Chapter 43

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" No. "

" Please."

" No."

" Please please please."

" No."

" Then why did you bring me here?" She shouted.

" Because I didn't know that there will be so much of unhealthy food here." He said looking around.

" It's not unhealthy food! It's the famous Delhi Indian Street tasty food!" She exclaimed.

" It's the same." He said blankly.

" Siddharth!"

" Anu, please you should take care of your health and eating such food may spoil your health." He said concerned.

" No, these foods cannot spoil my health instead they make me feel alive." She said smiling at him.

There was some glint in her eyes while she is talking about the food and he couldn't stop her.

" Okay fine, as you wish." He said sighing.

" I am not asking for your permission to eat you know. I will eat anyways if you didn't allow me also." She said rolling her eyes at him.

" Then for what you are begging me from that time?" He asked raising his brows at him.

" Hey! I am not begging you idiot! I was just asking you to eat with me." She said angrily.

" Really? You think I will eat street food along with you?" He asked with a face looking at the stalls which only had junk food.

" Yes." She said.

" But I don't eat such food. It spoils my diet and figure." He said seriously.

She just gaped at him and looked at him from top to bottom. She knows he follows strict diet and does gym to keep his body fit but she didn't expect him to deny such heaven.

" Please Siddharth, I cannot eat alone. Please eat with me." She said showing her puppy dog face making him groan.

" Anu stop." He said.

" Please I will do anything you say." She said and this caught his attention.

" Anything?" He asked raising his brows and she nodded.

" Promise?" He asked forwarding his hand.

" Promise." She kept her hand in his.

" OK then, come." He said walking towards a stall.

She didn't miss the smirk on his lips but shrugged it away seeing the Pani puri stall and ran towards it.

" Oh my God! It's so hot." Sid shouted fanning his mouth making her laugh.

" You are such a kid, don't even know how to eat pani puri." Anu said gulping her own puri making him glare at her.

She shook her head at him and picked a pani puri from her plate. She kept it near his mouth and he just stood dumbfounded.

" Open you mouth!"

He obeyed and she fed him. He felt like it was heaven may be because she was feeding him. She ate one and fed him one and it continued like that. She took a napkin and wiped his mouth.

He took a sharp intake of breath and tried to control his feelings. It was already been difficult for him to resist her seeing her in hot red saree.

Siddharth paid to the man in Pani puri stall and headed towards another stall. She grabbed his hand and took him to the Pav Bhaji stall. She started eating it devouring the taste and in between she fed him a few bites here and there.

He just sat staring at her. She looked so beautiful, so lively and so happy. He would do anything to make her happy like this and he would give away anything to save her.

Tears welled up in his eyes at the thought of something happening to her. He looked away blinking his tears but she caught him.

" What happened Siddharth?" She asked him worried.

" Nothing, I think some dust went into my eyes." He said wiping his eyes.

" Let me see." She said.

" No, it's gone and I am fine now." He said smiling to her.

She looked down guiltily.

" Anu, What happened? " He asked concerned.

" I am so sorry, I am making you roam on the streets which you never did and because of me....... " She said on verge of crying.

" Oh God! It's not because of you and you are crying for such a small thing?" He asked exasperated.

He just hugged and she let his warmth consume her.

" What we will eat next?" He asked excitingly and she beamed at him.

She looked around and pointed her finger at a place. He looked at that place and stood stunned looking at he crowded place.

" What's that?" He asked her bewildered.

" That's Ragada Pattice!" Anu shouted excitedly.

" What?" He asked but didn't get any reply as she already ran to that stall.

He sighed and went towards her who is trying to push through the crowd. His eyes widened at Anu who is now stuck between the two men in that heavy crowd.

" Anu!" He yelled pulling her towards him glaring at the two men who made her stuck.

" Siddu! What are doing? Leave me!" Anu said.

" Are you out of your mind? Why are you going and inserting your self into that crowd?" He shouted.

" I am just trying to reach that stall owner to order for us." She whined.

" No need to go into that rush, we will eat something else." He said pulling her with him.

" But I want to eat it." She said pouting.

" Why don't you eat something else?" He asked exasperated.

" Please Siddu, I am sure you will love it once you tasted it." She pleaded him.

" But how we will get it?" He asked her bewildered.

" Let me go and I will get it." She said moving out of his grip.

