Chapter 42

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Anu looked at the environment around her. Everyone are talking, laughing, dancing and enjoying themselves. She wished she could also do that without worrying about anything.

She looked at Siddharth who stood a little away from her talking to someone. She didn't feel out of place but in fact she felt happy as she was doing something new after long time.

It felt for her like she was in a cage all these days but now coming out and meeting people that too with the person whom she loves the most, she felt happy and normal again.

Siddharth looked at Anu and saw that she was smiling looking around. She looked like an excited kid in the carnival and he was happy that she is smiling.

He excused himself and walked towards her. He took hold of her hand which startled her. But she relaxed when she saw it was him. He was staring at her and she looked around nervously trying to ignore his stare.

Suddenly he felt her going tense and stepping back in fear. He frowned looking around to know the reason of her fear and her vanished smile. He followed her gaze and understood the reason.

She turned around to leave but his hold on her was tight.

" Where are you going?" He asked her.

" Can I leave?" She asked him.

" What? Why?" He frowned at her.

" I..... " She stuttered and looked at the people who were now coming towards them.

" Why are you so scared seeing them?" He asked confused.

" Because I don't want to see hate in their eyes for me." She whispered.

" What! Why would they hate you?" He exclaimed.

" Because I left them without telling anything and they might....." She trailed off looking down.

He could only laugh at her naivety.

" Why are you laughing? " She asked him confused.

" Because of your stupidity." He said laughing and she glared at him.

" Let me go." She said irritatingly and tried to get away from his hold.

" You are so stupid to think that they will hate you. You know how worried they were when you left suddenly. They searched for you everywhere and Neha used to cry also thinking about you. And here you think they will hate you?"

" But..... I don't know I am ready to meet them..... " She whispered blinking back her tears.

" Look Ananya, they are your friends in fact best friends. They will understand whatever the reason maybe for your leaving. They will be very much happy to meet you. Remember one thing they will not hate you and in fact no one can ever hate you. So go and meet them." He said softly trying to make her understand.

She nodded her head staring at him and he smiled at her. She turned to look at them but her eyes widened looking at the people standing in front of her.

Raj and Neha stood in front of her glaring. Anu just looked at them in shock and didn't know what to speak. Both of them narrowed their eyes at her.

" Are you running away from us.....again?" Neha asked sternly with a serious look on her face.

Anu looked at their angry faces and immediately looked down blinking her tears guiltily.

" I... I..." She was stuttering not understanding how to say and what to say.

Next minute she was pulled into hug by Neha.

" Do you know how much we were worried when you disappeared?" Neha cried hugging Anu tightly.

Anu came out of her shock and hugged her back tightly crying silently.

" I missed you so much." Neha said.

" I missed you too." Anu whispered.

They pulled away from the hug and Anu wiped Neha's tears.

" Now, will you two stop behaving like long lost lovers?" Raj asked not liking their crying.

Neha glared at him while Anu laughed.

" How are you?" Raj said hugging her.

" I am fine." She said hugging back.

" Good..... And you look better too..... That's nice." Raj said feeling happy for the improvement in her and she just smiled at him.

" Now you move away, I have a lot to talk to my best friend." Neha said to Raj by pushing him away.

" Hey! She is my best friend too." Raj whined but Neha had already dragged away Anu to a corner.

All the while Siddharth stood there just smiling at them.

" So are you okay? How is your health? Are you taking medicines properly? How are aunty and uncle?" Neha shot questions at Anu who could only laugh at her anxious friend and thought that how much she missed her blabbering.

" Okay okay..... Just tell me how are you?" Neha asked seriously this time seeing her laugh.

Anu glanced at Siddharth who was talking to Raj.

" I am fine." She said smiling but still staring at Siddharth.

Neha smiled at her as she knows what her friend meant. Anu is happy as long as Siddharth is there with her.

They talked about some things that they had missed in few months.

" Now let's go before Siddharth comes and drags you away." Neha said rolling her eyes and Anu looked at Siddharth who is glancing at her now and then making sure she was okay.

They both went and stood next to Raj and Siddharth.

" Shall we go and take some drinks?" Neha said while Raj and Anu nodded their heads.

" No drinks." Siddharth said sternly glaring at Neha.

Neha realized what she had done and quickly said a sorry.

" There are many varieties of snacks, come we will have them." Saying this Siddharth walked towards the food section and others followed him.

Siddharth chose all the healthy items for Anu like Salads and fruits. Anu made a face at the food but ate them when a stern glare from Siddharth was thrown at her.

" Ice cream!" Anu squealed making the other three startled.

" What?" Siddharth asked her.

" There is ice cream at that section. Come we will eat." She said pointing at a place.

Siddharth's body tensed while Raj and Neha looked worried at each other.

" It's very cold outside, you should not eat ice cream in such weather..... You may catch cold." Siddharth said to convince her.

