Regrets And Traditions

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Anna, Elsa and Olaf headed back inside the empty ballroom, neither sister quite sure what to do.
Olaf, on the other hand, seemed more excited than ever.
"Whoo! I can't wait!"
"For what, Olaf?"
"For your family tradition. What is it? Tell me, tell me, tell me!"
"Oh, yeah!" Joy realized. "Our family tradition, which is... um... I got nothing."
"Me neither," said Sadness.
"Do we have any traditions, Elsa? Do you remember?"
Elsa glanced at her sister, then at a family portrait of herself, Anna, and their parents, the late King Adgar and Queen Idun.
"Guys, I don't think we have any," Fear said.
"No, I'm sure we have something," Joy assured them. Then, she pulled a keyboard out of the console and typed in "Memories of Christmas past." A blue memory orb was recalled and projected on the POV. It showed the royal family ringing the Yule Bell together when Elsa was seven years old.
"Well, I remember..."
♪It was long ago
♪They would ring the bell
♪We could hear it chime through Arendelle
♪I remember the way that I felt back then
♪We would ring in the season
♪We would ring in the season...
"See, guys? We had something!" Joy pointed out.
"But the Yule Bell was for the kingdom. What about us?"
"I think I'm gonna cry," Sadness wailed, and slammed her face against some buttons on the console.
"After the gates were closed, we were never together."
"Sadness, please don't cry," Joy pleaded. "Especially not on the console, it's not waterproof. I gotta get the Mind Workers to fix that."
"I'm sorry, Anna. It's my fault we don't have a family tradition."
"Wait, Elsa!"
Elsa ran out of the room and slammed the door on the princess. Anna sighed sadly and walked away.
Suddenly, Olaf had an idea...

"Here you go, sweetie," Disgust said, handing Sadness a cup of herbal tea. "It should calm you down, and I added some honey for flavor."
"Thank you, Disgust," Sadness replied. "Sorry for my outburst earlier."
"That's okay," Joy said. "Once the console is repaired, we can apologize to Anna."
"But, Joy, you heard what Elsa said," Sadness argued. "It's our fault we can't do something special with Anna."
"No, it's my fault," Fear admitted. "If I hadn't caused Elsa to push away Anna and the love they shared for each other... none of this would've happened."
"Fear, don't be so hard on yourself," Joy said sweetly. "We've all done stuff we eventually regret. And not just with Elsa."
"Like what?" Fear asked.
"Okay, everyone, take a seat," Joy announced. The rest of the Emotions sat down on the couch. "Now, each of us is going to reveal their biggest regret. So, who would like to go first?"
"I'll go," Disgust volunteered. "One time, I decided to wear a lavender gown with lavender fragrance. It seemed like a good idea at first, but then I realized how cheesy it was! It was the stupidest thing I probably ever thought of."
The rest of the Emotions stared at her curiously.
"Okay..." Joy said, unsure how to react.
"I guess it's my turn," Sadness cut in. "I have a lot of regrets, but... my biggest one has to be when I forgot to give one of the Mind Workers a birthday present. He didn't really notice, but I still felt terrible."
"Oh, Sadness, I'm sure he knows you didn't mean to," Joy assured the blue Emotion.
"Well, I guess," Sadness said, unsure of herself.
"Anger, you're up!" Disgust called out.
"Alright," he groaned. "My biggest regret is almost making Elsa kill those two guys from Weaseltown. Although, in my defense, they tried to kill us, first."
"You almost destroyed Kindness Island!" Disgust pointed out. Anger just grumbled.
"Guess that leaves me, then," Joy realized. "My biggest regret has to be... never thanking you, Fear, for everything you've done for Elsa over the years. You may not have made the best decisions, but the important thing is how much you care. And I love you for that."
Fear couldn't keep his eyes off Joy's face. Her eyes shimmered with sincerity and warmth.
"I love you, too, Joy," he said quietly.
Joy and Fear prepared themselves for a loving embrace, when suddenly...
"Okay, Emotions!" a Mind Worker announced. "Your console is repaired and running."
"We should probably save this for after we apologize to Anna," Joy suggested.
"Yeah, that's probably for the best," Fear agreed.


Elsa was nervous, but she approached her sister's bedroom, took a deep breath, knocked on the door, and entered.
"Anna, I owe you an apology for earlier..."
Much to her surprise, and her Emotions', the room was empty.
"Where is she?" Sadness asked curiously.
Suddenly, there arose a clatter from upstairs.
“Ack! What was that?!" Fear exclaimed. “Are we under attack?!"
“If we were under attack, there'd be cannons going off, and we'd probably be dead," Anger pointed out. “Besides, it sounds like came from the attic."
“Let's go check it out, then," Joy suggested.
Elsa made her way up the attic with a lantern in one hand and saw something underneath a sheet pop out of an old trunk. She gasped in surprise.
“There's a bear in the castle!" Fear screamed, running all over Headquarters. Anger punched his gut before the purple Emotion could run into him.
“Hi, Elsa!"
Fear took a deep breath and said, “I knew it was only Anna the whole time."
Disgust rolled her eyes as Anna climbed out of the trunk, wearing a cape, hat, and mittens. All of which looked odd.
“Oh, Anna! What are you doing up here?"
“Looking for traditions."
“Whatever she's wearing looks ridiculous," Disgust criticized.
“Yeah, but it's cute!" Joy differed.
“What is it?" Fear asked.
“And what are you wearing?"
“My old Viking helmet. And this was my sorcerer's cloak. Dragon feet! Nom, nom, nom, nom!"
Joy giggled and pushed a button, making Elsa laugh.
“I found them in my old trunk. What's in yours?"
“Oh, mostly gloves."
“Right. Rows and rows of satin gloves."
Anna opened Elsa's trunk and found... exactly that.
“She thought we were kidding?" Anger asked, dumbfounded.
“Yep. Welcome to my world."
“Wait, who's this little guy?"
Found next to the gloves, Anna picked up an old puffin doll wearing a glove as a cape.
“Hey, I remember him!" Sadness realized, recalling a memory of Elsa playing with the doll.
“Oh! Sir Jorgenbjorgen! He was a really good listener."
“You know, Sadness, I couldn't help but think you had a crush on him," Joy said slyly. Sadness' blue face began to turn red.
“Guys, we're forgetting what's important!" Disgust pointed out.
“Oh, yeah," Sadness agreed. “Sorry."
“Anna, how are going to find any traditions up here?"
Elsa dropped the doll and heard a jingle as it landed on top of a wooden box decorated with little bells.
“Wait a minute," Joy said, remembering what its contents were.
“What's that?"
“Look inside."
Anna prepared herself and peeked in the box...
And what she saw changed everything.

Let's hope I can finish this before Christmas!

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