№51|The Camp Part 3: Cake Walk

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№51|The Camp Part 3: Cake Walk
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“You… you did this,” she pointed to her snakes, “to me?”

“Not technically me,” Lillian replied, sipping a cup of tea as she sat on the edge of the bed, “this must be your version of the side effect.”

“My version?” Medusa questioned, removing the sheets and waking the wolf beside her.

“Where are you going?” Barron muttered groggily, rubbing his eyes. “It’s 1am, Medusa, go back to sleep.”

“Not now, Barron, I’m talking with someone.” Medusa pushed him away.

Barron looked around the room to see only him and Medusa. “My love, nobody’s here,” he kissed along her shoulder, “the stress is making you see things.”

“Why can’t he see you, Lillian?” Medusa asked, turning towards Lillian.

“Only people who’ve been bequeathed can see others like them.” Lillian explained, smiling at the couple. “He really loves you… he’s just worried, like mine was.”

“You were mated to a wolf?” Medusa was slightly shocked.

“No,” Lillian shook her head, “I was married to a merman. His name was Ricardo, a wonderful man… he was worried about me too when I first saw my bequeather.”

“Medusa, who are you talking to?” Barron yawned, looking around to see nobody there.

“Lillian.” Medusa replied, pushing Barron to the other side of the bed.

“Medusa, you need to see something.” Lillian extended her hand for Medusa to hold. “Come with me.”

Medusa turned back to Barron to see worry filling the Alpha’s eyes. “Don't worry, I’ll be back soon.” Medusa smiled, stroking his cheek as she accepted Lillian’s hand.

“Medusa, wait-” before Barron could grab hold, Medusa and Lillian disappeared in a puff of pink smoke.


Vanessa watched as Malakai angrily threw magic at a tree. “How dare he come back! He should be dead! 6 feet underground!” Malakai growled, his foot coating in fire as he kicked the tree. “He should be in hell!!”

Not being able to watch anymore as her mate took his rage out on the poor tree, Vanessa wrapped his arms around Malakai, pulling him in close. “Please… stop…” Vanessa whimpered, resting her head on his back. “I feel it, my love, your pain… it hurt me too.”

Malakai placed his hand on top of hers. “I’m sorry, normally I’m not like this…” 

“I understand… it’s because of Balio. I know he hurt you, but he won't hurt you this time.” Vanessa assured him, pulling him down to the soft grass. “Do you remember the first time we met?”

“How could I forget…” Malakai kissed her nose, thinking back to that wonderful day.

The bell on the doorway of Cake Walk dinged, signaling someone was coming in.

“Is this the right place?” Barron questioned, looking around to see the place lively and welcoming. “Seems like a regular fleshie restaurant to me.”

“This is where Chelia said the place was. She says they have the best cakes.” Vanessa shrugged, the smell of strawberries and chocolate delighting her senses. “What is that delicious smell…” she muttered, sniffing the air to take in more of the intoxicating scent.

Her eyes darted towards the truffles in the display case. Rushing towards it, she pressed her face on the glass, her stomach growling at the night of the tuffles.

“I see someone likes the carmels truffles?” A kind voice laughed, causing Vanessa to look up, locking with beautiful hazel brown eyes.

The world stopped as she took in every feature of the baker in front of her. She stared at his soft hazel eyes, so innocent and kind… so full of life. They were in such stark contrast compared to her black eyes with a hue of sadness and rage.

Next, she noticed how smoothe his peach toned skin was. Without a single touch, Vanessa could only imagine how wonderful it must feel under her touch. His peach skin sparkled under the sunlight… she’d never seen someone more beautiful.

Her eyes scanned down to his hands, covered in flour and chocolate. The flour and chocolate covered hands looked so soft and warm. A part of her couldn’t wait to feel them run over every part of her skin.

“Hello, I’m Malakai. What can I get you?” Malakai asked sweetly, his eyes never leaving Vanessa’s.

Vanessa didn’t say a word… she just pointed to the caramel truffles. Malakai opened the display case, pulling out the tray of caramel truffles. He picked one off the tray, feeding it to Vanessa.

“What do you think?” Malakai smiled. “Pretty good, huh?”

Once again, all Vanessa could do was nod, her cheeks staining red.

