Chapter 14

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Drew groggily opened his eyes and waited for them to focus again.

They had set out in Dark cave yesterday morning, so the past night was spent camping uncomfortably, quite a change from the soft beds of the Pokemon center.

He squinted with surprise as he still couldn't quite see clearly.

He turned on a flashlight after quite a bit of fumbling around to find it.

"Drew, wha..." May said sleepily, having woken up from the light and the noise Drew had made.

Drew continued thumping around, unusually loud.

He stumbled backward, landing on his bottom next to May, who scrambled out of her sleeping bag.

"Drew! What's going on!" She screamed, more than a bit alarmed at her level-headed friend's panic.

"May, is there any fog around? You know, the kind that makes everything look different? Like the kind that you get when the shower is too hot?" He asked.

May gave him a weird look. "Um... No? Why?"

Be bit the inside of his lip. "The entire world looks really fuzzy. As in, you're a weird blob or red, and the rest is brown like the cave..." He explained.

May thought for a moment. "I'm calling Nurse Joy..."


"-so basically, you can't see?"

"What have I just been saying?" Drew grumbled, causing May to nudge him for being rude.

"You mentioned that you thought some of the sprays had gotten in your eyes right?" She asked.

Drew nodded.

"That's probably what happened. "And before you panic, your vision should readjust to normal in a couple days. I've had things like this happen before. It's just temporary. You have no need to worry." She assured.

"Okay, thanks. Uh... We'll call back if anything else happens, or his vision still isn't getting better in a few days," May closed.

"Alright. Feel free to call me for any other medical needs that you two might have. Take care!"

There was a small click signaling that Nurse Joy had hung up.

"We can't wait here for my vision to go back to normal," Drew commented thoughtfully. "We'll miss the contest. We need to keep moving."

May nodded. "I can lead you."

"What about your amazing map reading skills?"

"HEY!!!!! I CAN READ A MAP JUST FINE!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Are you sure you know how to make scrambled eggs?" Drew asked, slightly scared of food poisoning.

May rolled her eyes. "I might not be really good at cooking, but I have made eggs before," she defended herself, annoyed.

"Of course, not nearly as good as I could," Drew said smirking with a hair flick, attempting to redeem a bit of his lost pride.

Come to think of it, he realized, he hadn't cared quite as much about his pride when he was around her lately.

I mean, sure, he was still Drew who surprised us all with his rudeness in 'Now that's Flower Power,' but he could tell that he was getting a little more comfortable around her.

After a little bit of attempting to spear surprisingly edible pieces of scrambled egg on his fork (With a little help and lots of giggles from May), they packed up camp. (Well, mostly May, but that's beside the point.)

May tried to reach out to lead him, but he shooed her hand away, insisting that he would be perfectly fine following the large red blob. (Causing May to growl when he said 'large')

Oh, typical stubborn Drew.

It had taken less than ten minutes of stumbling over every tiny rock that Drew slightly regretted not letting May help him. But of course, he wouldn't just give in and tell her so.

He let out an involuntary pained yelp as he fell flat on his stomach.

"Are you sure you don't want me to lead you?" May asked, helping him up.

"Fine, provided you don't pull both of us down when you inevitably trip." Drew's heart skipped a beat as she took his hand, standing close beside him so their shoulders bushed past each other occasionally.

'Stupid crush...' He thought as he felt his face become a few degrees warmer. 'Why me?'

May's cheeks grew a little rosier than usual as Drew accidentally squeezed her hand a little as he almost fell over a small rock.

She debating on teasing him about being the klutz this time, but decided against it, seeing his position.

And thus, they continued walking with only each other and idle chatter to keep them compony.



Oh, and Lucy_Drageneel, I finally get your username. Yes, it took me this long.

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