№52|You're Mine. I'm Yours

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№52|You’re Mine. I’m Yours
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Medusa fumbled to stand as Lillian and Medusa landed in front of a beautiful stone tablet with the symbols from Medusa’s notebooks on it. “It’s the symbols…” Medusa whispered, tracing her fingers over the tablet.

“Medusa,” Lillian placed her hand on Medusa’s, “as you know, you hold the Eyes of Prophecy.”

“Yeah, I know.” Medusa nodded, following Lillian through the small garden that surrounded the stone tablet. “I assume you had the eyes too?”

“Yes, and before me was a woman named Treyrna.” Lillian replied, sitting Medusa down in the middle of the garden. “Along with the power of our eyes comes something more. Medusa, have you ever heard of The Vanguard?”

“Um… no…” Medusa lied, Lillian chuckled.

“Don't lie to me. You know what it is, don’t you?” Lillian asked again.

“Yeah, they were women who were granted powers to protect certain races or beings that were in need of protecting.” Medusa explained, she looked up at the stone tablet. “No…” 

“Medusa, I know it can be a lot to take in but the Gods and Goddesses have placed you in the duty of being the Wolves Vanguard, as I was for the mermaids. Here, let me show you something,” Lillian walked Medusa over to the stone tablet, placing Medusa’s hand on the ⳧ symbol, watching as it glowed a bright green.

A sudden flow of power rushed through Medusa's body as memories flooded back into her mind. One being from when she was a little infant.

Medusa's mother, Olga, rocked the small infant to sleep. Graham smiled, Medusa’s tiny fingers were wrapped around Graham’s large index finger. “Hello, Medusa.” Olga whispered, tickling her baby’s stomach, prompting a laugh out of the infant.

Graham studied his daughter’s clouded eyes. “She’ll never be able to see us…” he frowned, his eyes saddening.

“She’ll eventually see you,” Lillian said, entering the tent, “she needs her snakes to grow in and then she’ll be able to see you. For now, she’ll need to have one of you close by so she can feel you.”

“When will her snakes grow in?” Olga questioned, thunder clapped outside the tent, spooking the baby. “Shh, shh… mama’s here.” Olga attempted to soothe the baby but the thunder outside told the baby otherwise.

“She’s scared not only because of the thunder but at the fact she can’t feel you.” Lillian approached Olga, moving Medusa closer to Olga’s chest. Medusa placed her small hands on Olga’s chest. Soon, the crying stopped.

“Her snakes should grow in by her first, maybe second, birthday.” Lillian replied, stroking Medusa’s soft skin.

“So she might be blind for 2 years?” Graham nervously held his breath.

“She’s gonna be blind her entire life, but with the snakes she’ll be able to see, just not the way normal people do.” Lillian explained.

“I don't care, I’m so glad the gods and goddesses finally blessed us with a child!” Olga kissed Medusa’s forehead. “I don’t care if you're blind, deaf, or have 4 heads. I'm gonna love you so much, Medusa.”

“There’s another thing I must inform you.” Lillian sat beside Olga and Graham. “The gods and goddesses have chosen Medusa to be the wolf’s Vanguard.”

“Those are real?” Graham’s scoffed slightly.

“Wolves or the Vanguard?” Lillian asked.

“The Vanguard,” Olga laughed, shaking her head, “of course we know werewolves are real.”

Lillian chuckled softly. “Yes, Graham, the Vanguard is very much real.” Lillian tickled Medusa’s stomach, earning a laugh from the infant. “The gods and goddess noticed that every generation there seems to be a species that is targeted by others for unfair reasons. So, they’ve decided to create the Vanguards.” She pulled down the collar of her shirt to reveal the on her collarbone. “I was the Mermaid’s Vanguard.”

“Why?” Olga’s eyes never left the infant in her arms. “Why Medusa?”

“The Gods and Goddesses must believe she’s worthy of being a Vanguard. They just don’t choose anyone, the Vanguard must have a strong, and open, heart. They must have a strong connection to the species they’re protecting. Lastly, the Vanguard must be compatible with their symbol.” Lillian explained, tracing her fingers over the symbol of her collarbone.

