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Yoongi's POV

When her breathing softens, her body losing strength as she falls asleep like I told her to, I stay on the floor with her in my arms for an unknown amount of time, my mind unable to function because of what just happened.

I was supposed to come to my office only to get a document, there was something on my mind and I wanted to check if everything was as I thought, I sure was not expecting to arrive to someone bawling their eyes out, and I was especially not expecting for her whipped cream to be what greeted me.

Anyone else, I would not have cared, but this young omega... it broke my heart, it was instinctive when I sat down besides her to comfort her and her reaction to my touch made me all the more desperate to soothe her, she didn't refuse me and that meant a lot for a reason that I ignore.

I caress her hair softly, her cheek now resting on my shoulder as she exhales deeply, she must have been exhausted if she fell asleep that quickly, how long did she cry for anyway? How long did she cry while being all alone?

I have so many questions that need answers, why was she crying? What put her in that state? Why was she here? That uniform is the one the cleaning staff uses, does that mean she was here to clean my office?

This sweet-smelling omega is working her ass off to clean my company building?

I remember last Friday, the two girls who were verbally attacking her... she called them her colleagues, that means they work here too? In my building?

A growl rumbles from my chest at the thought, were they the ones who made her cry then? Did they have a say in me finding her crying out her pain in my fucking office all by herself?

I can't have that happen, it's unthinkable that I would let this be when I'm feeling with my own skin her exhaustion, her hurting soul. Her scent isn't as watery as earlier but it still has remnants of that pain she was feeling and I hate that, I hate that I couldn't be there to keep her from reaching that point.

I was wondering why Jimin was so attached to her when he'd only spent an hour with her, but now that I'm holding her, now that I have her softness shaping itself to fit against my body, heck... the question isn't what made him attached, it's how could he not?

I nuzzle my cheek against her hair before sighing, I can't possibly leave her on the floor like this, the couch would be a lot more comfortable for her, she doesn't look like she's going to wake up anytime soon and she definitely needs the rest.

With that in mind, I move a little to be on my knees first, I steady her body with both arms as I prop a foot on the floor and when I believe myself to be stable enough, I wrap an arm under her knees while the other goes to her back before cradling her to my chest as I stand up.

I make her jump a little to have a better hold on her body and once her face finds its place in my neck, goosebumps travel all over my body, shivers sparkling through my spine at the feeling of her breath right against my sensitive scent gland, I squeeze her closer to me before walking over to the leather couch.

As I get near the furniture, I do start wondering if I really want to let her go, she feels so right in my arms and I can feel my wolf already trying to find arguments as to why we should in fact not let her go, and I swear, I would listen in a heartbeat if it came up with a good one, I really don't want to let her go.

I can feel myself preen like a fucking peacock because I can hold her so easily, it makes me proud and it's the strangest feeling, I'm not known to find pride in that sort of thing, not even with my own mates and goodness knows lifting them off the ground is a fucking achievement.

I bet she would freak out if she were to wake up to find herself in my arms but really, being an alpha makes us naturally stronger, I truly wouldn't mind holding her like this forever, I don't find her heavy at all.

I'm glad I wasn't born a weak omega, I would always be at the gym if that were my reality, just to make sure a situation like this one wouldn't catch me by surprise.

Reluctantly, I lower her on the couch and then grab a cushion to settle under her head before taking the nearby throw on the other couch to cover her with, it's always a little chilly in here and I don't want her getting sick.

Once carefully nestled so that she'll be comfortable, I stare at her for a moment, crouch a little besides her to remove the hair from her face, fingers lingering slightly longer than necessary when I get a feel of how soft her cheeks actually are, they're like silk and it's amazing, is that because she's an omega?

It's my first time being so close to one, it's fascinating to see how different she is from an alpha, she's sweeter, softer, squishier and I adore all those things.

I wondered what Jimin saw in her but now I know, she's absolutely precious.

