Chapter 37

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" What the hell? Now how should I go to the office?"

Anu and her mom heard some yelling. They frowned and went outside to see Siddharth yelling on the phone.

" What happened beta?" Anu's mom asked him.

" My car tyre got punctured and my driver got stuck in the middle of the highway road because he doesn't have any spare tyre." Siddharth said.

" You are yelling for such a small thing?" Anu huffed.

" Small thing? I have an important meeting in an hour and I should be there in the office before half an hour." Siddharth said exasperated.

" Still, it's a small thing for you are yelling at your driver like that." Anu argued.

" Don't say it like I am the wrong one here." He argued back.

" Of course you are." She yelled.

" I am already frustrated, don't make me more angry." He yelled back.

" Stop it both of you." Anu's mother shouted at them.

They both looked at her who is glaring at them.

" I am going to call a cab." Sid muttered taking out his phone.

" There will be no cabs available in this area." Anu said smirking.

" Urghhhh..... Now what should I do?" Sid groaned.

" I will ask my brother if any car or bike is available." Anu's mom said to him taking her phone and Siddharth smiled gratefully at her.

" No need of that Ma, I know how to make him reach his office." Anu said.

" How? " Both of them asked Anu who is smiling at them.

" Don't worry Ma, he will go in time." Saying this she turned to Siddharth.

" Shall we go?" Anu smirked at him.

He raised his eyebrows at her but nodded his head as he gets a little time to spend with her alone.

" How are we going?" He asked  frowning at her.

" Just come with me." She said walking out of the gate and he just followed her.

They both walked together on the road side by side which earned many  curious glances from the people. They crossed their street but Anu was still walking while Siddharth just looked confused as to where she was taking him.

He followed her silently to know what she is trying to do. He knows she is upto something looking at her smirking face but he didn't react.

Suddenly she stopped in her tracks which made her back hit his front and also his chin got hit by her head.

" Ow!" He groaned rubbing his chin.

" We are here!" Anu exclaimed grinning at him widely.

He looked at her and then around the area. He again looked at her blankly as there was nothing in front of them..... No car, no bike..... Nothing.

" There is nothing here. " He stated.

" Are you blind?" She asked him.

He frowned at her and then looked around again.

" You are wasting my time." He said and took his phone out to tell someone to get him a car.

" No, I am not. Look there." She said and pointed to a place at her right.

He looked at it confused.

" That's the bus stop, from there you can go anywhere you want in Karolbagh." She said grinning at him.

He just looked at her dumbly.

" You want me to go to Office in a bus?" He asked as he thought he didn't hear properly.

She nodded her head up and down vigorously.

" Are you crazy? You seriously thought I would go to office in a bus that too wearing a business suit." He shouted at her.

" What's wrong in that? Everyone doesn't have their own vehicles." She shrugged.

" You have seriously gone mad if you think I would go in a bus." He said gritting his teeth.

" But you don't have any vehicle to go and there are no cabs available here. To get auto rickshaw we have to walk a bit more and till that time your meeting time will be over. So it's the only option." She said seriously.

" I have never travelled in a bus before and I never will." He said sternly.

" Ok then it's your loss." She shrugged.

He glared at her and crossed his arms stubbornly.

" Look, bus will come now. If you climb that bus then you will reach in time." She said.

" No." He said.

She looked disappointed at him as he was behaving like a rich snob. At first she thought she would just irritate him but now she really wanted him to know how normal people are living outside. She wanted him to know without riches and comfort also there is life and more than that she wanted to spend some time with him.

But little did she know that he left all his riches just only to live with her. He left all his comforts behind and living in a small room only for her.

He looked at her crest fallen face and sighed. If it makes her happy then why not.

" But I don't know anything about it." He grumbled.

" No problem, I will show you." She smiled at him.

Anything for that smile.

" Ok." He sighed loudly.

" Great! Now come on hurry up, otherwise we will miss the bus." Saying this she took his hand in her hand and walked to the bus stop.

He just followed her like a lost puppy smiling looking at his hand in hers.

They stood there in the bus stop and in a minute a bus came and stopped in front of them.

Siddharth just stood there dumbly.

" Siddharth come, climb the bus." She said climbing the bus.

Siddharth quickly climbed the bus and everyone in the bus looked at him strangely. Wearing an expensive business, holding an expensive laptop Siddharth looked like an alien to them.

" I must be looking like a stupid to them. " Siddharth grumbled to which Anu laughed.

Siddharth glared at her and then at everyone who are still staring at him.

The bus started moving and there were no seats for them to sit. So they stood holding onto to a handle. Siddharth looked scared as he thought they would flew out of the bus if they leave the stand.

