13. Goddess

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The next day you woke up and got ready for school. You walked downstairs to see your mom and Kevin eating breakfast. "I thought you were sick?" Your mom said. "Eh." You said. She glared at you and hit your head with a spoon. "Don't lie to me ever again (y/n)!" She yelled as she waves the spoon at you. You nodded in understanding as you rubbed your head before sitting down to eat with them. Today was the day you were going to talk to Carolina about what she did. You don't know why she did it, but you were going to find out. Kevin threw a piece of bacon at you and laughed as it his You on the cheek. "You won't be laughing when I tour in the hospital."You said to him.

Kevin immediately stopped and crossed his arms grumpily, sticking his tongue out at you. You stuck yours out at him and finished your breakfast. You quickly got up and put your dish in the sink and ran off to school. You forgot your book bag so you had to run back and get it. Your mom signed in frustration and forced you into her car to where she dropped you off to school, giving you a lecture of how you shouldn't walk alone because you might get kidnapped. You didn't listen at all though. Once at school you ran inside and tried to find Carolina before the bell rung. You found her in the library. "Hey, Carolina." You said. She looked over at you and grinned. "Hey (y/n)!" she said happily.

"I need to talk to you." You said to her, your face serious. She didn't like this at all. What did you want to talk about? "What is it my love?" she asked you. You sighed and looked her in the eyes. "I know you lied about all the things Yedda said about me." You said. She looked at you shocked. Yedda must have told you. Damn her. She was going to kill her one of these days. "I only did it to protect you!" she said as she looked at you with a sad stricken face. You frowned at her. "To protect me from what?" You asked. "Her, she's a maniac! You saw what she did in the park! You can't trust her!" She said. You looked at her with a brow raised. "You had a knife too, it seems Luke you both were planning to attack eachother." You said. Carolina sighed in defeat and took your hands.

"(y/n), I love you so much. Please, I just want you to love me back. I want to be your one and only and I want you to be my one and only. Can you do that for me?" She asked you. You looked at her and then looked down. "I'm sorry, but I can't." You said. She was heartbroken at these words. She almost fell to her knees and burst into tears and beg you to be hers, be she kept herself composed. She couldn't stop the tears though as they pricked her eyes. You wiped them away and smiled gently at her. "I bet you'll find someone better." You said before walking away as the bell rung. Better? BETTER? There was no one better than you! You are the most gorgeous thing on this planet! You are a fucking goddess! There was nothing better than you. She needed you, she longed for you. She longed for your scent, your hair, everything about you she loved and longed for. She wished you loved her the same, but that would never happen.... But she will force it to happen ....

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