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For darkmoon636

(This OC goes with my other OCs, Jericho and Staurolite)

Name: General Cheshire

An original name. Though, I'm not really sure how it fits a RainWing. I know he's based on the Cheshire Cat but like.... that doesn't exist in Pyrrhia?

Age: 28


Gender: Male


Sexuality: Anything he wants

Ha. I'm assuming that means... pan?

Tribe: Rainwing

You don't really see RainWings as villains very often. I like it.

Abilities: Rhetorician, charmer, expert manipulator


Position/Role: General, the Actor and Magician

Also interesting. I like it.

Appearance: A small, delicate dragon, with a long, thin tail, and tall ridges, Cheshire has small legs, but large wings. His eyes are a sparkling purple with a dark brow, and his snout is short and snuffly. In the nature of Rainwings, his scales shift color, but when he desires to hide his emotions, Cheshire opts for a light purple-pink color. His horns and claws are a bright white, in the same shade of his impeccably clean and sharp teeth, which are always revealed in his eternal grin.

Ah, I'm guessing that's where the name Cheshire comes from. Okay. I don't know if dragons in Pyrrhia would know about that but okay. I like this appearance. There's nothing particularly interesting about it besides the grin, but I like it anyway.

Personality: Cheshire is an expert of social situations, and can change someone's opinion on a matter sometimes with a single conversation. His use of psychology often allows him to shake the beliefs of or completely convert any dragon, and his grin and charm are very hard to resist. His words are a sweet as honey and as smooth as oil, but are poison to the mind and body, decaying reason, free will, and thought alike. He is a sadist, and loves to watch dragons in pain or being tortured. His dark sense of humor is often scary, but hidden from anyone he wishes to sway. He loves magic, jokes, and pranks, but all of these are often twisted and corrupted by him.

He has OCD, which forces impeccable cleanliness in his life, and he forces this upon others. He would gladly spend hours cleaning if he could. As the youngest general, he is often picked on, and undermined and underestimated, but he is quite knowledgeable of dragon anatomy and can go in for a quick kill if he catches someone off-guard.

Okay. This is great! Like I already said, you are really good with personalities. I like most of his traits. They fit a villain well, and aren't super stereotypical or overused. I also like the reason you give for them in his backstory.

The only thing I dislike is your mention of OCD. As someone who has OCD, it always annoys me when people portray it as being obsessed with cleanliness. There's a lot more to it than that. I don't like how you describe him as being glad to spend hours cleaning because I don't think anyone with OCD is glad to carry out compulsions at all. I'd suggest you do a little more research on OCD and change this to be more accurate or just remove OCD from his personality altogether. (He can be really clean and not have OCD)

Sorry, yeah, that bothers me. But otherwise, good personality.

Backstory: Cheshire was taken to the army when he was a mere two years old by his mother, Utopia, who sadly passed on four years afterwards, leaving him to fend for himself when he was six years old. He was too weak to fight in the army, so he watched and watched everyone everywhere until he was an expert of manipulating the mind and his social standing. Using his skills, he eventually made his way to higher ranks, where his talent of conversion and knowledge of interrogation tactics reached the word of Jericho, who promoted him to general. He's been a kiss-ass ever since to ensure he never loses his position.

Okay. I like that he was taken to the army as a dragonet and didn't really choose it himself. I like that you give a good reason for him being so good at manipulation. He kinda reminds me of Qibli in a way, though I'm not sure why. There are some things I'm curious about, like what happened to his mother and why she brought him there in the first place, but otherwise this is a good personality.

I give Cheshire a 7/10. I really do like his personality, but I'd definitely change the bit about OCD. His appearance is okay, though it doesn't really stand out to me. There are a few unanswered questions in his backstory too. Overall, he's a good character.

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