№53|Change Of Plans

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№53|Change Of Plans
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Barron walked around the house, passing his room he shared with Medusa. His eyes widened as he sat Medusa getting up on the ledge of the balcony.

“Medusa!” Barron rushed towards her, pulling her down. “What in the gods and goddesses names are you doing?!”

“Testing a hypothesis.” Medusa replied simply, climbing back onto the ledge. “Lillian said earlier that my snakes might not be the only side effect of the eyes. She says I might have something else!”

“And how would jumping off the ledge prove this?” Barron sighed, shaking his head.

“It’s a Baby Bird Law, the Mama Bird throws the Baby Bird out of the nest to help it learn how to fly.” Medusa explained, dusting off her clothes. “So hopefully the same will work for me.”

Medusa attempted to climb back onto edge once more but Barron pulled him back. “Medusa, what if you fall?” Barron whispered as Medusa climbed onto the ledge, his hand never leaving Medusa’s.

Medusa turned back towards Barron, exhaling softly. She climbed down the ledge, pouting slightly. “You never let me do anything fun…”

“Because I don't want you to die, Medusa.” Barron chuckled, kissing her forehead. “Now, we should get some sleep, I’m leaving to get Chelia and Alistair out soon and I want you beside me while I sleep.”

“You mean we’re leaving soon to get Chelia and Alistair out.” Medusa corrected, raising her eyebrow at her mate.

“No, you’re staying here. Right now, you’re the one Julius and Irvam want the most and I’m not about to bring you to them.” Barron stated, pulling her down in his lap. “Kirkland, Piper, Orion, and Celaneo said they found some stuff about The Vanguard.”

Medusa’s eyes sparkled. “The Vanguard, huh? I should learn more about them since I am one.”

Barron kissed her nose. “Don't go jumping off ledges while I’m gone.”

“Don't go biting people’s head off while I’m gone.” Medusa chuckled, kissing his lips.

“Just a little biting?” Barron smirked, nibbling on her earlobe.

“You sly dog.” Medusa scoffed as Barron pinned her to the bed.

“I know you like it a little rough, my researcher.” Barron cooed, nipping at the skin of her neck.

“So what if I do?” Medusa grinned viciously. “Whatcha gonna do about it, Alpha?”

Barron traced his tongue over the mark on her neck. Medusa moaned slightly, tugging on the Alpha’s shirt. He snickered, “oh? Did you like that?”

Medusa blushed, her lips forming into a small smirk. “You know I did~” she raked his fingers down his chest, eliciting a groan of pleasure out of Barron’s being. “Oh?” her voice grew the same tone as Barron’s. “Did you like that?”

“My, my, my, you little minx.” Barron chuckled, pinning her wrist above her head. “Gods,” he freed one of his grips on her hands to rake his hands down her beautiful body, “you’re beautiful.”

Medusa’s grey eyes sparkled, while she couldn’t see through her eyes, her snakes provided her vision with their eyes. They peered into Barron’s hazel eyes, the swill of blue swimming behind them.

“Do you regret not being able to see the normal way?” Barron whispered.

“Nope,” Medusa used the free hand to stroke his cheek, “My snakes let me see out of their eyes so I can still see you. You and all your glory.”

Barron chuckled, leaning against her touch. “I promise, I’m gonna find a way for you to see normally again.”

“Don't.” Medusa shook her head. “You didn’t fall in love with a normal girl, Barron.” She reminded him. “You fell in love with me, and if you give me normal eyes I’m no better than the girls you’ve slept with before me.”

“Okay,” Barron kissed his nose. “If you choose this, I’ll respect your wishes.”

“Good.” Medusa whispered, wrapping her arms around Barron in a strong hug.


Water dripped from the ceiling of the cell as it’s sound reverberated throughout the basement of the castle. Chelia and Alistair sat across from each other in silence. Chelia being the first to break it with a question.

“Alistair,” Chelia began, causing the hunter to look up at the fairy, “why wont Montego tell me about his past? It seems like everyone else knows but I don't.”

“He just wants to protect you, that all.” Alistair shortly explained.

