Chapter 41

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Siddharth went downstairs to see what Anu was doing. The house was silent and so he went in calling Anu and her mother but there was no response.

He frowned thinking where has everyone gone. He walked towards backyard on hearing the sound of water and saw Anu standing there watering the plants with a pipe.

But what made him worried was that she was so lost in her thoughts that she doesn't realize water is overflowing in the pot.

" Anu." He called but she didn't hear him.

" Ananya." He called again but no response.

He walked and stood beside her.

" Ananya." He called her touching her shoulder.

Anu jumped in her place and turned to him swiftly gasping loudly. But she also turned pipe with her which made water splashed on Siddharth. Her eyes widened when she realised what happened.

She dropped the pipe and looked at him from top to bottom. She closed her wide open mouth with her palm looking at his fully wet figure.

He looked pissed at her while she was trying hard to control her laugh. In a swift motion he took the pipe from the ground and held it towards her.

Anu shrieked loudly when a gush of cold water hit her and looked shocked at him who is smirking at her right now.

" Siddharth stop!" She yelled and tried to take pipe from him but he dodged it.

" Now how do you feel the cold water on you? Do you still want to laugh?" He asked her smirking.

" I didn't do it on purpose." She said.

" But I did it on purpose." He said.

She glared at him and took the pipe from him. She pointed pipe at him and again made him wet with water. They both fought with water like that for sometime until water stopped coming from the pipe.

They both looked at each other and started laughing. He brushed her wet hair out of her face staring at her. Anu looked down at her clothes which were clinging onto her skin.

She looked up at Siddharth who was staring at her and turned away feeling shy. She blushed at the thought that Siddharth must have got a good view of her body.

And on the other side Siddharth was trying hard to control himself looking at her wet body. When she turned away from him blushing, he couldn't take it anymore and pulled her into him.

She looked at him wide eyed as both the wet bodies came in contact with each other. They stare into each other's eyes which showed longing for each other.

When their faces were leaning towards each other, they heard calling of their names and they quickly moved away from each other.



They heard Anu's mom calling them and looked at the way where her voice is coming from. Anu's mom gasped loudly looking at them.

" What were you both doing?" She  asked looking at them stunned.

" We....." They don't know what to say.

" You both are not kids to play with water." Her mom said sternly but she was amused seeing them.

" Sorry." Both said at the same time looking down.

Her mom laughed internally.

" You both go and change first, you might catch cold." She said and they went away nodding their heads.


A knock on her door disturbed her from her thoughts and she opened the door to see Siddharth standing there with concern etched on his face.

" Are you alright? " He asked her.

" Yes, why are you asking me like that?" She asked him frowning.

" I shouldn't have drenched you with the cold water.....I.. I...." He stumbled with his words which made her surprised.

She suddenly remembered that her room was full of his photos and she panicked that he might see them. She quickly stepped outside closing the door of her room.

Siddharth frowned at her actions but then sighed understanding why she did that.

" Did you just came here to see if I am alright or not?" She asked him.

" Umm.... Yeah.....uh..... No, actually I want to talk to you." He stuttered and she looked at him surprised at his stuttering.

Siddharth Khurana never stutters.

" Are you nervous?" She aksed him amused.

" What? No! " He said laughing slightly.

" Then? " she raised her brows at him.

He shut his eyes and opened them again.

" There is this party and I want you to come with me." He said looking into her eyes.

" Don't you think you should ask me first?" She said smirking at him and turned to leave.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her onto his chest.

" You are coming with me." He declared leaning close.

" What if I don't? " She asked him trying not to show she was effected by his proximity.

" You will come." He said again leaning more close making her shut up.

" I dare you to say no." He whispered in her ear making her tremble.

His arms around her waist, his hot breath fanning on her face and his eyes staring right at her intently are making her go weak on her knees.

" So you are coming with me?" He whispered looking at her eyes and lips.

She nodded her head unknowingly and he moved away from her.

" Good, you get ready by evening..... I will pick you up." Saying this he went away smiling.

Anu just stood rooted in her place for sometime but by the time she realized what happened, he was already out of the house.

" Siddharth! You idiot! You tricked me." Anu shouted at him who was now getting into his car.

He just laughed loudly and winked at her which made her look at him bewildered.

" Be ready." He said and drove away in his car.

She huffed crossing her arms and stormed into her house. But when she thought about the moment they had a while ago, she had a wide grin plastered on her face.


" Why are you smiling like that?" Her mom asked her.

Anu just shrugged.

" And why you emptied your whole wardrobe on your bed?" She asked bewildered looking at her daughter's smiling face and the clothes on her bed.

" I don't know what to wear Ma." Anu whined.

" For what? " Her mom asked confused.

" Siddharth is taking me to a party and I don't know what to wear." Anu sighed.

" You are going on a date with Siddharth!" Anu's mom squealed making Anu stun.

" No Ma it is just a party..... " She tried to say.

