Chapter 65

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The news of Anu fainting reached Siddharth and he came running to the hospital.

He asked the nurse about Anu and she took him to the room which was once he booked it for Anu's treatment and decorated it.

He gulped the lump formed in his throat and opened the door. He stepped in and took around his surroundings which was exactly in the same way it had been.

Raj, Neha were already there and talking to Dr. Ramesh where as Anu was lying unconscious on the bed. It felt like the same way he felt when she was in coma and tears formed in his eyes.

" What happened to her?" He whispered and everyone looked at him.

" It's nothing serious Sid, she just fainted." Raj said.

" Just fainted? Don't you know what is the meaning of fainting in her case?" He asked in rage and everyone looked at him shocked.

" Siddharth! It's okay, nothing happened to her......she came for a regular check up but suddenly she got dizziness and fell unconscious. I have given her the medicine and she will wake up soon." Doctor tried to console him.

" But why did she even faint? Her condition got better right?" Siddharth asked worriedly holding Anu's hand.

" She is obsolutely alright Siddharth. She has gone through a brain surgery, so this will be happening now and then but overall she is perfectly fine." Doctor said smiling at him whose tears fell from his eyes.

" Siddharth." Neha called concerned seeing his tears.

" Why it is happening with her? Why she has to go through so much of hardships? Why such a pure and innocent soul has to endure so much pain? Why can't she be free and happy like all others? Why it has to be like something is always binding her? Why it has to be her? Why? Why? Why?" Saying this Siddharth cried keeping his forehead on her hand.

Rest of them also cried with him and this time they didn't stop him. He is letting out all his pain and talking out which he had gone through alone without Anu in his life for the first time.

After sometime, he stopped crying and just stared at Anu for sometime as he didn't see her for a month now. He kissed her forehead and whispered 'I Love you' to her.

" Siddharth, don't worry.....she is coming around. She is not getting repulsive as we thought would happen so you keep meeting her and try to make her remember things one by one." Doctor said smiling at him.

" For that, first she had to meet and talk to me." Siddharth chuckled bitterly.

" What are you saying?" They all asked him.

" She has been avoiding me." Siddharth said with pain and tears again fell from his eyes.

" What?" They asked shocked.

" Yes, ever since that party at the hotel, she has been avoiding me. She is not even talking to me when we met outside at a restaurant or a coffee shop. She just behaved as if she doesn't know me." Siddharth said holding his head in his hands.

Neha thought about it and now she understood why Anu was acting so wierd lately.  After the Siddharth's interview at the party, news travelled around about the mysterious girl whom he loved and internet had gone crazy spreading about it. Some even spread the news that the mysterious girl was the girl in red saree with whom Siddharth danced that night.

Looking at all these Anu was perplexed and got panicked. She blamed herself that it was so wrong of her to dance with a man who already loved someone. She felt bad that she might have hurted the girl whom Siddharth loved so much.

If only Anu knows that she was talking about herself.

" Oh!" Neha said and all three men looked at her.

" Oh? It was your mistake, you brought her there." Siddharth snapped at her.

" Now you are blaming this on me! I brought her there because I thought you two can meet each other. It's not because of me but it's because of the loving speech you gave at the party." Neha mocked him.

" Now you are saying that it's my mistake to say that I love someone!" Siddharth exclaimed angrily standing up.

" Yes! Because all she thinks now is that you love someone else!" Neha exclaimed back angrily.

" I doesn't even know that she was there at that time, it was your mistake to bring her there." Siddharth yelled angrily.

" But that doesn't change the fact that she heard that and thinks that you have someone else in your life. You should have been careful Siddharth because we all know that the interview will be aired on T.V, Internet.....and will become a news everywhere." Neha yelled back.

" But what is to her if I had someone else in my life? It's not like she loves me or something. She doesn't even remember me, she wasn't there when I needed her, so what if I really had someone else in my life in all these months?" Siddharth yelled again making everyone shock at his words.

A loud slap echoed in the room.

Neha and Raj looked shocked at Dr. Ramesh who slapped Siddharth.

" Everyone out!" Doctor said loudly.

Three of them flinched and went outside calmly. It was the first time they saw him so angry and he is not one of the persons who gets angrily easily. Siddharth crossed his limits by saying those words and everyone knows that he didn't mean them. He was losing himself in his anger, pain and fear of losing her and he had to slap him to bring him out of that.