“I don't need to be sheltered anymore! I’m the fairy I used to be, I’m a big girl who can handle real world problems.” Chelia scolded, glaring at Alistair. “If he wont tell me, why don’t you tell me.”

“Oh no, no, no.” Alistair shook his head. “Montego would kill me if I told you without him knowing.”

Chelia leaned against Alistair’s shoulder. “Fine, don't tell me, I made Montego promise me he’ll tell me when he gets me out of here.”

“You talked to him? How?” Alistair interest peaked. Maybe if she can talk to him, I can talk to Yvette!

“Go to sleep, somehow my mind transported me into this dream world and we talked, talked, and did some other stuff but mostly talked.” Chelia blushed slightly.

“Montego made me promise to protect you. Can’t don't that when I’m sleeping.” Alistair yawned, struggling to keep his eyes open.

“Go to sleep Alistair, go see Yvette.” Chelia rested her head on his lap. “They’ve hurt us enough already, let them keep us from our beloveds no more.”

Alistair nodded, Chelia’s words were so poetic and soft. His eyes began to flutter close as darkness overtook him.

“Yvette?” Alistair called out, looking around the lush forest that was his mind. “Yvette where are you?” 

Suddenly, hands clasped over his eyes. “Welcome home.” the voice giggled, wrapping their arms around Alistair.

Alistair melted at the two words. Something about them falling off her lips made Alistair smile widely. He couldn’t wait to hear that every time he walked through the door.

Yvette hugged him from behind, inhaling his scent. “Gods I missed your ciderwood smell…”

Alistair chuckled, carrying Yvette on his back as they walked through the forest. Yvette ran her fingers down his back, causing Alistair to wince. “What are they doing to you in there?” She whimpered.

“They kept whipping me to get answers out of me. But I didn’t tell them anything.” Alistair assured her.

Yvette hopped off Alistair’s back, lowering him to the grass. She morphed into her  wolf form, nudging him slightly. “What are you doing?” Alistair chuckled.

Yvette kept nudging him till he turned onto his stomach. Yette whimpered, licking the whip marks on his back. “They shouldn’t be doing this to you.”

“Yvette, it’s okay-”

“No, Alistair! It’s not okay!” Yvette scolded, licking his cheek. “You have to stop putting yourself in danger because of me.”

“Yvette,” Alistair sat up, stroking her blush pink fur, “I would gladly take any bullet, any weapon, any poison, just for you.”

As Alistair pulled Yvette in for a hug, all the blush pink wolf could think about were the whip marks on his back.

Yvette morphed out of her wolf form, wrapping her arms around Alistair, her eyes glued on the whip marks. “Okay, that’s it!” Alistair flipped her over onto the grass, towering over Yvette as he pinned her wrist stofly to the grass beneath them.

“I don’t care what Viktor does to me, I will not have you feel responsible. I chose this, Yvette, I’d rather be whipped every single damn day of my life that ever let that dragon lay a single finger on you or the pack.” Alistair stated, a flame lighting in his eyes.

“Eventually your body isn’t gonna be able to take it anymore…” Yvette muttered her warning.

“And when that time comes I’ll keep pushing my body until it knows not to give in.” Alistair replied, stroking her cheek. “The day I marked you I made a promise to myself to always protect you, Yvette.”

Yvette smiled, leaning into his touch. “Don't you worry about me, shona (darling),” Alistair assured her, “I’m gonna be just fine.”

Yvette gazed into his brown eyes, a swill of orange swirling behind the brown. She sighed softly, smiling up at Alistair. “Alistair… our bond-”

“I know… I know…” Alistair rested his forehead on hers. “I’m so sorry our bond is weak right now, Shona (darling), but I promise you… we’ll be together again, my love.”

Yvette wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into close for a kiss. “Alistair…” She separated the kiss for a single moment. “I want to marry you… I want to be your wife.”

Alistair could’ve sworn there were tears streaming down his cheeks. “I’d love to be your husband, Yvette, I promise to cherish you for the rest of my life, Yvette.” He closed his eyes, resting his forehead on hers. “We’re gonna have the best life, Yvette, that’s a promise.”

