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Miss You - Blink-182

All I Want - Kodaline || But if you loved me, why’d you leave me?

Sink Or Swim - Lewis Watson

Wake Me Up - Ed Sheeran

| sixty-two | 

The rain began to pelt down on the crowded streets of Los Angeles. The hot, Californian sun was suddenly covered by a dark, lonely cloud.. The city had become a deserted mess as the rain began to fall down. Everyone ran around the streets franticly as the searched for some form of shelter. Women held their purses over their heads, not caring if their thousand dollar Marc Jacobs handbag was now ruined. Men pulled their expensive suit jackets over their heads hoping it would shield them from the sudden monsoon. 

Ava looked out her foggy window, her knees curled up to her chest, and her oversized knitted sweater pulled down to her feet. She laughed to herself how convenient it was that she had packed this sweater, not thinking she would actually wear it in the hot sun. She gave herself a mental pat on the back for her irrational thought process while packing. 

Her head laid softly against her pillow as she peered out into the gloomy scene. A small smile kissed her lips. The rain, as cold and gross as it may be, felt homely and friendly. It was a simple reminder of home. It was a little glimpse of what was to come in a weeks time. 

Her apartment felt cold and lonely. A sudden chill ripped through her sweater causing Ava to snuggle even close to the knit fabric. As she stared out her window, her mind began to go over the past few months. 

This summer was not what she had hoped it would be. She had been originally excited for what California would bring to her. The internship was an opportunity that  would open up doors for her future. It gave her a glimpse at what her future could be. It fed her passions for the news and even opened up her creativity when it came to writing. The one thing that she never knew she truly enjoyed. But the more that she thought about writing, she began to see the irony in it. Her father was a writer. 

Her father.

If there was one thing that she did not expect to learn this summer, was the falsehood of her father’s alleged death. It still teared her up inside when she thought about it. All these years she had believed that her dad was no longer alive. Not only that, but her mother had lied to her. She had deliberately chose to withhold her father from her, breaking any relationship she could have with him. 

That broke Ava’s heart the most. 

Everything that she had thought to be true about her mother was all a lie. She was a liar and was selfish. The worst part of it all, was that her mother was no longer alive to defend herself. Ava couldn’t talk to her mom about all of it. She couldn’t confront her for her decision to break any contact with Flint. 

A warm tear slid down Ava’s cold cheek. Stop crying, she thought to herself. The amount of times that she had cried over the past eight months made her feel sick to her stomach. 

Ava used to be strong. She had spent years after her mother’s death building up walls to protect herself from the hurt that the world brings. The world was a cruel place. People were malicious. They didn’t care about other people and never took into account their emotions. She had made a subconscious decision to never set herself up to get hurt. Using all of her might, she made sure that she wouldn’t ever be susceptible to the cruel behaviour that the world possessed. Yet, ever since she had met Harry, those walls were teared down leaving her in an emotional, vulnerable state. She hated it. She hated how vulnerable she had become over the past eight months. 

The few tears that had escaped her eyes had soon grown into a full cry. Ava’s body began to curl up into the fetal position. Her arms clung to her legs. Her throat began to burn as she cried. 

Ava didn’t know why she was crying. It had seemed that crying had become second nature to her over the past few weeks. 

Ever since Harry left, she was not the same. After she had gotten back from Portland, she called Harry but it went straight to voice mail. She knew that he was avoiding her. She knew, god she knew that he wanted space. But the more space that she gave him, the more worried she grew. The voices inside of her head kept mocking her. He’s done with you. You screwed up. Harry won’t want to be with someone who doesn’t care about his feelings. 

“Why?” Ava cried to her empty apartment. “God! Why did I do that? Why?” 

That night, Ava cried herself to sleep. It wasn’t the first time she had done that this week. She had cried herself to sleep every single day since she left Harry at his party. She cried for him. She cried for their relationship. But most importantly, she cried for herself and her own confused heart. 

It had been a few days since it rained. Ever since that day, the sun had shown even harder. The heat beat down on the freshly rained streets. A heat wave took over the overpopulated city. 

Ava pulled down her skirt and readjusted her t-shirt. It was her last day at her internship. It was a bittersweet feeling. Even though this was not the most ideal summer, she was still extremely thankful for everything that she had learned at the LA Times. Most importantly, she was thankful for Stevie and Jax and the friendship she had developed with them. Even though it had been a rough start between her and Stevie, she now considered her a close friend. 

“Ava-a-a,” Jax whined, “Do you have to move back up North? You should just move here.” He pouted. Ava couldn’t help the giggles that escaped her lips as she looked at him. He looked like a sad puppy. 

“I need to go home, Jax.” She giggled once again. “But- you and Stevie need to come and visit me. I’ll take you to Tim Hortons.”

“That’s the coffee place right?”

“Yeah, kinda. There’s coffee, sandwhiches, donuts.”

“Oh right! Oh fuck. That sounds so good right now. I could go for a donut.” 

“I thought you were on a no-carb diet.” Stevie joked. 

“Fuck. That’s right.”

