№55|Scars On The Heart

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№55|Scars On The Heart
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Medusa laid in bed, running her fingers over Barron’s new scars. It’s become a guilty pleasure of her’s to stay up and study Barron’s battle scars.

She traced her fingers over the scar over his left peck. This particular scar was extremely enticing. Barron would tell her the stories of each and every one of his scars, but not that one.

Which made Medusa want to know even more.

She trailed her fingers along Barron’s left peck. The alpha, who was exhausted from the recent rescue mission, opened one of his eyes to gaze upon his mate. “What are you doing?” Barron chuckled, intertwining his fingers with hers.

“Looking at your scars.” Medusa replied, her fingers moving towards the new scars on his shoulder blade. “What happened here?” She asked, pointing to the scar.

“One of the guard’s bullets clipped me pretty bad.” Barron answered, yawning slightly. “Why are you still up?”

Her eyes difted back down towards the scar on his pec. She hummed softly. “What’s that one?”

“No, Medusa.” Barron answered rather quickly.

“Barron.” Medusa groaned, rolling to lay atop Barron’s chest. “Please… can you just tell me? I know all about the other ones.”

“No, Medusa.” Barron wrapped his arms around Medusa’s waist, flipping her over. “Let's sleep, my little researcher.”

“Oh no you don't!” Medusa flipped Barron over, laying back on top of him. “You’re not avoiding my question, Barron!”

“Medusa, just drop it.” Barron sighed, raking his fingers through his hair.

“Not till you tell me what happened.” Medusa stated, stradling herself against his waist. She sat up, her hands on her hips, glaring at the wolf beneath her.

“Medusa…” Barron draped his arm over his eyes. “I don't want to talk about it.”

“Barron. You promised me totally honestly.” Medusa frowned slightly. “Look, I’ve been honest with you, the least you can do is be honest with me too…”

Barron sat up, kissing the top of Medusa’s head. “The first time I shifted my parents told me I attacked Vanessa…” Barron hung his head low. “Vanessa was in the hospital for days after me attacking her. While I was in that state, all Vanessa could do was put this scar on me.” Barron pointed to the scar on his left pec. “Ever since then I promised to never lay a single hand on my pack members unless deemed necessary.”

Medusa smiled, softly kissed his lips. “You’re a kind and fair alpha, Barron.” She wrapped her arms around Barron’s neck, resting her head on his heart. “I know you carry that guilt of what you did to Vanessa…. But I’m here to help carry that load. Alright?”

Barron nodded, stroking her hair. “I’m sorry I kept that from you for so long.”

“Don't be. I’m happy I know now.” Medusa smiled, kissing his nose before drifting off to sleep.


Ever since Montego learned of Chelia’s pregnancy, he’d sleep with his arms around her and fall asleep to the sound of his child’s soft heartbeat inside the mother's stomach.

“What should we name it?” Montego asked, looking up at the beautiful fairy.

“I was thinking Ophelia if it’s a girl, and Ezio if it’s a boy.” Chelia replied, stroking Montego’s hair. “I wanted to use O and E as their first letter because of your parents.”

She sat up, glancing down at Montego who was entranced by her and the new baby’s heartbeat. “It’s a little louder…” Montego smiled, kissing Chelia’s stomach. “You get that strength from your mom, ya know?”

“Montego,” Chelia lifted his head, “I want you to be in this baby’s life, but I can’t do that if you won’t tell me what happened in the past.”

Montego whimpered, ultimately sighing. He sat beside Chelia, intertwining his fingers with hers. “Chelia,” Montego’s voice grew serious, “what I’m gonna tell you is gonna be a lot to take in. Are you sure you’re ready?”

Chelia nodded, resting her free hand under his chin, leaning in to kiss is dull toned lips. “I’m ready.” She placed their intertwined hands on her stomach. “We’re ready.”

“Okay…” Montego released a shaky breath. “Before I joined Barron’s pack, my family and I lived on an island called Naxos in Greece.”

Chelia nodded, urging him to continue. “Growing up there… it was amazing.” Montego smiled, thinking back to his younger years.

The golden toned wolf rushed through the streets of Naxos with a fish in his mouth, frequently looking behind him to see his older sister, Titiana, chasing him.

“You get back here, Montego!” Titiana laughed, chasing her younger brother into their backyard. She crouched down, maneuvering between the tall grass. She smirked, stalking towards her brother before pouncing on him.

