№56|Wings Were Made To Fly

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№56|Wings Were Made To Fly
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Yvette laid on Alistair’s chest, the two gazing down at the ring on Yvette’s nimble finger. “It's beautiful…” Yvette smiled up at her fiancé. “I love you.”

Alistair chuckled, wincing slightly, the scars on his body were still healing. Yvette sighed, moving off his chest. “It still hurts?” She asked, running her fingers softly over the scars.

“Yeah,” Alistair sat up, groaning softly, “but I’ll manage.”

Yvette smirked, pushing him back down as she straddled atop his midsection. “Yvette…” Alistair’s voice grew questionable. “What are you doing?”

Yvette released a shaky breath, her hands trailing down his chest. “As long as I could remember, you’ve always given me pleasure…” Yvette’s hands began to shake as they ventured lower down her lover’s body. “Today, I wanna re-return the favor.”

Alistair noticed his fiancé’s worried look in her eyes. He placed his hand on hers. “You don't have to do this if you're scared, Yvette.”

“You always do this for me… I  always get pleasure when you do this to me… I just feel bad because it’s like you get nothing out of it.” Yvette whimpered quietly, just enough for Alistair to hear.

“Yvette, I get pleasure from hearing you moan my name. The way your body writhes is pleasure under my kisses is all I need, Yvette.” Alistair assured her, intertwining his fingers with hers.


“Yvette,” Alistair sighed, “your hand was shaking like a leaf in a windstorm just trailing up my body.” He kissed her hand. “If you're nervous, you can tell me. I won't get mad.”

Yvette nodded, looking away from Alistair. “I’m trying… I really am.”

“I know you are, Yvette.” Alistair sat up, stroking her cheek as their lips met for a kiss. “We have our whole lives together to try new things, there’s no need to rush.”

“Okay…” Yvette muttered, ultimately nodding. She laid back down beside Alistair, sighing as she wrapped her arms around him.

“I was so worried about you…” she muttered into his chest. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

Alistair stroked her hair. “Don't worry, my shona (darling). Don't you remember what I told you?”

Yvette nodded, smiling widely. She wanted to hear him say it. “I’ll push my body to it’s limits for you, Shona (darling).” He lifted up her chin, placing a small kiss on her soft lips. “I’d do anything for you.”


Barron watched as Medusa sat in bed, writing down her notes. Barron kissed along her shoulder. “What is that big, beautiful brain of yours thinking about?”

“Something about the air isn’t right.” Medusa muttered, sniffing the air. The light smell of strawberries mixed with something unfamiliar filled the air.

“You know what I smell?” Barron cooed, his kisses trailing up to her mark.

“What?” Medusa asked, continuing to scribble down her notes.

“Your beautiful lavender and lime scent.” Barron nibbled on her earlobe. “How do you smell so good?”

“Body wash.” Medusa replied smugly. “You should try it sometime.”

“Ha, ha.” Barron laughed fakely. He glanced down at her notes. “Medusa,” Barron’s kisses trailed down her neck.

“Yes, Barron?”

“Where did you go to school?” Barron asked, his hands running down her thighs.

“University of Ardglass. Why?”

“No, I meant elementary school.” Barron clarified.

“Oh, I believe it was Little Rock Elementary. Why do you ask?” Medusa replied, glancing down at her wolf.

“Do they accept wolves?” Barron tongue traced along the mark on her neck.

Medusa gasped, biting her lip as her cheeks flushed red. “Y-Yes… yes they do.”

“Great.” Barron smiled against her neck.

“Why are you asking about the schools I went to?” Medusa chuckled.

“If those schools produce smart, independent women like yourself… I want our children to go there too.” Barron looked up at Medusa with a smile.

“Chi-Children?!” Medusa’s eyes practically bugged out of her head at the word.

“Yeah. After all this is done, and once you finish your research-”

“Once I finished my research I was thinking of going back to Ardglass.” Medusa stated, closing her book.

“What?” Barron’s eyes went wide.

“Barron,” She placed her notes on the desk, “you didn’t expect me to be Luna forever, did you?”

“But… what about the pack?” Barron whimpered.

“I’m sure you can find another luna.” Medusa shrugged.