“What do you mean by compatible?” Graham questioned, kissing the top of Olga’s head. “You’ve been holding her all day, I’ll take this shift, you relax.” Graham replaced Medusa’s with a cup of warm tea in Olga’s hands.

Olga whimpered, as much as she loved Graham she was still worried something might happen to Medusa. Graham chuckled at his wife’s frantic expression. “She’s okay,” he lowered Medusa to Olga’s level, “see? She’s even smiling!”

A sigh of relief escaped Olga’s lips. She smiled softly at her husband before turning back towards Lillian. “What do you mean by compatibility?”

“Each symbol represents a virtue. Kindness,” Lillian held out her palm, the 🜾 symbol floated above her plan in purple. “Honor.” The yellow 🝳 symbol popped up. “Respect.” the red symbol appeared in her palm. “Richoness” She pointed to the on her collarbone. “And now,” the symbol in green appeared, floating down towards Medusa, circling around her before seeping inside the valley of her chest. “Knowledge.”

“So I’m…” Medsa slowly retracted her hand. “One of the Vanguards?”

“Yes,” Lillian cupped Medusa’s hands, “and I must say you represent knowledge at it’s finest!”

Medusa giggled, smiling up at Lillian. “I don’t know if I can do this… what do I even do as a Vanguard?”

“Protect.” Lillian replied. “The Vanguard’s main job is to protect the species they were assigned to. It’s only fitting you’ve been assigned to help the wolves, you’ve always had a special connection with them.”

“I don’t know why everyone hates them so much, wolves are an amazing species to study! Did you know that their fur acts as a temperature regulator.” Medusa pulled out her notebook, showing Lillian the diagram of a wolf. “See! It’ll warm up the wolf in cold environments and cool it down in hot ones.”

Lillian chuckled. “No wonder the Gods and Goddesses choose you for knowledge.” she stroked Medusa’s cheek. “However, there are some looking to abuse the Vanguard power. Like-”

“Irvam?” Medusa sighed.

“Yes,” Lillian nodded, “I don’t know what he wants with the Knowledge, but I know it isn’t good.”

A sudden shiver ran down both Lillian and Medusa’s spines. “Go.” Lillian whispered, patting Medusa’s shoulder. “They need you.”

Medusa hugged Lillian tightly. “Thank you, Lillian, I won't forget you.”

“You never have, Medusa.” Lillian winked as she faded away.


Medusa bursted through the doors of the house to see Malakai, Vanessa, Ayame, Lawrence, Rufus, and Kalypso covered in scrapes and blood. Medusa gasped, covering her mouth. “What happened…?”

“Irvam bombed the camp.” Barron explained, crouching beside Vanessa. “Vanessa,” he whispered, the beta fluttering her eyes opened. While her vision was blurry, she could make out her brother’s figure. “Vanessa… oh my gods…”

“Barron…” Vanessa slowly lifted her hand, softly wrapped it around Barron’s, “I’m,” a harthy cough interrupted her, “fine…”

“No you’re not, you just got bombed! You’re lucky you survived!” Barron eyes clouded with worry.

Vanessa attempted to sit up. “Chelia…” Vanessa groaned, falling back down, “I need to get Chelia…”

“Don't worry about her and Alistair, me and Montego will go and get them.” Barron assured her, he looked up at Montego, the yellow hue of anger swirled in Montego’s eyes.

“I’ll let you go if you behave. Am I clear, Delta?” Barron’s stern voice echoed through Montego’s mind.

“I’ll behave…” Montego muttered, looking away from Barron.

“After I finish checking up on everyone, me and you are taking a walk.” Barron nodded at Montego, the delta nodded back.

Barron faced Medusa, hugging her tightly. “Where’d you go? Me and Wolfie were so worried when the blast happened and feared you got caught in it.” He muttered into the top of her head.

“I… I had to learn about myself,” she traced the new symbol on her breastbone, “don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”

“I know this isn’t what you imagined life to be like, Medusa, you deserve a simple life – a happy life where we aren’t fighting some new evil every other month.” Barron sighed, shaking his head.

