№58|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 2)

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№58|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 2)
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Vanessa gasped loudly, shooting up to see she was slowly falling down a tunnel of her own memories. Red mist surrounded each memory while white mist surrounded those of Malakai’s.

She looked around, frantically trying to find her baker. “Malakai?” Vanessa asked, swimming through the anti gravity space. “Malakai, where’d you go?”

Suddenly, a pair of strong – yet soft – arms wrapped around Vanessa. “Did you think a little water would separate us?” Malakai chuckled, kissing her cheek.

“You know how Irvam is… he’ll do anything to destroy us.” Vanessa sighed, leaning into her mate’s touch.

“Trust me, Vanessa. We’re not going to fall to some dragon.” Malakai assured her.

“Malakai, look around. He has us trapped in our own memories.” The beta’s eyes sulked. “He’s already won…”

“Where’s this coming from?” Malakai asked, lifting her chin. “You’re never this pessimistic.”

“Malakai, look at what’s happened! He has my parents, Medusa’s research, trapped us in here…” Vanessa listed, glaring at the baker. “He’s. Won.”

“Bullshit.” Malakai cursed.

Vanessa stepped back, scanning Malakai suspiciously. “Excuse me?”

“I said, bullshit.” Malakai repeated, stepping closer towards the wolf. “Where’s the wolf who told me to never give up? To fight for what you believe in? Where’s that wolf?”

“Malakai, I’m still here, it’s just-”

“Just what? You don't have faith in yourself, your pack, or your mate?” Malakai questioned.


Malakai gripped her shoulder, gazing deep into her black eyes. “I don't know what’s gotten into you, but this is not my Vanessa.”

“Well, what is? Cause… I don't even know anymore.” Vanessa muttered, looking away from the warlock.

“You’re the amazing beta that I fell head over heels in love with when you walked through the doors. You’re the amazing wolf, who I didn’t even know was a wolf for half our relationship, that I’ve ever met.” Malakai placed a kiss on her lips. “That’s what you are, Vanessa. Amazing.”

Tears trickled down the wolf’s cheek, pulling Malakai in closer, her head resting on his chest. Vanessa gripped the back of his shirt, sobbing harder. “I-I… I lo-love you!”

“I love you too, Vanessa.” Malakai smiled, nuzzling his face into her curly hair.

Vanessa looked up from his chest to see a memory hurtling towards them. She inhaled sharply. “Oh no…” She muttered, shame filling her being.

“What’s wrong?” Malakai asked, holding onto her hand.

“This is from when we first started dating.” Vanessa replied, gazing into the memory.

Vanessa laid in bed atop of Malakai’s chest as he fed her truffles.

Vanessa giggled, tasting the delicious truffles. “Tasty as always.”

“Thanks-” He then realized he never found out her name, “what’s your name?”

“Names have so little meaning.” Vanessa crawled up his chest, kissing along his neck. “Your name however is amazing~” She purred in his ear. “Malakai~”

Malakai groaned pleasurably as her fingers raked down his body. “I want something to call out when you do the things you do to me.” Malakai pleaded.

“If you must know a name, hmm… call me Velvet.” Vanessa smiled down at the warlock.

“Velvet?” Malakai snorted slightly.

“Yeah, it’s a nickname.” Vanessa replied, kissing along his neck. Her wolf ever so desperately wanted to sink her teeth into Malakai’s tender flesh, however, Malakai didn’t know about her werewolf side.

Malakai flipped her over, towering over the wolf. “You’re beautiful.” He whispered, stroking her cheek. “Utterly beautiful.”

Vanessa giggled, kissing his cheek. “You’re not too bad yourself.”

“Why can’t I learn your real name, Velvet?” Malakai whispered, nibbling on her earlobe.

Vanessa meweled in pleasure. “Damn you, Malakai. Causing me pleasure won’t get a name out of me.”

“Are you sure?” Malakai smirked slyly, his hands gripping her waist.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Vanessa laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer.

“Vanessa,” Barron said telepathically to his sister, “where are you?”

Vanessa gasped as Malakai kissed her neck. “Gods, Malakai!”

“Vanessa!” Barron shouted. The beta winced slightly.

“What do you want?!” Vanessa scolded.

“I wanted to know where you’ve been the past 5 hours.” Barron replied, sitting down at his desk.