Conductor came and asked for the ticket. Siddharth searched for money in his pocket and held out a note of 2000 rupee at the conductor. Again every stare turned towards Siddharth while Conductor looked at him as if he was mad.

" This is road bus not an air bus. Give me a change of 10 rupee." Conductor said annoyed.

" All I have are 2000 rupee notes only." Siddharth said shrugging.

Anu shook her head at him and told the conductor to give them 2 tickets telling him the place they had to get down. She gave him 20 rupees and conductor gave her the tickets.

Someone got down in the next stop and Anu took him to the empty seats. They sat down and Siddharth stirred in his seat uncomfortably.

" I can't believe I am doing this." Siddharth muttered.

" What?" She asked.

" Nothing." Saying this he looked around.

There was one boy who is looking at their direction. Siddharth raised his brows at him but that boy didn't respond to him. Siddharth frowned and looked keenly at him.

His jaw clenched when he realized that the boy was staring at Anu who is looking out of the window. A sense of possessiveness washed over of him.

Siddharth put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. Anu looked at him surprised who is glaring at the boy hardly. His hard stare was clearly stating that the girl belong to him.


That boy looked away in fear but Siddharth didn't remove his hand. Anu's heart felt warmth as she felt the sense of belonging. Siddharth looked at her who is smiling looking out of the window.

He smiled as she didn't protest his arm on her shoulder. When the city arrived Anu got up from her seat while Siddharth looked at her puzzled.

" Next stop is ours." She informed him.

He nodded but felt disappointed as this journey ended so soon. Even though he felt irritated and uncomfortable, he enjoyed the whole ride.

Because she was there with him on his side the whole time. He didn't wanted this journey to end.

They got down the bus and walked towards the office.

" See, we reached in time." Anu said smiling at him.

" Yeah, thank you." He smiled back.

" OK, bye. I will leave now." She said turning to leave.

" Wait! How will you go?" He asked her.

" By bus only." She said casually.

Siddharth remembered how that boy was ogling at her. He thought it's not safe for her to go alone.

" No, come inside." He said quickly.

" What? Why?" She asked.

" My car will be there in an hour. So my driver will drop you at home." He said walking into the office.

" No, I will not go in your car. I will go by myself." She argued trying to catch up his pace.

" I said No." He said sternly and went in.

" You can't order me like that." She shouted at him which earned loud gasps.

She looked around and saw everyone are looking at them. She looked down embarrassed.

" Sir, meeting will start anytime. Shall we go and check up the presentation once more? " A staff member came and asked Siddharth.

" Yes and make her sit in my cabin." Siddharth said pointing at Anu.

" Ok Sir."

" No! I am going home." She said and turned to leave.

Siddharth grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him which earned another round of gasps.

" What are you doing? Leave me." Anu tried to move away.

" Not until you agree." Siddharth smirked.

" No." She said stubbornly.

" Ok." Saying this he leaned in towards her face.

" Siddharth, what are you doing?" She asked in fear.

" Nothing." Saying this he leaned in more.

Anu gulped at the proximity. She realized that everyone are watching them.

" Ok, I will wait." She said quickly.

" Good, go and wait in my cabin." He released her and instantly missed each other's warmth.

" You give her something to eat and don't allow her to come outside my cabin." Siddharth ordered a staff member.

" Let him come home, I will strangle him." Anu grumbled and went towards his cabin stomping her feet loudly on the floor.

Siddharth chuckled and went towards the meeting room.


After the meeting they both went to home. Anu grumbled the whole way and Siddharth acted like he ignored her which made her even more angry.

He loved to tease her and after years they spent sometime together. Even though it's for a short period, both enjoyed each other's presence.

They both walked to Anu's mom who is setting lunch on the dining table.

Anu complained about what Siddharth did and Siddharth complained about how Anu made him travel in a local bus.

" You made him go to the office in a local bus!" Anu's mom glared at Anu.

Anu pouted at her mom and Siddharth smirked at her.

" Ma, but what about my complain about him?"Anu whined.

" He took care of you so that you will not come home alone. What is there to complain? " She asked.

" But Ma, he forced me to stay there." Anu exclaimed.

" Yeah, but I did that for her safety." Siddharth smiled innocently at Anu's mom.

" See, it was for your safety. He is a good boy, next time I shouldn't hear any complain about you. Be nice." Anu's warned her seriously and went to kitchen.

Siddharth laughed at Anu's face.

" Shut up." She yelled at him.

" Anu!" Her mom's warning voice came from the kitchen which made her mouth shut.

Siddharth snickered silently and Anu glared hardly at him.

" Now both of you stop fighting and start eating your lunch." Anu's mom said serving food on their plates.

Three of them sat and ate their lunch talking and laughing.


To be Continued...........

Please keep reading and share your views about the story.

Stay Tuned...............

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