Chapter 38

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Siddharth was happy..... In fact too happy.



Anu is doing great. Her health is also improving. That glow on her face has  returned. That beautiful smile on her face has also returned.



They were the reason of each other's happiness.

Doctor told Siddharth that keeping her happy is more important as it avoids unnecessary stress and tensions which are not good for her and her health.

Anu's parents were more than happy looking at their daughter's smiling face. They knew she was always a strong girl and smiles always even though she is hurting inside. But they also knew that those smiles were fake.

But now it's different. Their daughter is happy and smiling which reached her eyes. They know it's all because of Siddharth. She is happy because of him.

He is in front of her, she is seeing him daily and most important she doesn't have to worry about him daily. These all things made her life stress free which made her health improve.


" Siddharth, don't be so grumpy!" Anu exclaimed loudly.

" You pushed me out of my bed when I am sleeping and brought me here to play?" He asked her exasperated.

" Yes!" She smiled at him.

" I wanna sleep." Siddharth whined.

" We need a player." She also whined.

" I am not in a mood to play." He said and leaned onto the wall closing his eyes.

" Oh come on! It's your day off today."She said.

" Exactly! It's my day off and I want to sleep." He said.

" Siddharth, Please." She said sweetly and he looked at her narrowing his eyes.

" Pleaseeee......" She said sweetly battling her eye lashes.

" Don't do that!" He warned her.

" What?" She asked innocently.

" Urggghhhhh......."

" Please......" She pouted at him.

" Ahhh..... Fine......" He groaned.

They started playing and Siddharth couldn't do nothing than to just admire her. She was laughing and jumping around like a kid whenever she wins.

He was glad that her health is getting better and doctor told him that he changed her medication consulting some foreign experts at her recent check up which will do more good to her health.

And he was more than glad as she stopped pestering him about why he is here in her house and just accepted it. He knew deep down she knew that he was here for her but both were silent in this matter as it is best for them.

He looked at her who is sticking her tongue out at a kid who lost. A smile appeared on his face looking at her laughing and he prayed that he shouldn't lose her.

Last few days were really very good. She would bring him food and he used to travel in the bus with her. Anu used to help him in his office work and he stayed in contact with her doctor to know about the improvements from time to time.

He stood near the gate and watched them playing until he saw a familiar figure approaching him. He tried to remember where he saw that person but couldn't figure it out until that person stood in front of him.

" Mr. Khurana."

He heard and recognized that person.

" What are you doing here?" He asked keeping a straight face.

" Came to meet you."

" Why?" He asked her.

" Can we go somewhere else and talk in private?"

" No." He said without hesitation.

That person went silent.

" What do you want?" He asked coldly.

" I want you."

He heard and looked at her stunned.

" WHAT? " He yelled at her.

" Yes, I want you." She said.

" Ms. Akanksha, Are you out of your mind?" He hissed angrily at her.

" No, I am in love." She paused and said "With you".

He couldn't say anything more.

Akanksha held his hands in hers and started speaking.

" I don't know how and when it happened but it happened. I was tired of the guys and their ways around me. But you were different. Though you act cold and arrogant, I saw vulnerability and some emotions in your eyes which attracted me. It was so hard for me to walk away from you that day and then after that when I went home all I could think was about you and only you. That's when I realized that I love you and I have fallen hard for you." She said everything looking into his eyes intently.

To say Siddharth was shocked is an understatement. He looked at her who is looking at him hopefully. Everything was silent and then suddenly it stuck him that he was outside and everyone were there around him.

He snapped his head towards Anu who stood there looking at Siddharth and Akanksha with a blank look. His eyes widened in fear and moved away from Akanksha when he saw Anu walking into the house calmly with the same blank look on her face.

" Leave."

Akanksha heard.

" What?" She whispered.

"LEAVE." He said gritting his teeth.

" But I love you. " She tried to say.

He snapped his head towards her angrily while She stepped back in fear.

" Do you even know what's Love?" He hissed at her.

" Do you know what Love does to you?"

" Do you know what you just did and what might your thoughtless actions might lead to?"

" Do you know how much time and hard work it took to make her normal like before?"

