Chapter 52

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Siddharth was tensed as the doctor from Germany will be in India soon. He arranged a car for the doctor to pick him up as soon as he lands in the Delhi airport.

He looked through the glass door to see Anu sleeping and his heart ached. She is looking even more sick and he wants to save her before anything happens to her.

They were in the hospital from 2 days taking all the necessary tests that the doctor recommended to take and to say Siddharth was tensed would be an understatement.

Anu wasn't scared about what would happen to her. She was scared about her parents and Siddharth. How would they take everything if something happens to her.

She knows how anxious her Siddu is and how is trying everything he could to save her but she knows that fate is not in our hands and she is ready take what fate gives her.

But in return, she only wants her parents and Siddu to move on in their lives. She knows it's the hardest thing for them to do but they had to learn to live without her.

She opened her eyes when she heard someone's mumbling and saw that Siddharth was talking on his phone. She looked at his worried face and sighed sadly knowing that she is the reason for it.

Siddharth opened the door and walked in looking at her who is already looking at him with a smile. He smiled at her and sat on the bed holding her hands.

" Doctor has arrived to India from Germany and he is on his way to the hospital. Now everything will be okay, he will make you alright." Siddharth said happily.

She stared at his hopeful face and just nodded at him smiling slightly. She didn't want to break his hope and confidence.

They talked for sometime until he got the news that doctor has reached the hospital from a nurse who came inside to take them to the doctor.

Siddharth made Anu get up and tucked her hair behind her ear which is falling on her face.

" Be strong Anu and please don't lose hope.......atleast for me." Siddharth whispered kissing her forehead.

She looked surprised at him for how he had known what is she is thinking in her mind.

" You should be strong too...... whatever happens...... atleast for me and our parents." She whispered holding his hand and kissing it lovingly.

A lone tear escaped from her eye and he gulped the lump formed in his throat.

" Come let's go." He said and they both walked to the cabin where the doctors are there.

They went in and saw that both the doctors are examining the test reports. They looked at them and told them to sit down.

" Hello! Mr. Khurana.....nice to meet you again and You must be Ms.Ananya right?" He enquired smiling at them.

She nodded her head in yes.

" Oh! It's nice to meet you, I am Dr. Alexander Rio." He said forwarding his hand smiling and she shook it smiling at him.

" You see here, I have already met with your concerned doctor here and Dr. Ramesh explained me about your case and your reports too. Now the thing is I want to discuss this case with you.....only you." He said looking at the reports.

She nodded and looked at Siddharth who masked his worry with a slight smile. However, he got up and left the room to see Anu's parents waiting there already.

Doctor asked all the questions relating to her health and symptoms she is facing nowadays. She answered and doctor has noted them down.

After a while, Anu went outside and the doctor called everyone except Anu  inside to talk.

" I know you people are worried so much about her and I wanted to say that she is a strong girl who faced everything with a smile till now." He paused and looked at them who nodded their heads with a small smile.

" But, I want to inform you that I cannot perform the surgery and remove the tumor now because that stage has been gone. I could have informed you earlier only about this but I wanted to personally check upon her and tell you people." Doctor said sighing.

" What?" Siddharth shouted.

" Yes Mr.Khurana, it will be risky if we do surgery now." Doctor said sadly.

" Then what we should do? Leave her just like that." Siddharth shouted with rage standing up.

" Sid beta....." Anu's mom tried to calm him.

" You didn't come here all the way from Germany to India just to tell us that surgery couldn't happen." He yelled with tears.

" Mr. Khurana, I understand your concern but try to understand the situation here." Dr. Alexander exclaimed looking at Siddharth's rage.

" No, you don't understand......You don't understand anything.

Do you know how it feels when you know your love is going to die and you can't do nothing about it?

Do you know how it feels when your love is growing more sick and sick day by day in front of you but you can do nothing to save her?

Do you know how it feels when you couldn't sleep knowing that in a blink of time, anything might happen to her?

Do you know how it feels when you can have anything in the world at your feet but cannot do anything to cure her?"

Siddharth yelled with tears and fell on his knees crying.

