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Just to let you guys know, I haven't written at all this week! Today and yesterday's chapters were written this weekend so :)))


Yoongi's POV

I barely have time to check up on Y/N between calling security to take care of the girls I will now forever hate and keeping my calm to avoid murdering them on the spot, the words spoken filled with despicable intent, why is there so much hate towards the sweet omega?

That's all I can think about, that and ways to cheer her up, things I could do to make her smile and forget this fiasco as I demand that the girls be thrown out on the phone before ending the call.

They shall not cause problems anymore because they won't have any reason to remain in Seoul, not without the ability to gain money.

Pleased with myself, because I feel like I successfully got rid of her biggest problem - that I know of - I walk out of the locker room expecting to find her where I left her but hearing the panicked alpha whose name I don't know ask his omega friend about Y/N's whereabouts just as I walk past the doorway?

I am gone in a flash in the direction her scent leads to and when I stop in front of a door, the emergency exit that no one ever uses to find traces of her scent on the surface, barely there but just enough to tell me that she struggled a little when opening it, I curse lowly when I step outside to find her nowhere nearby.

She's gone and with the wind, there's literally no way to follow her trail, I'd lose precious time trying more than anything else.

"Fuck, did she already leave?" the alpha asks as he joins my side and when I nod with a frown, the man curses as well, a fist hitting the wall that I understand too well, but as much as I want to go running after her right now, it wouldn't serve anything at the moment.

I have heard things and I need to understand what the hell it was about if I want to give Y/N appropriate help, I need to understand the pain she's currently going through to avoid making things worse, her address I can find later in her employee folder.

"You, what's your name? What was that about an ex mate and Y/N nearly killing him? You know about it, don't you?" I ask him, my voice colder than intended but I'm just so nervous about knowing her out and hurting all by herself that I can't help it, I'm afraid that she might do something reckless, my imagination running wild with all the possibilities, none of them helping me in remaining calm.

The two wolves share a look of hesitation before slowly nodding their head, they might have missed the introduction I made earlier, but with the way they're looking at me, I can tell that they both know they're currently dealing with someone important.

The smaller of the two men inhales deeply, his pained gaze on the door, the remnant of her scent on it easily letting us know about her current state - it's not good.

"I'm Dal and this here is In-yeop, we're Y/N's colleagues and friends. Her ex mate... two years, Y/N has been divorced for two years now. Everyone in our department knows about it because our manager specifically asked us to be careful when talking to her the first time she came here, she was much weaker and quiet then, you could see the damage she had gone through as if it was written on her skin".

I tense up at the knowledge of her going through a divorce, she's so young yet she already got through both a marriage and a divorce? What kind of horrors did she experience for her to already carry such a past behind her?

In-yeop fixes his gaze on me as he takes in my expression, he looks ready to defend her by any means, unknowing that he doesn't have to protect her from me, I too feel like I could do anything for her well-being, I'm not judging her in the slightest.

"What Bee said, it wasn't true. Y/N did break the bond, but she said her ex handled it well because he didn't love her, she had it way worse. She told us that she got sick for a few weeks following the break up, her sense of smell isn't what it used to be now, she can't smell some flowers anymore, strong perfumes will override natural scents, that sort of thing.

She's not as bad as she used to be now but she's still jumpy and wary of people she doesn't know, it took Dal and I quite a while for her to warm up to us and still now she refuses to let my pack house her and help her through her heats, she's all alone and I hate that, she needs help and we barely get her to accept it from time to time".

She spends her heats all by herself? That knowledge lodges itself into my heart and soul with fire, because omegas need care and affection during those long days, they need to be soothed and protected, why is she refusing the help a pack alpha is willing to give?

Omegas in heat aren't very mentally present, it's a time for their wolves to take over so the clarity of a human mind is dimmed by a lot, feeding themselves is nearly impossible, how has she been going through them all by herself all this time? It must have been so hard... the poor sweet girl.

Dal meets my gaze with what I can only comprehend as pleading. "I don't know who you are to her but please, you have to help her, Y/N... we try to help her any way we can but she won't let us in completely, it's not good for her, she's such a nice girl but she's being treated in such an awful way that she's starting to lose even that part of herself, it's so painful to see, she doesn't deserve any of that, please help her".

I nod my head without hesitation, I don't need to be asked twice, I feel it deep in my heart, that I need to help her, she can't be left alone, I can't leave her alone. Not with the knowledge I now bear about her.

"I won't let her suffer alone anymore, my mates and I will do our best to help, I promise you that. Do you know where she lives? I'm sure that's where she's currently headed, what that girl said will swarm her mind so she'll probably want to hide in her nest" I say, watch as they both heave a sigh of relief before the other alpha nods his head.