Dr. Ramesh came outside after a while and Neha and Raj stood looking down while Siddharth stood far away staring off into the space. He looked around and there were no one as the room was in a secluded corner.

He has to talk to him now.

" Siddharth." He called and Siddharth turned but didn't look at him.

" What happened to you Siddharth?" Dr. Ramesh asked him but he didn't get any reply.

" You were the one who always stayed calm and acted wise when it comes to Anu but now what happened to you?" Doctor asked and still he didn't look up.

" You said those words you didn't mean at all. Why?" Doctor asked again but his time his voice raised.

" I know you are hurting yourself more than others by talking like that." He said calmly when he saw tears fell from his eyes.

Siddharth fell down on his knees and slumped on the floor.

" Siddharth!" All three of them reached him concerned.

He looked so devastated and broken. Last time they had seen him like this when he got to know that Anu had forgotten him.

" I can't." Siddharth whispered.

" I can't do this anymore." Siddharth said and his face was red with tears.

" Sid." Raj called him with tears in his own eyes.

" I can't pretend anymore that I am happy. I can't pretend anymore that I can survive without her. I can't pretend anymore that her memory loss didn't effect me." Siddharth broke into sobs and everyone's heart clenched looking at his pain.

" I don't know how I did it but I can't do this anymore. My heart breaks every time I think about her forgetting me. She exists in my every breath and heartbeat but for her I am an unknown stranger." Siddharth said smiling sadly and tears kept flowing from his eyes.

" I was angry that how can she forget me and my love when here I can't even breath without thinking about her. I was angry when she decided to stay away from her past and ran away to Mumbai. I was angry and I also decided to move on because she was ready to move on in her life. I was angry that how can she forget my love and I was angry how can she forget her Siddu." Siddharth chuckled bitterly.

" But whom I was kidding? I can't be angry on her, I thought I was angry but my heart always beats for her and I can't live without her. I am not even exaggerating if I say that I have been getting nightmares of her going away from me." He cried.

" Siddharth." Doctor gasped.

They all concentrated only on Anu because of her health issues but forgot that Siddharth was sensitive and he needed help too. All of them looked down guiltily for not understanding him and his agony. They all thought he was in pain but didn't think that he was going through so much and that too alone. He was struggling inside and was smiling outside for everyone.

" I love her." Siddharth said.

" I love her and can't live without her." Siddharth cried.

" I can't do this anymore, I can't put up with this act that I am okay anymore......I love her and I can't stay away from her anymore." Siddharth sobbed out.

" Siddharth please don't cry." Neha said rubbing his back. They can't see him like this so weak and it's ripping their hearts to see him crying like this.

" I am so sorry......" Saying this Neha cried hugging him tightly.

" I am so sorry Siddharth, we never thought you were going through so much all this time, we just thought you need some time to get alright. We are so sorry Siddharth, we were not with you when you needed someone." She sobbed.

" No! You people were there for me. It's just I didn't share with anyone.....if not for you people I would have been wallowing inside my room.  You all people helped me to get through the worst times in my life and brought me out of the darkness." He said wiping her tears.

" No, all I thought that you should have been careful before speaking something because Anu has freaked out looking at all the headlines and news on the internet about you and her. But I didn't think that how much you miss her and talking about her was your right. I am so sorry." She said looking down.

" It's true Sid, Anu was thinking that she betrayed a girl who loves you. She was thinking that she did a big crime by dancing with you and that's why she must have been avoiding you. We thought in her point of view and thought that it's your mistake that you had let out the truth in front of everyone but we didn't think in your point of view that you had been mugging up everything inside you from a long time now." Raj said everything guiltily with tears in eyes too.

" It's okay guys, please stop blaming yourselves now." Siddharth pleaded shaking his head at them.

" So many things have happened and nobody has bothered to tell me a single thing." Doctor said angrily and everyone stayed calm at this.

" It would have been easier if you people had shared everything with me. Oh wait! Why would you share anything with me? Whom I am to you? Just a doctor right!" Dr. Ramesh said with hurt evident on his face and voice.

" No! It's not like that." Neha said walking to him.

" Dr. Ramesh, you never behaved just like a doctor to us. You are our friend, well wisher, guide and most importantly you are our Angel who gave us our life back to us.....our Anu. You are a way more special person to us than just a doctor." Siddharth said smiling at him with tears and doctor also has tears in his eyes.