Medusa giggled, kissing his nose. “Don't worry, I like a little danger.”

Barron clucked, holding her hand as they walked over to Ayame and Lawrence. “Barron…” Ayame rasped. “Alistair… there’s something wrong with – AGH!” Ayame howled out as a piercing headache thrashed her mind.

“Ayame!” Alistair’s horse voice echoed through his sister’s mind. “Ayame! Get me out of here!”

“Alistair, I’m trying!” Ayame winced as her body spasmed. Whatever pain Alistair was going through, Ayame felt the same.

“Ayame…” a bloody cough escaped both Alistair and Ayame’s lips. “If… if I don’t make it… know that I love you. I’m so proud of you, of both of us. Also,” the male twin’s eyes saddened, “tell Yvette… I’m sorry I never got to marry her…”

“Alistair…” Yvette covered her mouth in shock as she dropped to her knees. “No, no, no, no!” Yvette slammed her fist on the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Alistair! Please! Answer me!” Yvette's plea fell on deaf ears.

No response.

“Alistair! Don’t do this to me!”

Once again, no response.



Montego and Barron walked along the garden in silence until Barron spoke up. “You haven’t told her yet. Have you?” Barron glanced up at the Greek wolf.

Montego shook his head. “I want to… believe me, I do… it’s just… she sees me as the innocent. You all do, but if I tell her this… what if she hates me?”

“Montego,” Barron sighed, shaking his head, “if anything it might make her love you even more.”

“How?” Montego scoffed.

“My mom says women love honestly, they hate when men – and even women – lie to them.” Barron sat Montego down in the grass, sitting beside him. “Montego.” Barron patted Montego’s knees. “Chelia is an amazing fairy, don’t let something as stupid as secret rip you apart.”

“I don't want her to see me differently…” Montego whimpered. “I love her so much… she’s my world, my Eros.”

“Eros?” Barron questioned.

“She’s my passion.” Montego fell back on the grass, gazing upon the setting sun. “Everynight I just watch her sleep for a while, she looks so peaceful… her chest just rises and falls… gods sometimes I think she’s an angel instead of a fairy.”

“If you love her then tell her.” Barron laid beside him. “If we get Alistair and Chelia out tonight, the first thing you do is tell her.”

Montego frowned, looking away from Barron. “Barron… I can’t…”

“I never asked if you could,” Barron’s voice grew stern, “when we get Chelia and Alistair back, you will tell her.”


“Don't ‘Barron’ me.” Barron cut him off. “I know you’re scared because you’re worried she’ll view you differently but I promise you… she’ll love you even more because of this.”

Montego nodded, sniffling slightly. “She’s hurting… when I sleep… I can hear her screaming out for me. ‘Montego! Montego! Please! Take me out of here!’.” He shook his head. “I-I-I can’t take it anymore, she’s hurting because of me!”

“Your mate bond is strong… that’s good.” Barron smiled, patting Montego’s head. “Many wolves strive for a mate bond as strong as yours.”

Montego morphed into his wolf form, looking down at the alpha. “I failed you… I’m sorry.”

“What are you talking about?” Barron sat up, stroking his golden sable fur.

“I remember the day after I marked Chelia, you told me to protect her with my life. That our relationships would go through so many hardships and we would have to be stronger in the end. Barron… I love Chelia with all my heart… my Eros (passion)...” Montego murmured.

“Montego,” Barron kissed the top of his head, “you’re like a little brother to me. I want the best for you…”

“She’s the best for me.” Montego’s voice was lower than a whisper.

“I know she is.” Barron nodded as him and the sable wolf rose off the ground, walking back to the house. “Come on, you should get some sleep before we bust out your mate.”

Montego nodded, bushing his head against Barron’s leg. “I love you, Barron.”

Barron chuckled, crouching down in front of the wolf. “I love you too, little bro.”


Ayame and Lawrence stood by the door of Yvette’s door, watching as the omega shrouded herself in blankets. “Yvette.” Ayame’s knocked on the doorway, earning a groan from Yvette.

