Why couldn’t you take me and Malakai with you to the migration?” 

“Because, only dragons can go on migrations,” Zay kissed her nose, “but you can enjoy the best part of the migration with me~”

“And that is?” Harlyn smirked.

“Mating~” Zay cooed, wrapping his arms around her hips. “Can we send Malakai to your mother’s tonight? I want you all to myself.”

“Grandma is out of town.” Malakai swung his legs back and forth. “Sorry, Zay.”

Zay walked over to Malakai. “How are ya, little man?”

“Good. How about you, big man?” Malakai smiled, watching as Zay dug into his bag.

“I got you something on migration, little man,” he pulled out a pair of white fingerless gloves, “they help boost magic production.”

“Thanks Zay!” Malakai slipped on the gloves, punching the air. “Pew! Pew! Pew!”

Zay ruffled his hair. “Did you keep your mom safe while I was out?”

“Yep!” Malakai attempted to puff out his chest. “She was safe under my protection!” He gave his father a small salute.

His mother snickered. “Yes,” she picked him up, holding him in her arms, “he kept me safe the entire time. Especially when he jumped up on the table when a mouse scurried across the floor.”

Malakai puffed up his cheeks. “You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone…”

“Oh, come on. It was really cute.” Harlyn smiled. “I know you were trying to be strong, but don’t worry about that now, I’m the mom… I protect the children,” she tapped his nose, “not the other way around.”

Snapping out of the flashback, Malakai smiled softly. He looked up to see Barron and Lawrence standing there in awe.

“Dude! Why didn’t you tell us you could do that?!” Barron shook him back and forth.

“That only happens when I get angry…” Malakai rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“You gotta get angry more often!” Lawrence cheered.

Malakai chuckled, shaking his head, “Vanessa gets mad when I’m mad, and Vanessa’s scary when she’s mad…” Malakai shivered, “your sister is one scary chick.”

“She gets that from my mom.” Barron chuckled. “Now come on… whatever spell you did will only last so long.”

“Where are we going?” Malakai questioned, following Barron and Lawrence back into the house.

“When Lawrence and I were looking for you, we found the basement. There’s billions of wolves in cages.” Barron opened the door to reveal the horrific scene.

“My gods…” Malakai gasped slightly. His first thought was to run back into Vanessa’s arms.

Her smiling face flashed in his mind, making Malakai smile slightly, calming his nerves.

“How many wolves do you think are in here?” Lawrence whispered.

“Over 1,000…” Malakai's eyes widened as the three men continued to walk deeper into the basement. Malakai approached one of the cells, using his magic to light a flame in his hands to illuminate the room.

Malakai felt his heart break as he witnessed a woman shivering in the corner. Her knees were held close to her chest with her head buried in between. She looked up at Malakai, then quickly scooted away. “Get away!” She screeched on the top of her lungs.

Barron and Lawrence covered their ears, wincing at the loud noise. “Hey, hey hey!” Malakai scolded, getting her attention. “I’m not trying to hurt you.” Malakai picked the lock, slowly inching towards the woman.

“What's your name?” Barron asked, slowly removing his hands from his ears.

“Del-Delilah.” She stammered slightly.

“How long have you been here?” Lawrence asked. Him and Barron entered the cage as Malakai began to heal her.

“A week maybe… it's all hazy really. I was trying to get to the Whiteclad pack to see this guy, but I got caught coming though Ardglass.” Delilah rested her hand on her temple. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help.”

Barron chuckled, sitting beside her. “lucky for you, I’m the Whiteclad Pack’s Alpha.”

“You are?” Delilah turned towards him. “D-Do you know Salvador? I saw in the papers he was there.”

“How do you know Salvador?” Lawrence questioned.

“U-Um… well…” Delilah blushed, playing with her blonde hair.

“She likes him.” A voice from the cell across from Delilah’s said, chuckling softly.

Lawrence walked over to the other cage, shining a light on it to reveal another woman sitting there. She had beautiful sabel toned skin that sparkled in the dim light. Her black eyes were clouded in fear but a sliver of hope was still there. Her black hair was disheveled and tangled, but she attempted to make herself presentable.

“It’s not like that, TenTen!” Delilah shook her head, her cheeks flushing red.

“She’s lying,” TenTen struggled to her feet, ultimately falling to the ground.

“Save your strength, Luna.” Delilah scolded. She cocked her head towards Tenshi. “Please go heal her first… she needs it more.”

Malakai nodded, walking over towards Tenshi and beginning to heal her. “How did you get captured, Luna?”

“I was just like Delilah… I was trying to get to the Whiteclad to see my alpha, Ambrocio… I got the virus so I haven’t seen him in months…” Tenshi pouted, frowning slightly.

Malakai noticed the golden band on her wrist. “I see you got one of Medusa’s bracelets.”

“Yes... they’re a godsend. They’ve been helping tons of wolves in my pack.” Tenshi attempted to get up once more, but braced herself against the wall. “I have to get back to him.”

“Luna, please. I need you to stay still so I can heal you.” Malakai instructed.

Tenshi shook her head. “I need… to get to him… you don’t understand…” Tenshi fell to the floor, “when you love someone… you do whatever it takes… to get back to them…”

Barron crouched down beside Tenshi, stroking her hair. “He misses you, Luna.”