“I’ve been with a friend.” Vanessa smirked slightly. She knew Malakai was no friend – he was her lover, her life... her everything.

“Well, you and your ‘friend’ need to hurry up. The werewolf council is inspecting us later today.” Barron chuckled, ending the mind communication.

Vanessa patted Malakai’s chest. “Honey-” before she could continue, a moan escaped her lips. “Honey, I have to leave.”

“Why…” Malakai whined, rolling over to Vanessa’s side. “Don't go, Velvet.”

“I gotta. There’s an important meeting at the office.” Vanessa said, putting her shirt back on. “I’ll be back tonight, don't worry.”

Malakai kissed along her shoulders. “Why don’t you call in sick today? Hm? Spend the day with me.”

“I did that yesterday, the boss is starting to get suspicious.” Vanessa chuckled, kissing his cheek. “I’ll be back soon, Malakai.”

“Okay.” Malakai smiled, giving her one last kiss. “I’ll miss you.”

“Gods how did I ever deserve you?” Vanessa laughed, kissing him back.

“My caramel truffle, we both deserve each other.” Malakai kissed her nose. “I think we found each other when we both needed the other.”

Malakai hooked his arms around her waist. “Stay sexy.”

Vanessa giggled, kissing his soft lips. “Stay tasty~” she purred, walking out the door.

She slid down the door, her heart swooning. She couldn’t wait for the day she could parade around the pack, flaunting off Malakai as her mate. She wanted every wolf to know that he was hers.

Shifting into her wolf from she turned towards the door. Pressing her ear against it, listening to Malakai as he flopped down onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

“Velvet, huh? It may not be her real name, but it’s something.” Malakai smiled, resting his hands on his heart. He shot up from his bed. “Let’s make her something for when she gets back.”

Vanessa giggled, “our mate is gonna be the best mate! He already knows we’ll be starving when we’ll return!” Her wolf cheered, running in circles. To say she was happy they finally found a mate was an understatement.

Rushing out the back door of the building, the cool night air hit her soft velvet fur. She inhaled the chocolate scent Malakai left on her.

A part of her felt horrible for not telling Malakai of her werewolf lineage, but she had to hide the warlock for his own safety. She knew Barron was accepting to all races, but she couldn’t drop a bombshell onto him like this.

Hearing that your little sister is dating someone is bad enough… not to mention the person she’s dating is forbidden to even be seen with someone like her. Hell, if anyone were to learn the two were seeing each other, Vanessa would be thrown into Brimstone, a prison where caught wolves were sent to wait execution, and Malakai would be exiled.

Escaping her thoughts, the velvet wolf stopped at the entrance of the pack to see Chelia waiting for her. “You were with him longer today. People are starting to get suspicious as to where you're going every day.” Chelia was the only one who knew about the two lovers.

“I know, I know, but he’s just so darn amazing! How do you expect me to leave someone like that everyday at 6:30?” Vanessa sighed in delight as the two entered the base.

“It’s 5:30, and you know it.” Chelia laughed, ushering her up to her potion room. Thankfully, Montego was out hunting with Alistair and Barron.

“Did you tell him your name?” Chelia asked, reaching up for a spray bottle filled with pink liquid on the top shelf.

“Yeah,” Vanessa chuckled nervously, “I told him I was Velvet.”

Chelia groaned, raking her fingers down her face. “Velvet, really? I said tell him your real name!”

“I did! Sorta…” Vanessa muttered, looking away from the fairy.

“Did he actually believe you?” Chelia questioned, levitating a jar of goblin eyes over, adding them to the spray bottle before shaking it up. The eyes disintegrated once they touched the pink liquid.

“Yes, I told him that was my nickname, but he accepted it.” Vanessa smiled, leaning over the table.

“Eventually, you’ll have to tell him about your werewolf side.” Chelia informed her, shaking up the spray bottle again when she added in griffin feathers.

“Whhy!” Vanessa groaned, hanging her head low.  “Things are going so good right now.”

“I’m sure they are, but you’re both in a lot of danger doing this. Barron was asking a lot of questions about where you were today.” Chelia warned, stirring the potion.

“But the danger makes it that much fun!” Vanessa grinned. “There’s a certain pleasure in being caught. Hell, there’s pleasure just with being him!”

