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◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“Let go of me!” Chelia yelled as she tried to fight out of Callihan’s strong grip.

“You fairy girls are always so troublesome!” Callihan groaned, roughly pushing Chelia into his room.

Chelia tried to dart for the window, seeing that it might be her only chance of escape, but Callihan’s dragon speed stopped her in her tracks. “And where are you going, missy?” He smirked.

“Away from you!” Chelia scolded, trying to get past Callihan, only to be pushed onto the bed.

“I don't think you get it, Chelia.” Callihan towered over the fairy, clenching her wrist in his fist and leaving claw marks. “You don’t get to escape me, and don’t think that your little wolf is gonna come for you anytime soon.” Callihan hissed, watching as fear grew in the fairy’s eyes. Good. He smirked. I like my fairies cowering in fear.

“I know he’ll be here!” Chelia tried her hardest to mask her fear with pride, but every hour she spent in this place, her belief in Montego returning for her grew less and less. “And when he is we’ll both kick your ass!”

“Oh, sure you will.” Callihan scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I’m so terrified of you and your little wolfie.”

“You should be. You know Montego is gonna rip you to shreds once he gets here.” Chelia warned, glaring at the dragon.

Callihan had no doubt in his mind that Montego would do just that, but he couldn’t care less. Him and his brother would be happy to die for the cause.

“That wolf can scratch, claw, and beg to get you back, but the reality is, Chelia,” he leaned in whispering harshly, “as long as you're with him, you’ll never be a true fairy.”

Allowing his words to sink in, Callihan watched in utter delight as doubt, sorrow, and fear washed over Chelia’s black orbs.

“You know you’ll never be accepted back into the fairy race after you ran off with Montego. Your entire family except your mother and father turned their backs on you! You’re nothing but a disgrace to the fairy race! You don’t even deserve these wings!” Callihan gripped her wings roughly, tearing holes into them.

“AGH! Montego!!” Chelia cried out in pain, tears streaming down her cheeks.


“AGH!! Montego!!” Chelia’s cry echoed throughout the castle, and out into the garden where the group stood.

Montego’s eyes widened at his mate’s desperate call. He’d never heard her cry out for him like that. Saying she sounded like she was in pain was an understatement – Chelia’s tolerance for pain was being pushed to the brink as she endured Callihan’s painful torture. Montego knew that soon her body wouldn’t be able to take it anymore.

Montego clenched his fists, the yellow hue of anger filled his previously chestnut brown eyes. “Don’t worry, Chelia, I’m on my way.” Montego promised her.

Barron looked up at Montego, noticing the anger that was practically radiating off the Greek wolf. He pulled Montego to the side. “You promised me, Montego. You promised me you’d behave-”

“Do you have any idea of what they’re doing to her in there?!” Montego scolded, gesturing towards the top window of the castle, which was Callihan’s bedroom window.

“Montego! Please! AGH!!!” Chelia’s painful tortured cries pierced the ears of all who were in the castle’s radius.

“Barron, she’s dying in there! I know you’re Alpha and all but I can’t stand by and act calm while my mate is screaming her lungs off – crying out for me to help her– as that fucking dragon does god knows what to her!” Montego’s eyes were a bright yellow, fueling with anger.

“Montego, listen-”

“No you listen!” Montego shot back. “I know you told me not to kill anyone but I’m not gonna let that fucker live after what he’s done to her! Best believe the walls will be painted with his blood when I’m done with him.”

“Montego, I’m-”

“I’m not finished!” Montego cut him off once more. “I don’t care if going against your orders is risking my spot in your pack. I’d gladly break all the pack rules for that fairy because I love her that damn much!”

Callihan’s sharp claws ripped into Chelia’s wings, promoting more tears and screams from the fairy beneath him. “Montego!! Hurry!!” Chelia sobbed, arching her back in pain. “AGH!!”

Montego couldn’t take anymore of this. “If I’m out of the pack because of this, then so be it!” Montego morphed into his wolf form, darting for the entrance.

“I don’t care what rules I have to break.” He jumped on one of the guards, using his sharp teeth to snap his neck.

“I don’t care who I have to go to kill.” He made quick work with the next guard, tackling him to the ground and clawing off his head with a single swipe of his sharp claws.

He growled at the guards that approached him, guns ready to fire bullets at the wolf. “I’m getting my fairy back!!” Darting towards them, Montego used them as a battering ram to go through the front entrance.

The sable wolf heaved heavily, paws firmly on the ground, getting ready to attack anything that moved. “Callihan!!” Montego roared, shaking the very foundation of the castle.

Meanwhile, up in Callihan’s room. Chelia sighed in relief, a warm – but weak – smile formed across her lips. “Oh, thank the gods and goddesses.” She whispered, a heavy weight lifting off her heart. Finally, after days of torture, Montego finally returned for her.