Montego laughed, spitting the fish out of his mouth. Titiana smiled, getting off. “You took my fish!” Titiana nudged him playfully.

“You weren't fast enough.” Montego smirked, nudging her back.

Montego’s mother, Odelette, walked into the backyard, holding a tray with a jar of lemonade and four empty glasses. “Montego, did you take your sister’s fish again?” Odelette chuckled, placing the tray down on the patio table.

“Yes!” Titiana replied for him. “He took it. Again!”

Montego laughed, shifting back into his human form. “Not my fault Titiana was too busy flirting with Calix.”

Titiana blushed hard, shifting into her human form as she sat down at the table. “I-I-I wasn’t flirting with him!”

“Awe,” Odelette pinched Titiana’s cheeks, “did you finally tell Calix you liked him? His mom says that he’s been having eyes for you for the longest.”

“Mom!” Titiana blushed harder.

“I don’t know why you’re complaining over that one fish.” Montego shrugged. “Calix caught you a ton of other ones.”

“Oh? So he hunted for you? What a gentleman.” Odelette smiled, pouring Titiana some lemonade.

“It doesn't mean anything…” Titiana muttered, puffing up her cheeks.

“Oh, sure it doesn't.” Montego teased, sipping his lemonade. “She really likes Calix but is too afraid to tell him.”

“And what about you, Montego?” Odelette turned towards her son. “Anyone catch your eye? I was around your age when I met your father.”

“Nah.” Montego shook his head. “I only hunt for myself.”

Titiana snickered. “When I’m not hunting for you.”

Montego laughed. “Thinking back on it now, I don’t really hunt for myself anymore.” He kissed her stomach. “I gotta hunt not only for you, but our little ball of sunshine.”

Chelia giggled, patting his cheek. “Yep.” She glanced down at her stomach. “Hopefully our child will be a natural hunter like yourself.”

“I wasn’t always a natural hunter.” Montego sighed, chuckling softly as he continued recounting his pass.

“Hey! I’ll have you know I caught 3 fishes today.” Montego stated, nodding affirmingly.

“2 of which I helped with.” Titiana whispered, earning a soft giggle from her mother.

“Don't worry, Montego,” Odelette ruffled his hair, “I wasn’t a good hunter, either. I remember when your dad and I first hunted together, I could barely catch a single fish.”

“But now you hunt more than anyone on the island!” Montego exclaimed.

Odelette nodded, pouring herself a glass of lemonade. “That’s because I found something to hunt for.” She smiled at her two children. “You two and your father.”

“Awe.” Epsilon dropped his bags on the back porch. “I’m the reason you hunt? That’s so sweet.”

Odelette dropped the jar of lemonade, rushing towards Epsilon and embracing him in a tight hug. “You’re back! You’re back!” Odelette wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I was only gone for 3 weeks.” Epsilon reminded her.

“Did you forget that our season started a week after you left?” Odelette pouted slightly. “This is the last time you leave in the middle of a season.”

Epsilon chuckled, placing a soft kiss on her pink lips. “It won't happen again.”

“Good.” Odelette smiled, walking him over to the patio table.

“So, what’s this about hunting?” Epsilon chuckled, taking a sip of his drink.

“Calix is hunting for Titiana!”

“Montego can’t hunt to save his life!”

Epsilon chuckled, turning towards his son. “Most wolves need some motivation to hunt. When I met your mom I hunted twice as much as I normally did.”

Odelette kissed his cheek. “We had food for weeks.”

“Once you find that motivation, you’ll be hunting like you never have before.” Epsilon assured him, kissing the top of his son’s head. “Which is apparently what Titiana has found.” Epsilon smirked, turning towards his daughter.

“Dad!” Titiana’s blush returned.

“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You should be proud that your mate is Calix. He’s a bright young wolf. Rumor has it he’s on to becoming a head beta.”

“You think so?” Titania's eyes sparkled. “Calix always said if he became head beta he might become alpha, which means I can be a luna!”

The family smirked at Titiana. “Luna, huh?”

“Shut up!” Titiana hid her face behind her hands.

Montego turned towards his father. “Dad! How was the mission?” Montego asked eagerly.

“Great! Took out four dragons all by myself.” Epsilon said proudly, earning a scoff from Odelette.

“According to Calix’s mom, Gentiana, you only took out two.” Odelette giggled. Epsilon sighed, shaking his head.