They both hugged each other tightly and Neha and Raj also joined them.

" If you truly meant what you just said then will you do whatever I ask you to do?" Doctor asked him hopefully.

" Yes." Siddharth replied sincerely.

Doctor nodded and took them to his cabin to discuss.

Everything was calm and silent after they all went away except for the sobs escaping faintly from a room.

Yes, it was Anu.

She was on the other side of the door and heard everything. Whenever he cried, she cried along with him too. She heard each and every word from him. She heard love, pain, hurt and longing from his words.

She was shocked knowing thay she was the girl that he had talked about in the interview and she was feeling guilty for herself. She had always had an hunch looking at the emotions Siddharth had in his eyes Whenever they met but she didn't think that he had loved her so much that now that love has started hurting him.

She didn't know a person can love another person this much. She didn't know that she had hurted the person who loved her so much. She didn't know that she was hurting him the everytime they had met. She didn't know that she had this much effect on a person's life. She didn't know that her each word, her each action would bring this much effect on a him.

She had broken him beyond repair.

She is the reason for his state.

She is the reason for his tears.

She is the reason for his heart break.

She is the reason for his anger.

She is the reason for his pain.

She is the reason for his nightmares.

She is the reason for all the wrong that has happened and happening in his life.

And all he did was to love her.

His love was so pure and unconditional.

She crouched onto the floor sobbed loudly clutching her chest tightly at the thought that she couldn't even the return the love for what he had done to her.

All she gave him was pain.

Hearing his broken voice and words, she had understood that she had hurted him in so many ways that she couldn't even think and still he didn't blame her for anything. She acted so selfish by demanding answers from him whereas he was guarding and protecting her.

How can he love someone so cruel and heartless like her?

She doesn't deserve him and yet she got him but then also she had to lose him because of her ill fate.

A person like him with a pure soul and a loving heart can get a great girl who can love him and treat him like a king not like her who gives him pain everytime they met.

She had heard so much about him. He is the most eligible bachelor in the country whom every girl wants. He is a rich, arrogant business man who doesn't care about anyone or rather anything and he can get whomever he wants. Such person had cried because of her and that thought itself brought an ache to her heart.

She had fainted for sure but she was wide awake when the yelling between Neha and Siddharth had started. She got conscious when Siddharth cried holding her hand and she wanted to hug him so badly but she controlled herself. She wanted to get up and stop them from fighting but she didn't because she wanted to hear what are they are talking about. It's been a long time she had been wanting answers and she thought that she might get her answers now.

But she didn't expect to hear all this from them. She had heard his each and every word and every time she heard his sobs, her heart would bleed. It ripped her heard hearing his cries and thinking about itself again brought that pain back to a whole new level.

She wiped her tears and walked back to her bed but stopped in her tracks when she noticed the room around her. It wasn't like a normal hospital room she had seen in the hospitals. It was different, it held a homely atmosphere and the room had many facilities. It had an A/c, a T.V , a book shelf with books, a fridge, a comfortable soft bed with a warm comforter and what's most important thing was the photos present on the side table.

She looked at their family photo on the right side table and smiled. She looked at the other side and she had tears in her eyes looking at the photo. It was her and Siddharth. They both are looking at each other and smiling. And she was more intrigued when she saw love shining in both of their eyes for each other.

She looked around and observed many other things and a photo on the wall caught her attention. It was a group photo. She was standing at the right with Siddharth's arms around her while Raj and Neha stood on the left side hugging each other with her parents in the middle. Everyone had these big grins on their faces which made her cry even more now. All are crying today because of her and she survived that dreadful disease only to see this.

If she was dead then also they wouldn't have cried this much and endure this much of pain.

She survived and gave even more pain especially to Siddharth.

She sat on her bed and cried looking at Siddharth in the photo. She hugged the photo to her chest and cried saying sorry to him repeatedly.

After sometime, she knows they will be coming back to check up on her and so she kept the photo back on the table. She wiped her tears and lied on the bed staring at the ceiling.

She needed to put an end to all this and closed her eyes deciding on what to do.


To be Continued............

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I had not been replying to many comments, not thanking for the follows and not even thanking the readers who are voting and reading my stories.

I am so sorry and I thank each and everyone for reading, voting, commenting and following me.

Love you all ❤️

Stay tuned............

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