Chapter 30

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From past three days Siddharth was searching for Anu along with Akanksha. He didn't want her to accompany him but he had to, if he want to find her soon.

Her constant questions about him, his life and about Anu made him irritated. Of course he chose not to respond. All it took her to shut up was a cold angry glare from him.

They went to that medical shop and enquired about the purchase of the medicines.

The shop owner said that he only ordered them from the city and when Siddharth asked who came for the medicines then that man said that some girl had come.

Siddharth opened his phone and showed him a photo of Anu to that man. He asked him if this was the girl who came for those medicines and that man said yes.

Siddharth felt happy that he was close to his Anu. Akanksha took a double take seeing Siddharth smile. A part of her swooned at his breathtaking smile and other part of her was shocked to see this rude and arrogant man smile.

Siddharth enquired that man whether he knows Anu or her address or from where did she come. That man said that he doesn't know anything about her which made Siddharth disappoint.

But he smiled as he felt that he was  close to her and he has hope that he will find her now.....definitely.

Seeing him smile like that, Akanksha felt her heart tug. She never felt like that. She had a boyfriend before and have many male friends but she never felt like this with anyone.

Many boys had approached her asking her to be their girlfriend or to marry them. She declined. She never felt anything for them, though how much they have tried. But she is feeling some things inside her now which she never felt without him trying anything.

In these three days she had observed him. He is nothing like the boys she knows. He is different. Though he appears to be cold and rude, she understood he is soft and vulnerable too which he hides successfully from the world.

She would watch him how he smiles looking at some photo, how he reads that diary with so much intense, how he clutches the book and photo to his chest and sleeps, how his face look so sad and pained, how his eyes searches for something or someone wherever he goes and how he looks away out of the window whenever a lone tear escapes from his eye.

She doesn't know who is this girl and why they are searching for her but seeing the desperation of Siddharth, she understood that she might be someone important to him.

She tried to talk to him about his life, about his likes and dislikes and even about Anu also but all she got was either a cold reply or a blank look or an angry glare which made her shut up.


" Sid beta....."

He stopped in his tracks but didn't turn.

" Where are you going?" His mom asked him.

He stayed silent clenching his jaw.

" Sid, talk to me."

He still stayed silent.

" Sid please..... I said I am Sorry."

She pleaded him and he shut his eyes painfully.

" I didn't tell you because I promised her and I didn't want to see you hurt beta. " She said holding her arm.

Siddharth turned to her and looked at her with blazing eyes.

" Ma, What I am getting right now is just hurt. I am hurting right now knowing that I didn't do anything to save her when she was right in front of me. I am hurting like hell knowing that she never stopped loving me and all she did was just to love me. My insides are ripping off realizing that I didn't do anything for her and all she did was sacrifice for me. My heart bleeds at the thought of something happening to her." Siddharth cried.

" Beta, I know she is a great girl and she loves you so much but she didn't want you to know. And as a mother I did what is safe for you. Please Siddharth don't push me away. I cannot survive your hate beta." His mother cried and he stayed silent.

" Sid..... "

" If only you had told me earlier then I wouldn't have lost her and I would have done something to save her or at least be with her in her tough time." He said gritting his teeth.

He walked away from her who is looking at her son crying. He stopped at the door and turned towards her.

" I don't hate you Ma.....I hate myself." He said numbly and left leaving his mother to cry for her son.

She prayed to the God that her son should find his love as only they can save each other and no one else.


" Mr. Khurana, we have searched everywhere in the Karol bagh, I think she is not here. She must have mislead us." Akanksha said looking at the back seat where he sat.

" She doesn't know that I am searching for her to mislead us." He said coldly and looked back at his phone texting Neha.

" How do you know that? " She asked him furrowing her brows.

" I just know." He stated.

" But I think we should search......" She was cut off by him rudely.

" I don't want your opinions." He snapped at her.

" I just....." She was again cut off by him.

" Shut up! " He growled making her and driver flinch.

She stayed silent but she couldn't get this feeling out that why he was searching for her so desperately like his life depended on it.

On the other side Siddharth was getting frustrated as he couldn't find her still and on top of that the conversation with his mother made him boil with anger.

He didn't want to hurt his mother but he is so angry on her right now that he snapped at her. And this irritating detective can't shut her mouth. He shut his eyes to calm down and opened them looking at the diary.

He slowly opened the book......

Siddu I saw you today.

You were in front of me standing in my office.

I know that our new boss is arriving but I didn't know that you were our new boss. I blinked my eyes several times to see if it was really you or I was hallucinating because nowadays I am hallucinating that you are with me.

When you walked in I was so shocked that I stood like a stutue for sometime until Raj and Neha dragged me to you. You were greeting everyone and I tried to escape from there but I was called back by boss.