I sigh and pull back before reaching the area where she was sat to find a few cleaning products surrounding a stain on the floor, a brush thrown further away, it's obvious that she fought against it and lost, something that might have worsened her state.

I can only blame myself for that, I know the rumors, I know the way I'm viewed by the staff, I know I'm difficult and exigent and that turned against her.

She must have freaked out seeing the stain remain, unknowing that it could never disappear because while it doesn't look like it, it's not a stain, it's a piece of broken floor, a little souvenir given by Namjoon himself when he dropped something heavy, I couldn't be bothered to have it repaired because it always makes me smile but knowing that it caused her unnecessary stress...

Maybe it's time it gets taken care of properly.

I clean up the area, gather her tools and equipment to the cart before reaching my desk where I sit down, I'm not leaving her alone here so I might as well do my work while I'm here, there are a few things that need my attention anyway.

Maybe I should get some food over for when she wakes up, she's going to need her energy after all the crying she did, a fresh bottle of water with something nourishing, I'm not letting her leave without making sure that she properly eats.

I would let Jimin know that she's here but I have a feeling he would rush over right away and I'm not sure that's what she needs right now, I should try and get to the bottom of what happened first.

I don't know if she'll be willing to talk, but if she's not, I have other measures I can take to get to the bottom of this.

I own this building and everything within, which means I have easy access to the cameras hidden around, a precaution of mine because I don't like knowing that something can happen without having any means to find out what it is.

If something happened to her, I will find out, whether she wants me to or not.

Your POV

I wake up to the sound of a keyboard clicking nearby, my mind a blur of confusion as I try to make sense of the way I'm lying down on a couch, a blanket covering me with something soft under my head, aren't I at work?

I had one hell of a morning, I took the responsibility of cleaning the CEO's office and then... I gasp, sit up quickly, something I regret when my head starts pounding painfully, it results in a chair pushing back followed by feet rushing over, the same scent that had comforted me, the scent that fills this room reaching my side before I feel a hand cover my forehead.

"You're warmer than earlier, how do you feel? I think you might be starting a fever, you haven't been taking care of yourself very well this weekend, have you?" the husky voice that spoke me through my crying earlier says, nearly a chide but too soft to really hold any anger, he sounds concerned.

I open my eyes, wondering just who it is that feels and smells so familiar, and when my eyes meet his, I freeze, because that's... the man Jimin knows, the one who stepped in when the other alpha was gone to get me some water.

What was his name already?

My heart picks up in a frenzy, because if that guy is my boss, then I was seen doing a terrible job and crap, did I cry in his arms? That was so unprofessional of me, am I going to lose my job?

I try to sit up so I can bow and apologize properly but his hand on my head pushes me back down, his lavender green tea pushing out to calm me down, his eyes narrowed just enough to keep me still.

"Don't move, drink some water first, you're dehydrated" he states before moving away to grab something nearby, quickly comes back with a water bottle that he opens before holding it to my lips, I try to take it from him but he hisses in warning and I tense, lips parting to accept the water that I so desperately need with a nervous heart.

My head is making me regret every emotions that filtered through my body earlier, every pounding against my brain a reminder of the memories that brought me to this state, I knew I shouldn't have gone too far back in time, I always get a nasty migraine when I do.

The man - my boss? - pulls the bottle back and gives me some time to settle down, his calm aura giving me a false sense of security that I know I'll come to regret later, but right now, anything that doesn't make this headache worse is welcome.

"You should eat something, I had some food brought over-" he starts but I shake my head, arms pushing myself into a seated position, he frowns before helping me, he can tell that I'm going to be stubborn so he might as well go along for now.

"I'm not hungry, but thank you. I'll be fine, it's just a migraine, it'll end eventually" I tell him and he doesn't say anything, his breathing the only thing I hear but I can tell that he's unhappy, his scent seems displeased.