“Go away Ayame!!” At this, Ayame stepped away, Lawrence walked inside. “Le-Leave me alone.” Yvette sniffled, clenching the sides of the blanket. “Why’d he have to leave me!!” she sobbed, her tears staining the blankets.

“Yvette.” Lawrence sat at her bedside, patting her side. “Ayame says she can still feel Alistair’s twin bond. That means there’s hope.”

“What hope?” Yvette scoffed. “If his bond with Ayame is still there why can’t I feel our mating bond?”

“Sibling bond is stronger than mating bond.” Lawrence scooted in closer towards Yvette “Come here…” Lawrence pulled her in for a hug. “Alistair is insanely in love with you, and you know it.”

“Obviously not… I can’t feel him…” Yvette huddled herself back under the covers. “But his sister can communicate with him just fine.”

“Yvette.” Lawrence laughed, turning her towards him. “Our mates are twins, and sooner or later you gotta learn that there are times when their twin will come first and their mate comes second.” Lawrence rubbed her side.

“I love Ayame and all but it’s just unfair…” Yvette muttered, biting her lip slightly. “I know she’s his twin, but sometimes… sometimes I wish she wasn’t.”

Ayame stood on the other side of the doorway, listening into the conversation. She whimpered slightly. “Does she really hate me…?”

“It’s not like I hate her…” Yvette sat up, the blankets wrapped around her. “It’s just… I want the bond they have… sure me and Alistair have hot,” her cheeks flushed red, “very hot, passionate, love.”

Lawrence chuckled, urging her to continue.

“But with Alistair and Ayame… their sibling mind link is so much stronger than our mating bond.” Yvette held her knees close to her chest.

“I was just like you a couple years ago.” Lawrence sighed, shaking his head.

“You were?” Yvette glanced up at him.

“Yeah, when me and Ayame started dating, Alistair spent more time with her than I did. It was almost like I hate to fight to get time with her. Hell, for a second I thought Alistair might be Ayame’s mate and not me!” Lawrence snickered.

Yvette groaned. “I don't think either sibling would enjoy that.”

“Exactly, but I soon realized that Alistair and Ayame were kinda like their own mates to each other before we came along.” He noticed the confused look on the omega’s face. “Think about it, before we came along, Alistair and Ayame would hunt for each other, be there for each other, protect one another. They did this way before we ever came along.”

Yvette whimpered, looking down at her lap. Lawrence ruffled his head. “Hey, don't look down, kiddo.” Lawrence kissed the top of her head. “Alistair and Ayame have a bond that was created in the womb, something that not even we can break. We just have to accept it and love them, not just our mate, but the sibling that comes with them.”

Yvette nodded, unwrapping herself from the blankets. She hugged Lawrence tightly, “thank…” she whispered.

“Anytime, kiddo.” Lawrence smiled, patting her back. 

Yvette turned towards the door to see Ayame peeking her head in. Yvette smiled softly, wrapping her arms around Ayame. “I’m sorry I hated you… I don't… I love you Ayame, and I love you brother so, so much.”

Ayame giggled, stroking Ayame’s cheek. “I know you do.” Ayame walked her back to bed. “Now go to sleep, I’m sure he’ll want to see you.”

“What?” Yvette yawned, curling under the sheets.

“You’ll see.” Ayame whispered, stroking her hair as Yvette soon fell asleep.


Montego scrunched up his nose, clenching his pillow as he slept.

Montego walked aimlessly around the dream world, scanning through the orbs that floated around, holding precious memories. Soon, he came up to a small house surrounded by a white fence.

The door opened to reveal the fairy he longed for. Montego smiled widely, rushing towards Chelia, wrapping her arms around her. “Chelia!” he cheered, spinning her around. “Baby, I’m so sorry, I should’ve gone back the second we left!”

“Montego,” Chelia giggled, resting her hand on his cheek, “it’s okay… it’s alright” Chelia rested her head on his chest. “Warm me up… please.” she whispered her request.

That same request getting granted as Montego’s body began to warm up the fairy he held so close. She mewled softly, pulling him in close.

