Chapter 13

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May and Drew were hiking along in happy silence when out of nowhere, May just stopped.

"What is it now?" Drew asked, a little annoyed, having stopped for water breaks, rests, etc. several times already.

"This is bad, this is really bad, this is really, really, really-"

"What is it?" Drew interrupted, a little alarmed at May's panic.

"I'm almost out of potions!!" She said rather loudly.

Drew relaxed. "That's it?"

She glared at him. "That's it? That's it!? We're about to enter Union Cave, and I'm out of potions, and you say THAT'S IT!?!?!?!?!?!?" She raged.

Drew waited for a few moments, letting her calm down before he responded. "What I mean is there's actually a Pokemon center near the entrance of the cave where we can restock. The way you just screamed, I thought you had just left one of your Pokèballs behind."


He rolled his eyes. "Nooooo, I'm lying to you because I totally have a good reason to. Seriously June? Do you ever look at a map? It's marked in a big red d-"

"YESSSSSSSS!!!!!! I can get running water and a legit bed, and wash my clothes, and..."

Drew rolled his eyes but smiled none the less. Just one of the many things he loves about her.

Wait, what?


No, no, no, no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no.

Not love.

Definitely not love.


Keep telling yourself that, Drew.

He laughed lightly. "C'mon. The faster we get going again, the faster we get to running water."


"Hello and welcome to the Pokemon center! How can I help you?" Nurse Joy smiled sweetly.

May smiled back. "I'd like a room with two beds, please."

Drew walked up beside her, having stopped a second to look at something outside.

"Wait a second..." Nurse Joy's eyes looked back and forth between the two co-ordinators before taking the form of stars.

"Oh, my, gosh! You two are Drew Hayden and May Maple, known as the Prince and Princess of Hoenn!!!!!" She squealed hands clasped together.

"Uh..." Drew looked at her weirdly, a little caught off guard.

"T-The... P-Prince and... Princess of H-Hoenn?" May stuttered, also surprised.

Nurse Joy gasped. "And you two are traveling together!? This just keeps getting better and better!!!!!!" Her eyes lit up even further. "FANFIC IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She went back to typing on her computer.

(A/N so that's what they're always typing...)


"This is so great!!!!"


She looked up from her computer and laughed nervously. "Sorry, I tend to get carried away from time to time. A room with two beds, you say? On it." She handed them a key.

"Enjoy your stay here!"

"Thanks! May smiled, but Drew just walked away, a little freaked out.

The moment they turned their backs, the hundred mile an hour typing began again.

"Well that wasn't weird at all..."

May nudged him. "Quit being so rude! I thought she was nice!"

"And weird."


"So let's see. I need a few more burn heals- wait, no. Make that a poison heal. And a couple more potions... Or maybe some super potions... UGH!!!!!!!!"

May sat on her bed, spreading her medical supplies out around her to decide what she needed and what she didn't, a harder task than it seemed.

"Supplies trouble?"

May jumped at her friends sudden appearance, knocking the majority of the bottles on the floor.

A good number of the bottles broke and spayed up in Drew's face, causing him to yelp and leap back.

Eyes wide, May left up and ran over to her friend and quickly pulled him onto the bed and forced him to sit down.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah," he said horsely. "I think so. My eyes sting, though," he answered, rubbing his eyes.

Pulling his hands away from his face, he smiled slightly. "I'm fine."

May sighed in relief. "We should probably talk to Nurse Joy about it, though."


"-so you got some of the spray medicine to the face, huh?" She smiled sympathetically. "Yeah, I've done that before. It's not fun."

Nurse Joy looked up.

"Don't worry, you'll be just fine. Any side effects you might have will go away in a couple days, so nothing should be too bad," she assured. "Here. Why don't we exchange pokegear numbers if you two have anything that you're really worried about."

"Er... I have a Pokenav. Would that work the same way?"

Nurse Joy nodded.

"We should probably head out tomorrow morning. May, you should probably get back to getting supplies, which is what started this mess in the first place."



...I have nothing to say.

See ya!

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