“Damn Gentiana… she’s such a snitch.” Epsilon muttered, earning a soft pat on the shoulder from Odelette.

“Those dragons aren’t gonna come to the island,” Titiana’s voice grew weary, “right dad?”

Epsilon held his breath. As much as he wanted to lie and say; ‘no, there aren't any dragons coming for us’, he couldn’t lie to his children on something this serious.

He gulped, pulling Odelette into his lap. “Actually, that’s what I want to talk about.” Epsilon raked his fingers through his hair, letting out an exhausted sigh. “They want us to evacuate the island.”

“Evacuate?!” Montego’s eyes grew wide with fear and concern. “Bu-But I thought you and the other wolves went to go stop the dragons? So we wouldn’t have to evacuate.”

“I know, I know.” Epsilon rubbed his son’s shoulder.

“This is our home!” Titiana stood up in anger. “We just can't leave!”

“It’s what’s best for the island, Titiana.” Epsilon stated with sorrow. “We tried our best to stop the dragons… but we couldn’t… there were just too many.”

Odelette intertwined her fingers with his, placing a soft kiss on his cheek to offer relief.

“We have to stay and fight!” Montego held out his fist, getting ready to fight anything that moved.

“Montego.” Epsilon’s voice grew stern. “These dragons are no joke. If me and the strongest wolves on the island can’t take them, what makes you think you can?”

At this, Montgo slowly lowered into his seat. “Where would we go… I’ve never been outside the island.”

“Each family on the island was assigned a different pack.” Epsilon pulled out a small sheet of paper out of his back pocket. Unfolding it, he read, “The WhiteClad Pack.”

He looked up at his family to see they were all rightfully confused. “It’s a North American pack. According to some travelers, they’re friendly. I’m gonna call the alpha tonight and arrange a rendezvous point.” Epsilon said, watching as worry filled his wife and pups expressions.

“I’m not going.” Titiana stated, glaring at her father. “Wherever Calix’s family is going, I’m going with him.”

“No way.” Epsilon shook his head. “You’re going with us.”

“Dad!” Titiana clenched the arms of her chair. “I’m not being separated from Calix. I’m almost 19 and I can fend for myself… please,” Titiana pleaded, “please don’t make me leave him…”

Epsilon gazed into his daughter’s hazel eyes. Fear flooded them at the thought of being separated from her mate. Odelette patted his chest. “Calix is a nice young man. I’m 100% positive that he’ll take care of Titiana.”

“But-” Epsilon attempted to cut in but Odelette stopped him.

“Titiana, if you can find out where Calix’s family is going and if it’s close by, you may go with them. However, you must promise to send us weekly updates on how you're doing.” Odelette took her daughter’s hands in hers. “Got it?”

“Of course mom! Thank you!” She kissed her parents cheeks before rushing upstairs to her room.

The father sighed. He didn’t like the idea of leaving his pup in the care of others, but he couldn’t stand in the way of her mate. Odelette smiled, stroking his cheek. “She’ll be okay.”

Epsilon nodded, choosing to trust his wife. He noticed his son was strangely quiet. “Montego, what’s wrong?” Epsilon asked, scooting closer towards the pup.

“I don’t want to leave… all my friends are here… all the fish is here…” Montego muttered, holding his knees close to his chest. “This is our home.”

“I know, Manari mou (my little lamb),” Odelette kissed his forehead, “but your father and the island knows what’s best for us. Plus,” Odelette slid the paper with the WhiteClad Pack name written on it towards her, “the gods and goddesses picked the packs we go to.”

“They did?” Montego tilted his head.

“Yes,” Epsilon crouched beside him, “which means they know which pack would best suit our needs. Apparently this WhiteClad one is the best for us.”

“But… we’ve never been to America before.” Montego whimpered, the thought of going to an entirely new pack – a new country – made the young pup shake in his boots.

“Don't worry… you’ll have tons of new pups to play with.” Odelette assured him. “You’ll also get to see new places, new people, try new foods!”

“What about our place, our people, our foods?” Montego questioned, searching in his parents eyes for an answer that would never be there.

“Montego, sometimes change is for the best.” Epsilon held his hand, leading him inside. “And I have a feeling this will be for the better.”

He ushered him upstairs, flashing his son a confident smile. “Go pack your things. The boat leaves at night.”

Montego nodded, following his mother upstairs as they began to pack up Montego’s stuff.

