Chapter 15

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BTW, I'm starting a game in all my stories, that the first person to mention any references I might make will get a mention in the next chapter.


Drew blinked awake, momentarily forgetting about his eyes. He only made it about three steps before he fell over May, efficiently waking her up.

"Mmm........ Drew? What are you doing?"

It was about that moment that both of them remembered what was happening.

"Well... I'm already up, so I might as well make eggs again..." She said, sitting up. "Oh, and by the way, how's your vision?"

"Eh, a little better. Still can't really see anything, though," he told her. True, he could tell it was and itty bitty bit better, but he was still as good as blind.


"Er... I wouldn't-"


"-eat that piece," May finished, a bit late.

Drew cast a weird look in the direction of May's voice. "What the heck did you do to these eggs?" He asked.

May rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Well... I might have accidentally burned a bit of it..."

Drew raised an eyebrow. "A bit?"

"Okay. So maybe I burned most of it," she admitted.

"Think of the poor mama chicken who had those eggs! You burned them!!!" Drew teased, although a bit annoyed at the lack of edible breakfast.

May gave him a blank look. "Uh... What's a chicken?"

Drew paused a moment before shrugging. "I honestly don't know."


May looked at the map, glad her smirky companion couldn't see the confusion on her face.

"Are you sure you know where you're going, Airhead?" Drew asked, beginning to get the feeling that May wasn't completely sure of their position.

"Of course!!!" She said, giggling as she held the map behind her back. "We need to go... Left!!"

She turned left to find it immediately turned into a dead end, like, after about five feet.

"Never mind, right!!"

"You have absolutely no idea where we are do you?"

"Of course it do!!"

" other words, you're completely lost."


"I see you're practicing your sarcasm?"


"I was being sarcastic, September."



"So if that's there... And that's there... Then... I KNOW WHERE WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" May yelled, sending echoes down a few tunnels.

A bunch of high pitched shrieks filled the love bird's ears from all around.

"W-what was that?!?!?" May squeaked, wondering if she honestly wanted to know.

"Probably just some Zubat you disturbed with your yelling, you ditz. We should have no need to worry as long as it's not getting louder," Drew assured.




"Okay, it's getting louder."

"Duck!!!" Drew grabbed May, (or what he assumed to be May, anyway. How many other giant red blobs talk?) dragging both of them to the ground as hoards of Zubat flew over their heads.

For a moment, May was kind of glad that Drew couldn't see. She didn't exactly want him to be aware of the large blush forming from the fact that she was laying on top of him, their faces inches apart.

"Thanks..." She muttered once they stood up.

"No prob. You should have seen that coming, though. January," he teased.





"Seaweed brain."

"Bandanna head."



"Tree top."

"Tree top?"

"Yes, tree top."

The two laughed as they continued down the cave, headed for the Azalea Town contest.


I'll tell you something here. The plot for this one just kind of came as I wrote it.


It's Monday.

I'm just writing random junk here to fill space and to say that I actually had an authors note, aren't I?


Pretty much.

See? There I did it again!

See ya!!

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