" NO! I don't want you to get in that crowd..... I will not allow anyone to touch you." He said glaring at the crowd and she rolled her eyes at him.

" No one will touch me, leave me." She said glaring.

" I will go and get our food, you wait here." He said sighing and went towards the crowd.

" Ow! " Siddharth cried clutching his foot and glared at the man who stomped on his foot.

" Watch where you are going, you are elbowing me in the ribs!" Siddharth shouted at a man who didn't even cared to listen to him.

" Don't push me you idiot, what's so hurry? Food is not going any where for God sake." Siddharth exclaimed looking at person who is trying to get into the crowd by pushing others.

That's it Anu doubled over with laughter clutching her stomach. It was so hilarious to see Siddharth trying to get inside the crowd that too in an expensive business suit fighting with other people.

While Anu was laughing, Siddharth made his way to the owner of the shop who is taking orders.

" Don't you have any maintenance or a proper system to function your business? See how they are pushing each other to get food. I mean seriously can't you maintain a line and tell them to come in decently?" Siddharth yelled at the man who is taking and giving orders.

That man looked at Siddharth as if he was crazy.

" What do you want Sir? " He asked irritated by the glares Siddharth was throwing at him.

" You..... " Siddharth was saying something but was distracted by a soft and warm hand on his shoulder.

" We want two plates of your special Ragada." Anu said smiling at him.

That man took their order and another man start to put their order onto the plates ready for them to eat.

Siddharth huffed and stood aside taking their plates and simultaneously glaring at the men who are eyeing his girl.

" Wow! It looks so delicious!" Anu exclaims and started eating.

While Siddharth also takes bites from his plate and started liking its taste. He finished his food within no time and Anu looked at him astonished. She also finishes her plate and Siddharth pays for the food.

" Now to where?" Siddharth asked.

" I just want to sleep." She said tiredly.

Siddharth understood by looking at her how tired she is and she need to take her medicines too.

" Okay we will go home." He said and they walked towards his car.

" Siddharth. " She called him.

" Hmm." He hummed opening the car door.

" Thank you." She said smiling at him.

" For what?" He asked confused.

" For taking me out with you to a party, for coming with me to eat street food and for making my day so special." She said.

" It's Ok and I am glad you loved it." He said smiling back at her.

" Thanks for making this day most memorable as I will carry these memories till my last breath." She said grinning at him while Siddharth's smile dropped.

" Get in." He said looking down and she got into the car.

She sat and leaned back resting her head on the seat while Siddharth started driving with many thoughts in his head. He doesn't know what he will do if something happens to her.

Anu dozed off leaning onto the window and Siddharth drove quietly glancing at her now and then. They stopped in front of their house and Siddharth got down quickly. He ran to her side and opened the door. He took her in his arms gently without disturbing her sleep and walked into the house.

" She slept?" Her mother asked opening the door for them widely.

" Yes." He whispered.

He went towards her room and her mother opened the door for her bedroom. He made her sleep on the bed and kissed her forehead.

" Did she have her dinner?" She asked concerned removing shoes from Anu's feet.

" Yes." He whispered looking at Anu.

" And you?" She asked caressing his hair.

He just nodded his head looking at Anu.

" What happened Siddharth?" She asked when he was just staring at her.

He gulped the lump formed in his throat.

" I am scared." He whispered.

She just looked at him.

" I am scared if I close my eyes, she will disappear. I am scared if I am not with her even for a minute, I will not able to see her again. I am scared if something happens to her........" His voice cracked and he controlled himself not to let out a sob.

She understood his turmoil. He is strong outside or shows that he is strong or trying to be strong for them.....for her but inside he is dying thousand times daily with the thought of losing her.

She doesn't know what to say to him, how to console him because she herself is scared for her daughter's life. So she did what she could do.

She hugged him rubbing his back. As soon as he felt the warmth of the motherly figure, tears fell from his eyes and he hugged her back.

" You should be strong and be alright whatever happens because that's what she wants." She said softly and he nodded his head.

"Aunty, wake her up, give her daily dose of medicines and make her sleep again." He said and turned to leave.

But again he turned towards her sleeping figure and looked at her longingly.

" I will be strong for you and let nothing happen to you."


To be Continued.........

Hello! Dear Readers,

I know you all will be eagerly waiting for the update but I am not getting time to write the chapter.

Please be patient and keep reading and loving the story.

Thank you all for voting and commenting.

Stay Tuned.................

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