“Then why hide from the world?” Chelia questioned, walking around the table and in front of Vanessa with the spray bottle in hand. “If you love this man, then show him off! I know the second me and Montego started dating, he couldn’t wait to introduce me to everyone as his girlfriend.”

“That’s fine for fairies and werewolves... there’s no lethal punishment for you two being together.” Vanessa rolled her eyes, soon shivering at the fairy’s hard glare.

“I haven’t been back to the fairy realm in months…” Chelia muttered, looking away from the wolf.

“Hey, Chelia,” Vanessa whispered softly, getting the fairy’s attention, “do you ever regret it? Leaving it all behind for Montego?”

Chelia walked towards the window, watching as the golden tawny wolf left the forest with a jack rabbit clenched between his teeth. “Regret it?” She turned towards Vanessa with a large smile. “Never.”

Vanessa chuckled, she hoped one day she and Malakai could have a relationship like theirs. “Are you seeing him tonight?” Chelia asked, aiming the spray bottle at Vanessa.

“Who, Montego?” Vanessa asked back, spreading her arms out wide as Chelia sprayed the potion on her, masking Malakai’s scent. “Maybe. I mean he said he might go hunting later tonight, so I might join him.”

“No, I mean Malakai.” Chelia clarified. “I need to know if I gotta make more of this potion for when you get back.”

“I’m gonna see him once the meeting with the werewolf council is over.” Vanessa smiled, blushing slightly as images of her beloved baker skimmed through her mind.

“You really love him, don't you?” Chelia giggled, putting the potion away.

“With all my heart.” Vanessa sighed in delight, going into her bag to bring out a box of caramel truffles. “He wanted to name these after me…”

“Then tell him your name. Why are you hiding it from him, anyways?” Chelia hopped up onto the table, swinging her legs back and forth. “You have a beautiful name.”

“My name is Vanessa WhiteClad. Everyone knows the WhiteClad pack... wolves and warlock alike.” Vanessa sighed. “I wouldn’t even need to shift and he’d know I’m a werewolf.”

“Are you worried he might leave you?” Chelia placed her hand on Vanessa, her emotions flooding into Chelia. She nodded, pressing her lips together. “You are worried about that…”

Vanessa whimpered, looking down at her feet. “I know he wouldn’t, but there’s this voice in my head whispering that he’ll run for the hills once he finds out about my wolf.”

“Malakai is a wonderful man. He’s perfect for you. You don't have to worry about him, Vanessa.” Chelia assured her. “You know Malakai accepts wolves.”

“Yeah but does he date them?” Vanessa sighed. “That’s the real question.”

“Vanessa-” Before Chelia could continue, a certain golden tawny wolf raced in with a jackrabbit between his teeth. He rubbed up against his mate’s leg, purring at her soft skin.

Chelia crouched down. “Whatcha catch?”

Montego spit out the rabbit in front of Chelia. “A rabbit!” He smiled widely, nudging it towards Chelia. “Go ahead, eat up.”

“Honey, it’s raw.” Chelia pointed out.

“So?” Montego tilted his head.

“Montego, she can’t eat raw things like wolves. She’s a fairy.” Vanessa reminded him, ruffling his hair.

“Oooh, right! You have to cook it.” Montego nodded. He was still getting used to his beloved’s eating habits. He had to remind himself sometimes that she wasn’t a wolf.

“Yes.” Chelia smiled, picking up the jackrabbit and placing it on the table. “I’ll make it for dinner. We can have stew.”

“You know how to make that?” Montego’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Yeah.” Chelia chuckled, scratching him behind his ear, knowing this was his sweet spot.

“Isn’t she amazing!” Montego cheered, licking the fairy’s face.

“She’s the best.” Vanessa smiled, watching happiness, and envy, as the wolf and his fairy wrestled playfully.

She wanted that with Malakai. She wanted to wrestle with him. Lick his face. Mark him! She wanted to do it all!

She snapped out of her thoughts when she looked down to see her phone ding. Opening her messages, she saw it was from Malakai. He sent a sloth holding a heart saying, “I love you”

Vanessa giggled, sending back a sticker of a puppy holding a yellow heart that read, “I love you more.” If she couldn’t reveal her wolf side to Malakai just yet, she was fine with the place they were at.

