Chapter 40

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Anu walked out of the hospital deep in thoughts after buying her medicines. She walked on the road looking around but her mind was somewhere else.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw Siddharth looking at her leaning onto the car with his arms crossed exactly where he left her in front of the mall.

She became nervous as he would ask her why she is coming from other direction when she told him that she came for shopping. Fiddling with her bag, she came and stood before him biting her lip.

But Siddharth didn't say anything. He just gestured her to sit in the car when his phone started ringing. He closed the door of the car and talked on the phone.

All the while, Anu just stared at him. She couldn't hear him but she noticed his expressions. He was tensed while talking on the phone but in between his features softened and at last he looked determined.

After finishing his talk, Siddharth got into the car and drove silently. On one side she was nervous as what she will say when he asks her where she was or what she bought. And on the other side Siddharth just stayed calm as if she was not even present in the car.

Ride was going silent.

His phone ringtone broke the silence. He took a look at his phone but didn't bother to answer. But again his phone rang making Anu frown as this time he didn't even take a look at it.

When the phone rang for the third time, she peeked at the phone which was kept in the socket beside his seat. She blinked her eyes to see the name and saw that it was his mom.

She frowned at him as why he was not taking her calls.

" Your phone is ringing." She stated.

" I know." He said simply.

" Then answer it." She said.

He gave a glance at her and then looked back again at the road.

" It's your mother." She said again turning fully to his side.

" I know." He said.

" Why don't you answer it then?" She asked.

He stayed silent clenching his jaw.

" Siddharth?" She called him.

" I don't want to talk when I am driving. I will call back once we reach home." He said.

She nodded her head but she knew something was wrong because she knows him. He loves his mother so much and he is very much close to her. He could have just stopped the car and answered the call but he didn't. It looked like to her that he is ignoring his mother's calls.


Car stopped making Anu jerk out of her reverie. She looked around and frowned at Siddharth who got out of the car. He came to her side and opened her side of the door.

" Come let's eat something." He said to her who sat in the car frowning at him.

" It's not necessary Siddharth, we are going to home only right." She said looking at the posh restaurant in front of her.

" I am very hungry, please come." He said to her.

" Ok." She sighed and got out of the car.

They walked into the restaurant which is no less than a five star hotel.

" I am not dressed according to the place." She said to him looking at the other girls there.

Siddharth stopped walking and looked at the other girls in the restaurant. He then looked at Anu and her dress.

" What happened to your dress?" He asked confused.

" It's not appropriate for such posh restaurants." She mumbled.

" Look Anu.....there is no such rule about dresses that one should wear only such dresses. It's all about comfort. Wearing revealing dresses like them doesn't make them look posh or elegant. It's one's attitude and decency that defines them and makes them look presentable." Siddharth said looking into her eyes.

All the while Anu just stared at him in awe.

How am I supposed to control my feelings for him when he is such an amazing person?

" And for me you are just.....Perfect." He said looking up and down at her.

Anu looked away to hide her blush but he caught her blushing and smirked at her.

They started walking inside. Siddharth held her hand and pulled her close to him. She looked at him surprised while he just looked ahead while walking.

" Good Morning Sir." The manager greeted Siddharth.

" Morning.....We want a table at the poolside." Siddharth said.

" Yes Sir..... Come with me." He said and they followed him.

" You already made reservation?" Anu asked confused.

" I don't need to make any reservations." Siddharth replied shrugging.

" Yeah.... Of course rich people." She muttered but he heard.

" I heard what you said." He glares at her.

" Good." She said and smiled at him innocently for which he shook his head at her.

Manager showed their table and they sat looking around. A waitor came there handing them the menu cards. Anu didn't know what to order looking at the big list in menu, so she ordered her favorite biryani.

Siddharth also ordered the same thing as her making her smile widely.

" Water should not be cold..... It should  be normal." Siddharth said seriously.

Waitor nodded his head and went away to bring their orders.

" It's so hot outside, why didn't you order cool water?" She asked him.

" I don't feel like to drink cool water." He shrugged and she nodded.

He looked at her looking at the pool and smiling.

" Do you like it here?" He asked her.

" Yeah..... It's beautiful." She said smiling.

Soon their orders came and they started eating in silence as both of them have many thoughts running in their minds.

" Hi Mr. Khurana."

They heard someone and looked up to see a girl standing there in a skirt and a top.

" Oh! Hey, Ms. Saxena." Siddharth smiled a little.

Anu looked at that girl who is smiling and looking at Siddharth seductively.

" It's been a long time." She said.

" Yeah."

" Why don't we hang out some time?" She asked touching his shoulder.

Anu clenched her jaw tightly and she doesn't know it's because of jealousy or anger. But she realized that she doesn't have any right on him now and he can be with anyone he wants.

Siddharth glanced at Anu who is looking down at her plate silently.

" Ms. Saxena.... We will talk later when we will meet again. Right now I am busy." He tried to sound as polite as possible as she is their client.

" Oh, Who is she?" She asked looking at Anu.

Anu looked at her and then at Siddharth silently.

" My girlfriend." Siddharth said making both the girls shock.

Anu stared at him wide eyed while that girl looked at Siddharth and then at Anu with a look of disbelief.

" We are on our date, so will you please excuse us?" Siddharth asked her.

" Umm.....Yeah.....Of course." That girl stuttered and went away embarrassed.

Siddharth looked at Anu who was looking at him for explanation but he chose to stay silent.

" Siddharth?" She called.

" Hmm." He hummed eating the dessert.

" What you just did?" She asked him crossing her arms.

" What I did? I am just eating dessert." He said shrugging.

" No, I mean what you said?" She asked him.

" About what?" Siddharth faked confusion.

She sighed.

" Why did you say to her that I am your girlfriend?" She asked exasperated.

" Mmmmm..... This dessert is so yummy, you should also try it." Saying this he passed the bowl to her.

" Siddharth." She said sternly.

" What?" He asked her.

She glared at him.

" Ok ok..... I said that to get rid of her." He said looking away.

She didn't believe him but she let it slide for now.

After finishing their food, they paid the bill and walked out of the restaurant. Both sat silently for a while but she has many questions to ask him.

" Siddharth." She called him.

" Ha?" He asked looking at the road.

" Why did you reject her?" She asked him softly.

" Reject? Whom?" He asked confused.

" That girl who came and proposed you that day......Why did you rejected her?" She asked looking down at her lap.

" Because I don't feel the same for her." He said seriously.

" Why? " She asked this time looking at him.

Siddharth gripped the steering wheel tightly and clenched his jaw trying to control himself.

" She is beautiful, independent, classy and most importantly she loves you. You should be happy that she wants you." Anu tried to list out the things.

Siddharth eyes softened when he looked at her who looked like she is comparing herself to Akanksha.

" Yeah maybe but I don't even like her." He said.

" But..... "

" Sshhh...... Don't think too much. Just close your eyes and rest for sometime until we reach home." He said softly.

She sighed and leaned back on her seat closing her eyes. Siddharth looked at her and thought maybe Akanksha's incident has effected her more than he thought as she still didn't forget it.

Within no time she slept in her seat and Siddharth checked her from time to time. They reached home and he carried her to her room trying not to disturb her sleep.

He laid her down on the bed and kissed her forehead.

" Be strong Anu..... I Love You." He whispered and a lone tear escaped from his eye.


To be Continued...........

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Sorry for the delay........

Stay Tuned..............

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