Yvette shot up from her bed in a gasp, she scrambled out of bed. Her eyes landed on Alistair’s leather jacket, immediately flooding with warmth when she put it on. She felt around in the pockets, pulling out a small black box.

Her mouth slightly agape, she sat down at the edge of the bed. Slowly, she opened the box to reveal a beautiful rose gold 2.5 carat light pink sapphire engagement ring. Yvette covered her mouth in shock. “Alistair…” she muttered, slipping on the ring.

With a large smile, Yvette fell back onto the bed. “It’s perfect!”


Medusa and Barron walked into the library, a slight pout on Medusa’s lips. “I wanted to go with you.” She muttered, sitting down at the table where Kirkland, Piper, Orion, and Celaneo were.

“I know you do, Medusa,” Barron placed her hand on her shoulders, leaning down to kiss her cheek, “but think of it this way, you get to help with research, I know you love that more than anything.”

“I do love research…” Medusa shrugged, grabbing one of the books off the stacks. “Have you found anything?” She asked, looking up at the group.

“Yeah, we found some stuff on the Vanguard and Medusa’s symbol.” Celaneo showed her the book. “It says Medusa’s symbol represents knowledge, the strongest of the symbols, it also says that Medusa might be able to grow wings along with the snake side effect.”

“I told you, Barron!” Medusa smirked smugly at the wolf, grabbing Celaneo’s hand as they walked towards the balcony. “If the book says I can get wings that the Baby Bird law must help with this!”

“Woah, woah, woah!” Barron pulled her off the ledge. “You said no jumping while I was gone.” Barron reminded her.

“Barron…” She groaned, her technical mind really wanted to test her hypothesis… She also really wanted some cool wings! “You said you wouldn’t block my research!”

“Your right, but I’m not about to let you jump!” Barron sighed, shaking his head. “Forgive me if I don’t want you to die!”

“I’m not gonna die.” Medusa rolled her eyes, placing her hand on her hips. “There’s a high chance that my wings will kick and I’ll be okay.”

“And what if they don’t?” Barron shot back.

“Then I guess I’ll be hitting the ground now wont I?” Medusa smirked smuggly.

Barron groaned, raking his fingers down his face. “You may not care if you die but I do!”

“If it helps,” Celaneo piped in, coming between the Alpha and his Luna, “I can have a safety net out of vines made just in case she does fall.”

“At least someone is thinking of your safety…” Barron muttered.

“Heard that.” Medusa chuckled, smiling softly at Barron. “You go get Alistair and Chelia, I’ll be fine here.”

“Promise?” Barron whispered.

Medusa laughed, kissing his cheek. “Trust your Luna, I got it under control here.”


The sun was barely rising as Ayame, Lawrence, Montego, Yvette, and Barron stood near the secret entrance of the castle.

Ayame noticed Yvette was wearing her engagement ring. She smirked, nudging her slightly. “I see you found the ring. What do you think?”

“It’s beautiful…” Yvette smiled brightly, her ring shimmering in the sunlight. “He really knows how to pick me a ring…”

More like I know how to pick a ring. Ayame chuckled, ruffling Yvette’s hair. “Yeah, he really knows how to pick them.”

Montego growled slightly, getting Barron attention. The alpha rested his hand on his shoulder. “I only agreed to bring you along if you didn’t cause a scene. Got that?”

“Fine…” Montego muttered, turning away from Barron.

“She’s a tough fairy to crack.” Barron patted his shoulder. “We’ll get her back, I promise.”

“Promise?” Montego whispered.

“Promise.” Barron repeated with a smile.


“Let go of me!” Chelia colded, fighting against Callihan’s grip as he attempted to pull her out of the cage.

“Will you stop whining? It’s not like your little wolf is coming anytime soon!” Callihan scoffed, pulling Chelia in close. “When will you learn that the little Greek wolf never loved you?”

“He loves me! More than you ever will!” Chelia scolded, trying to pull away from Callihan.

Alistair, in his wolf from, barked at the dragon. “Hands off!” He growled. “She may not be my mate but she sure as hell aint yours.”