“Why are you so cold, my love?” Montego questioned, raking his fingers through her black hair.

“They’ve been dunking me in freezing cold water for the past three days, trying to force me into giving them information.” Chelia whimpered.

Montego growled, his chest rumbling. “It was that damn Callihan, wasn’t it?”

Chelia nodded sadly. “Yes… but I didn’t say anything!”

“I know you didn’t,” Montego kissed her cheek, noticing the bruises on her cheeks, “what did they do to you in there?”

“You don’t wanna know…” Chelia whispered, shaking her head.

“Tell me. So when I go get you I can do what they did to you to them.” Montego’s eyes flashed a deep yellow in anger.

“Beside the water, Callihan kept taking me up to his room, yelling at me… touching me in places only few had access to… saying that you were never coming for me.” Chelia clutched his shirt, sobbing into it. “But he was wrong… I know you were coming back.”

She sighed softly, her tears still pouring down but the warmth of her mate calmed her down. “I never noticed how warm you were until you were gone.”

Montego lifted her head, placing a soft kiss on her cheek. “Who’s house is this?” Montego asked, holding her hand as he led her inside.

“Ours.” Chelia replied, walking inside as she sat on the couch. “Watch.” she pointed towards the door.

Footsteps echoed from upstairs as a slightly older Chelia walked down stairs with a baby in her arms. Her head whipped towards the door as the fence door creaked open.

Older Chelia’s eyes widened as she softly placed the baby in it’s bassinet. Rushing towards the door, she jumped into Montego’s arms. “You’re back!!” Older Chelia cheered, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I was only gone a few months, my love.” Older Montego chuckled, patting her back. “Did you miss me that much?”

“I had 2 heaters running in our room and it still wasn’t enough.” Chelia muttered into his chest, absorbing his heat. She purred, gripping the back of his shirts. “God's better than any heater.”

“I thought Barron gave you three heaters?” Older Montego questioned, walking inside with Older Chelia in hand.

“He did,” she laughed, picking up the baby, “I put one in the baby’s room, even though Janavi’s a wolf she must have gotten my habit of getting cold easily.”

“Chelia…” Montego turned towards his fairy and then back at her older counterpart. “Is this our-”

“Future.” Chelia nodded, a bright smile on her face as tears streamed down her cheeks. “Montego, it's our future!”

Montego covered her face in soft butterfly kisses, earning coutless giggles from the fairy as they fell back onto the couch. “Montego! Stop it! That’s tickles!” Chelia’s light laughter filled the room.

Montego smiled, hooking his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. “Keep laughing.” he whispered, continuing to kiss her face and neck. “God and goddesses, you are so adorable when you laugh.”

Chelia wrapped her arms around Montego's neck, her fingers running down his fingers. His touch was just so warm and her cell was so cold. She wanted this – no she needed this. When fairies were marked by wolves, their body gets so adjusted to their heat, going cold turkey all of a sudden caused Chelia’s body to shut down.

She gasped, his lips wrapping around the mark on her neck. The wolf on top of her growled slightly, he could smell it, he could smell Callihan on her. His eyes flashed yellow as his fingers roamed up and down her body.

“Mine…” he growled softly. “You’re my fairy…”

“All yours, Montego.” She purred, her chest heaving, her face flushed.

“Don't you forget that.” Montego whispered tenderly. “Never forget that I’m yours and your mine.”

Chelia stroked his cheek, placing a soft kiss on it. “Never forget that I still love you.” her kisses trailed up his face. “This is our future, Montego.” she whispered, kissing his nose. “And I’ll try my hardest to protect it.”

Montego shot up from his bed, almost falling off. “Che… Chelia…” he raked his fingers through his hair. “Don't worry, I’m coming for you, Chelia.”


SORRY!!!  I know the ppl who read this on Monday were super confused cause I didn't upload chapter 51 but it's fixed now so hopefully u can go read 51 and 52 can make sense!!

Once again, I'm so sorry. This never happens to me. Im more coordinated with my updates.

I hope you're enjoying the book though! Please keep Reading! Were so close to the end!!!

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