Anu's parents cried hugging each other looking at him like that. Dr. Ramesh also had tears in his eyes and Dr. Alexander's heart ached looking at Siddharth like that.

Anu's mom kneeled beside him and rubbed his back hugging him.

" I don't know what I will do if something happens to her...... I can't live without her Ma.....I want to save her. We had only one hope and now that is also gone." He cried hugging her.

Anu's mom didn't understand that she should feel happy as he called her Ma or to cry looking at him like this.

Dr. Alexander came and stood in front of him. He bent down and kept his hand on his shoulder.

" Siddharth, I am sorry...... I know you had a hope because of me but seriously we can't do surgery now because if we do that there will be no chance of her being alive. I came here all the way from Germany not to tell this but I came here because of you. You were so persistent to bring me here and if I had said this thing that time only then you wouldn't have believed me thinking that I was just giving you reasons for not coming to India. I came here, because I saw how much you wanted to save her, how much you loved her and I also personally wanted to check upon her." Dr. Alexander said all these patting on his back.

Siddharth's eyes softened at his words.

" Sorry Doctor, I shouldn't have shouted on you like that." Siddharth mumbled looking down.

" It's okay and you can call me Alex." He smiled and offered his hand.

Siddharth held his hand and got up.

There was a knock on the door. They looked up when the door is opened and saw Anu coming in slowly.

Siddharth turned away from her immediately wiping his eyes.

" Ma, I heard some yelling." She said looking at Siddharth's back.

" Nothing beta, we were just talking." Anu's father said patting on her head.

She looked at him and then at Siddharth who still stood with his back facing her.

" Siddu? Were you the one shouting?" She asked him concerned.

" No." He whispered but didn't turn towards her.

" Siddu?" She called making him turn towards her.

She stood stunned looking at his state.

" Were you crying?" She asked with tears.

He nodded his head in no.

She didn't believe him and looked at others who looked sad.

" What happened?" She asked dreading the answer.

" Nothing." They said and tried to smile at her.

" Dr. Alexander, can I talk to you for a minute......alone?" She asked and he nodded.

They all went outside dreading about how she would take it.

Alexander talked to her about her condition. She didn't felt anything.....sad or anything.

" It's okay don't need to apologise. I knew about my condition.....I can sense it you know. I am just worried about him." She said looking through the glass window.

Alexander followed her gaze and saw Siddharth slumped on a chair holding his head.

" He wouldn't be able to bear it and there will be no one who can handle him." She said and tears fell from her eyes.

" I am scared that he will ruin his life after my death." She whispered still looking at him.

Alexander looked at her and saw the same love which he had seen in Siddharth's eyes.

He never saw someone who can love eachother to such an extent that eachother's well being is their only priority.

She looked at the doctor who is looking at her astonished and smiled at him.

" Thank you doctor for coming here from Germany to check upon me." She said smiling at him.

Doctor was astonished for the strength she is showing. She wasn't worried about her life and scared about the death but she was worried about her loved ones. Although she was suffering from inside, she is smiling and trying to live her life to the fullest.

She went outside and saw her parents sitting on the chair sadly.

" Ma, Papa, please don't worry about me and where is Siddharth?" She asked looking here and there.

" He went that way." Her father said and she nodded.

She went in that way and looked around for him. She saw him staring afar standing in the garden outside the hospital. She knows what he is thinking and what he is trying to do.

She thought to let him be alone for sometime to gather his thoughts and went to her room. She started reading a book but her mind is fully occupied with different thoughts.

She looked up when she heard a knock and saw nurse coming in with food. She made a face looking at the tray and told the nurse that she will eat it after a while.

She stood up and went near the window. She stood their gazing outside and she was lost in her thoughts.

Siddharth came inside and saw her standing near the window.

" You didn't eat." He stated looking at the food tray which is left untouched.

" You didn't eat too." She stated still looking outside.

" Come you should eat." He said removing the lid.

" And you?" She asked looking at him.

" I am not hungry." He said pouring a glass of water.

" Siddharth you are not helping." She sighed.

He frowned at her.

" Your behaviour is not at all helping me to not to worry about you. If you keep ignoring about yourself like this, I can never be at peace. I can be happy and in peace only if you are happy." She said sadly sitting on the bed.