Barron came up behind her, glancing down at his sister’s phone. “Who’s that?”

“Just a friend.” Vanessa quickly responded before shoving her phone into her back pocket. She turned towards her brother. “Is the Werewolf council here yet?”

“Just got here.” Barron replied as the brother-sister duo walked downstairs. “Hey, where were you today?”

“I was hunting with an old friend. She’s passing through Ardglass.” Vanessa lied. In reality, the only hunting that was being done was Malakai hunting down her heart.

The two stood by the door, watching as the head of the council, Regis Fillguard, and 2nd chair of the council, Tabitha Britchstone, exited the car.

“Vanessa!” Tabitha cheered, hugging the head beta.

Tabitha and Vanessa had been friends since diapers… her father ran a pack near the WhiteClad pack. “Tabby!” Vanessa wrapped her arms around the councilwoman. “I can’t believe you got on the council.”

“Regrettably.” Regis grumbled, rolling his eyes.

“Don't mind Reggy, he’s always grumpy like that.” Tabitha giggled.

“It’s Regis.” Regis corrected, sounding out his name. “This is why we shouldn’t have some little girl be the second chair.”

“Yes, I’m the youngest on the council, but that doesn't mean I don't know anything.” Tabitha clarified.

“Whatever…” Regis scoffed. He walked towards the door, stopping at Vanessa. “Why does she smell like a fleshie?”

“I can assure you she’s a werewolf sir.” Barron turned towards Vanessa. “Show him.”

Vanessa nodded, shifting into her velt wolf form, licking her paw. “See, I’m a wolf.”

“Right, but that doesn't explain why you have the scent of a fleshie all over you.” Regis glared at the velvet wolf. “You haven’t been with any of them, have you?”

“No.” Vanessa's mouth said one thing but her eyes said another.

“Why do you smell like one of those disgusting fleshies?” Regis asked once more.

“Well…” Vanessa timidly attempted to answer, whimpering slightly under the head of the council’s hard glare.

“I know you’re in a relationship with some fleshie, Vanessa.” Regis whispered harshly in Vanessa’s ear. “What kind of werewolf goes as low as to date human scum? You mother and father are rolling in their graves as you bed with that monster.”

Vanessa's eyes filled with tears. “You should be ashamed of yourself. A wolf like yourself doesn't have the right to call herself a wolf if she dates someone as low as a fleshie baker.”

At this Vanessa sprinted off into the forest, her tears flailing through the wind.

Vanessa scrunched up her fist. “For a while… I thought he was right… that dating you meant I wouldn’t be a wolf in the eyes of others anymore.”

“Hey,” Malakai cupped her hands, “you will always be my wolf, no matter what.”

Vanessa wrapped her arms around him. “What did I ever do to deserve you as a mate?” She muttered into his chest.

“Darling, we both deserve each other.” Malakai chuckled, kissing the top of her head. Looking over her shoulder, he could see one of his own memories hurtling towards him.

“Oh no…” He muttered, causing Vanessa to look up from his chest.

“What’s wrong?” Vanessa asked, turning towards the memory to see 7 year old Malakai playing in a sandbox.

Malakai crouched down at the sandbox, glaring at the sandcastle. “Sand storm!” He shouted, holding out his hands. He waited for the sand storm that never came. Instead, the sandcastle just tipped over.

“That was a good try, honey.” Harlyn smiled, rubbing his back.

Malakai gazed up at his mother. The scars his biological father put on her were still there. It had been 4 months since the two escaped to live with Zaydin, yet Malakai was still haunted by his father’s abuse. To be quite honest, the young warlock was afraid his new father would end up like his old one.

“Why can’t I do magic yet?” Malakai sighed, his eyes shifting back towards the ruined sandcastle.

“What are you talking about? You conjured up a fireball yesterday.” Harlyn reminded him, kissing his cheek. “It lit a candle and everything.”

“Yeah… just a stupid candle… dad-”

“The sperm donor.” Harlyn interrupted.

“The sperm donor,” Malakai chuckled slightly, “used to conjure up all types of magic.”

“And what did he do with it? Hm?” Harlyn asked.

“Use it on us…” Malakai whimpered, his eyes sulking.

