Chapter 50

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She woke up in the morning with a bright smile on her face. She is feeling light after she talked to Siddharth yesterday.

She looked at the walls which has all his photos. She grinned and got up to get ready to meet him. She got showered and came out wearing a saree.

She went to the living room and her mom gave her breakfast. She asked about Siddharth and her mother said that he went outside. She pouted as she wanted to meet him so badly.

She went to his room and saw all the things scattered on the floor including his files and clothes. It looked like things were thrown by him in frustration.

She cleaned the whole room and sat on his study table. Unknowingly she drifted into the sleep.

After a while he came into the room and saw her sleeping on his table. He looked at her beautiful face admiring her cuteness. Tears escaped from his eyes but he quickly wiped away.

He thought that today at any cost he will make her admit in the hospital.

He looked around the room to find it neat and clean. He remembered clearly that he had thrown all the things in anger and frustration last night thinking about her health.

He went to the washroom and came out see her still sleeping. He picked her up slowly in his arms and made her sleep on his bed.

He let her sleep and made some phone calls going outside his room. He talked to the doctor also about her admitting in the hospital and doctor told him that every thing is ready and can bring her anytime.

He went down and talked to her parents. They said to do whatever he thinks is right as they just want their daughter to be alright. He also talked to the doctor in Germany and he will come to India once he is intimated to come.

He went upstairs and slept beside her but sleep was far away. Many thoughts are clouded in his mind about something happening to her.

She woke up and saw Siddharth was sleeping beside her staring at the ceiling. She moved closed to him and slept on his shoulder wrapping her arm around his torso.

He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close and smiled when she snuggled into him.

" Siddu, Where were you?" She asked.

" I had some work." He said and decided to talk to her now only.

" Anu?" He called.

" Hmm."

" We should go to the hospital." He said and she looked at him.

" The symptoms which doctor said are clearly showing in you and you need to get admitted in the hospital as soon as possible." He said.

" Symptoms?" She asked.

" Yes.....I went to Germany not for the  business purpose but to meet a doctor who is a specialist in such cases and he is ready to come to India to treat you." Siddharth said and waited for her reaction.

Tears formed in her eyes as he is taking so many efforts to cure her.

" When?" She asked and he looked at her surprised.

" Today." He said and she widened her eyes at him.

" Yes, Doctor said to get you admit in the hospital as soon as possible." He explained and she looked down sadly.

" Anu....." He called her.

" Can we go tomorrow? Because before going I want to spend most of the time with you." She asked hopefully.

Siddharth thought for a minute and nodded his head.

She smiled widely and kissed on his cheek.

" What? I just get a kiss on the cheek!" He exclaimed.

She laughed at his expression.

He silenced her laugh by crashing his lips onto hers. They kissed passionately and he groaned into the kiss when his hand came into contact with her bare waist.

" Why do you have to wear a saree?" He groaned pulling away and she looked confused at him.

" It's hard for me to control myself when you wear a saree." He said looking into her eyes.

" Then who said you to control yourself." She said and looked away blushing.

He looked at her bewildered.

She pulled him closer and again he kissed her pouring his love. He roamed his hands freely on her body making her moan.

" We should stop now." He said getting up from bed and she looked disappointed.

" It's not that I don't want to. I want to do things to you so badly right now but we can't because your parents trust us and we can't take advantage of it." He said honestly making her eyes wet.

She got up from the bed and pecked his lips cupping his cheeks.

He grinned at her while she admired him. She had never seen such a man who loves and respects people around him so much. He not only came for her leaving his work, comforts and luxuries but also stood by her family as a support by loving them as his parents and became one of them living like a common man.

She hugged him tightly with tears. He hugged her back not knowing why she is so emotional suddenly.

" I will make everything alright Anu, don't worry." He promised kissing her forehead.

" I know." She whispered embracing his warmth.


She is waiting for him who told her to get ready and they will be going somewhere. She got ready in a saree as she knows he loves when she wears a saree.

She ran outside when she heard the horn of his car. He came out removing his shades looking devilishly handsome and she just could stare at him.

He smirked and kissed her cheek making her blush.

" Come lets go." He said opening the car door for her.

" Where?" She asked.

" You will know soon." He said and closed the door when she sat in the car.

He also got into the car and started their journey. There was a peaceful silence between them and a constant smile was playing on their lips.

She understood that he was taking her into the city but she doesn't know where and she also didn't ask him as she just want to be with him wherever it was.

He took her to the shopping mall where they first met and she looked at the place where they got crashed into each other. Both of them drowned into the memory lane......their first fight, their talks and how it turned into friendship.

Both of them looked at each other and smiled at each other with their eyes moist. Siddharth made her do some shopping and she bought some things for him and her parents.

He took her to the park where they would always meet and again got reminded of those beautiful days and memories. They both sat on a bench and relived those memories again smiling.

He then took her to a restaurant and had dinner talking and teasing each other. They laughed a alot forgetting about the future for a while and they want to stay like that forever without worrying about the future.

