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A few days later...

A few men, Angus and I patrolled the cliffs, we stood on the edge. Glasses in our hands. "Sails!" one of my men called, I lifted the glass to my eye and locked my eyes onto the Governor's ship. But with several ships behind him, "the Governor is sailing with the Spanish!" 

"I'll let Silver know," Angus said and turned. We too turned and headed to the fort, the gate had been left open. Two of my men accompanied me leaving the horses with the rest of the men, we scouted the whole area but it was empty we stood at the top of the fort the Spanish ships now closer, they fired at the fort and we were thrown from the top. My men, I and debris hit the ground hard both my men were dead, one side of my head was bleeding and my body ached it took me a few seconds to shake the dazedness off. Angus cantered through the gates and jumped off his horse. 

"Azure!" he exclaimed and shook me gently.  I pushed him away and brushed myself off. 

"Have the Spanish reached the shore?" I asked as another canon blew up the wall of the fort. 

"Yes, your father sent me to get you," he said ripping off the sleeve of his jacket and cleaned the blood from my head my skin tender. "I've gathered the army and they are waiting for their captain." He helped me to stand, we walked to the gate and all that was left was Angus' and my horse he helped me into the saddle and we rode to the barracks. We shot and trampled a few of the Spanish as we thundered through the streets, as soon as the barracks were in sight the double doors flung open and we galloped in as soon as I was inside with my men the door shut behind me, the doors at the front were also shut. Silvers men stood on either side of us many holding the reins of horses. 

Just as I brushed the dust from myself Silver rushed to me, "I feared something had happened to you." 

"I'm fine," I said.  "What have I missed?" 

"The Spanish are attacking from both sides, and we've lost a lot of men," he said. 

"I can see," I replied. 

"Have you seen Flint?" he asked. I shook my head. 

"The fort was empty, we couldn't track them either but the fort is destroyed. My men and I were caught in the destruction," Silvers face dropped, he had gone into protection mode. "I lost them both. You can't keep me at your side, you won't win this war without my help and my men need their captain."  He turned from me as he heard what sounded like thunder, a few moments later and the Spanish cavalry emerged from the long grass. "Open the doors!" I yelled and rode to the front of my men. 

I looked at Silver. "Do as she says!" he exclaimed, I gave him a nod and he nodded back I knew what that meant. My horse reared up, and as soon as the doors opened we charged out. The Spanish cavalry was surprised, we pushed men from horses, we shot them and some of us tangled with sparking swords. I charged up and down hacking my blade into the stomachs and throats of men, Silvers men fired at the foot soldiers who joined the cavalry. A rider galloped past me and pulled me from the back of my horse, but he came around again and trampled one of my legs, it was broken and the bone stuck out, I cried in anguish. But my eyes landed on the rider as he came back for me. He charged towards me. 

I limped out of the way dragging my leg,  he came back and I stood ready I pulled him off his horse and stabbed my blade deep into his stomach. My horse galloped over just as Silver and his men charged out granting me cover, I hauled myself onto his back and helped them to take down the foot soldiers.  Shots flew everywhere, I was hit several times as were my men but I did what I could to keep fighting, our war horses changed to red, their hooves smothered in remnants of men's organs and brains.  My men and I circled a few men, horse snouts pushed against rumps. The only way out through the horse's legs. 

Suddenly the Spanish retreated. But it was too late for the men who were surrounded by us, we shot them dead there and then, as soon as their bodies dropped we chased off the last of the Spanish, our horses reared and neighed. "Collect all the horses!" I yelled leaning over in the saddle. Angus cantered to my side. 

"Captain?" he asked, I slid from the saddle but Flint caught me before I could hit the ground.  Silver limped over. 

"We need to retreat, we are outnumbered, We are not going to win this," he said. 

"A...Angus...g...get the horses to the ship and take Brazen with you," I said wheezing. 

"Yes captain," he said and rounded up what was left of my men. My men left with the horses including the Spanish, Flint held me closer to him as he followed behind them. We reached the beach just as the pain racked my body. Longboats were rowed towards us, we were taken to Jack Rackham's ship. Flint rushed past him and took me below the ship.

"What happened?" he asked following us.

"We were attacked," Flint said, as soon as I was laid in that hammock I whimpered. 

"It's going to be okay," Silver said, "Flint will take care of you." 

"Guess I won't s...s...survive then," I chuckled. 

"Even when you're injured you still joke," Flint said offering me a sad smile. "You may want to leave, this may be too much for you," he turned to my father. 

"No, I'll stay," he said, I wasn't sure whether it was the swinging lamps but I was sure I could see his eyes tearing up.

"Okay, Azure this will hurt I am not going to lie to you," he said and began to remove the small musket balls. Silver squeezing my hand, once they were all out, cleaned and wrapped he attempted to reset my leg, I screamed in agony. "I can't guarantee it will heal the same way again, but just rest for now." 

"Looks like you won't be riding for a long time," my father said now sitting next to the hammock, I shook my head. 

"Where...a...are we headed?" I asked. 

"The camp, we all need to recuperate," he said, I gave a weak nod before falling asleep we were safe for now. 

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