I proceed to bow, ignore the splitting feeling of my brain resisting the act, I need to apologize for everything before I lose my job, I really can't afford losing it, I would end up homeless before a new place accepts me.

"I'm terribly sorry for what took place here, first with me crying, then me sleeping on the job... I took of your precious time and I'm very sorry, I promise it won't happen again so please... please don't fire me, I'll give this job my all from now on, I'll do my best to clean everything to the perfection, please accept my most sincere apologies, sir".

I know it won't save me from my fate but at least... I'll have tried.

"You're forgiven, I won't fire you so sit up and eat, order from your boss. I won't have you leave this place until you've done at least that. I'll get you some painkillers, I have some for migraines, they should help" the man states firmly, much to my confusion, he stretches and gets a container that he settles on my lap before moving to the bathroom with long urgent strides.

I stare at his back as he stands at the sink, fingers pushing bottles aside until he reaches the one he wants, what is going on? Is he treating me like that because of Jimin? Why is he not getting mad at me? Isn't that what he would have done for anyone else?

He comes back with a bottle that he settles in front of me after pushing the coffee table closer, the bottle of water slid next to it, it's awkward enough as it is to be taken care of by my boss like this but what makes it worse is when he sits down on the nearby couch before staring at me with his feline eyes.

He's really going to make sure that I follow his order, isn't he?

Slowly, I reach out to the bottle to take a pill, they're the strong kind so one should be plenty enough and I quickly swallow it with the water, a small thankful bow to the man who doesn't move, doesn't blink, orbs fixated on me as he awaits for the main subject of his concern, food.

I look at the container, notice that it's filled with sliced kimbap rolls, they look freshly made and goodness, they look delicious, so colourful.

My mouth fills with saliva at the sight and when I open the lid, the smell that wafts to my nose is heavenly, when was the last time I ate such good quality kimbap?

Those I can afford making myself have more rice than anything else inside but this? It has meat, veggies, sesame seeds, and not the cheap kind, it makes me hesitate because... can I really eat this?

The answer is yes, a glance at the narrowing eyebrows on his face letting me know that if I don't take a bite soon, he will make me eat himself and now that would be even more awkward.

So I quickly grab a bite and throw it in my mouth to try and appease him, and what was once hesitation disappears instantly because holy shit, this is good! I knew it would be good but that good?

I glance at him before staring at the rolls again, teeth chewing through the crunchiness of the veggies until I swallow, my mood raises a little and I lick my lips, maybe... maybe I can allow myself to eat some more?

My lack of a breakfast in my body catches up to me quickly and there's no denying how famished I was anymore, the kimbap doesn't survive my hunger for long when I get started, I feel as if I hadn't eaten for days.

I lick my fingers after the last piece with a happy hum, lost in my own little happy world because food always serves to make me in a better mood until I remember where I am, and when I look up with round eyes - because fuck, did I just lose control in front of my boss? - it's to find him smiling at me, his body relaxed where he is, eyes creasing at my form, he seems satisfied?

I blush, because for someone who said wasn't hungry, I sure inhaled that food, do I have no shame? I should be cleaning this place, not eating in it!

"Well then, thank you for the food... I'll go back to my tasks now, I can't-"

"Don't you even dare, sit down, I'm not done with you".

I sit back in my seat right away, fingers linking together anxiously on my lap, what more does he want from me? The migraine has lowered in intensity, I have eaten, he told me he wouldn't fire me, which really, I am incredibly thankful for, but what more needs to happen before I can run away from here?

"Why were you crying when I arrived earlier?".

Of course he would want to know... I sigh before shrugging lightly.

"It's nothing much... I wasn't feeling so well and I was tired, that stain wouldn't go away and I didn't want to lose my job, I was crying before I could stop it, I'm sorry you had to find me like this" I tell him, a quick look at him revealing itself to be a bad idea when he frowns at me, it's clear as day that he doesn't believe me.

"So it had nothing to do with those girls from last week?".

