• 19 - "Aftermath." •

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"Ngh..." I slowly opened my eyes. I saw the robed figure that I saw before the fight with the wall of flesh.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I noticed that I had been dreaming, due to the blank area we were in. I stood up, and turned to face her.

"My apologies, the only way to speak with you was to tamper with your dreams." She laughed.

"It's fine, but... What did you need to talk about?" I asked, as she pulled her hood back, revealing her face.

She had beautiful, long blue hair that had been braided at the end. "I wanted to welcome you to "Hardmode"." She smiled, her emerald green eyes sparkling.

"Who are you?" I asked. "I, am Nympheria. I am an adventurer like you, however I am way farther in terms of progress." She answered.

She tore off the robes, to reveal beautiful Silvery blue armor, and a blue cape with a fur collar.

"I would like to help you through this enhanced world." She said. "But I can only contact you via telepathy in situations like these. When your either asleep, or about to face a very dangerous creature, such as a boss." She informed.

"Now, enough from me. I can tell that something is troubling you." She said.

'She seems to know everything about me... So...' I thought, clearing my throat.

"Tell me about my past. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Why do I have this power?" I asked, eager to learn.

"That, you must figure out on your own. I do know these answers, but I cannot tell you. My apologies." She spoke.

"I'm losing contact with you, Haruka. See you on the other side." She said, as my vision slowly turned black.

"She's waking up!"

"Yuki quiet down!"

"I agree, please lower the volume of your voice."


"..." I slowly opened my eyes, to see Grim, Solana, Yuki, and Vulcan all surrounding my bed. "What... Happened?" I mumbled.

"We fought this big fleshy wall and then you passed out." Yuki said. "Yeah, you messed that thing up. Big time." Solana laughed. "Get this... I saw a unicorn out there!" Yuki squealed. "Shh. She just woke up." Soren walked into the room.

"Oh yeah, sorry!" Yuki grinned. "How's your eye?" I asked. "I bandaged him up. He was screaming like a little girl." Solana snickered. "What?" Soren looked at her in disbelief. "I'm kidding. You took the pain like a champ." She laughed.

I sat up. "Something wrong, Haru?" Grim asked. "...No, I-I'm fine." I said, smiling slightly. "Hey Vulcan, read her mind or something, 'cause I'm worried." Yuki told Vulcan.

"Why should I? It would be rude. If she doesn't want to talk about it, then I won't force her." He replied, adjusting his obsidian hat.

"Hey, I gotta talk with her about something." Soren said. "I bet you're gonna tell her something speeeeecial...!~" Solana joked, as he shoved her out of the room. The others left as well.

Then, it was only us in the room. Soren sat on the edge of my bed. "..." Neither of us said anything.

"So..." He said. "You did an amazing job killing that monstrosity in the underworld." He smiled. "It was you." I mumbled, lying back into my pillow.

"I didn't touch that thing. It shot me before I could do anything." He said, looking down. "It makes me feel kinda useless." He laughed. "But, what matters is that everyone is alive, and that we got rid of that... thing." He continued.

"You made a semi-complete map of this world, you gave me a place to stay... You aren't useless." I smiled, sitting up again.

"Yeah, you may be scared of spiders, but that's not a bad thing." I laughed, as he growled. "Don't trash your self esteem like that." I patted his shoulder.

"And we did win that fight because of you. I was freaking out, and you easily calmed me down." I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I dunno how I did. It was just... Well..." He said, looking down. "...." He sighed. "Well, you're not useless. Period, end of story." I laughed.

"Alright." He stood up, and started walking towards the door. "Soren." I ran up to him. "Forgot something." I kissed his cheek. His face turned bright red, as I grinned nervously.

You guys probably hate me right now...

HEYO PEOPLES! It's me, wuffels

You're all probably smacking your heads off a wall saying; "Wuffles whyyyy?! WHY MUST YOU TEASE US WITH THE OTP?!?"


Anyways, here's the QOTC!

"Nympheria is still a very mysterious character who appears to know everything about Haruka. Do you have any idea why? Maybe a shocking plot twist? Feel free to share your opinions!"

So, with that out of the way, I must end the chapter!

See you guys in the next chapter! Bye bye!!!~

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