Chapter 51

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She had tears in her eyes hearing those words which she yearned to hear from him from long back.

She sat stunned looking at him who frowned at her.

"Anu what happened?" He asked concerned.

" What did you say?" She asked him smiling with tears.

He understood what she was feeling as the feeling was mutual.

" I said I Love you." He said smiling cupping her cheeks.

She leaned into his hand and sobbed hardly.

" I Love you too Siddu.....I Love you so much." She said crying.

He also cried along with her. He so badly wanted to hear those words from her.

" I Love you....I Love you....I Love you....I Love you....I Love you........." She was chanting those words in between her sobs.

He hugged her tightly rubbing her back.

"'s okay Anu." He said.

" No! You don't know what those words mean to me. I have died that day only when I told you that I don't love you. That hurt look on your face has killed me has ripped me apart." She sobbed.

Tears flowed from his eyes too.

" What I did to you has haunted me every night whenever I close my eyes. The pain I gave to you was more painful than any death Siddu. I am so sorry for breaking your heart that day so cruelly but I didn't had any choice as I don't want you to ruin your life by being with me." She said looking at him with red teary eyes and face.

His heart ached looking at her in such state and wiped her face with his hands.

" I have always loved you Siddu, I never stopped loving you and I never will stop loving you." She said smiling slightly.

He smiled with tears and kissed her forehead.

" You don't need to be sorry for that Anu. I understand what ever you did was for me but let me make you one thing clear and that is, my happiness lies within you. My life, my happiness, my well being, my everything is you.....only you. So please stop blaming yourself. I love you more than anything in this world and I will be happy only if you are happy." He said the whole thing looking straight into her eyes.

" I don't know what good I must have done to have you in my life." She whispered looking at him.

He just smiled at her.

" I want to say one more thing. After what happened that day, I changed myself totally but the love for you has never changed. Though I thought I am hating you but deep down I know that I can never hate you and I too never stopped loving you." He said looking at her intently and she just could stare at him.

They hugged tightly for sometime.

" We should go now." Anu said looking at the time.

They both went downstairs to bid byes to Siddharth's parents. His mom hugged Anu tightly and said to take care of herself while his dad gave his blessings to her. Siddharth also hugged his parents and took Anu to her house.


Next day morning, everyone got ready to go the hospital. Her parents were tensed while Siddharth didn't show what he felt and as for Anu she was smiling all the time.

They packed all the necessary things and they were ready to go.

" Someone has come to meet you." Siddharth said coming into her room.

"Who?" She frowned.

"You yourself go and see." Siddharth shrugged and went away whistling to himself.

She raised her brows at his odd behaviour and went outside to see who are they.

" Raj! Neha!"

She exclaimed happily looking at her best friends in the living room.

They hugged Anu tightly asking how is she.

" What are you people doing here?" She asked them.

" We came to meet you" Raj said.

"Won't your boss get angry on you people for taking leave and that too in his absence?" She asked teasingly looking at Siddharth who chuckled at her words.

" He won't mind as our boss only planned this surprise." Neha said smirking making Anu look at Siddharth.

" Can't she shut her mouth?" Siddharth hissed at Raj glaring at Neha.

" It's difficult." Raj replied shaking his head.

Neha smacked his head making everyone laugh at them.

" Will you two stop and say for what you came here?" Siddharth said annoyed.

" Yeah." Raj and Neha looked at each other.

They both held their hands and turned towards Anu who is looking at them curiously.

" We are together now." They said smiling at her.

Anu was surprised and stunned. She looked at them and then at their hands and again at them.

" Oh my God!" Anu squealed hugging them both.

" I am so happy for you both." She grinned at them.

"You know I always wanted you two to be together." She said happily.

" We know." They said smiling at her.

" And you have another surprise too." Siddharth said looking at her.

" What?" She asked curiously.

" You know where is Karthik now?" He asked.

" No." Anu said frowning.

" Must be on his bed still sleeping like a log." Neha muttered.

Anu snickered and Siddharth sighed shaking his head.

" He is in Paris now." Siddharth said.

" What? When did he go?" Anu asked him.

" Yesterday only......he went there because Riya is also there." He said.

Anu's face has lit up like a 1000 watts bulb.

" He said me to thank you, because of you only he had hope and because of you only he had gained courage to confess his feelings. He went there not only to be there for her on her big day but also to confess his feelings." Siddharth said and Anu had tears listening to him.

" Due to the time zones he couldn't call you but he said he will call you as soon as possible and told you to take care of yourself." Siddharth finished.

Anu was very happy learning that Karthik took first step towards his love and hoped he will get his love.

" I am so happy today." Anu said looking at all of them.

Anu's parents were happy as their daughter is happy and got such amazing friends. They looked at Siddharth and thought that he was smiling but inside he was dreading too.

In the darkness of their world, they got a light and that is Siddharth.

When they thought that nothing could happen, they got a hope and that is Siddharth.

When they didn't find any way, they got a path because of Siddharth.

When they have nothing left except  tears and pain, they got happiness and smiles because of Siddharth.

When they prayed to God to save their daughter, an Angel has been sent to them and that is Siddharth.

They had tears in their eyes looking at their Angel and prayed to God to protect him.


They all went to the hospital together and got Anu admitted in the hospital.

Anu looked around the room she got admitted. It is so spacious and posh. It didn't look like a patient's room at all. There was a big LED T.V., rich curtains, A/c, book shelf, a rack with all her necessities, and a side table for fruits and snacks for her.