Titiana rushed downstairs to meet her father in his study. Peeking her head through the doorway, she smiled widely. “Dad,” she began, her smile growing wider, “Calix’s family says their new pack is near the Canadian-American border… I don’t think that’s far from the WhiteClad Pack, right?”

“It isn’t.” Epsilon replied, turning to face his daughter. “Titiana, if you love this man… be with him.” He stroked her cheek, Titiana leaned into his touch. “Me and your mother were separated for almost half a year and let me tell you… it was hell. I don’t want the same for you.”

“So… I can go? Are you sure, you, mom, and Montego will be okay?” Titiana asked once more for good measure.

“We’ll be alright.” Epsilon smiled, ruffling her hair. “Go get to packing. I’m sure you want to wear something nice when you run off with your mate.”


“Manari mou (my little lamb), don’t look so glum.” Odelette patted her son’s bicep as they packed away Montego’s shirts. “You’ll meet all new wolves at the WhiteClad pack.”

“What if they don’t like me?” Montego whimpered, looking down at his duffle bag.

“I happen to know for a fact that you are very likeable.” Odelette smiled, tapping his nose.

“You have to say that… you’re my mom…” Montego muttered, softly throwing his pants into the bag.

“No, I mean it. The travelers tell me that Ulysses is a fair and wise alpha. Their pack is very welcoming .” 

“Even the pups?” Montego asked, earning a nod from his mother.

“Even the pups.” Odelette zipped up the duffle bag. “Who knows… maybe you’ll find your mate there, Montego.”

“No way.” Montego scoffed. “Mates are hard work. Plus, girls have cooties.”

“It doesn't have to be a girl.” Odelette winked slyly.


“What I mean is,” Odelette sat beside him, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”

“What does that mean?” Montego tilted his head.

“Basically, don’t bash the pack before you’ve met them.” Odelette simplified, rubbing his shoulder. “Don't worry, Montego, this pack will be a big, and amazing, change for us all.”


Epsilon stared at the phone and the piece of paper with the WhiteClad Pack, both items sitting on his desk. He anxiously drummed his fingers on his cheek. A part of him wanted to call and ensure his family’s safety, but another part of him felt like such an idiot begging some other alpha for protection.

Odelette walked in, carrying a sleeping Montego in her arms. “Have you called him?” She whispered, trying not to wake the sleeping pup.

Epsilon shook his head. “No…”

“Epsilon…” Odelette sighed, sitting atop Epsilon’s desk. “Maybe this new pack will be good for us.”

“And if it isn’t? What then?” Epsilon glanced up at his loving mate, worry glazed over his black eyes.

“Then we’ll find a new pack. We don't need to, however, because the gods and goddesses chose that pack for us,” Odelette pointed to the slip of paper, “they know what’s best for us, so we just need to trust them.”

“You place too much trust into the gods and goddesses.” Epsilon muttered, his eyes glancing back down at the phone.

“Call them.” Odelette’s voice grew stern as she pointed to the voice.

“What if he doesn't accept us?” Epsilon whimpered, lowering his head.

“Where’s the wolf that risked his life for me when we were younger? Hm? The one who’s always taking risks?” Odelette smirked, placing Montego down on the couch and covering him with a blanket.

Epsilon chuckled, pulling Odelette down into his lap. “He’s still here… just scared.” Epsilon muttered softly.

“Don't be.” Odelette lifted his chin up, placing a soft kiss on his lips. “Trust in the gods and goddesses, they have a plan for us all.”

Epsilon nodded, releasing a shaky breath. His hands shook as he picked up the phone. He dialed the alpha’s number, holding it up to his ear.

Each time it rang, Epsilon could feel the lump growing in his throat.

Meanwhile, in North America, the alpha of the WhiteClad pack, Ulysses WhiteClad, was wrestling with one of the other wolves. Enyo, the Luna of the WhiteClad pack, walked down to the courtyard. “Ulysses!” She called out. However, the two wolves didn’t stop wrestling.

“Ulysses!” She yelled once more, her hand on her hips. “Ulysses, will you stop fighting Grant and get over here!” She scolded, glaring at the two wolves.

Grant laughed from under the black wolf. “Sounds like someone’s in trouble.” Grant cooed.

The alpha sighed, getting off of Grant before walking towards his luna. “Yes, my love?” He smiled, attempting to get back on his Luna’s good side.

Enyo rolled her eyes jokingly, handing him the phone as Ulysses morphed out of his wolf form. “Your phone’s ringing.” Enyo kissed his cheek, sitting down at the patio table.