Callihan cocked his head towards his brother. “Handle him, will ya?”

Viktor nodded, a whip of black matter formed in Viktor's hand. A vicious smile appeared on Viktor’s lips. “You gotta stop playing hero, Alistair.” He cracked the whip, but Alistair wasn’t back down, he stood in front of Chelia.

“Do your worst.” Alistair snarled.

“Oh trust me, I will.” Viktor shouted, lashing the whip across Alistair’s being.

Alistair hissed sharply. It hurt, that was certain. However, the wolf stood his ground, not moving a single inch. “Montego entrusted Chelia’s safety to me while he’s away.” Another whip thrashed against Alistair’s back, once again, he didn’t move.

“Once Montego and Yvette get here, you two are dead meat.” Alistair warned with a snicker.

“Those two?” Callihan scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Montego may think he can take me, but he can’t.”

“Yeah, and Yvette doesn't know how to fight.” Viktor added, whipping Alistair once more.

The black wolf glared at the dragon. “Yvette does know how to fight. You may think Montego and Yvette are innocent, but now that they know what you’re doing to us, they won't show you mercy.”

“We won't be the ones needing mercy, they will.” Callihan smirked wickedly.

Viktor wrapped the whip around the wolf’s ankles, pulling him to the floor. Callihan used the opportunity to pull Chelia out of the cell, despite the fairy’s protest.

“Take care of him, brother.” Callihan said, walking away with Chelia in hand. “Me and Chelia will be busy for a while.” Callihan grinned like the cheshire cat, sending shivers down Chelia’s spine.


“What do you mean the tunnel is sealed up?” Barron asked, raking his fingers down his face.

“They must have sealed it up after the last time we came here.” Yvette said, pushing on the rose trellis. However, it didn’t open to reveal the tunnel like last time.

“Dammit, that was our only way in…” Ayame muttered, rubbing her chin to think of another plan.

“How are we gonna get inside?” Lawrence poundered.

“Well…” Montego turned towards the main entrance with a sly smile.

“Are you trying to get us killed?!” Lawrence scolded, slapping Montego upside the head. “We really need to get Chelia back, because you aren’t thinking straight.”

“Actually, he might be onto something.” Barron nodded in agreement with Montego.

“You’re going along with this?” Yvette scoffed.

“Think about it,” Barron said, grabbing a stick as he began to draw the entrance of the palace, “I’m sure Julius and Irvam have millions of guards at the entrance, if we can find a way to get past them then me, Lawrence, and Ayame can distract the guards while Montego and Yvette find Chelia and Alistair.”

“Can the three of you take on that many guards?” Yvette questioned, looking up at Barron, Lawrence, and Ayame.

“Yvette,” Barron laughed, ruffling her hair, “there’s a reason why I’m Alpha of this pack. And why Lawrence is my Head Beta. And why Ayame is my Head Hunter.”

Montego smiled at the alpha, nodding assuringly at Yvette. “Don’t worry about them, Yvette, you may be new to the WhiteClad pack but your new Alpha doesn't mess around.”

“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?” Yvette asked once more, her gaze shifting between the group and the guards at the entrance.

“Yes, we’ll be okay,” Ayame patted her shoulder, leaning in to whisper, “he misses you, Yvette.”

“He does?” Yvette blushed slightly.

“Of course he does.” Ayame chuckled. “How could he not miss someone as beautiful as you? Hm?”

Yvette giggled, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. “I’m not that beautiful… I mean, all women are beautiful.”

“Stop being so modest hun,” Ayame ruffled her hair, “you gotta own these attributes!” She gripped Yvette’s hips. “You gotta admit, you have some amazing hips Yvette. You may not be packing a lot in the chest department, but damn do you have hips girl!”

Yvette blushed madly, covering her face in embarrassment. “Ayame!”

Ayame chuckled, letting go of Yvette. “Don't worry about us. Focus on finding Alistair and bring him home.”

Yvette nodded, her eyes flashing pink with determination. Ayame smiled softly. At first glance, one wouldn’t believe it, but Yvette was indeed a strong wolf.

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