“You alright there, sis?” Barron asked, walking up to the display case. “I heard you can make pastries that heal people, right?”

“Yep,” Malakai fed another truffle to Vanessa, who was completely entranced by him. “What do you need?”

“A couple days ago, my fairy friend’s wings got cut in two... it looks like they went through a shredder.” Barron whimpered, looking down slightly. “We need to know if you can make something that can fix that.”

Malakai gazed into Vanessa’s black orbs as they shimmered in the overhead lighting. He chuckled, feeling her cheeks heat up under his fingers.

“Ahem.” Barron interrupted. “The pastry.”

“Wh-What? Oh yes!” Malakai snapped his gaze away from Vanessa’s enchanting eyes. “U-Um…” Malakai found himself fidgeting under Barron’s glare.

“The pastry.” Barron reminded in a stern tone.

“Right!” Malakai laughed loudly and nervously, earning a chuckle from Vanessa.

“Barron, stop messing with him.” Vanessa chuckled, nudging him in the side.

Malakai stopped at her smoothe voice. It somehow seemed to calm all of his frantic nerves. The words that fell off her luscious red lips sounded smoother than any velvet he’s ever tasted.

“Malakai.” Vanessa said, earning his full attention.

That was it… the way she said his name had min tethering on the edge. His name echoed through his mind, in all the years that he’s heard people say his name… hers was the best.

“Malakai.” Barron groaned, raking his fingers down his face. “The. Pastry. Malakai, the pastry.”

“Y-Yes!” Malakai gulped, trying to contain his blush as scanned through his pastries before reaching a small key lime pie. He pulled it out of the display case and placed it on the counter for Barron and Vanessa to see. “The limes in this pie are from a plant grown in Eatobour. Their plants are known to have special healing properties for fairies.”

“Thanks, Malakai.” Barron thanked as Malakai placed it in a box before handing it to Vanessa.

“How much?” She asked, pulling out her wallet.

“It’s free.” Malakai smiled, passing her a box of truffles. “These are free too.”

Vanessa blushed, snatching the boxes away from Malakai. “Th-Thanks.” She turned towards Barron. “I’ll be in the car.”

Now, Malakai’s parents raised him not to stare, but besides his better nature, Malakai could help but stare as Vanessa walked out of the store. He smirked slightly. As ungentleman like as it was, she did have a nice ass.

“You get no ideas.” Barron glared hard at the baker, his eyes flashing a deep cobalt blue. “Got it?”

Malakai gulped, nodding quickly to avoid Barron’s wrath. “G-Got it.” Malakai stammered, waving awkwardly as Barron left the store.

“Stop waving. You look weird, ya idiot.” Barron chuckled, smiling at Malakai before leaving.

“You were a complete mess.” Vanessa laughed, laying atop his chest.

“Me?” Malakai snorted in laughter. “What about you?”

“Okay, I will admit I did look stupid,” Vanessa walked her fingers up his chest, “I knew you were looking at my ass, ya know.”

Malakai facepalmed, groaning slightly, earning a laugh out of the wolf. “The one time I go against my parents' teaching, and this is what I get.”

“Last time I checked, your parents aren’t the best teachers.” Balio’s voice caused the two to shoot up from their position.

Vanessa growled, holding Malakai close. “You have some nerve showing up after everything you did to Malakai.”

“So he finally told you?” Balio stalked closer towards the couple. “How that little bitch took out my eye!”

“You're lucky that’s all I took.” A blue flame lit up in Malakai’s hands.

“Why are you here? Hell, how are you here?” Vanessa snarled, soon regretting her words when a purple energy surrounded Vanessa, pulling her towards Balio as he took control of her body.

“You wanna know why I’m here?” Balio cooed in her ear, using his magic to pull back Vanessa’s arm in a painful fashion. “I want to see him suffer!”

“Balio! Stop it!” Malakai felt his heart break as he watched his former teacher twist and bend Vanessa’s limbs in painful positions.

“Whatcha gonna do, Malakai? Hmm? You gonna just let her be contorted like this?” Balio teased, angering the warlock even more.

Malakai scrunched up his fist as blue flames lit in his clenched fist.

“Mala… Malakai.” Vanessa rasped as Balio gripped his hands around her throat, using his free hand to wield the magic that still contorted her body.