Ulysses answered the phone, dabbing his sweaty forehead with a towel. He held the phone up to his ear. “Hello? Who’s this?” Ulysses asked breathlessly.

“U-Um, hello.” Epsilon gulped. “My name is Epsilon Aetós-”

“Oh! Yes! The Moon Goddess told me that the gods and goddesses arranged for us to accept a new family into the pack.” Ulysses sat across from his luna, intertwining his fingers with hers. “The whole pack is excited for you and your family to come. We’ve never had a Greek wolf in our pack, let alone a family of Greek wolves.”

“O-Oh… I hope that won't be a problem.” Epsilon couldn’t contain his nerves.

“Are you okay? You sound nervous.” Ulysses asked, chuckling softly.

“Yeah… sorry…” Epsilon laughed, his nerves slowly fading away. “This is all new for us… my family’s never left the island.”

“Don't worry, Epsilon. I know a big change like this must be scary, but you have nothing to worry about. My pack loves newcomers, and a lot of my wolves are from other countries. Your family will have tons of new friends.” Ulysses assured him.

“I told you not to worry.” Ulysses heard Epsilon’s mate mutter over the phone.

“I’m guessing that’s your mate?” Ulysses chuckled, smiling at Enyo.

“Yeah, her name’s Odelette.” Epsilon said. “She was the one who pushed me to call you.”

“He wouldn’t be able to do anything without me.” Odelette smirked smuggly.

Enyo snickered. “Ulysses’ the same way.”

“You sound great, Ulysses, I’m just worried about my pups…” Epsilon bit his lip, turning towards his son sleeping on the couch.

“You have pups?!” Enyo snatched the phone away from Ulysses.

“Yes…” Enyo sweatdropped. “My boy, Montego, is 8 and my girl, Titiana, is 19. She’ll be going with her mate’s family to a pack that was assigned to them in Canada.”

“Ulysses! The pup is two years younger than Barron and Vanessa!” Enyo’s eyes sparkled at the thought of accepting another pup into the pack.

“I assume your Enyo WhiteClad? The Luna?” Epsilon chuckled.

“Yes, and I’m so excited for you and your family to get here. Me and Ulysses have been to Greece before, granted… we didn’t go out much… it was Full Moon season and we didn’t do much sightseeing if you know what I mean.” Enyo snickered, winking at Ulysses.

Odelette snorted in laughter. “I love the Luna, she’s very funny.”

“It’ll be our honor to accept you and your family into our pack. We have your room ready for you, your mate, and your pup.” Enyo smiled brightly. “I know this is a huge change for the three of you, but I promise, it’ll be for the better. Who knows… maybe your pup can find his mate here.”

“Yeah…” Epsilon smiled at the sleeping child. “I think your right, Enyo, this will be for the better.”

Enyo chuckled. “Go get some sleep. We’ll meet you at the rendezvous point tomorrow.”

With that, Enyo hung up, leaving the family to get one final night of rest before the big day.

“Montego, this sounds very sweet. I don't see the problem.” Chelia shrugged, earning a sigh from her partner.

“It was nice… until later on that night.” Montego’s eyes grew dull as the horrid night replayed in his mind. “That night… when Naxos fell…”

Odelette held her son close to her chest as Epsilon and Odelette ran through the disastrous streets of Naxos. Montego fluttered his eyes open, gazing upon the horrific scene.

Dragons soared from above, screeching their fiery breath down on the small island as the wolves it inhabited ran in fear. The young wolf couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He always thought Naxos held the strongest wolves in all of Greece, but here they were… getting slaughtered by the fierce dragons.

The streets burned with a fiery rage as screams of terror and children tears echoed throughout the island.

The bright orange fumes coated the sky, leaving Montego a worried mess as his family rushed to get onto the boat out the island.

“Mommy!” Montego couldn’t hold back his tears as a dragon came bolted towards them, releasing his fiery breath. Odelette clenched her eyes shut, waiting for her ultimate end, but Titiana pushed her out of the way.

Montego watched in horror and disbelief as his sister was burnt to a crisp. Montego leaped out of his mother's arms, rushing towards the burt wolf on the ground.

“Tatiana… Titiana!” Montego’s tears fell on to her damaged body. “Come on… wake up! Don't you dare die! What will Calix think, huh?” Montego continued to shake her. “Come on, Titiana! Please!”