" You are going to a party as his date...... You need to look good.... Wait, I will search a dress for you." Saying this her mom started looking for all the dresses and Anu stayed quiet as it is useless to argue with her mom.

After a lot of arguments, her mom decided what she would wear.

" Wear this! " Her mom exclaimed.

" Ma, it's a party. I don't know which party and whose but I don't think anyone would wear saree to a party." Anu hesitated.

" That's why you should wear this. Be it any place or anyone's party, a woman always looks elegant and decent in saree. I know you would look great in this." Anu's mom said smiling.

" But..... "

" I am sure Siddharth will love to see you in a saree." Her mom said excitedly.

" Ma, don't you think you are taking his side more than your own daughter nowadays." Anu narrows her eyes at her.

" Of course he my future son in law." Her mom shrugs.

" Ma! " Anu exclaims and went to change taking the saree with her.


" Wow! Siddharth will have hard time taking his eyes off you." Her mom commented when Anu came out wearing the saree.

" Don't forget you are my mother." Anu rolled her eyes at her.

Just then they heard a honk and Anu's heart was thudding loudly in her chest. She was nervous as she was not sure of the dress she is wearing and more nervous thinking if Siddharth will like it or not.

" Go now, I think he had come." Her mom pushed her towards the door.

Outside, Siddharth stood leaning onto his car waiting for Anu to come outside. He looked at his phone to see the messages he got from Neha and rolled his eyes.

He looked up when he heard some sound and stood rooted in his place. Anu was coming put wearing a red saree with her hair open freely flowing in the wind. He was mesmerized to see her in saree and stood gawking at her.

She came and stood in front of him nervously looking down  but he just stared at her beauty.

" Siddharth?" She called him when he stared at her without blinking his eyes.

" Huh?" He said in a daze.

" What happened? Isn't it appropriate?" She asked him.

" What?" He frowned.

" My dress..... I mean......" She stumbled with her words.

" No.....It's not like that..... Come let's go." He said and opened the car door for her.

Her heart sank as he didn't even say how she looked but little did she know that she created a havoc in him by wearing the saree.

They both sat in the car and he drove the car to the destination silently. Anu observed him in the whole ride frowning as he was clenching his jaw and gripping the steering wheel tightly.

She frowned thinking that if he didn't like her dress.

" Where are we going?" She asked breaking the silence.

" To the city, it's a business party in a five star hotel." He said glancing at her once.

" Then why are you taking me to that party, business parties are so boring." She said huffing.

He smiled at her pouted face.

She looked at him who is smiling shaking his head. She smiled looking at his smile. She observed his dress, his hair, his face and just sat staring at him.

She tried to look away but she couldn't. She just want to look at him. This man beside her is the most handsome man she ever saw, whom every girl wants, who is one of the richest people in the country. And out of all people he chose her as his date to the party.

Every girl wants to atleast touch him or atleast talk to him. He can get any girl he wants but he is sitting and living with the person whose future is uncertain.

She looked at his features.....his intent eyes, his sharp jaw, his silky hair and his lips. She couldn't forget the jitters she got when he was about to kiss her earlier. But the truth is that she missed his touch so much.

Siddharth felt her stare on him but stayed silent as he doesn't want her to shy away from him. It's her right to look at him.....and only hers. He glanced at her many times but she was so lost in her thoughts staring at him, she didn't notice it.

He cleared his throat but it didn't effect her. He doesn't know what she is thinking so deeply, he wants to bring her out of her reverie and so he stopped the car with a jerk which jerked her out of the thoughts.

" Siddharth!" Anu gasped loudly.

He looked at her who is looking at him with wide eyes.

" Have you gone mad? Why did you do that?" She asked him angrily.

" You were the one who is staring at me and distracting me from driving." He rolled his eyes and she gaped at him.

" See again you are staring..... Take a photo of me and stare at it, it would be comfortable for both of us. " He said making her go red but couldn't understand if she is embarrassed or blushing.

He chuckled at her which earned a glare from her. They reached their destination after some time and got down. There were media people outside the hotel asking him questions about where he is nowadays and who is the girl he brought to the party with him.

Anu felt uncomfortable with too much attention on her and on them. Siddharth just throwed cold glares at them and didn't answer anything but just walked ahead pulling her close to him.

Once they were inside, Anu let out a loud sigh in relief.

" Are you okay?" He asked her concerned.

" Yeah, it's just their questions and too much attention on us freaked me out a little." She said smiling assuringly.

They went inside and greeted some people. Siddharth met some of his business associates but he didn't leave her side for once also. He met all the people taking her also with him and this made her happy as she also didn't want to leave his side.

She looked at the girls who are throwing glares at her and looking lust fully at Siddharth. Her hold on him tightened automatically looking at them. Siddharth observed this and squeezed her hand assuring her.

Siddharth glared at the men who are eyeing Anu up and down with their hungry eyes. He possessively wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him.

She looked up at him and he looked down at her which made them lost in each other's eyes and forget the whole world around them.


To be Continued...........

Sorry for the late updates guys......

Stay Tuned............

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