Callihan snarled, gripping Chelia’s wings roughly as he threw her against the wall. “Shit! That damn wolf made it through the guards!” Callihan’s eyes flashed purple in anger, engulfing his hand with a piece of Chelia’s wing before ripping it clean off.

“AGHHH!!!” Chelia bellowed, falling over as her body spasmed with pain. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she curled into a ball. “Please…” Chelia began to choke back on her own tears. “I’m begging you… just stop!!!”

Back downstairs, Montego was fighting guards left and right, making sure to leave some for Barron, Lawrence, Ayame, and Yvette. He couldn’t have all the fun after all. “Callihan!!” He called out for the dragon once more. “When I find you,” he steamrolled into one of the guards, sending him flying. “I’ll slaughter you for what you’ve done to my Chelia!! You won't live to see another day when I’m done with you!!”

Montego began to notice the amount of guards began to grow, with all his screaming and threatening to kill Callihan, the dragon must’ve called for more guards.

The sable wolf heaved heavily. He chose the dumb decision and used all his strength head on to fight the guard at the entence and the ones that got him to this point. Watching as the guard in front of him advanced, Montego tried to turn around to see if there was any alternative mode of passage to Chelia, but everywhere he looked he was surrounded by guards.

“Shit…” Montego muttered, backing up slightly. “Now what?” He asked his wolf, both him and Montego were growing tired.

“There’s too many guards for us to handle, even in our angered state.” His wolf observed. Montego continued to step back and the guards began to corner him.

“With this many guards, we’ll be lucky to even get to the next hallway, let alone to Chelia.” Montego whimpered slightly. He came all this way to save his fairy, but was stopped by these blasted guards.

Montego was about to close his eyes and accept defeat when a piercing howl echoed through the hallway, causing his eyes to shoot open. The howl of an alpha always brought shivers down their opponents spines.

Quickly, the guards began to split to reveal the white wolf alpha standing there. Beside him was the chocolate brown head beta, greyish toned head beta, and a blush pink omega.

“Hands off my delta.” Barron’s cold, stern voice brought a sense of danger towards the guards. They knew Barron wasn’t someone to mess with.

“Fire!!” One of the guards yelled as bullets charged towards the wolves.

Dodging the bullets, Barron darted towards Montego’s side, helping the golden tawny wolf up. Montego smiled. “You came… even after I said all those hurtful things.”

“Montego, you’re my Head Delta,” Barron licked his cheek, “of course I’d come for you.” He nuzzled his muzzle against Montego’s. “Just don’t run off like that again… you scared me.”

Montego nodded, licking Barron’s cheek. “I won't. Do you, Ayame, and Lawrence have things under control here?”

“Yep,” Barron nodded as Chelia’s screams of terror and pain roared through the halls once more. He turned towards Montego, the delta’s anger bubbling by the second. “Go to her.”

Montego turned towards Yvette. “Come on, we got some dragons to kill!” 


Alistair breathed heavily as blood dripped down his filthy body. His wrist and legs were mounted to the wall, not allowing him to escape.

Only one of his eyes were working but all he needed as one to glare at the dragon in front of him, menacingly turning the whip in his hand. “Go… to… hell…” Alistair rasped, earning a slight growl from Viktor.

The whip thrashed against Alistair's stomach. A sharp hiss escaped Alistair’s lips as he arched his back. “Wanna say something smart like that again?!” Viktor snarled, whipping Alistair across the face. “I can do this all day, Alistair, the question is, can your body hold on any longer?”

“I’m not telling you anything, Viktor!” Alistair spat out, earning yet another whip across his body. “I don’t care if my body looks like a Jackson Pollock when we’re done, you’re not getting anything out of me!”

“Oh, I will get something out of you.” The single whip in his hand morphed into that of a cat of nine tails whip. The one eye that wasn’t swollen shut widened. He’d heard of a whip like it, but never imagined it being used on him. “Clearly I’m going to have to use some dire methods!”

The new cat of nine tails whip thrashed against Alistair’s body, prompting a ghoulish scream from Alistair’s throat. This one hurt more than the last whip did. Whip, after whip, after whip tore Alistair’s body apart, leaving the wolf a whipped, bloody mess.

The simple act of breathing hurt Alistair as every breath of air felt like he was inhaling needles that pierced his lungs. A part of Alistair felt like giving in, squealing like a little pig.

His eye closed, atempting to drift away from this torture. Yvette’s smiling face appeared in his mind, the soft giggle of his name soon followed. “Alistair, I-I love you.” She was always so stuttery when it came to saying the ‘L word’.

It then occurred to him why he was doing all this. It was for her… to get back to her… to his shona.