“Please… call me… TenTen…” She smiled softly, her mate’s lovely face flashing into his eyes, “he calls me that…”

“Barron…” Tenshi glanced up at him. “Tell me he hasn’t found love in another…”

“Of course not,” Barron smiled, wiping the sweat off her forehead, “he’s been completely devoted to you and only you.”

“That’s good… what does he say about me?” Tenshi snuggled up close to his lap.

“He says that you’re the most majestic wolf he’s ever laid eyes on. That you’re the most beautiful Luna, and that he’s lucky the Moon Goddess blessed him with you. He can’t wait to be with you again.”

With the help of Barron, Tenshi finally was able to stand. “We must hurry... they‘ll be back.”

Watching as Malakai and Barron helped Tenshi up stairs, Delilah rushed towards Lawrence. “I-I-I need to get out.”

Lawrence chuckled, helping her up, “Salvador would murder me if I left his mate in some dirty cell.”

“Ma-Mate?!” Delilah blushed hard.

Lawrence laughed. “Oh yeah. You’re totally his mate.” 


Medusa’s eyes fluttered open, gazing up at the stale lightning of the hospital room. She groaned, sitting up slowly as she looked around to see all her friends.

There was only one problem.

He isn’t here.

Medusa began frantically looking around for her alpha, soon beginning to breathe heavily when he was nowhere in sight. “Where… Barron… where is he?” Medusa murmured.

Yvette yawned, waking up to see the Luna’s frantic state. “Medusa? Is everything okay?”

“Barron… not here… where is… he?” Medusa’s breathing quicken. The monitor tracking her heart rate began beeping faster and faster.

“He had to go somewhere with Julius, but he’ll be back soon.” Yvette stroked her bicep. “Medusa, please calm down.”

“Barron… where’s Barron?” Medusa eyes darted towards the door as it opened to reveal Dr. Lycia.

She groaned loudly, folding her arms over her chest. “Where’s Barron?”

“Don't worry, I’ll be home soon.” Barron’s voice rang through her head.

Her snakes hissed softly, going back in in delight. Medusa blushed. “Why did you leave?”

“I’m sorry... Julius made me, Malakai, and Lawrence go to some weird camp called Candyland. Baby, they’re horrible to wolves there.” Barron sulked. Tenshi rested her head on his shoulder as they drove back to the base.

“Just come back soon… I was worried when you didn’t wake up beside me…” Medusa muttered softly.

Barron chuckled. “Awe, don’t worry. I’m almost home.”

Outside, the town car came to a stop in front of the compound. Barron shook Delilah and Tenshi awake.

Delilah groaned, stretching her arms up and out. She breathed in the fresh air, the smell of white fir and sandalwood. Her eyes widened. “He’s here!” She sprung out of the car to see Salvador walking in the courtyard with a witch.

She growled deeply, morphing into her wolf form as she darted towards him. Delilah jumped on Kalypso, pinning her to the ground and snarling in Kalypso’s face.

“Back off!” Delilah pressed her paw into Kalypso’s chest. “He’s mine.” 

“I-I-I u-um…” Kalypso stammered, her eyes widened as a bluish grey flash tackled Delilah off of Kalypso.

“Maybe you should mind your own business and back off my mate.” Rufus dug his claws into his wrist.

Delilah whimpered as she morphed back into her human form. “Sorry…”

“Rufus! Get off of her!” Salvador pushed Rufus off, helping Delilah off the ground.

“Hey,” Salvador stroked her hair, “what took you so long?”

Delilah latched onto him, sobbing into his chest, “Sal…” she glanced up at him, “who the fuck is that witch chick?!” She growled, holding Salvador close to her body.

“That’s Kalypso... she’s Rufus’ mate.” Salvador explained, causing Delilah to release her hold on him.

“Hehe… sorry…” Delilah chuckled nervously.

“It’s alright,” Rufus kissed the top of Kalypso’s head, “if I hadn’t seen Kalypso in that long I’d freak out too if she was with another man.”

“I’m sure you’ll want some time alone with each other, so we’ll let you be.” Kalypso smiled, patting Rufus’s chest as they walked off.

Salvador lifted her chin. “Hey there, Delilah.”

“No, Salvador, don’t you dare.” Delilah laughed, knowing where this was headed.

“What’s it like in New York City?” Salvador continued to sing, stroking her hair.

“Why are you so corny?” Delilah chuckled, wrapping her arms around him as she pulled him in for a hug.

“I’m a thousand miles away, but tonight you look so pretty.” Although it was a song, Salvador meant every single word.

“Your words always melt my heart, Sal.” Delilah giggled, her cheeks flushing red at his words.

“Time square can't shine as bright as you,” he kissed her cheeks, “I swear it’s true.”

Delilah stood on her tippy toes to reach Salvador for a kiss. “I’m sorry for leaving…”

“Don’t apologize, Delilah. All that matters that your back now,” Salvador leaned in to whisper, “and you’re never leaving me again.”


Me: *updates on Saturday*

Reader: *confused* um... Its Saturday.

Me: I-I know... I feel asleep yesterday and forgot to update.

Readers: *even more confused* but it's Saturday... Why are u updating on Saturday.

Me: It's a one time thing!

Readers: okay...

Anyways!!! Today is an awkward Saturday update did to the fact I forgot to update yesterday 😅 and so that's how we got here!!!

Oh! What did u think of the chapter? Candyland is one of my favorite chapters!!

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