"I've picked her up from home a few times before going to work in the past, I have food my pack got ready for her so please bring it with you and use that as an excuse if you need to, she'll be more inclined to listen to you than if you arrive out of nowhere without a good reason, I'll be right back".

Dal and I watch in silence as the man runs into the locker room to get what he mentioned and as we wait, my mind fills with all the things Y/N has had to go through until now.

It doesn't make sense that someone like her would have to go through such hardships, I can't even comprehend that she had to break a mate bond to begin with, it's such a rare thing to do because it hurts the wolves involved deeply.

It's no wonder that she wouldn't trust Jimin just because he's being nice, surely her ex mate was nice too before hurting her, it's obvious that she'll expect the same thing to happen again. She can't find it in herself to bring her guard down and risk her heart a second time.

What can she believe and what must she avoid? She mustn't know herself, what to look out for anymore.

In-yeop comes back with a heavy bag and motions for me to get going after giving it to me. "I wrote her address down on the piece of paper inside along with the path she usually takes, if you find her on the road...

Please try and get her in the car, don't over-explain, just let her in and allow her to process silent kindness, that's something she's not used to. Pretty words make her doubt and resist even more, she must have been lied to a lot before so she doesn't trust them".

My heart squeezes at the information, soul churning at the heavy weight that has taken place at knowing just how deep her pain runs.

If I ever find her ex... I will find ways to torture his mind until the rest of his life.

I will have to remember that actions speak louder than words when it comes to her, it's something I can do well so I'm not too worried, it's just sad that she wouldn't enjoy the sweet promises that I know my mates can give. How much was taken from her, it makes me want to get angry for her sake.

I stare at the two men gratefully, the information they gave me extremely helpful and they nod firmly, her well-being entrusted to me, I feel the resolve spur me on as I leave them in a sprint to reach my private parking, phone to my ear to call Jimin, I'm going to need help because while I can do the silent very well, I'm not so good with the caring without being told explicitly what is needed, that's Jimin's strong point.

I'm just going to have to let my younger mate know just what kind of mental nightmare she's perpetually stuck in, we can't make it worse.

He's in for a surprise when he learns that she works here.

Your POV

I can't believe I left without my belongings... what was I thinking?

I'm so glad I left a spare key under the rug by my front door... I never thought it would serve me one day but then again, I didn't know either that such words would be thrown my way by a total stranger, Bee really has no idea what she was talking about.

I sigh as I continue walking with heavy steps, I'm now too far to get back to work without feeling stupid about it, it would be a walk of shame and I'd rather make it direction back home where I will be safe of judging glances and daring words.

Home is the only quiet place where I don't hear things I don't want to hear, it's the only place where things are still under my control, where I don't get punished for being lazy.

It's messy, but it's my messy and there's no one but me to complain about it, there's no one but me to take care of it, even if I can't seem to find the energy to do so nowadays.

Home is not perfect, but at least home is better than the rest of the world.

I drag my feet on the pavement, I'm so slow that I feel like my near hour of walk might become two at this pace, it's ridiculous but I can't muster the will to go faster, the invisible boulders attached to my ankles so heavy that I can't even lift one foot without sighing anymore.

I think back to the way Yoongi fired the girls, Bee and even Hanna, they said things about me, they tried to change his mind yet he didn't seem to care in the slightest, he already had enough of them and he only met Bee twice.

It's comforting, that he took my side personally, just like Jimin, he seems like a very good person. I just don't know how much of it I can believe, how do I know if it's okay to let them in?

It's so much easier to prevent pain by closing and locking the door, I can open a window and talk with them, that's what I do with In-yeop and Dal, but to actually let them in?

Would I be able to notice it sooner this time if they did something bad or would it take me years to understand? Would it take me to reach death's door once more to understand that I was pushed to my limit another time?

I don't know and that's what scares me the most, not knowing. How did I trust people so easily in the past?

A car drives past me before stopping a little further ahead and I walk closer to the grass and away from it, I wouldn't want to risk grazing the outside shell, someone screamed at me once because I had 'contaminated' the vehicle and I don't want a repeat of that.

It takes them seconds to forget what they said, unaware that every single time, it becomes to me a new memory that I have to carry forever, a burden that won't let go of me no matter how much I try to forget.

People don't understand the weight their words have on others, they don't understand that we can't simply 'get over it', or that we can't just 'pretend like it never happened'.