" Do you know what we are going through right now in our lives?"

" Do you know we are living our every minute of our life in fear of what might happen? "

" Do you how much I am dying inside knowing that everything might fade away just in a matter of some time? "

He shot questions at her back to back.

She was taken aback by the hurt and fierce look on his face.

" Get this straight into your head. I don't Love you and I never will. Now get lost from here and never come to meet me again." He said harshly and turned to leave.

" You Love her, don't you?" She asked him softly with hurt look on her face.

" Yes." He said.

" I love her and only her till my last breath." He said and ran into the house.

She couldn't move from her place when she saw Love in his eyes but not for her and a lone tear escaped from her eye.

She should have known as she suspected this when she saw how desperately he wants to find that girl.

That girl is one hell lucky girl.

Not having any other option, she just left from there.


When Siddharth went into the house he didn't find her.

" Where is she?" He asked worriedly  when he Anu's mom.

" She went into her room and locked herself inside. She does that when she wants to be alone." Her mom replied sighing.

" Oh." He said sadly.

" What happened beta?" She asked.

" Nothing. I will go to my room and aunty please take care of her." Siddharth said.

" Ha beta.....but are you okay? "She asked concerned.

" I am fine." Saying this he turned and left to his room.

Once he entered into his room he started freaking out thinking what Anu must be thinking and will everything just go back to square one again.

He just prayed to God that it shouldn't effect her health.


" Hello?"


" Hello?"


" Who is that ?" Raj asked.

" That stupid boss of ours called me but doesn't speak anything"

" Hello? Siddharth?"

" Hello." They heard him.

"Ahh... Finally, what took you so long to respond?" Neha huffed.

" Neha..... I. I....." Siddharth doesn't know what to say.

" Oh my God! Why do you sound like you are about to cry?" Neha asked worriedly.

" I messed up..... I. I..."

" Siddharth please tell us what happened, you are scaring us. Is everything Okay? Is Anu okay? " She ranted in panic.

" Everything was going fine until....... Today Akanksha came here and confessed that she loves me. Anu heard everything and now she locked herself in her room. " Siddharth said sadly.

" OH MY GOD! SHE DID WHAT?..... WAIT! WHO THE HELL IS THIS AKANKSHA? " Neha yelled through phone.

" Akanksha is the personal investigator whom Karthik hired for Anu. " Siddharth heard Raj explaining to Neha.

" Let that idiot Karthik get into my hands, I will strangle him. He can't do one thing also properly. He hired a detective that too a girl who had to ruin everything." Neha screamed on her phone.

" I don't know what to do now." Siddharth sighed.

" Just go and try to talk to her. " Neha said.

" Ok. "

" And don't worry everything will be alright." She said softly.

" Thank you. " He said and hung up the phone.


Siddharth peeked inside the house from his window but didn't find her anywhere. He came out of his room and walked down stairs. He stopped when he noticed a figure sitting on the last step of the stairs.

He sighed in relief when he saw that it was Anu. She was leaning her head onto the wall and her eyes were gazing at the stars in the night sky.

He slowly stepped towards her and sat beside her. He stared at her while she stared at the sky. She sensed him and can feel his stare on her but she didn't look at him.

It was after longtime they got time for them..... Alone. She is happy it was just them..... Him, her and the night sky.

She smiled at that thought and Siddharth was puzzled looking at her. He wants to know what she was thinking.

All the thoughts vanished when he also looked at the star gazed sky. It is so peaceful. It was after years they both watched sat and watched the night sky together. A smile appeared on his face also.

A gush of wind flowed through them making her hair fly and him smile. It was just them..... Her and him. And that's all he wants for now.

He felt her arm around his arm and looked at her who smiled at him. She kept her head on his shoulder and sighed in content inhaling his scent and feeling his warmth.

While Siddharth on the other side was looking baffled at her actions. He didn't mind though and also internally he was dancing with happiness. His heart was thumping loudly in his chest feeling her warmth and smelling her fragrance.

He snaked his arm around her shoulder leaning his head onto her head and both together watched the stars in the sky with a content smile on their faces.


To be Continued............

Sorry Guys for the delay.

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Stay Tuned..............

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