“Exactly. That’s why I’m glad you are learning your magic too fast.” Harlyn wrapped her arms around him, kissing the top of his head. “Your sperm donor learned his magic very fast, and he ended up using it for all the wrong reasons.”

“I don't wanna be like my sperm donor.” Malakai quickly shook his head.

“You won't be,” Harlyn helped him off the ground, grasping onto his tiny hand, “we’re gonna go visit your father Zaydin in the Dragon Islands today, they day the air boost people's magic cell production.”

“You think that’ll help?” Malakai questioned, stared down at his hands.

“Yes, it will.” Harlyn assured him as she held out her hand. “Telepora!” She chanted, a large oval shaped portal opened up in front of them. “Ready to go see dad?”

Malakai nodded, smiling up at his mother as the two entered the portal. Once reaching the other side, the two were welcomed by a lively town of people as dragons spread happily over their heads.

Harlyn picked up Malakai, gazing up at the dragons. Her eyes followed a particular arcane dragon. Locking eyes with it, she waved it over. “Zay! Over here!”

Zay darted down for the family. Malakai’s eyes widened, burying his face in his mother’s shoulder. Zay chuckled, shifting into his human form. “Little Man is still scared of me in my dragon form?”

“The sperm donor did a real number on him.” Harlyn sighed, shaking her head. “He’s gonna need some getting used to.”

“Hey, Little Man, look,” Zay tapped his shoulder, causing the young warlock to look up from his mother’s shoulder, “no dragon!”

Malakai smiled softly, nodding at Zay. “H-Hi Zay.”

“Hey, Little Man. You’ve been taking care of your mama while I’m away?” Zay chuckled, ruffling his hair.

He nodded once more. “Y-Yes!” Malakai attempted to light a flame in his hand, but only a tiny spark came. “I lit up a candle during a black out.”

“That’s something!” Zay shrugged, patting his back. “I’m glad you decided to join us. I know all my friends are excited to meet you.”

“F-Friends?” Malakai shivered at the thought of more dragons.

The sperm donor had friends who were dragons. They’d always used Malakai and his mother as punching bags. When his mother introduced him to Zay, she told him that Zay wasn’t like those dragons. That Zay knew how to respect his women and their children.

However, Malakai couldn’t trust him just yet.

“My friends are gonna love you two! They've been waiting for me to find a mate and have young.” He kissed Harlyn’s lips. “Luckily mine already comes with one.”

Harlyn giggled, blushing at Zay’s words. Malakai smiled softly. He was happy his mother was happy, but Malakai couldn’t find it in him to open up to Zay just yet.

“Malakai,” Zay turned towards him, “I hear you’ve been having a little trouble with magic.”

“O-Oh… yeah… I can barely light a stupid candle.” Malakai muttered, looking away from the dragon in shame.

“How about tonight I take you to a mediation?” Zay suggested, earning a confused look from Malakai.

“A what?” He questioned.

“A mediation. Us dragons have one every night at the Gong Waterfall. We all take a sip from the waterfall and mediate to center our powers. It might help unclog whatever it is that’s clogging up your magic.” Zay explained. As he held Malakai’s hand, the family of three approaching a small cafe.

“Sounds fun.” Malakai smiled slightly, soon darting his eyes away from Zay.

“Great.” Zay patted his head as he looked up to see his friends Wanda and Lenix. “Wanda! Lenix! Come here. These are the two I told you about.” The dragon walked over to his friend, presenting his mate and her child. “Wanda, Lenix, this is Harlyn and her son, Malakai.”

Wanda quickly hugged the two, inhaling their sweet scent. “Aren’t you two just the cutest!” She squished Harlyn’s cheek. “Look how beautiful you are! No wonder Zay fell for you. Dragons always seem to fall for very strong witches.” Wanda winked. “I should know... I am one.”

“You’re a witch?” Harlyn asked through her squished cheeks.

“Yep!” Wanda released her cheeks, using her magic to levitate her plate with a piece of pie resting top it towards her. “Lenix found me on the side of the road one day after the guy I was apprenticing for threw me away.”

“I brought her in and have been in love ever since.” Lenix smiled, pacing a soft kiss on her lips.

Lenix’s eyes shifted down towards Malakai. “Hey, kiddo. I’m Lenix, but everyone calls me Lenny.” He extended his hand for Malakai to shake.