She was happy looking at him laughing and smiling as yesterday she got scared when she saw him crying for her. She was worried what will happen to him after her and she couldn't even sleep at night thinking about him.

She just wants him to be happy and live his life even if she is there or not.

She smiled at him who is laughing saying something to her and she couldn't take her eyes off him.

"Anu come we need to go somewhere." He said bringing her out of her thoughts.

" Where?" She asked.

" Surprise." He said grinning and made her sit in the car.

She smiled at his excitement and let him drive to wherever he wants to go.

Car stopped and she sat stunned in her place looking at the place in front of her.

"Siddu, why are we here?" She whispered.

" This is the surprise I was talking about." He said smiling.

" This is not a surprise, it's a shock to me." She exclaimed.

And he laughed at her shocked expression.

"  Now come on." He said going out of the car.

" Anu?" He called opening her side of the door.

" Please Siddu, don't make me do this." She pleaded him.

" There is no need for you to worry so much." He said.

" But........" 

" Will you come out or shall I carry you inside?" He asked seriously.

" No!" She shouted and got down the car quickly as she was sure he will carry her and embarrass her.

" Good. Now come on they are waiting for us only." He said holding her hand.

She looked at him unsure.

" Don't worry, everything will be fine." He said and walked towards the entrance taking her with him.

" No, please don't do this Siddu." She said scared.

" Do you trust me?" He asked her.

" Yes."  She said.

" Then come on." She said and walked towards the door.

" Sid wait!" Came a voice from inside.

They both looked inside and saw Siddharth's mother coming to them hurriedly.

" Wait there only." She said panting.

" Why Ma?" Sid asked.

" It's the first time of her coming to our house, let me do the aarthi first." She said and did aarthi to both of them.

She welcomed them into the house and hugged them tightly. This eased Anu's nervousness.

" Where is Dad?" Siddharth asked.

" I am here only." His father came and stood beside his mother smiling at them.

Both of them bent down and touched his parents feet taking their blessings.

" Come let's have dinner first." Saying this his mother took everyone to the dining table.

They had dinner talking and laughing. His mom told Anu about all the stories of his childhood and embarrassed him while Anu and his dad teased him a lot.

Anu felt like a member of their family and seeing her happy, Siddharth was very much happy.

They talked for sometime and after that Siddharth took her to show his house. Anu was watching everything keenly as she wants to know everything about him.

At last he took her to his room and she stood stunned looking at his room. It looked so classy and elegant just like him.

She walked around his room looking at everything curiously. She loved the feeling of being in his room and smiled looking at the photos on the wall.

He went to washroom while she was engrossed in looking at the photos. He was chubby and cute in his childhood.

She went to his closet and opened the door. She was astonished to see his wardrobe with full of expensive suits, shoes, ties and accessories. Something caught her attention while closing the door and she moved closer to take a look at it.

It was her photo in which she was smiling widely. Tears pricked her eyes when she saw some photos of her and him together. She wiped her tears and went outside. She stood near the window enjoying the view from his room.

She felt hands around her and glanced at Siddharth who is hugging her from back.

" Siddu, I like your's cozy, peaceful and look at the's beautiful." She said looking at outside.

" Yes, very beautiful." He said looking at her.

" Siddu, I am sorry." She said suddenly making him frown.

" Why?" He asked her turning her to face him.

" You left such a big mansion, comforts, luxuries and most importantly your family and came to stay with us in such a small house and small room...... because of me." She said looking down guiltily.

He lifted her chin up but still she is not looking at him.

" For me nothing is more important than you." He whispered and she looked at him with tears.

She smiled slightly wondering what she had done to have him in her life.

" But still I am Sorry." She said.

" Anu, don't feel like that......I am happy staying with you." He said and her heart swelled with happiness.

" I am not saying sorry for that." She said slowly.

" I am saying sorry because I saw you naked." She said and his eyes bulged out in shock.

" Excuse me?" He said scrunching his face.

" Yes." She nodded her head innocently.

" When and where?" He asked looking bewildered at her.

" Now only, here itself." She replied and he looked at her confused.

She slowly showed him the photo in which he was a toddler and had no clothes on him.

Siddharth looked at her stunned for a moment and then at the photo. It took some time for him to understand and when he understood, he looked at her who is trying to control her laugh.

She couldn't control her laugh anymore looking at his expressions and laughed out loud making him go red in embarrassment.

He glared at her but she was laughing with her tears clutching her stomach.

" Anu....." He called moving towards her.

She looked at him who is moving towards her. He tried to take his photo from her and she ran away teasing him. He ran after her who is laughing and running.

He chased her who is running around his bed but he swiftly took hold off her hand and grabbed her which made them both fall on his bed. They both went silent for sometime staring at each other with wide eyes.

They both started laughing loudly. She laughed facing him and he also turned towards her admiring her. He had seen her laughing like this after so much time.

Air around them became intense when they realised their proximity. Unknowingly their faces moved towards each other until their lips met. It was a slow kiss filled with Love and when they pulled away, he looked at her intently.

" I Love you."


To be Continued...........

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Stay Tuned...........

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