The Subway

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Seward station

(A teenage Coraline and Wybie are seen sitting on a bench, looking at a tablet. Coraline still has her blue hair, but it's a pixie cut, she's wearing a yellow turtleneck halter top, blue jeans, and brown boots. And Wybie finally got out of his awkward stage. His posture is better, he has more muscle, his hair is in dreadlocks, he's wearing a black shirt, dark ripped jeans, and brown boots)

Coraline: You done yet?

Wybie: Yep. Now we can see whatever the security cameras see. As long as we're in a close range.

Coraline: Wybie, you're my favorite kind of guy. A guy who can hack into security cameras. (She looks at the tablet and seems disgusted) What is that guy doing?

Wybie: (Looks at what she's looking at) Ugh. Lets look at something else. (He swipes on the screen, then Rowan bumps into him) Whoa. Hey.

Coraline: How you doing, man?

Rowan: They'll always ignore you. They are walking sewage, concerned only with their own trivial matters.

Coraline: Okay. Um... I don't know if that was an insult, but-

Rowan: When the Fourth Cataclysm begins, youths, such as yourselves will be among the last led to the butchery. So, make the most of your extra time, kids.

Wybie: You are just a bundle of joy, ain't ya? You have a good day with your crazy ass. (Rowan leaves)

Coraline: Wow. I wonder what train he's taking. (They continue watching the security footage on Wybie's tablet)

Wybie: (He swipes the screen) Nothing but the tracks and- Wait, is that him?!... I-Is he going on the tracks?! Oh, man!

Coraline: Someone! There's some guy, going on the tracks! Anyone?! Come on!

(They run after him)

Wybie: Hey, hey! Look, sorry about what I said, about you and your crazy ass! But that's no reason to end your life!

Coraline: Hey, you're not supposed to be down here!... (They look around, but fail to notice Rowan hiding behind a wall)

Wybie: Where is that guy? (He sees some sort of device on the wall, the same one for Northwest Mansion) What the heck?

Coraline: What is that?

Wybie: No idea... I don't recognize this technology.

(The device sparks up, and a ghost with a blue electrifying aura appears out of thin air, wearing a prison uniform)

Coraline: (whispering) ... Wybie? Are you seeing this too?

Wybie: I can't move...

(The device on the wall explodes, startling the two)

Rowan: (still hiding) Exquisite.

(The ghost turns around, and spots them)

Coraline: ... Uh, we're cool.

(The ghost's eyes glow red and he screeches)

Coraline: Forget this! Forget this! (She picks up Wybie, bridal style and runs down the tunnel)

Wybie: Shiiiiit!

(They run away)

Mercado hotel

Rowan: (To himself) Northwest Mansion? Check. Seward Street subway station? Check. Well done, Rowan. But still so many more checks to go. (He goes in his creepy, poorly lit room and starts talking to himself in the mirror) You have been bullied your entire life. Now you will be the bully. Trust in your abilities, and the universe shall bend before your will.

Manager: (over radio) Hey, weirdo. We got a clogged toilet in 1843. It's bad. I mean, like, biblically bad. Get on it.

Rowan: Absolutely. Nothing would make me happier.

Manager: Whatever, freak show. Just do it.

Rowan: And the universe shall bend before your will. Charge the lines. Create the vortex. Break the barrier. (A mirror on the wall has a spooky green glow in the glass, then a hand presses up against it... From the other side, ooooo)

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