" No, I want to eat." Anu said stubbornly.

Siddharth looked at Neha and Raj panicked. He does not want to take any risk with her health especially when it is getting better.

" Anu, I want to talk to you.....alone." Raj said.

" But....."

" Please..... " He insisted.

" Okay." She sighed and went with him.

Siddharth and Neha looked at Anu and Raj who are having a serious talk. Siddharth saw how disheartened she looked when Raj finished his talk and his heart ached thinking that she couldn't even eat what she want.

" Come we will go and eat some dessert, they are looking so delicious." Neha said excitedly to lighten up Anu's mood.

" No." Anu said.

" Why?" Neha asked.

" I don't like food here." Anu said looking down and went to a corner to sit on a sofa.

Siddharth sighed sadly as he doesn't like to see her so sad.

Raj and Neha looked at Siddharth who walked towards some people to talk and then they went near Anu to cheer her up.

Though Anu smiled, they understood that she is thinking about something deeply. Raj went with someone whom he knows due to the company meetings and Neha went to a side when she got a call.

Anu sat alone on the sofa peeking at Siddharth from time to time. She glared at the girls who are shamelessly gawking at him but she knows they are not at fault when he is looking so hot and sexy.

She shook her head to clear off her thoughts and that time only she noticed someone sat beside her. She looked at the person who was creepily staring at her and adjusted her clothes.

" What a hot and young woman like you doing here sitting alone?" He asked her smirking.

" It's none of your business." She said coldly turning away from him.

" It's my business when it is the matter of beautiful women." He said glancing at her body up and down.

" Excuse me." She mumbled and got up to leave.

He stopped her by holding her wrist and she struggled to get out of his grip.

" Stop struggling and let's have some fun..... You are looking so sexy in this red hot saree." He said moving close to her.

" Leave me..... If you want to live then leave me." She warned him.

And before he can pass another comment on her, he was on the floor clutching his jaw. Anu looked up to see a furious Siddharth standing there  murderously glaring at that man who was on the floor.

" How dare you to touch her? " He yelled and throwed punches at him.

Anu tried to stop him but he didn't stop. That man didn't remain calm as he pushed away Siddharth and stood up.

" Siddharth Khurana, Oh! so you also have your eyes on her.....then why don't we have fun together with her." He said still smirking although blood was oozing out from his mouth.

And again he was on the floor clutching his stomach now.

" I will kill even if you dare to look at her...... " Siddharth pulled him up by his collar.

" Siddu..... Stop....." Anu held his arm.

" What is it to you? Why the hell are you interfering in their matter?" Another man came there and said it stopping Siddharth from killing him.

" She is my Girlfriend!" Siddharth yelled pulling Anu close to him and all others looked shocked at him as they never saw him with a girl.

Anu could only stare at him astonished while Raj and Neha looked happy listening to what Siddharth said.

Siddharth walked out of the hotel holding her hand while she followed him still staring at him. Anu bid byes to Raj and Neha in the parking lot and promised them to meet again.

Raj consoled Siddharth a little bit but Siddharth still looked like a volcano ready to explode. After that they went away while Siddharth started driving towards their home.

Anu doesn't know how to cool him down who was still clenching his fists and jaw angrily. She put her hand on his hand which is clutching the steering wheel tightly.

His hold loosened and turned to look at her who is looking at him concerned. His face softened a little bit looking at her worried face. He cursed himself silently as he thought he would take her to dinner and surprise her and that's why he went to people to bid byes. But when he came back to take her out, what he saw made his blood boiled.

He took a swift turn and changed the direction. She didn't say anything as she just want to see what he will do. If that's what makes him cool down then be it.

His car came to a sudden halt which broke her trance of thoughts. She looked at him confused who got off the car and walked to her side and opened the door for her.

" I am sorry..... I didn't know that all this will happen to you. I should have been careful and never let anyone come near you. I am sorry....." He said looking down when she got out of the car.

She just hugged him tightly. Siddharth was surprised at first but hugged her back feeling her warmth. Surprisingly her hug calmed him down and he smiled thinking she was always the one who can change his mood easily.

" So what are we doing here?" She asked him after parting from their hug.

" I know you didn't eat anything there so I wanted to treat you with food." He said smiling at her.

Looking at his smile, she felt relieved.

" Here? But I cannot see any hotel here." She frowned looking around.

" Let me show you where we will eat today." He said and locked his car.

He took her hand in his which always makes her heart race and walked to a lane with her. They stopped at a corner and he looked at her reaction.

He grinned at her when he saw her eyes widened and her mouth was opened wide with shock and disbelief.

" Are you serious?" She whispered looking at his grin.

" Yes." He whispered back.


To be Continued..........

Sorry guys for the late updates but from now onwards I will try to update regularly.

Thanks for your love and patience😊

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Stay tuned❤️

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