Barron gazed into her eyes. He’d been with Medusa for a while to know when her tactical mind was in full swing. Now was one of those times.

“Over tactical Medusa… great…” Barron sighed, shaking his head.

“What?” Medusa scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Don't mutter with me... I know you wolves don't mutter.”

“Medusa,” Barron held her hands in his, “I’ve known you long enough to know that I’m dating two Medusa’-”

“That’s not possible. Unless you cloned me, then there’d be two Medusas.” She tapped her chin. “I wonder if wolves can stand cloning machines.”

“There will be times where I’m dating Tactical Medusa, who I love and adore, with her big beautiful brain that basically turns you into a robot.” Barron chuckled, kissing her forehead, her cheeks heated up slightly.

“Then, they’ll be time when I date Romantic Medusa. This Medusa is full of love, joy, laughter, a little clingy-”

“Ew,” tactical Medusa groaned, “emotions.”

Barron snorted in laughter. “The third Medusa is the best. Mixed Medusa. This is a mix between Tactical and Romantic Medusa. The one that is the most out.” Barron kissed her nose. “I also know that each Medusa has different needs. Tactical Medusa loves plain pancakes with the butter on the side, no syrup, and you eat up in my office surrounded by your notes.”

Medusa pouted her lips, looking away from Barron. “N-No I don't! Shut up!”

“Tactical Medusa also gets super defensive when emotions come into play.” Barron chuckled, stroking her cheek.

“Romantic Medusa is different. She loves strawberry english muffins with fruit on the side, and cherry jelly inside the english muffin so when she bits into it it dribbles down her mouth like a vampire sucking blood.” Barron explained.

“Romantic Medusa sounds way too… too emotional.” Tactical Medusa shook her head. “Ugh. Makes me sick.”

“Mixed Medusa loves eating eggs and bacon. She loves it when I dip the bacon in maple syrup... it makes the bacon taste sweet.” Barron stroked her hand. “What I’m trying to say, Medusa, is this. I know it may sound stupid, but you won’t find another person who knows more about you than me…” Barron kissed her hands. “I’ve waited years to find my Luna. I’m not letting her go anytime soon.”

Barron noticed Tactical Medusa began to fade away, being replaced by Mixed Medusa. She groaned, holding her head. “Did I say something stupid?”

“No, no. Just something about going back to Ardglass after your research is done. You’re not doing that… right?” Barron whimpered slightly.

“Of course not.” Medusa smiled, stroking his cheek. “My research on wolves is forever growing. I’m gonna need to stay even longer now that I’m a Vanguard.”

Barron smiled widely, pulling in Medusa for a hug. “Good,” Barron nibbled on her earlobe, “you’re not leaving me for a long time.”

“Wasn’t planning on it, Barron.” Medusa chuckled, kissing his cheek as the two sunk down into the sheets, slowly drifting to sleep.


The next morning, Medusa woke up to a strange sight. Not only was the smell of strawberries and the unusual scent stronger, but Barron was gone.

She unwrapped herself from the sheets, turning to get off the bed. She walked downstairs. Once again, nobody was here, and the strawberry unusual scent was getting stronger and stronger with every step.

“Looks like you're finally awake.” Julius’ voice made the researcher jump, turning towards him as he calmly sipped his coffee.

“Where’s everyone?” Medusa glared at the wolf, her snakes hissing violently.

“Ey!” Julius snapped, slamming his mug on the coffee table. “Tell your snakes to shut it before I descale them!”

Medusa raked her fingers through her hair, trying to ease the hissing. “Babies, relax. We’ll find Barron and the others soon.”

“What are you doing here?” Medusa marched over to him, demanding an answer.

“You may be wondering where Barron and the others are.” Julius leisurely sipped his coffee.

“What did you do to them?!” Medusa scolded, her glare hardening on the wolf.

“We haven’t done anything to them,” Juius snickered, placing his coffee back down. “Yet.”

Medusa’s clouded grey eyes flashed a bright green as she clenched her fist. “Answer the question, traitor.” Medusa snarled, a green aura surrounding the researcher.