Montego clasped onto his sister’s shivering body. “Don't you dare leave me!” Montego sobbed, his head tilted towards the heavens. Dragons began to surround the two, but Montego couldn’t care less. His sister was dying in his arms, his homeland was crumbling… his life was falling apart!

“Montego…” Titiana rasped, raising her hand to his cheek. “Run.”

Montego rapidly shook his head. “N-No! No way! I’m not leaving you!” Montego morphed into his wolf form, the golden toned wolf stood on shaky paws as he guarded his sister. “Co-Come at me! I-I’m not scared!”

“Montego…” Titiana managed to stand up, using the last bit of strength to protect her brother from the oncoming attacks. “Run!!”

Montego froze in fear, quivering behind his sister. “Montego!” Titiana yelled, snapping his attention towards her. “RUN!!” The world seemed to freeze. Titiana flashed him a warm smile, mouthing the words ‘I love you, Montego’ before throwing him towards his mother.

Montego tried to run back, but his mother’s hand grip around him wasn’t letting him go anytime soon. “TITIANA!!!” The pup’s voice echoed through the night as the famous island of Noax was devoured in flames.

Montego looked up at his mate, tears dripping down his face. “I can still hear the screams when I sleep…” He whimpered.

Chelia pulled him in for a hug, burying the wolf’s face in the safety of her chest. Sobs from the wolf could be heard across the home, but Montego didn’t care. After reliving his past, all he wanted to do was cry.

Chelia, being a fairy, could feel his emotions with a single touch. His sadness echoed off him in waves, bringing Chelia to tears. “I’m so sorry, my love.” Chelia whispered tenderly. “That will never happen to our family, Montego.” She assured him.

“Pro-Promise?” Montego muttered into her tear stained chest.

“Promise.” Chelia lifted his face. “If you don't want to finish the story, I understand.”

“No…” Montego wiped his tears, sitting beside Chelia. “I promised I’d tell you all of it and that’s what I must do.”

The days following the attack, Montego, Odelette, and Epsilon were on a boat, making their way towards the rendezvous point.

The night sea air was cold and crisp. Odelette and Epsilon held Montego in their lap, a blanket covering the three of them as they huddled for warmth.

“M-Mom…” Montego’s teeth chattered. The weather was nothing like the weather in Greece. “I’m… I’m scared…”

“I know my love… I know… don't worry, it shouldn’t be too long before we meet up with the WhiteClad Alpha couple.” Odelette assured him, stroking his hair.

“I miss Titiana…” Montego whimpered.

“I do too, Montego, but she’s in a better place now.” Epsilon tried to smile for his son, but it quickly faded.

Montego gazed into his father’s eyes as a hue of newfound fear and uncertainty filled them.


Hours later, Montego was awoken by a slight shake from his mother. Shooting his eyes open, he feared the worst… another fire? Perhaps a flood?

However, the worst never came. Instead, he was welcomed by his mother’s loving smile. “It’s alright, it’s okay.” Odelette stroked his cheek.

Montego scanned his surroundings to see they were at a busy town’s docks. “Where are we?” Montego whispered as the family of three exited the boat.

Montego tightly wounded his hand with his mother’s, frantically looking around at the busy street. Pedestrians, shoppers, and townsfolk crowded the streets of Ardglass, some looking to shop, others heading to work or school.

Montego stayed by his parents' side. There were never this many people in Naox. All of this was new to Montego… the people, the town; everything. As a car zoomed by, Montego jumped up, scanning around for any potential danger.

“Montego,” Epsilon smiled down at his son, “don't worry, it was just a car.”

“O-Okay…” Montego nodded, trying to calm his nerves.

The family came to a stop once reaching a small bakery named ‘Cake Walk’. Smelling the delicious treats from outside, Montego’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Is this the place?” Epsilon questioned, turning towards his wife.

“Yep. This is where Enyo and Ulysses told us to meet them at.” Odelette nodded as they walked into the bakery, the little bell on the door signaling their arrival.

“Hello, welcome to Cake Walk!” Greeted a male voice from the back room over the sound of falling pots and pans.

“Malakai, can you go take their order while I clean this up?” The same voice requested as more pots and pans fell. “For the sake of the gods and goddesses…”

The door leading to the backroom swung open and out walked a young boy at the age of 10. “Hiya! I’m Malakai. The guy wrestling with pots and pans in the back is my step-dad, Zay,” Malakai pushed a stepstool over towards the counter so he could reach it. “So. What can I help you with?”