The thrashing of the whip against his body jolted him back to the real world. “AGH!” A thick poison seemed to cover the new whip. He looked down to see a green, oozing poison burning his skin.

“You’re gonna learn how to be a good wolf, just like how I taught that good girl of yours, Yvette.” Viktor snickered, knowing he was hitting a nerve when he motioned the wolf’s mate.

Alisair growled, his one good eye flashing orange. “Oh? Hit a nerve did I?” Viktor teased.

He didn’t appreciate the fact that his mate’s name left his vile lips. The wolf snapped at him, earning a chuckle from the dragon. “How dare you speak her name?! After everything you did to her she couldn’t sleep for days!!”

“Awe, the little good girl couldn’t sleep? How sad.” Viktor said sarcastically.

“Why must you be such a pain in the ass?” Alistair snarled.

“Why must you always play the hero? Hm?” Viktor shot back, launching the whip towards Alistair but, just in the nick of time, Yvette caught the whip in her mouth.

The blush pink wolf growled darkly at the dragon, ripping the whip away from Viktor and throwing it across the room. “Hands off! He’s mine!” Yvette barked, tackling Viktor on the ground. “You have some fucking nerve coming for my mate!” Her neon pink eyes spoke volumes.

“That man you’ve been whipping till days end is mine, got that?” Her claws digged deep into his chest, eliciting a yelp from the dragon beneath him. “No, no, no,” Yvette clicked her tongue, “that’s not what I’m looking for.” Her claws found their way around his heart, the screams getting louder.

“Better, but not what I’m looking for.” She squeezed the heart in her hand, causing Viktor to cough up blood. “Say he’s mine.” Yvette extended the word ‘mine’ getting close to Viktor’s face, her claws dug deep into his heart.

Viktor’s cries of pain echoed throughout the cells, earning a powerful smirk from Yvette. “Say it!” She demanded an answer from the pitiful dragon beneath her.

Her grip on Viktor’s heart grew tighter till Viktor couldn’t take it anymore. “He’s yours! He’s yours! God dammit, he’s yours!” Viktor screeched.

“Damn right he’s mine! He’s only mine!” Yvette placed his heat on the ground, stomping on it. She wiped the blood off her paw before glancing at Viktor’s lifeless body in disgrace.

Morphing back into her human form, Yvette whipped the poison off her lips, luckily none of it got into her system. She rushed over to Alistair, embracing him in a soft, gentle hug. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” Yvette whimpered into his chest, unchaining him from the wall.

The hunter fell into Yvette’s loving arms, slowly sinking to the floor. He just smiled up at her. She stroked his cheek. “See...” Alistair coughed up blood. “I had to push my body to its limits…”

“And look what happened to you.” Yvette surveyed the damage. “You’re severely damaged.”

“So are you.” Alistair shot back. “So is everyone else on earth.” He slowly sat up, trying to give her a kiss. “I love your damage, Yvette. It makes you who you are.”


Montego couldn’t contain his anger as he ran down the hallways, following the sound of Chelia’s terrifying screams.

“Montego!!” Chelia bellowed, her wings getting torn to shreds. “Montego, please!!”

The golden sable wolf ran faster towards the sound. “Callihan! I swear once I find you, you're dead meat!!”

Meanwhile, upstairs in Callihan’s room, Callihan began to get desperate. He wanted the fairy beneath him to scream so loud it hurt her wolf’s ears. Noticing the torches that lit up the room, an evil smirk graced his lips.

Chelia’s eyes widened in fear as she shuffled into the corner. “No… no… no…!” Chelia whimpered, rapidly shaking her head.

“You’re gonna learn what happens to fairies who betray their race!” Callihan marched towards Chelia, glaring at the trembling fairy through the flames. The torch was about to set her wings aflame, however, a certain golden wolf clenched his teeth onto the touch, throwing it across the room.

“Hands off my fairy, you bitch!” Montego snarled, his eyes flashing a bright yellow. He stood protectively in front of the fairy, his eyes landing on her torn wings. The anger in the wolf only heightening, he barked viciously at the dragon. “What did you do to her?!”

Callihan chuckled at the wolf. “Your little fairy needed to learn what happens to those who defy their race.”

Montego tackled the dragon, not being able to take anymore of his mouth. “How dare you even touch a single hair on my fairy?!” Montego wrapped his claws around Callihan’s neck. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to murder you… after everything you did to my eros, (passion) you’re gonna scream bloody murder.”

“You worthless… piece of scum…” Callihan croaked.

“You wanna talk about worthless?!” Montego scolded, his claws digging into his neck. “Look what you’ve done to Chelia!!” He gestured towards the shivering fairy in the corner. “She’s a mess! You somehow managed to turn the one thing I loved with my entire heart into a mess!!”

