Chapter 12

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"Altaria, please! Work with us!" May groaned. She and Drew were a few day's travel down route 32, and since they were making good time, they decided to take a while to train.

Drew had suggested that they use Altaria and Flygon, and May agreed that would make a good pair to use for the contest.

The problem being Altaria seemed to hate Flygon.

"Flygon!" Drew complained. "Would you quit making her angry?!"

Flygon gave him a 'you hypocrite' look.

May sighed. "Why don't we give it a break rather than forcing them?" It was obvious to her that her partner was getting extremely frustrated, and she wasn't sure she wanted to test him under such situations.

"No, come on! We can do this!" He said, brushing May's comments off.

"Drew, listen! We all need a break! This just isn't working right now!"

"Flygon, Altaria, one more time!"

"Drew, KNOCK IT OFF!!!!!!"

They began arguing, each talking over the other, both of their voices steadily growing louder and louder.

Flygon and Altaria looked at each other guiltily, knowing how much the two trainers meant to each other, and how devastated they'd be if all of it ended due to a fight over them.

They both let out a shrill cry, trying to get their trainer's attention.

May and Drew stopped, finally returning to their senses.

'Why don't we give it one more go?'

"Okay. Altaria, use-"

(A/N I ain't giving you any spoilers!)


May smiled happily, plopping down as they finished the routine flawlessly. Altaria flapped over and nuzzed her causing her to giggle.

Drew smiled fondly at her and Flygon whacked him on the side of his head.

"Hey, what was that for?!" He protested.

Flygon sighed. 'Would you quit acting like a lovesick Lillipup over her for five minutes?'

(A/N please note that as of now May can't understand Flygon and Drew can't understand Altaria.)

"Flygon, return," Drew huffed. "I'm not lovesick..."


The two walked in comfortable silence, May skipping along happily while Drew struggled.

Mentally, that is. He was just as physically capable as the brunet a few skip lengths ahead of him.

'Oh, Dreeeeeeeeeeeew!'

Drew looked around to find no one but himself and May.

'I'm in your brain, smart one.'

Oh. Are you one of those annoying inner voices?

'I am not annoying!'

Yeah, too late for that,.

*sigh* 'I just came to tell you something.'


'You know, Flygon was right. You are lovesick over her.'

He glanced up to look at May.


'Don't you think it's getting a little warm in here?'

A little, I guess. I wonder why?

'It's called blushing, you lovesick idiot.'

I'm not lovesick!

'And you're not denying that you're blushing?'


'Lovesick Lillipup.'

Shut up, I'm not lovesick, go away.

'Fine, fine. But you'll have to face the facts one day.'

Just leave!

'Geez. And you say she's dense...'

You had better leave in 10... 9... 8... 7...

'Or what?'

I'll call a shrink.

'I will be back.' *cue maniacal laugh*

Shoving the... Um... Conversation out of his mind, Drew continued walking, hoping that he would be able to sleep that night.




2k reads! Thanks so much peoples!!!!!


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