I must do a bad job at hiding my startle because soon he's humming, head nodding as he makes links by himself, fingers drumming on his thigh as he keeps staring at me, at my tensed posture, my scent wavering, he can tell that the girls aren't the only problem but he doesn't have to find out everything all at once, he already was given information that he can fix for now.

"For your information, that stain you spoke of, it can't go away so don't bother too much with it. As for the rest, you did a good job so from now on, you're the only one allowed in here, I will let your supervisor know" he tells me all of a sudden before standing up from the couch to head to the door, I blink in shock at what I just heard before standing up to go after him, what?

"What do you mean, only me?" I ask him as he presses on the button to call the elevator, the doors open right away and he steps inside, an eyebrow quirking at me when I haven't stepped in as well.

"Isn't it obvious? It'll save me from firing everyone who can't do a good job, I'll even increase your pay if that can help to convince you" he states as I go in to stand besides him, door closing before he presses the button for the lobby.

What? I mean I can't possibly spit on a higher salary but... "Are you doing this because of Jimin?" I ask him, it doesn't make any sense, why would he offer that to me if not for the gentle alpha I had met last week?

"Jimin doesn't know that you work here yet so no, it has nothing to do with him, I made this decision by myself. Ah but that does remind me, he cleaned your uniform, there was blood on it so he removed it, he can bring it over for you, he was planning on going back to the place you met anyway to try and find you so let's make it easy for everyone, hm? I'll call him over once I'm done with this matter".

I look down at his words, of course Jimin would do that... I have no idea why he's trying so much when he barely knows me but... it makes me a little happy, anyone else would've gotten rid of my uniform after I ran away, they wouldn't try and find me again.

The elevator's doors open and we step off before walking through the lobby, I duck my head when eyes fall on me, I forgot for a moment that he's not simply Jimin's boyfriend but also my boss, gosh... what am I doing here?

Yoongi confidently walks through the building in a direction that I know well and I can only follow in silence, my heart nervously beating in my chest because we're going to the cleaning department, is this because of the girls?

I look at the time to find that it's currently lunch break, they'll be found in the locker room around this time, changed and ready to go outside to eat at a coffee shop or something, my guess is confirmed when we hear giggles the closer we get, it has my guts churning because them giggling is never a good thing for me.

"Do you think she's currently losing her job? She can never focus too well when we laugh at her, I can't believe she decided to clean the CEO's office! This is too funny, she's so going to come back crying and jobless" Bee chirps, she sounds so proud, as if that was all part of her plans.

"Right, her face this morning when she came in the meeting room... I wish I had filmed it, the internet would have loved to see her on the verge of crying, there's something so satisfying about seeing someone fat on the verge of breaking" another voice speaks up next, I stop walking when they burst into laughter.

This is all a game to them, they just want to see me break, they want to humiliate me to the point that I lose face completely, that's all they want.

I'm not a living being in their eyes, I'm a source of entertainment.

"Stay here" the man says with a gentle hand over my shoulder before opening the door leading to the locker room, he steps inside with heavy feet and the laughter subsides, I can almost hear the girls gulp as they come to process that he's not a simple employee, not with the way he's dressed.

"Who are you? Only the cleaning staff is allowed in here" one of the girls finds enough courage to speak up but at the silence of Bee, I can tell that she recognizes him from last Friday, she must be so confused.

"Who I am? Right, I guess you wouldn't know since you seem entirely focused on being a bully, let me enlighten you then, maybe it'll help you understand just what situation you're currently in. My name is Min Yoongi, CEO of MinTea, you could say I'm the one giving you four a salary.

But I guess in this particular moment, I'm also the one about to fire you so... no more salary for you. There's a girl missing, I know she's part of this little game you girls are playing so once you see her, let her know that she's fired too. I don't want people like you here, you disgust me".

I bring a hand to my mouth, damn, he's... damn.