“Malakai… please…!” Vanessa used what little strength was left to fight against Balio’s magic to reach out her hand for Malakai.

Malakai couldn’t take it any longer. He rushed towards Balio, getting ready to land a punch, but Balio teleported out of the way. Malakai stopped his fiery fist fear of hitting Vanessa, who collapsed into his arms.

“Oh, Malakai, when will you learn that I’m just so much better than you.” Balio cackled, smirking slyly at the couple below. “Do thank Ayame for me... if it weren’t for her parents we never would have found this little base.”

With that, Balio disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

Rage and fear filled Malakai as he carried Vanessa in his arms, running back towards the camp.

Ayame watched with wide eyes as she rushed over towards the couple. “What happened?”

Malakai glared at the wolf. “Shouldn’t you know? Your family caused this!”

“What are you talking about?” Ayame questioned as she followed Malakai and Vanessa into one of the tents.

Malakai placed Vanessa down on one of the cots and turned towards Nicole. “Can you help her?”

Nicole nodded and began healing Vanessa. Malakai turned towards Ayame with a sharp glare. “Your parents are the reason why Balio got in!” Malakai scolded, pushing on her chest. “Someone must have told them about our plan.”

“Malakai, I hate my parents. Why would I tell them what we’re doing?” Ayame narrowed her eyes at him.

“I don’t know!” Malakai flung his arms in the air. “But someone must have told Balio about our plan!”

“How about my parents?” Ayame smacked him upside the head. “My parents were on the call with Barron when we were explaining the plan! They must have told Balio and that’s why he’s here!”

“Why would your parents betray you?” Lawrence asked, walking into the tent.

“Why do you think?” Ayame pinched the bridge of her nose. “They’re still mad at the fact that me and Alistair choose Barron’s pack over theirs. Not to mention our mates aren’t Indian wolves, so that  just added fuel to the fire.”

She turned towards Lawrence, rubbing his shoulder. “No offense.”

“It’s alright. I’ve come to accept the fact that your parents aren’t ever gonna like me.” Lawrence chuckled, smiling at Ayame. “All that matters is if you like me.”

“Now that Ayame’s parents squealed to Irvam and Julius, we need a new plan.” Malakai sighed, sitting beside Vanessa, stroking her hair.

Suddenly, Ayame felt a sharp pain in her chest. Gripping her chest, Ayame fell back into a chair, breathing heavily. “Al… Alistair…” she rasped.

“What?” Worry began to fill Lawrence’s eyes at his mate’s weakened state.

“Alis… Alistair…” she shot up quickly, groaning in pain as she held her stomach, “he’s hurting…”

“If he’s hurting, then why is Ayame feeling pain?” Rufus asked as the group stood over Ayame, worried for the wolf.

“Since her and Alistair are twins, when one is in pain the other will send a distress signal to warn the other and call for help.” Lawrence began to explain.

“Isn’t that just a myth, though? Like how twins have telepathic communication.” Kalypso questioned, moving her hair to hide her new mark.

“It’s not a myth with werewolves,” Lawrence stroked Ayame’s hair, “werewolves who are born twins share a very, very, powerful bond. One that’s even stronger than the mate bond. They don't use this communication unless ultimately necessary.”

“Ayame!” Alistair’s voice echoed through his sister’s head. “Ayame! Ayame! You gotta get out of the camp! I overheard Viktor and Chaaya – yes, our mom – talking about rai-”

Before Alistair could continue, the sound of ticking echoed through the wolf’s ears. Lawrence’s eyes widened. “Do you hear that?”

Rufus’ eyes widened. “Get down!” He yelled, attempting to duck for cover.

But it was too late. By the time Rufus had warned them, the ticking stopped and an explosion covered the base.

“Ayame?!” Alistair called out. However, his sister, as well as the rest of the group, was knocked unconscious. Lawrence draped over her body as he attempted to shield her from the blast. “Ayame! Ayame talk to me!”

Once again, his sister didn’t respond.




I accidentally uploaded chapter 52 on Monday rather than 51. Hence why I'm updating 51 and 52 now to make up for the fact I did that.

Anyways. For those who read 52 on Monday I'm so sorry if I confused u all. I was in a rush and didn't notice so hopefully reading this chapter 52 makes sense now.

Anyways! I'll see u soon!

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