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For @Warrior_at_Heart

Name: Narwhal (idk if this is canon, but there can be multiple dragons with the same name, so eh)

Narwhal is Winter's father. I see what you mean, as long as they're not an important character (Narwhal only appears like once in the books) then I'll let it pass. I won't take off points but I won't give any, either.

Gender: Male (I rly like male dragons :T)


Tribe: IceWing

My fav!!!!! Good

Rank: In the Third Circle

Cool cool

Residence: The IceWing Kingdom


Appearance: Narwhal is a pearly white male, very bulky and strong wings. His eyes are a black like most, and his spikes have a tint of blue. His under scales have a bit more blue as well, though more than his spikes.

Cool! I like him. White is pretty underused in IceWings (they're usually pale blue or silver, for some reason) so I'm glad. This is simple, yet detailed.

Personality: Narwhal is dead loyal. He doesn't care what the orders, he will follow. Even if they involve his death. Narwhal only thinks of two things: loyalty and anger. Narwhal is also very ambitious. The only dragon he's not mad at all the time is royalty and ranks higher than him. He is also caring to his little sister. Otherwise, he is usually very rude and mad at the world.

Hmm, I like it. It makes sense for an IceWing, as they are taught from birth to be loyal. I like that he is caring to his sister, it's not really what you would expect with the rest of his personality, but it works. His anger/loyalty makes a lot of sense once you read his backstory.

Mother; Glacé (French for ice)
Father; Hielo (Spanish for ice)
Brother(s); Arctic Fox
Sister(s); Snowy
Mate; None
Dragonets; None

Lots of good names here :D

Backstory: Narwhal was very good friends with many dragons when he was young. Narwhal was very "popular". A dragon named Hiver was helping him train to get into the higher ranks. When his little sister was young, Snowy, he was supposed to watch her. His friends said they would do it for him, as he was supposed to train that day with Hiver. When he came back, Snowy was lying passed out at his friends' house, with everyone else gone. Narwhal was terrified for her safety, and blamed this on everyone, as he thought she was dead, until he took her home and realized she was alive. Narwhal blamed this on his friend's and never went to see them again. He also got mad at Hiver and stopped seeing him. This is what caused his "being mad at the world" trait. When Narwhal was seven, he was put in the Fifth Circle, lucky for him, as most IceWings are put in the Seventh and Sixth Circle when turning seven. Narwhal has worked hard to reach his rank, but when he got into the Fourth Circle, something happened to his brother. His brother, Arctic Fox, left the IceWings. He was found dead soon after. Narwhal had not cared, saying it was his own fault for leaving. When Narwhal got into the Fourth Circle, his sister was placed in the Sixth Circle. She took her job seriously and now she is now in the Third Circle with Narwhal.

I really like this backstory. It has a good plot, not one I've seen before. It's not all over the place; it's easy to follow. It's more relaxed, but it's still interesting enough to make a story out of. Good job :3

Other: He has scars under his left eye, on all his legs, and a small one right underneath the throat. He also has a gold bracelet on his left arm.

Where did he get the scars? Just curious.


9/10! He's actually pretty good. Not the best I've seen, but he's interesting. I like him.

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