Ava laughed, “Why are you on a diet?” 

“Have you seen this pudgy stomach?” Jax gasped as he pinched his abs.

“Uh, no?” Ava laughed once again. She was going to miss this guy. 

“Well, I do. Anyways! We are going out tonight. A good bye party and a celebration!” 


“That you two are finally done this stupid internship.” Jax laughed once again. 

“I’m down with that!” Stevie piped in. 

“Sure.” Ava agreed. A party never hurt anyone, she thought to herself. 

Ava’s apartment looked like a war zone. A few boxes were scattered across her living room full of things that she had purchased over the summer. Inside the bedroom, there was absolutely no floorspace to walk. Her clothes were scattered throughout the room in a disheveled mess. She was looking for an outfit to wear out tonight. As much as she secretly didn’t want to go out tonight, she knew that this was what she needed. She desperately needed a good time out with her friends. A few drinks also never killed anyone. 

“Ava?” Stevies voice echoed throughout the apartment. 

“In here!” Ava yelled back in response. 

“What the fuck happened in here?” Jax exclaimed as he stepped inside the war zone. Ava laughed awkwardly as she pushed all of her undergarments underneath the bed. Even though they were her friends, she still didn’t feel comfortable enough for them to see her bras. 

“I’ve been packing and well, I don’t know what to wear tonight.” She explained shyly.

“Need me to help?” Stevie offered. Ava nodded quickly; Stevie giggled as she walked over to the pile of clothes that laid in front. 

An hour later, Ava was wearing a thin black playsuit with a plunging back. The playsuit was being held by two thin pieces of fabric that criss crossed in the back. She was accessorized the dress with a pair of black platform pumps and a simple gold necklace. It was a thin A that was being held by a gold chain. A necklace that Harry had given her as a “two month anniversary” gift. She had thought it was so silly at the time, that he had given her something so beautiful as this after dating for only two months. However, looking back at it now, Ava thought it was the sweetest thing he could do. 

“Hot!” Stevie squealed as she reapplied her red lipstick. 

“Are you sure?” 

“Yes! Now let’s go.” Stevie grabbed Ava’s hand and pulled her out of her door. 


Shots, after shots, after shots went down her throat. Slowly, Ava lost count of the amount tequila and vodka she had consumed. The feeling that the alcohol gave her as it burned down her throat was indescribable. She soon felt herself drift away from the reality of her life. 

“More tequila!” Stevie slurred. 

Ava quickly found herself growing more intoxicated. The heat of the club quickly became comforting to her. The club was packed. Girls in short dresses were grinding against guy wearing ridiculously tight jeans and white t-shirts. Her heart raced as the alcohol ran down her throat and into her veins. 

“Let’s dance!” She yelled as she grabbed Stevie’s hands. 

They stumbled over to the dance floor. Ava silently cursed herself for thinking that high heels would be a good idea. The beat began to pulsate through her as she moved her body to the rhythm. She soon found herself completely lost in the sounds that the DJ played. Stevie wrapped her arms around Ava as they danced together. They began to giggle, the alcohol controlling every action that they made. 

Two firm hands wrapped around Ava from behind. The strong scent of cologne filled her senses. The unknown stranger began to grind his hips into her back. 

Ava jumped at the sudden contact. Her body grew stiff as the unknown person continued to dance behind her, but her body soon relaxed as she saw that it was only Jax. “It’s Stax sandwich!” 

“Oh! Yes! Yay!’ Stevie grabbed Jax’s hands from over Ava’s shoulders. They began to move their hips and bodies around Ava. She laughed out loud. Her own drunk body moving to the music. 

The song began to switch over to a more heavy bass, slow tempo song. Ava grabbed her friends hands and pulled them into a tight hug. “I am going to miss you,” she slurred. 

“More alcohol!”  Jax cheered, pulling his two drunken friends back to the bar. “Where is that bartender. She was here like two seconds ago. Give me my drinks damn it!” Jax jokingly yelled, slamming his hands down to the counter. 

The bartender suddenly popped up from behind the counter. Ava was taken a back by his sudden appearance. He was holding two large bottles of Grey Goose. “Wait! You’re not Mellie! Where’s good friend Mellie!” Jax wined slightly. 

“Sorry to disappoint.” A familiar British accent spoke. Ava’s eyes quickly turned to where the voice came from. Her eyes went wide as she made contact with their new bartender. Even in her drunken state she could recognize him. 

“Hey! You’re the guy from the stupid book party in Portland!” She yelled. 

“Oh! Vodka tonic girl.” He smirked.

“You remember my drink?” She cocked an eyebrow up and leaned her body in close. 

“I can’t forget the drink order of a pretty girl like you.” He winked. 

“Sex on the beach for me then. The drink or the activity. You can choose.” Stevie winked. She pushed her body in closer, her cleavage growing more prominent in doing so. 

“I may take you up on that, babe.” He winked back. 

“What’s your name?” Ava asked. Her voice straining over the loud bass of the club. 


“That’s a sexy name, Li.” Jax winked. 

“What’s your names?” Li asked whilst mixing their drinks together. 



