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For @ariesgirl5982 again


Alright, thanks for letting me know again!

Name: Splash (super creative I know)

Why make his name Splash if you even know that it's not creative? Lol. Splash is the most common name I've seen for SeaWings, and it's canon— Splash was the daughter of Queen Lagoon. You should consider changing this.

I know how annoying it can be to change the name of an OC. I changed one of my OC's name from Pebble to Minnow and then named a different OC Pebble and it got... horribly confusing. But I think it worked better for each character, so you might find that it works well for you too.

Gender: Transgender male

I've never seen a trans WoF oc before! This is great! I'm curious how transition would work for dragons... do they have hormones..? Or surgery...? Lol, probably not. But I'm still curious.

Tribe: SeaWing

Lots of SeaWings... I love them

Age: 8


Rank: Explorer

Odd.. I've seen a lot of 'explorer' OCs before, and they're sometimes good and sometimes bad. It's important to keep things in mind like what they'd eat, where they'd sleep, etc.

Residence: SeaWing Kingdom (formerly), Jade Mountain Academy (formerly), Tapikiian (Fanmade dragon continent)

Ooh, a fan made continent!? That's cool. And I like the name too!

Appearance: Light blue scales, lighter blue under-belly scales, darker blue horns, white claws, greenish blue eyes, neon blue fluorescent stripes. Small scar on back right foot.

Alright, so basically he's light blue. That's fine, not the most original but oh well. I'm not sure I like the neon, it seems kind of.. unnatural? Idk. Anyway, you should be more descriptive. Include his hight, weight, body shape. I say this all the time ;-;

Personality: Splash is pretty cowardly. He usually hides from danger, unlike his more adventurous friends. He's still questioning how's he's been dragged onto this crazy adventure. He doesn't get tired easily, but he hates fighting. He's a great hunter. He likes silence and tranquility, but it seems like he's not going to get that for a while. He does serve as the more knowledgeable out of his friends, for he is very book smart.

Hello Starflight! Didn't expect to see you here!

... but really, this character sounds a lot like Starflight. Which means I like him because Starflight is my fav character, but also you should be a little more original. Just maybe consider adding traits that would make him less like Starflight. Because idk, the resemblance is too strong.. Pretty much everything except "good at hunting" sounds just like him.

Relations: Jelly (Mother), Mako (Father), Droplet (Sister)

Jelly is the cutest name ever aww

Backstory: He was born as the second daughter to a middle of the road SeaWing family, where he had an easy life. But even when he was a small girl, he felt more like a boy. So, with the help of her parents, Splash became a boy. A little while after, he got bit by a shark when he was swimming with his sister. He still has a small scar on his foot from it. He soon attended Jade Mountain Academy to learn more about other dragons, but was soon whisked away from the mountain with four other dragons from his Winglet. He misses his family and plans to send them his large collection of letters once he finds a messenger.

Alright, this is good! It's kind of vague.. why exactly was he whisked away on an adventure? Where are they going? Why? And how exactly did he become a boy? I like the bit about him wanting to send letters, that's cute. I like this backstory, you could just be more descriptive.

Other: Gila, a SandWing and fellow Explorer is his biggest crush. Gila is very oblivious to this.

HE SOUNDS SO MUCH LIKE STARFLIGHT,,,, cowardly but smart, gets whisked away on a big adventure with four other dragons, has a massive crush on his SandWing best friend who is oblivious.. I mean come on. You did this on purpose?? I think? Because wow if u didn't then that's crazy coincidental

I'll give Splash a 4/10. He definitely needs some changes. His name is canon and unoriginal, and he just seems like a copy of a canon dragon, which just seems unoriginal to me. His backstory leaves a lot of unanswered questions, it's very vague. I'm sorry if I sound mean, I'm not trying to be..

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