Chapter 16

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It had only taken around five seconds after Drew woke up to decide that he did not want burnt eggs again for breakfast, courtesy of May's cooking skills.

Fortunately for him, his vision had readjusted for the most part. Sure, things were still quite blurry, but he could see a lot better.

Hopefully, well enough to cook.

Breakfast was in the middle of cooking by the time May woke up.

*yawn* "'morning, Drew. I take it you can see better?" She said cheerily, walking over to him.

"Sill blurry, but I can somewhat see," he told her.

"Smells yummy!!" She smiled, rubbing her tummy.

Drew grinned. "I can cook better than you blind than you can being able to see," he teased.

"Shut it, Grasshead. Cooking is not one of my strong suits," she protested.

"Yeah? Then what is?" Drew shot back, regretting what he said once it registered in his brain.

"HEY!!!! FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I HAVE A LOT OF STRONG SUITS!!!!!!!! LIKE... LIKE..." May yelled, slightly hurt.

"Lighting up the mood, pulling Harley-tainted appeals back together, turning things around from behind..." Drew finished, redeeming himself from the not-thought-out-at-all comment.

Everything was quiet for a moment before...

"Ha! You admit I'm good at appeals," May said, attempting to pull off a smirk.

"No, I said you were good at turning bad performances back around. And... Just please stop trying to smirk. It's an embarrassment to smirk kind," he said, adding in a proper smirk of his own.

"You're such a Grasshead..."


Drew squinted at the map, trying to make out the details.

"Can you read it?" May asked, seeing her friend's struggle.

"Not really," he replied, handing her the map. "I blame you if we get lost and don't make it to the contest on time."

She held out her hand to guide him like she'd been doing for the past few days, but he shook his head.

"Nah, I can see well enough now. I don't blame you for wanting to hold my hand though," he teased.

"Correction, arrogant Grasshead."


'Dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! Why'd ya do that?'

Oh. That annoying inner voice. What did I do?

'You refused holding her hand!'

It wasn't holding her hand, she was leading me as I was other wise tripping g over every little thing. I can see better now, and don't need to be lead,

'So it's a pride thing?'


'Your pride is what's holding you back.'

No, I just don't need her to guide me.

'Yes, you do!! you need her to guide you through liiiiiiiiiiiiife!'

And I thought you were crazy and delusional before.

'You're still lovesick over her. Don't you deny that.'

But I'm not lovesick over her.

'...and you're denying it.'

There's nothing to deny.

'Oh, my little Drewsie. There's everything to deny. Your love, your blush, the fact that you almost peed yourself right before your first contest...'

What the heck!!

'I don't hear you denying that.' was my first contest, okay?


Shut up!

'You're still lovesick.'

No, I'm NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



And Drew's inner voice makes it's second appearance.

...I have nothing to say.

See ya!

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