"You- this- oh silly you! Mr. Min, this isn't what you think! We were just playing-" Bee tries but Yoongi huffs and I cringe for them, they really expect this to work on him? He's not stupid, he's an alpha, she can't just go and call him silly!

"I'm giving you one minute, grab your things and get the hell out of here, give your employee IDs to the lobby, I don't want to see you near my building ever again".

"Y/N did this, right? She lied! She's trying to do anything to get rid of us because she's jealous! I don't know what she told you but it's not true! You might not know that but Y/N's the real bully here, she's not as good as people believe her to be, she's the worst kind of wolf to ever exist! You have to believe me".

"What the fuck is that girl saying now?" I suddenly hear In-yeop from behind me and when I turn around, it's to find him and Dal walking by with their lunchboxes in hands, they're probably done eating, I bring my gaze back to the door as an unsettling feeling fills my soul, what is she talking about?

"One minute has passed, I'll call security to take you out since you won't cooperate and since you won't shut the fuck up with the lies, I'll make sure you can't find a job in all of Seoul, people like you don't deserve to work in this city. Pack your things and get away from here if you don't want to end up in the streets, don't do the mistake of taking my words lightly".

"That... fucking brat!" Bee exclaims in anger before running out of the locker room and when her eyes fall on me, her scent has me stepping backwards in shock, my mind screaming danger, she's going to attack me, isn't she?

Or she would if In-yeop and Dal weren't pulling me behind them, their tall statures towering over her and keeping her from getting any closer, she's about to slap the alpha instead but her friends pull her back before she reaches him and she shouts before freeing herself from their hold, a finger pointing at me with her eyes filled with rage.

"You! If I find you out of here, I'm messing you up, you hear me? I'm messing you up so badly you won't be able to walk anymore, you fucking bitch! It's no wonder your ex-mate didn't want you anymore, you destroyed his soul and people pretend like it's okay! He told me all about you, don't play the nice girl when you almost killed him, I swear I won't go easy on you!" she threatens with a death glare before storming away without looking back, her terrified friends behind her.

Dal has to keep In-yeop from going after her, his growls loud in the corridor but I can barely hear any of them as I make a step back, and then another one, my soul feels like it just detached from my body, my heart wrenched out of my chest and burned to ashes.

That was a direct attack to my wolf. Cutting links with our true mate didn't just affect me, it affected the both of us and fuck, that was low, that was fucking low, it's a knife slicing through my skin to bring back the pain that keeps trying to heal without success.

My body thrums with misty rain, the words echoing in my mind reminding my whole being of its emptiness, the space that was once filled with the presence of a mate now shallow and obscure, my wolf howls its pain in my head and I walk away, alone, I need to be alone.

He told her everything about me? Does that mean they know each other? He said that I almost killed him?

As the receiver of the broken bond, maybe it's true, if he had truly loved me, he would certainly be dead right now but he didn't so he handled it quite well, I suffered more than he did so how dare he say that I almost killed him when he's the one who destroyed me until there was nothing left to break?

The misty rain that fills me slowly builds into a storm, it drowns me from within, emotions dulled until all that remains is pain, the hole that I am filled with cold darkness, it's a water that fills with monsters, terrifying monsters that I had locked away, why did she have to say that now of all times?

"Y/N? Where is she? Y/N! Fucking hell, Dal, help me find her before she goes too far, that stupid human- God damn it, she deserves to burn in hell for what she said. Y/N, please come back! Please-".

I break into a run and past the emergency exit, the comfort of my nest all I want right now, I want to go home, I'm just an unwanted wolf anyway, a wolf with a broken bond and an empty soul filled with crawling creatures.

No one wants someone broken, especially not someone who failed at being a good mate to their fated one, no one cares when it comes to the reason of the destruction, they only care about the failure.

Is there really no hope of peace for me? Can I not live my life without having to be attacked left and right?

Maybe it's better I give up trying.

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