You behaved as if you don't know me and didn't even spare me a glance. Though I was little hurt by that, I was happy that I got to meet you.

But what disturbed me mostly was your cold attitude and arrogance not only with me but with everyone. You used to be the sweetest person I know on the earth and you became so bitter now. I cursed myself for that as I am responsible for your change.

I am Sorry Siddu, I did this to you. I wanted to say sorry, I wanted to say how much I love you and I wanted to talk to you about so many things but I can't. And it killed me from inside......once again.

I was worried that daily how would I hide my illness from you and how would I act that you don't mean anything to me. I even had a minor panic attack after getting home thinking about the possibilities of you knowing the truth.

I took the medicines and let myself calm down. My thoughts wandered to the morning that how I met you. You looked more gorgeous and handsome even with that cold look of yours.

For the first time after many months I slept with a smile on my face because I always felt bad that I would die without seeing you again in my life and that has changed today.

I Love You Siddu.

I Love You...... He wanted to scream to the whole world. He wiped his tears and looked away when he saw Akanksha looking at him concerned.

" Who is she?" She whispered looking at him.

" What?" He frowned.

" Who is she to you?" She asked looking down at her lap.

" It's none of your business." He seethed at her angrily.

She looked away with hurt.

His phone rang and he rolled his eyes looking at the called ID.

" What is it Neha?" He asked in bored tone.

" What a nice way to say hello." She said sarcastically.

" What's the matter? " He asked.

" Where are you?" She demanded.

" Reaching Karol bagh." He replied.

" Found anything about her?" She asked hopefully.

" No." He sighed sadly.

" Siddharth..... You need to forgive your mom. She didn't do anything wrong." Neha said.

" Are you out of your mind? How can you say that? " He shouted which made Akanksha jump in her place and look at him.

" Siddharth....."

" Neha, she hid it. She hid the truth for more than one year. One damm year. If I had known earlier then I would have never allowed her to leave." Sid shouted and Akanksha listened to him curiously.

" I know but what could she have done? Let her son suffer thinking about his love's illness every minute of his life? " Neha questioned angrily.

" But today I am suffering even more thinking about her and her whereabouts. I am dying from inside every minute that I could have done something for her if......" Siddharth voice cracked due to his shouting and lump in his throat.

Akanksha couldn't understand anything but she understood one thing that this girl Ananya is more important and special to him than she thought.

" Siddharth, I am sorry. I know and I understand. I just don't want you to hurt your mother..... Anu wouldn't want that." She said softly and he shut his eyes painfully.

" I am Sorry I yelled at you." He apologized and Akanksha snapped her head at him stunned as he apologized.

" This is not the first time though. I am used to it by now." She said laughing which made him chuckle.

Akanksha was shocked now as one minute he was yelling, one minute he was apologizing and one minute he was chuckling.

" Ok anything else?" He asked.

" Yeah..... Actually you are going to Karol bagh so I want you to go and talk to that dealer which I told you yesterday." She said.

" Which one?" He frowned.

" That dealer of the project in Karol Bagh. You need to talk to him about the estimation and tender so that we can finalize it. Since you are going there, you could meet him once." She explained.

" Oh No! I told you I won't do any work until I find her." He said to her.

" Yeah but you should meet them as they asked about you many times and I dodged it saying that you were busy. Please talk to them once and I can look after other things then." She pleaded him.

" Ok." He said grumpily.

" Hey! It's your company don't be so careless about it." She exclaimed.

" Ok baba! Don't need to shout! " He said and hung up the phone.

He looked up and saw Akanksha staring at him.

" Any problem?" He asked.

" No." She shook her head but still looking at him which made him sigh.

" Before carrying on our search I need to attend a meeting at Karol Bagh and then we can go ahead on our search." He said opening his laptop looking at the details of the project.

" Ok." She said.


They reached the company and Siddharth went inside to attend the meeting while Akanksha just waited for him in the car looking at other case details.

After sometime Siddharth came outside finalizing the deal. He sat in his car and driver started to drive into the city. Nobody spoke. They traveled silently.

They stopped at a small restaurant for some food. Akanksha went inside to eat her lunch while Siddharth was not in a mood to eat anything. He waited in the car sending mails regarding the project.

Suddenly there was a sound of screeching tires and he looked outside at the sound where there was a small commotion. He frowned as he was unable to see what had happened as he was across the street.

Akanksha and driver came back and driver started taking car reverse due to the commotion. Siddharth looked at his phone to know the location.

He looked up at the side mirror of the car in front to see whether the commotion has cleared or not. As the car was reversing he got the clear view of the crowd. Crowd was getting clear and he peeped to see what happened actually.

Siddharth looked into the mirror once again as driver haulted the car. He looked keenly at the figure in the mirror.





To be Continued............

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