“He-Hello.” Malakai whispered his greeting, daring not to look the dragon in the eye.

“What’s up with him?” Lenix whispered up towards Zay.

“His sperm donor used to abuse both him and his mother. Sometimes dragons would join the fray as well.” Zay explained, scrunching up his fist. “Those damn pricks. Didn’t those dragons learn how to respect a woman?”

“Some refuse to learn.” Wanda sighed, sipping her coffee. “Are you joining us for the mediation tonight?”

“Yeah.” Malakai climbed up into his chair. “Za-Zay thinks it’ll hel-help.”

“You’re pretty stuttery for a 5 year old.” Wanda chuckled, passing him a cookie. “Here, eat up.”

Malakai cautiously stared at the cookie and back at Wanda. “Me?” Malakai whispered.

“Yeah, you. Your dad told me your mom’s a baker. I thought you would like some cookies.” Wanda smiled, stroking his hair. “If it helps, the sperm donor gave you some beautiful eyes.”

“I wanted my mom’s eyes…” Malakai muttered.

“He doesn't have his father's eyes.” Harlyn stated, shaking her head.

“What do you mean, hun? You said the sperm donor had hazel greenish eyes like Malakai’s.” Zay reminded her.

“The sperm donor’s eyes were filled with anger and vengeance when he looked at me.” Harlyn turned towards Malakai, gazing deep into his eyes. “When I look at Malakai, they’re filled with joy and light.”

Lenix chuckled, patting Malakai’s back. “I guess they aren’t the sperm donor’s.”

Malakai smiled slightly. “I guess they aren't.”

“So,” Wanda smirked at Harlyn, she leaned in, “have you and Zay mated yet?”

“N-No!” Harlyn blushed. “We-We’re taking it slow.”

“If you want, me and Lenix can take Malakai off your hands for a while so you and Zay can get some alone time.” Wanda winked. “It is April after all.”

“Wanda!” Harlyn chuckled nervously, looking away from the dragons.

“You know, we are eventually gonna have to mate.” Zay whispered in her ear.

“I-I know.” Harlyn muttered. “I’m just… scared.”

“Don't be,” Zay chuckled softly, his fingers running up her thighs till they reached her midsection, “us dragons know how to treat women right.”

Harlyn couldn’t contain the heat rushing up her cheeks. She smiled, intertwining her fingers with Zay. “Thank you.” The witch muttered. “Thank you for everything.”

“Anything for you. I hope you and Malakai are happy, I really do, Harley.” Zay chuckled, kissing her hand.

“Zay is an amazing father, Malakai, I don't know why you’re saying this is a bad memory.” Vanessa shrugged.

“You’ll see.” Malakai whispered, holding his breath as his eyes stayed glued to the memory.

Later that night, Malakai and Zay walked towards the Gong Waterfall with mats in hands. The two walked in silence, the air thick as syrup.

“Malakai,” Zay said, startling the young boy, “you know I love your mom and you, right?”

“Y-Yes.” He replied, his gaze firmly on the sidewalk below them.

“Then why are you still afraid of me?” Zay asked, crouching down in front of the boy. “You know I would never do anything to hurt you or mom.”

“I know…” Malakai whispered. “It’s just… I want to believe you… but when we were with the sperm donor, he drilled it into our brains that nobody would come to save us…”

“Well, I did,” Zay smiled, stroking his cheek, “after I learn the harsh conditions you and your mother were going through, I couldn’t sit idly by and watch it happen.”

“Sometimes I wish you did…” Malakai muttered under his breath.

“What?” Zay questioned, raising his eyebrow at the warlock.

“You got really hurt and in a lot of trouble the day you saved me and mom… I don't want to see you die… I don't wanna go back to the sperm donor.” Tears began to swell in Malakai’s little brown eyes.

“You won't have to go back to him, I promise. I don't care if that sperm donor hunts me down and attempts to kill me.” Zay smirked proudly. “I’m a dragon, and dragons do whatever it takes to protect their kin and mate.”

Malakai smiled, wrapping his arms around Zay’s large frame. “Thank you Zay… for everything.”

“Don't mention it, little man.” Zay chuckled, holding Malakai’s hands. He felt the young warlock gripped his hand, a sense of pride washed over the dragon as the two continued their journey towards the waterfall.