“Medusa, if I told you where I’m keeping your brother and his friends, it wouldn’t be any fun.” Julius chuckled, waltzing towards her, pinning her against the kitchen island.

He smirked at the anger bubbling inside Medusa. “My brother and his friends mean that much to you?”

“Yes, he does,” Medusa clasped her hand around Julius’ wrist. Slowly, it began to turn to stone. “Obviously, your stone cold heart doesn't understand love.” The stone began spreading up his arm. “Now, this can go two ways…” Medusa’s grip tightened around him.

“Either you tell me where he is, or,” Medusa’s snakes rattled violently, hissing at the rogue wolf, “me and my snakes snap your limbs in every way imaginable.”

Julius gulped slightly, trying to keep up his tough act. “Doubt it.”

As soon as he uttered those words, Medusa slammed Julius’ head against the kitchen island, pinning his head against the hard garnet table top. Holding his arms back in a painful position, she leaned in to whisper in his ear, “still think I won't do it?”

Medusa wrapped her hands around his neck, her nails digging into the tender flesh. “Where is he?” Her voice grew dark and cold as the green aura filled the room.

“Not… telling…” Julius croaked, soon getting slammed against the wall. “Fuck…”

“Where… is… he?!” Medusa’s eyes were now full neon green. “Where’s Barron?!” She roared, digging her heels into Julius’ ribs. “Spit it out or you’ll be spitting out blood!”

Julius gazed up at the angry researcher above him. Shivers ran down his spine, slightly trembling under her hard gaze. However, forever stubborn, Julius kept up his sly, arrogant act.

“I’m not… telling you… jack!” At this, a ball of stone slammed into his stomach, eliciting a groan from his being.

“Tell me!” Medusa snarled, stepping on the stone as it sunk deeper into the wolf’s gut. “Where are you keeping them?!”

Julius heard of the power of the Vanguard. That, when angered, their power soared to unimaginable heights. Fear slowly began to fill the rogue wolf’s eyes as the Wolf Vanguard pushed the stone ball deeper. Blood began to spill out the sides of Julius’ mouth as his organs popped under the weight of the stone.

A hearty groan tore out from the damaged wolf beneath Medusa. “Tell me!” She demanded, purposely pushing the stone in deeper.

“The castle!” Julius shouted, groaning hard as Medusa finally released the stone. “They’re in… the castle…”

Medusa kicked his body to the side. “I’ll be back for you later!” Medusa stormed out the house. Dragons along the street scattered at the enraged researcher.

A slight tingling formed in her back, however Medusa was too angered to fully comprehend it. Her snakes, however, could feel it all too well. They looked behind her to see large emerald green wings sprouting from her back.

The snakes gently tapped her forehead, pointing towards her new attachments on her back. Medusa smirked. Well that’s new. Setting her feet firmly on the ground, she blasted off into the skies.

As Medusa sored through the skies, her half human half snake hair flapped in the wind. Doing a quick barrel roll, she laughed loudly. She’d always loved how birds and other animals were able to soar through the skies without a care in the world. Now she could fly along with them.

As amazing as the flying experience was for her, once her eyes locked with the castle, she regained her focus. Darting towards it, Medusa bursted through the front doors, altering the guards upon landing.

The guards readied their gun, aiming them all on Medusa. She scoffed, flipping her hair. “Please.” With a simple flick on her hand, slabs of stone were fired towards each and every guard, soon turning them into stone. “How Barron said the guards were a pain to get through, I’ll never know.” Medusa chuckled, making her way up the castle with a single thought in mind.

If they hurt a single hair on Barron’s head. The researcher scrunched up her fist tightly, her knuckles turning white as pieces of stone began to fall off from the castle walls. Nobody comes out alive.


Isn't Medusa such a badass!! She's so flipping awesome! Me and my editor both agree that Medusa was always strong brains wise, but now we really get to see the strength Medusa be packing!!

Anyways! We are nearing the end of Wereology and I'm so excited to say we have a cover for A Sea Of Bloody Hearts!!!

Isn't it beautiful!!! It was made by Lia_Sphyrys who is just the most best cover maker of all time!!!

Thanks to her I have a beautiful cover! U guys should really go check her out!!

Till next time for another update!!

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