She was astounded looking at the room and looked at her parents. They just shrugged and went away while Raj and Neha went to the office.

She huffed and sat on the bed which is no where near to a hospital bed. Then only Siddharth came inside and didn't even look at her side. He was just inspecting each and every thing in the room.

He scanned the whole room very keenly to see if everything is there or not.

" Siddu?" She called him.

" Ha Anu, are you comfortable here? Or shall I book another room? I feel something is missing here." He asked looking around.

" Siddu?" She called him sternly.

" Ha." He looked at her.

" This is a hospital Siddu. You shouldn't be converting a hospital room into a suite room." She said seriously.

" Suite room? This is no where near to a suite room. I am just making sure that you shouldn't find any difficulty while you stay here. I don't want a little dust particle also to enter here and I don't want you to feel like you are a patient and stuck in a hospital room." He said.

She stood staring at him.

" I think some more cushions are needed and a little more food also." He said scanning the table.

" Hello Ananya!" Doctor said coming inside which made both of them look at him.

He looked around the room and glared at Siddharth who looked away.

" Doctor, how did you allow him to do all these changes in this room? Isn't it against the hospital rules?" Anu asked him frowning.

" Yes it is, but someone is hell bent on breaking the rules." He said still glaring making her also glare at him

Siddharth smiled at them sweetly.

" Anyway, it's time for your tests. Come on." Doctor said walking out of the room.

Anu followed him without looking at Siddharth who followed her trying to make her talk to him.

After a series of tests, doctor gave some instructions and medication to Anu.

Then they went back to the room.

" Anu yaar! Please talk to me." He pleaded.

" Siddu, you shouldn't have done all these." She said sighing.

" Why?"

" What why? What is the need of all these things?" She exclaimed.

" Ofcourse they are necessary. The bed which was in this room before was so dirty and I don't even want to think how many people must have used it. That's why I changed it. This book rack is for you when you feel bored and books divert your mind from unnecessary things which you shouldn't be thinking. This table has all the fruits which are very healthy and I will ask the nurse to give you juices from time to time as it is healthy for you." He explained and she stood stunned.

" I want you to be comfortable and not as some depressed patient. You know how was the room before? Looking at the room itself, people become other disease is needed. I don't want yout to feel like that sick and uncomfortable. I don't want you to feel like you are a patient and stay here forcibly. I wanted to make you feel like you are at home. That's why I did all these changes." He said seriously.

She took slow steps towards her and cupped his cheeks with her hands. She looked at him adorably leaning towards him which made his heart race. She pecked him on his lips and smiled at him who stood stunned.

She went to her bed and started reading a book like nothing had  happened. Siddharth came out of his daze when his phone rang and went outside to take the call. Anu stiffled her laugh looking at his baffled expression.

Siddharth talked to the doctor in Germany who told him that he will be coming to India in two days after finishing some important surgeries. Siddharth was happy as he had some hope now.

At night, Siddharth sent Anu's parents to home to rest and insisted that he will stay with Anu tonight.

He went inside the room to see Anu staring at the wall blankly in front of her. A lump formed in his throat just looking at her like that and walked towards the bed.

He cleared his throat but she didn't notice him. He leaned and kissed her on the cheek which made her jerk in her place.

" Siddharth! You scared me!" She exclaimed and he just laughed at her expression.

" You got away from me by giving just a peck and how can I leave you just like that........I want more." He said.

" What!" She shrieked.

" I want more." He said leaning toward her lips.

" You are shameless, this is hospital and anyone might walk in anytime." She said hitting his arm.

That time only nurse came in to give her food for dinner. She kept the food on the table and went away.

" What is this? This looks like half boiled. I can't eat it." Anu said making faces at the food.

" But it is healthy and good for you." He said bringing the food to her.

" No! I will not eat it." She said pushing away the plate.

" Anu please." He pleaded.

" Okay." She sighed sadly.

He took another plate and started eating along with her.

" What are you doing? You are not eating this." She said taking the plate from his hand.

" I am eating with you and what I am eating does not matter as long it is with you." He said smiling.

" No, I am the patient here and I will not allow you to eat such food because of me." She said with tears.

" I am very hungry and it's already night. I can't go out side now and eat also. Please we will eat together." He asked with puppy dog face which she can't ignore.

They finished eating talking and laughing. It didn't matter to them what they were eating as long as they are with each other.

Anu took her medication and it's time for her to sleep. Siddharth kept his mobile on the table after finishing his call and saw her reading a book.

" You should sleep now." He said.

" I tried but I cannot sleep." She sighed.

" First you rest your back on the bed and sleep will come automatically." Saying this he made her sleep on the bed.

" Where are you going?" She asked holding his hand when he was turning to leave.

" I am sleeping on the couch." He said.

" You can sleep here only on the bed." She said.

" No, you should have a comfortable sleep and I can sleep on that couch. No problem." He said.

" Siddu, I want you to sleep beside me holding me." She whispered.

" Okay."

Saying this he slept on the bed pulling her on top of him so that her head rests on his chest.

" Good Night." He kissed her forehead.

" Good Night." She whispered.

Sleep was far away from them.

" Siddu?"

" Hmm?"

"No matter whatever happens, always remember that I love you with my life and after life also." She said with dropping eyes and drifted to sleep.

" I love you too Anu......and I promise nothing will happen to you." He whispered and a lone tear escaped from his eye.


To be Continued..........

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Stay Tuned..........

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