“Zay! Malakai! Over here!” Lenix called out, waving his hand high enough to see over the crowd.

Malakai and Zay walked over to him, placing their yoga mats beside him. “Mister Lenix, where’s Miss Wanda?” Malakai asked, rolling out his mat.

“Wanda’s at the house getting ready.” Lenix replied, noticing the confusion in the young man’s eyes.

“Getting ready for what?” Malakai tilted his head.

“Oh um… nothing you need to worry about, Malakai. I’m sure your dad will explain when you're older.” Lenix patted the top of his head.

“But-” Before Malakai could continue, Zay pressed a finger over his lips, silencing the child.

Zay pointed towards the waterfall, watching as one dragon began to fill up a chalice with water from the waterfall.

“Who’s that?” Malakai whispered towards his father.

“That the king of all dragons, Vestal,” Zay whispered back, watching as a young dragon ran up to Vestal, “that’s his son, Dewei. He’ll be the next King of all Dragons.”

“What are they doing?” Malakai continued to ask.

“During the mediation, the royal family and their mates get the first sips of the water.” Lenix explained, kneeling down on his mat. “He’ll then come around and allow all the dragons to sip the water.”

“What does the water do?” Malakai whispered, copying Zay and Lenix’s kneeling movements.

“It helps balance your power by showing you your happiest memories, even if you don’t know what they are yet.” Zay said, looking up at the dragon. “Your highness.”

“Zay, stop it.” Vestal laughed, nudging him slightly. He glanced over to Malakai. “I see you brought your kin without.”

Malakai bowed his head. “It’s an honor to be here, your highness.”

Vestal smiled at the warlock. “Your father’s told me a lot about you, Malakai. We don't have many warlocks here.”

Malakai’s eyes ventured towards the chalice. “I-Is that the w-water?”

“Yeah.” Vestal replied. “How about we have your dad go first so you can see how it works?”

Malakai nodded. Vestal passed Zay the chalice, allowing the dragon to drink from it. Suddenly, his eyes began to glow a bright white, a bright storm blue light flowing through his veins.

“Woah…” Malakai muttered in astonishment.

Slowly, Zay’s eyes faded back to normal. “What’d you see?” Malakai asked, scooting towards his father.

“You and your mom.” Zay smiled, ruffling his hair. “See, it’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“Okay…” Malakai’s shaky hands reached out for the chalice, slowly raising them to his lips. Once the water hit his tongue, his eyes grew white.

“Malakai!” A soft voice giggled, everywhere Malakai looked were bright sparkles. Almost like diamond shining through the light. “Malakai… I promise, we’ll be together forever! I’m forever yours.”

Warmth filled the young warlock at the sound of the mysterious woman’s voice. He couldn’t see her face, or even her body… it was all covered by sparkles.

He reached out, attempting to feel around from the woman, but he couldn’t feel anything. Suddenly, the crystal’s began to fade, soon melting away. Fire clouded his vision as the sperm donor stood in front of him once more.

His foot jabbed into Malakai’s side. “You petty excuse for a son! Get up!”

Malakai’s veins began growing black, a piercing scream erupting from the child. The dragons winced. “Vestal, what’s happening to him?” Zay’s voice filled with worry.

“I-I don't know! The water’s never reacted like this before!” Vestal watched helplessly as the young warlock screeched in pain.

“You worthless piece of shit!” He spat, throwing him across the room.

“Stop it!!” Malakai roared, a blue light extended from his hand, pushing all the dragons back a few feet.

As his eyes returned to normal, Malakai breathed heavily. “Wh-Where’d he go?!”

“Who?” Zay whispered, attempting to confort Malakai as he sobbed into his shoulder.

“The sperm donor…” Malakai whimpered.

“Malakai don't you worry, the sperm donor isn’t here.” Zay assured the crying child.

He wanted to believe him, however, it was at this moment that Malakai knew he would be forever haunted by the sperm donor. Never to leave his shadow.


Soooo! Wasn't it cute seeing Malakai and Vanessa past? Aren't they adorable 😍😍😍

They both really have troubled past. Especially Malakai.

Anyways! I'll see you guys on Friday for another update as we reach the end of Wereology!

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