He doesn't know what to say and so he stayed silent.

They both sat silently for sometime.

" Why don't you accept the fate?" She asked him.

" If you accept then it will be easy for forget and move on." She said.

" Shut up.....just shut up." He shouted at her and she was taken aback by the angry glare he was throwing at her.

" Why can't I accept the fate?.....
You will know the answer if you once think about the things from my point of view. You will understand about my feelings if you think them from my perspective.
    Has this thought ever occured to you even for once that maybe.......maybe I don't want to forget? Maybe I don't want to move on?.......... because I love you so much that I don't want to move on from you ever." He shouted at her with tears.

" Siddu.....I....." She didn't know what to say.

He never shouted at her and he never had spoke to her like this.

" Here I am feeling guilty and helpless for what doctor said today and here all you think is about me to move on and forget you. How could you even think like that? Is it that easy? Is my love so weak?......I failed again......I failed......I crushed your and your parents hope on me.......I failed........" 

He couldn't continue as she slammed her lips onto his lips kissing him. He stood stunned as she kissed him with all her love pouring into the kiss.
And before he could kiss her, she pulled away.

" You didn't fail anyone. You are the only reason that I am still alive and happy. Don't ever say that again." She said with tears.

He looked at her with tears in his eyes and kissed her making her smile.

" I Love you Siddu."

" I Love you too Anu."

They hugged each other tightly and stayed in the room talking with each other for sometime.

Siddharth suddenly got a phone call from Raj saying that they need his sign on a file urgently and he was not ready to leave Anu and go. So he denied but Neha called him asking him to come as it is only for 10 mins.

Listening to this Anu insisted Siddharth to go to the office and he agreed reluctantly because he is not getting a good feeling about this.

He went to the door to go but turned again and saw Anu looking at him smiling. He rushed back into the room and hugged her tightly.

" I will be back soon." He said kissing her forehead.

" And I will be waiting for you." She said smiling widely.

He smiled and went away to go to that stupid meeting and sign away that stupid deal as soon as possible and come back to his love.

Siddharth went to the office and signed the deal. He didn't even stayed for a minute also after signing, he just left and drove to the hospital.

He reached the hospital and parked his car. He went to her room and saw there was no one. He called on her phone but the ringing sound came from the room only. He looked around and found her mobile on the bed itself.

He came across the nurse who gives food to Anu daily and enquired her about Anu. He got to know the floor number where she is and took the elevator to go there.

He saw Anu's father standing at the end of the floor, in a corner. He ran towards him and saw that he was crying. He looked at Anu's mother who sat on a chair numbly with a tear stained face.

His heart was pounding loudly in his chest and he doesn't even want to think about the possibilities. He gulped the huge lump formed in his throat and walked towards her father who is now looking at him painfully.

" Where is Anu?" He asked with fear.

" She fainted." He said and tears flowed from his eyes.

Siddharth's eyes widened in fear.

" How? Where is she? I want to see her." Siddharth asked panicked.

" Her tumor got bursted." Came her mother's voice and Siddharth snapped his head towards her in shock.

" You are joking right? She was fine when I left." Siddharth said dreading to hear the answer.

" Dr. Alexander is operating her." Her father said pointing at the operation theatre in another corner.

" How did it happened?" Siddharth whispered and tears fell from his eyes.

" Dr. Alexander came to talk to her and tell us that he is leaving tomorrow for Germany. When he was leaving the room, all of a sudden, Anu screamed in pain clutching her head. She cried loudly because of the severe pain shot through her brain and before we could understand what's happening, she fainted. Dr. Alexander said that the tumor got  bursted and the internal bleeding should be controlled immediately to save her. They just took her to the operation theatre and that's when you came." They explained to him.

Siddharth felt like his whole world has been crashed down. Doctors already told him what is the result when blood vessels get ruptures. He can't even imagine her condition now.

He walked silently to the Operation theatre and looked through it if he could see her but he can see nothing.

Suddenly, he remembered their words to each other which they talked before he left and tears flowed from his eyes thinking about their moment.

" I will be back soon."

" And I will be waiting for you."


To be Continued............

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