4CC 2017

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Yes I'm still alive :)) I notice more people reading this rant book and I really didn't think anyone would cause I wrote some pretty crazy stuff in here 😂 anyways, hope u enjoyed it or it atleast made u laughed.

Anyways, we all know what event is coming up next ;)))
Again, this is all probably rather biased and I'm not trying to offend anyone. So please don't take it wrongly or what if u disagree. If u disagree with my views, feel free to say so :) I respect ur views so I hope you'll respect mine.

I legit cannot wait for 4CC to start! Urgh.

So here we have so many strong contenders. It's basically worlds minus Javi and the Russian guys.

My bet is probably Chen tbh. I would say Yuzuru but I think he's going to peak at Worlds this year plus Nathan is healthy and riding the momentum from his Nationals win.

So I predict gold for Nathan. (Hopefully this time they'll actually give it to him if he deserves it unlike in the GPF where, as much as I love Yuzu, I think he deserved it more.) Silver for Yuzu. And Bronze for Jin or Shoma.
This is actually legit the hardest ever prediction. Like there so many other people I can't even include in the top five but so many who have the potential to be in the top five.

I think Chan will be fourth just cause I feel like the younger, more equiped with quads guys will over take him. I know he's got a quad Sal! Good job btw, but I don't think it's enough unless of course the others make mistakes and he doesn't make as many.

I honestly love how Jin has improved in his choreography. His Spider-Man short tho 😍😍😍. So I think judge will give him better PCs and of course, his tech is strong if he doesn't make huge mistakes like popping or falling which I really hope he doesn't cause I mean, who wants to see a skater fall? It's painful and unkind...

Anyways, back on topic, I think Shoma is above Jin in PCS and not much behind him in TES with his new Quad Flip which he seems to be nailing for the most part! So maybe he might beat Jin out for it. He seems to be more consistent I guess considering he did podium at the GPF and win Nats (Yuzu wasn't there incase people forgot).

Chan on the other hand...Inconsistent like crazy... I mean, he wasn't clean at Nats or GPF and I'm not sure about the GP series, but he probably wasn't super clean there either considering he just started including the 4S. But you neevr know, this guy is the defending champion for this event after all. And last year, he edged out Jin by less than a point so he might do it again this year. Btw I love his blackbird/dear Prudence short 😍 it's AMAZING!! But his long program tho...I don't what to say. His costume for his LP too 😂 it's just too plain and unspecial to me. But I guess atleast it doesn't have shoulder tissues like Yuzuru's 😂. As u probably know by now, I'm quite critical of Yuzu's costumes ahahah.

Okay...And now of course, Kevin Reynolds!! It seems so long since we've seen him do well and I really missed him while he was injured. But this guy has the tech and the quads so watch out. He could be a spoiler tbh. This is subjective but I feel like he doesn't connect to his music as much as the guys I mentioned above that's why I'm only ranking him 6th.

I know there's so many other guys so I'll never be able to stop if I keep going on. But we know it's gonna be a great competition. And of course, may the best man win!! (And the judges not be biased or judge by reputation)

For the ladies...
I'm so sad that Satoko withdrew. But atleast Rika gets to go in substitute. I wonder if she'll still use riverdance? Or if she's using her original free skate this year.

Anyways, I'm expecting big things from Kaetlyn Osmond. I know all nationals is overscored but like I think it's seriously possible for her to get her nationals score or close if she nails her free (without falling twice). She's usually stronger in the short so hopefully she won't crumble from pressure.

Mirai is going in substitute for Ashley. I'm excited cause I love Mirai's programs this year. I hope she can podium again. But she has underotation issues so...

Next up, I'd say Wakaba Higuchi (I'm probably super biased here cause I love her but whatever) she has the huge jumps and great skating skills and speed so if she delivers, I think she can get on the podium. But her major issue is popping. I don't think she's skated clean without popping at a competition all season yet so I'm hoping she'll do it here. I also love that she's improved so much in delivering her programs and I love her short. Her Scheherazade free skate is another story. Not that I hate it, but it's just kinda boring. Hopefully she'll still be able to portray it well. Im also hoping for big things for this gal!

Mai Mihara. She's so lovely and she almost came out if nowhere so it's amazing she's so consistent and is doing so great this season. I'm happy for her. Her jumps are solid and stable. She hardly pops or falls. And though some might say her choreo is a little juniorish, I think it suits her.

Karen Chen! This girl I am so proud of! Winning Nats with amazing skates! I just admire her humbleness off ice and huge presence on the ice. She's got some underotation problems but not too bad. And for her small stature, her jumps are pretty big.

Gabby Daleman. I love her great presence on the ice too. When she nails her huge jumps, they look fabulous! She seems so fearless and sassy. Her on ice personality is just amazing. So I'm rooting her for to get in the top five. She doesn't have a difficult 3-3 combo she only doesn't the 3T-3T so her base value might not be high enough but her GoES when she nails elements should be big!

Mariah Bell is all kinds of surprises. She's inconsistent but I love her programs and really feel like she brings alot to them and really feels her music. Praying for her to do well here and surprise everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up spoiling the podium here! But seeing as she hasn't been super great on the international scene, she might not receive huge Pcs.

Anyways, may the best women win too! I love all these ladies but without the Russian girls, it's alot less packed thank God. No need to get a heartattack before worlds 😰

For dance, without the Italians and the French, I'm betting the podium is gonna pretty much be North America sweep.

I predict, Tessa and Scott to be first! Great consistency they have demonstrated all season long. Their comeback is doing well and they really have it all.

For silver, I hope it's the Shibutanis. I fell in love with them last year, and I'm still in love with them this year. Their skating is amazing and the fact that they don't have a romantic chemistry makes it interesting. Also, their twizzle rock!

For bronze it could be Chock and Bates or Weaver and Poje. I haven't heard much about Chock and Bates this season so I can't say much but they're a strong team so we must never count them out. But personally I favour Weaver and Poje. I just love watching them on ice with their chemistry. And their lifts are superb too! The same could not be said for their programs I feel but you never know when they'll pull a gpf 2014 and 2015 and win it so despite being the second best Canadian team now that Virtue and Moir has returned, I think they still have what it takes to make the podium or possibly win here.

I don't watch Pairs so I can't say anything about them but feel free to add anything or even tell me about them :)

Also,bif u happen to read x_justafangirl_x's stories she wants me to tell y'all that she hasn't been updating cause her laptop broke and she has flat thumbs which makes it hard for her to type on her phone so please don't give up on waiting for her to update. And I will update too but the new semester just started so I'm not in the mood to start a new story plus I haven't got any ideas. If you've got any ideas of a story or ship (figure skating only) that you want me to write about, feel free to DM me or comment cause i honestly am in a bit of a writer's block. Also I'm going to delete Maybe This Time cause I don't really like it much. If you've taken a liking to it and would like me to continue it, I might just write like 10 chapters to finish it for you :)

That's it, thank you for reading and I'm sorry if this was one quarter AN cause I had so much stuff to say.

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