“She deserves it!” Callihan rasped, coughing up blood as Montego’s claw scrapped his neck.

She deserves it?!” Montego slammed the dragon’s head onto the hardwood floor. “She didn’t deserve this! Chelia is an amazing fairy who’s done nothing but love and care for the people around her! Someone as amazing as her doesn't deserve this!” Montego watched as life began to fade from Callihan’s eyes.

“You, on the other hand, deserve all of this.” Montego snarled coming close to the dragon’s face. “Now because I’m so nice, I’m gonna let you say sorry to Chelia and maybe I won't kill you.”

Montego turned Callihan towards the fairy in the corner. “Say it.” He demanded.

“I’m sorry…” Callihan said, gazing up at Chelia, “I’m sorry you’re such a disgrace.”

Montego thrashed Callihan’s head against the wall. “I tried to give you mercy, but obviously you’re too damn stubborn to take it.” He stalked towards Callihan like a lion stalking his prey. “So now, you’re gonna suffer the consequences.”

Montego leaped towards Callihan, sinking his teeth into the dragon’s neck before tearing it clean off. Heaving heavily, Montego tossed the head to the side. The lifeless body that is Callihan slumped to the side.

Montego shifted out of his wolf form, darting towards Chelia. His arms wrapped around Chelia’s being. “Chelia… oh my gods, Chelia…” Montego sobbed into Chelia’s shoulder, fluttering her face with kisses. “My eros (passion). My beautiful, beautiful eros. I promise you, you’ll never have to go through this ever again.”

Chelia clenched the back of Montego's tattered shirt, sobbing into his chest. “I thought you left…” She muttered into his chest. “I was beginning to believe Callihan… I thought you really left me.”

“Of course not, my love, of course not.” Montego laughed loudly as Chelia jumped up, wrapping her legs around Montego's waist, holding him close. “Did you miss me that much, Chelia?”

Chelia nodded, whimpering softly as her body absorbed his heat. “I’ve been so cold…” Chelia shivered in her wolf’s arms. “The water they put me in was below freezing… not to mention they put me in that freezing cell!”

“Shh… shh… peace, my Chelia.” Montego stroked her hair, he ever so softly ran his fingers over her wings. Chelia hissed, her nails digging into his back.

She hissed, shaking her head. “Don't touch them… it hurts…”

“Of course.” Montego whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed, Chelia still in his arms. “Don’t worry, Chelia, he can’t hurt you anymore.”

“M-My wings… the-they’re broken…” Chelia sniffled, her eyes puffy and tear ridden.

“I know, baby, I know. Once we get back to the house we’ll see about fixing your wings.” Montego kissed the top of her head. “I’m so sorry, my fairy, I should’ve been the one who suffered… not you.”

“Montego…” Chelia gazed up at the wolf. “When Callihan was about to burn my wings… I realized something.”

“What did you realize?” Montego whispered ever so slightly.

“Our children would never be able to see their homeland… they wouldn’t be seen as fairies… they’d be seen as mutations and be laughed at among the fairy race.” Chelia sobbed, tears streaming down her face. “I’ll be labeled a whore!”

“Hey,” Montego lifted her head, “I don’t care what they think, because you're my fairy. And if anyone calls you a whore they’ll have to deal with me. They’ll end up looking like Callihan.”

A small laugh erupted from Chelia’s chest. Montego smiled, tickling her stomach. “Is that a laugh I see?” Montego snickered, tickling Chelia more.

“Montego! Stop it! You might hurt the baby!” Chelia snorted in laughter.

Montego stopped, starring Chelia dead in the eyes. “Baby?”

She blushed, looking up at Montego sheepishly. “I was going to tell you before we left to save your sister, but I was too scared.”

“Baby?” Montego asked once more.

“Yes, Montego,” Chelia smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck, “baby.” She whispered, placing his hand on her stomach.

“Baby?” Montego was still trying to grasp the situation.

Chelia snorted, nodding at the wolf. She smiled down at her stomach. “I don’t think it’s kicking yet, it’s still very young, can you hear it?”

Montego quickly flipped Chelia onto the bed, earning a yelp from the fairy beneath him. Montego pressed his ear against her stomach, listening to the tiniest heart beat.

Tears began to swell in Montego’s eyes as he wrapped his arms around Chelia. “We’re having a baby!!” Montego cheered, the biggest smile on the wolf’s face.

He rested his head on her stomach, looking up at Chelia. “You’re amazing…” He muttered, kissing her stomach. “You and this baby are amazing.”


Welcome to Monday my dudes!! Look at what happened into today's update! Chelia's pregnant! Callihan and Viktor are dead! And Yvette beat up Viktor like a boss!

Anyways! What did u think of the chapter? Ya? Nay? Anything I should add? Let me know in the comments!

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