“Wait, you knew Malakai when you were little?” Chelia's eyes widened slightly.

“Yeah, that’s where we met. We didn’t start talking till I met you.” Montego chuckled, tapping her nose. “All those times you made me go to his bakery, him and I formed a pretty good friendship.”

“You’re welcome.” Chelia giggled as Montego continued his story.


“It’s our first time here. What do you recommend?” Epsilon asked as Montego walked over to the display case. The young wolf began to drool at the delicious treats.

“A lot of the wolves here in Ardglass like the mini lotus flower cookies.” Malakai pointed to the cookies before looking up at the family of wolves' shocked faces.

“How did you-” Odelette began.

“Wolves aren’t welcomed in a lot of the shops in Ardglass. Hell, if they catch you shifting, they’ll throw you into a cell.” Zay said, coming out of the back room.

“Wh-What?” Montego looked up from the display case, his eyes brimming with fear.

“Don't worry, we’re not gonna rat you out.” Malakai’s mother, Harlyn, assured the young wolf. “Out of all the bakeries here in Ardglass, we’re the only one that accepts wolves.”

“They really don't like wolves here, huh?” Odelette sighed.

“The majority of people here hate them, however, there are some people who accept wolves.” Malakai said, placing the cookies into the box.

He walked over to Montego. The wolf scooted away from Malakai. After the information he heard, Montego didn’t want to take any chances.

“It’s alright.” Malakai smiled brightly, inching closer towards the wolf. “I won't hurt you.”

Gazing into the young baker’s hazel eyes, Montego slowly walked closer. He shifted his gaze from the floor up towards Malakai. “So, I heard you can shift. That’s cool!” Malakai’s sudden burst of excitement spooked Montego.

Montego nodded. “Y-Yeah…”

“Can I see?” Malakai asked eagerly.

“Um…” he looked up at his father.

“Don't worry, you can trust him.” Epsilon nodded, patting his head.

Montego gulped. He’d been more nervous to shift into his wolf form.

Montego shifted, the golden tawny wolf gazed up at the young warlock. Malakai smiled, ruffling his fur. “It’s so soft!” Malakai chuckled, full on laughing when Montego rolled onto his stomach, allowing Malakai to rub his belly.

“Who’s a good wolf? Yes, you are a good wolf.” Malakai cooed, tickling the wolf.

“I assume you’re the Greek family from Naox?” Harlyn said, mixing some cake batter in a bowl. Chuckling as Malakai chased Montego around the bakery.

“Yeah, how did you know?” Epsilon asked.

“Our bakery is allied with the WhiteClad pack,” Zay said, taking some of the cake batter, “we also run a small inn upstairs where wolves can seek shelter while they pass through Ardglass.”

“They’ve been a big help to the pack, not to mention they make the best pastries.” Ulysses said, walking into the bakery with Enyo at his side.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you in person, Epsilon, Odelette, and Montego. I’m sure you’ll fit-” before Ulysses could finish, he was interrupted by a squeal from his mate.

“Oh my gods!” Enyo’s eyes grew wide as they landed on the golden wolf pup. Swooping him up in her arms, she held him close to his chest. “Look at him!! He’s so cute and adorable!” Enyo spun around in glee. “I’ve never seen a golden wolf before!” She held up Montego like simba from the Lion King. “You’re just the cutest!”

“Sorry about Enyo,” Ulysses sighed, shaking his head, “she loves wolf pups.”

“I can tell…” Odelette chuckled nervously, watching as her wolf pup squirmed to get out of the Luna’s arms, but ultimately failed.

Incoherent muffles could be heard from Montego who was buried between Enyo’s chest. “What was that?” Enyo asked, lifting the boy’s head up.

“I said my name’s Montego.” Montego breathlessly introduced.

“I’m Enyo.” She smiled brightly, stroking his hair. “I heard about what happened to your home,” Enyo frowned, sighing as she shook her head. “Those dragons were wrong to hurt your island.” Her smile soon returned when she tapped Montego’s nose. “Don't worry, your new home is far away from those dragons.” She softly kissed his forehead. “Trust me… you’re gonna love the WhiteClad pack.”



Sorry for not updating yesterday I feel asleep and was exhausted after taking test all day.

Also sorry for the long chapter. Normally they're not this long because this is like 5k but it's an important chapter because we get to see about Montego past!

Tell me what you think and I'll see you on Friday!

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