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Thornder-requested by @Elf_girl2007

Thorn was practically bouncing off the walls in her stronghold. She couldn't believe it! Smolder had just proposed to her! She was engaged! She loved Smolder, and she was glad to be able to get married to him. She had also talked to Stonemover about her relationship about Smolder, and he was fine with it. He just wanted Thorn to be happy, and if Smolder made her happy, then he wanted Thorn to be with Smolder.

A small part of her still had feelings for Stonemover, but she had never felt the way she does with Smolder that she did with Stonemover.

"Excuse me, your majesty," a familiar voice asked, and Thorn whirled around to see Smolder standing behind her, a grin on his face.

"Smolder, you don't have to call me that. I've told you that since when I first became queen, and that was years ago. We're also getting married, so stop calling me that. Call me by my name. I assume you know it?" Thorn said.

"Or course I do, your highness." he replied. Gosh, he can be so annoying sometimes. Thorn thought. "Your queen commands you to shut up." Thorn said with mock authority.

Smolder grinned in reply.

"Now, come on, you big idiot. We have to go eat. I'm starving." Thorn said. Smolder gasped dramatically, giving Thorn a wounded expression, but still saying silent, following Thorn to their dining area.

"Hey, mom," Sunny said as Thorn came into her daughter's view.

"Hello, your majesty," Sunny's boyfriend, Meerkat, said.

"Hello, you too." Thorn replied. "Meerkat, you don't have to call me that. You should stop now, especially if your going to become my son-in-law someday."

Meerkat and Sunny both turned red, looking at each other, embarrassed. "Uh, mom, we aren't, just no-I mean, I would be fine with it, but we've just... we've never talked about it and erm..." Sunny trailed off.

Thorn grinned. "You know I'm just joking. But it would be great if you two just got married already."

Sunny just blushed and rolled her eyes.

They ate their dinner in silence, and when they were done with their meal, Thorn looked at her daughter. "Sunny, I've got some news for you." she said.

"Okay," Sunny replied slowly.

"Smolder and I are now engaged--" she was cut off as Sunny yelled, "Yes! Finally!" she looked at her mother. "So, I've been planning your wedding as soon as you started dating Smolder. I've got almost everything planned put, I just need to put the finishing touches on it. When do you want it to be?"

"Uh," Thorn said. "Just one question,"



"Mother, you should know this by now. When I sense a good ship, I immediately start doing things for it. If they aren't already together, I get them together. If they are, I start planning their wedding or get one of them to propose. I planned Glory and Deathbringer's wedding, and helped him propose to Glory, I DoD the same with Riptide and Tsunami, and with Starflgiht, Fatespeaker, Turtle, Kinkajou, and Moon and Qibli. You expect me not to do that for my own mother?"

"Um... maybe?" Thorn replied.

"We can start planning the other things tomorrow. Your dress, dates, invitation, flowers, and other stuff like that. See you later, mother. Have a good night."

Thorn watched her daughter walk away, not completely aware of what had just happened. What had she gotten herself into?

A/N: I wanted to update, and it's really short because I'm doing 'homework' right now, so... yeah.

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