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I ran down to the belly of the ship readying my horse, "what are you doing?" Silver asked.

"I am going after him, as soon as I get my own long boat I am riding after him. No one betrays my father," I began, but Silver grabbed me by my arm and hugged me.

"I know you're upset, but I shan't let you endanger yourself. We will make Flint pay and we will get Madi back together," he said. I said no more, "now ready yourself, you are coming onto Rogers ship with me."

"Do I have to? I wanted to go with your men," I whined.

"I know, but I need you. Without Flint by my side, you are the only other one who keeps me sane," he replied. I huffed and got into the longboat with him, we made our way to Rogers ship we were received with hostility I rested restless fingers on the hilt of my cutlass and pistol. 

"What do you want?" he asked. 

"I want to make a deal," Silver said, "I'll give you the cache for Madi, and Flint will stand down from the accounts." Rogers looked at me. 

"Let me keep your daughter on this ship so I know you're serious and give me your word, then we have a deal," he said. Silver looked back at me, dropped his head and let out an exasperated sigh. 

"I can't I need her to help me track Flint," he said. 

"Then we find ourselves at an impasse, Mr. Silver," Rogers said. 

"Don't you dare," I replied. Silver ran his fingers through his hair he was thinking about it. 

"I don't have a choice," he said. 

"Yes you do," I shrugged his men's arms off me and walked closer to my father. "He wants me on here to use me as leverage if you fail." 

"Times ticking Mr. Silver," Rogers said. "Let me make it easy for you," two of his men walked over and grabbed me by my arms, I fought against them I managed to break free and ran to the side of the ship, but I was tackled down before I could jump and was dragged the mast where they tied me to the bottom. "I'll give you till sundown." He didn't get to say goodbye to me he gave me one final look before disappearing onto the island.

"You're a snake!" I spat at Woodes Rogers. 

"Men, she's all yours," he said, in turn, one by one the men beat me. Billy just watched and didn't say a word, I spat blood onto the deck and wheezed every breath agony. 

"Had enough little Silver?" one man mocked me, his knuckles red and a sinister grin split his face. They beat me for a few hours till I was barely conscious. But the roar of cannon fire snapped me from my daze they were destroying The Walrus, long boats were sent out and they shot the remaining crew, I tried to break my ropes but they were fastened tight. Rogers stood at the wheel and noticed my struggling, "it's okay, it'll be all over soon." He stabbed me in the side and hauled the dagger up my side, he cut my ropes and threw my body into the sea. Weak I sunk to the bottom. 

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