“I’m Ava.” 

“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Li flirted. 

“Too bad she’s taken. But I’m not, just in case you were wondering.” Stevie spoke quickly. 

“Ah, too bad. I was beginning to think it was fate running into you here.” He replied, his eyes still focused on Ava. A smirk plastered on his face. Ava felt her cheeks grow hot. 

“Why are you in California?” She asked suddenly. 

“I live here. I was working that party as a favour for a friend. Paid good money so I figured why the fuck not. Plus, the lad was a fellow Brit. Can’t go wrong with that.” He then passed Stevie her drink and leaned in closer to Ava. “And why were you there?” 

“That was her boyfriend’s party.” Jax answered for her. 

“Ah.” Was all he said in return. 

Harry. Ava suddenly felt her heart lurch at the memory of him and his party. “I’ll be right back.” She yelled to her friends. “It was nice meeting you, Li.” She smiled at him. He returned the smile and turned his attention to a very drunk (and very flirty) Stevie. 


“Just press send. Call him!” That inner voice screamed. Ava had found herself inside a stall of the rather dirty washroom. She clutched onto her phone, her finger lingering over Harry’s name. She knew that it was a bad idea to call him. But the alcohol that she had consumed had made her mind go cloudy. Every irrational decision soon became rational. Calling Harry seemed less ridiculous but more inviting. 

“Fuck this,” she pressed call and pulled the phone to her ear. 

Ring once.

Ring twice. 

Ring th- “Ello! This is Harry Styles voice mailbox. I’m sorry I can’t take your call right now but leave a message after the beep and I will get back to you. Beep!” Ava giggled to herself at his lame attempt at being funny. Beep.

“Harry? It’s me. It’s Ava. I know you want space and I get that. But I am sitting inside a dirty stall of a stupid club wishing you were here with me. I miss you. I miss you so much. I hate that you hate me. I know you said you don’t but I know you do. What I did was stupid. So stupid. I’m stupid. Please talk to me Harry. I love you. God, do I love you. Please talk to me and forgive me. I just -” Beep. 

Ava cursed to herself. She pressed call once again. 

“Ello! This is Harry Styles voice mailbox. I’m sorry I can’t take your call right now but leave a message after the beep and I will get back to you. Beep!” 

“Hi. It’s me again. It’s Ava. I’m sorry for calling you but I just wanted to say that I am sorry for lying. That was dumb. I’m dumb. Mack means nothing to me. I don’t know why I did it. But I’m figuring that out. Please talk to me, Harry. I miss your voice, and your face, and god eating Chinese food with you. Just - please call me back. I love you. Bye.”  

Ava pressed the end button. Her hands staring at her phone. It was already quarter past one in the morning. She pulled herself together, walked out of the stall, and made her way back to her friends while silently praying that Harry missed her too. 


“I miss your voice, and your face, and god eating Chinese food with you. Just - please call me back. I love you. Bye.” The sound of her voice brought the familiar chills across his arms. He knew that she was drunk. The thought of Ava in some scantily clad dress, completely intoxicated, while being surrounded by equally intoxicated and very horny men made his skin crawl. 

It was two in the morning and Harry found himself still wide awake. He sat on the edge of his bed in nothing but his plaid pajama pants. As he sat on the edge of his bed, he felt a small hand grab his own. 

“Who was that?” 

Harry looked up at Rose, who sat down beside him on his bed. Since being back, Rose had been staying at his place. They had spent most of the time watching movies and talking about memories from their childhood. He had missed her. The best part about coming back home was having family around. Familiarity. It also helped that she knew him best and gave the best advice. Everything that he needed right now as he sorted his shit together. 

“Ava.” His voice was low as he continued to stare at his phone. 

“At this time?” She asked, her voice free of judgement. Merely curious. 

“I think she’s at a club.” 

“Ah. What did she want?” 

“She misses me. Wants me to call her. Forgive her.”


“I don’t know yet. I still need time.”

Rose nodded her head and patted his hand. “I think that’s fair.” 

“Do you?”

“Yep. You’re hurt. Just, don’t lose her. Okay?” 

“I won’t.” 

Rose stood up from Harry’s bed and walked over to the door.  “I’m going to go to bed. If you need me, I’ll just be in the guest bedroom.” She laughed lightly. 

“I know, dork.” He laughed back. Rose gave a quick nod and walked out of his room. Harry stared at the background of his phone. The same photo that he had had even when they broke up before. It was a picture of Ava laughing; his favourite photograph of her. 

Harry shook his head and put the phone back on his pillow. He shut his eyes slowly as he felt his body slowly slip into a dreamless sleep, with the memory of Ava’s crinkled eyed laugh and bright smiling face to keep the nightmares away. 


A/N: An early update because I noticed that this story got ranked #57 in Fan Fiction. Thank you to everyone who has read this story. I appreciate it so much!!
We are almost at the end. It’s sad to see the end of Harry and Ava’s love story! But, I’m excited for what’s to come.
Vote + Comment and feel free to give me a follow! 

J. xx 

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