It's like stabbing someone in the heart and then asking them to keep living as if they're not losing their blood and dying. You don't forget the people who stabbed you, you forget even less how much it hurt.

A door opens and lavender green tea carries over to me from the wind, it doesn't even surprise me if I'm honest, I should've seen it coming. I stop walking but I don't look up, I'm not sure if I want to meet Yoongi's gaze right now, I'm not sure I could handle what I'd see in his eyes.

I hear him sigh as he walks around the car before opening the passenger's door. "Please get inside, I'll drive you home".

I stand still, no strength left in my body or mind to make a decision for myself, I'm so tired that I can't even make a full proper sentence in my head anymore and I hate when I reach that point, I feel so helpless and powerless.

It takes a few seconds before I feel his hand over my arm to guide me closer to the vehicle and I let him, he's decided for me and that's all I need for now, he makes me sit inside and then bends over to buckle me up before closing the door carefully, all of that without saying a single thing.

I stare out of the window once I hear him get in from the driver's seat and just like that, without a word, he resumes driving, no questions asked about where I live, I'm pretty sure he doesn't need me to tell him if he found me here in the first place.

I expect him to say something at some point, anything, yet he remains silent, the rumbling of the car the only thing filling the silence and it feels nice, quiet company better than loud company, I don't have to process words, I don't have to process anything.

We reach my apartment complex quickly, it's ridiculous how much faster it is by car than it is by foot, a few minutes versus an hour, he pulls into the parking lot and then steps out of the car after turning off the engine before reaching my side once more, hands unbuckling the seatbelt before he's taking my hand softly in his own to ease me out of the car.

It's like my ability to think and react has completely disappeared as I follow behind him like a kicked puppy, back door opening so he can grab a bag before he leads us inside of the building and to my door, again without needing me to say anything.

It's only when we reach said door, when he sees the door's lock that it dawns on him that it requires a key, something I do not seem to have because my hands are currently empty.

I would laugh at the expression on his face if I could, but I only have the strength to crouch and lift the rug to grab the key, after which I unlock the door before walking inside and straight to my bedroom where I sink in the middle of the nest on my bed, my dog plush pulled to my chest so I can hug it before I close my eyes, by doing so locking everything else out.

Yoongi stands by the door for a moment, eyes gazing around my room to find that it's almost empty, a bed, a bedside table and a tiny rug with flowers on it, he glances at me and knows instantly that he won't get anything out of me, not while I'm in this state.

"I'll put the food that your friend gave you in your fridge, okay?" he asks softly but I remain silent, arms hugging my dog tighter letting him know that I heard him alright, he doesn't say any more and instead closes the door quietly before stepping towards the kitchen, hence leaving me alone, just like I need.

I bite on my bottom lip lightly, a little nervous about having him inside my home without being there to keep an eye on him but I ultimately end up falling asleep, because while I don't really know him, he's also someone who I think I can trust.

I guess this is me testing him to see just how much I can actually trust him.

Yoongi's POV

I swallow the lump in my throat at seeing her fridge nearly empty.

Her freezer is much more filled but it's nothing really healthy and one look at the pantry reveals cheap cans of tuna, pastas, snacks and a few boxes of cereals that look like they haven't been touched in months, she's not eating well at all, it makes me fill with panic, how can someone live like that?

The state of her kitchen is pitiful, you can see her mental state just by looking around, the mess is already exhausting me and I just got here, how much harder to endure must it be for her?

Y/N refuses help she clearly needs, I don't know why she can't even let her friends help her when it's obvious that they care about her but things are about to change because I'm not letting her continue such a toxic way of living anymore.

When Jimin gets here, he'll make us deep clean her apartment without a doubt so I might as well get started now. I sigh before nodding to myself, it's the right thing to do, I can't stand idle while seeing this in person.

I find the gloves she must use to wash her dishes in the sink and decide to start with that, there are dishes all over the place so it's going to take me a while but it's not like she'll get out of bed any time soon, she'll surely feel better waking up to a clean home.

So I do, I scrub and I rinse and I scrub again before setting aside to dry, I open cupboards to find where everything belongs and store them away before walking around the apartment to gather everything I find and then I do the steps all over again.

It feels good to see the kitchen become less loaded, I'll just have to clean the counters once I'm done and it's going to be much better.

A quiet knock on the front door before it opens and I twist my neck to see Jimin enter inside, his jacket under one arm as he closes it behind him, he easily finds me standing in the kitchen and after draping his cloth on the dining chair, he walks over to me, eyes taking in the state of the place, I can see his eyes twitch and I instantly know that I was right.

I'm glad I got started first, he would have cried if he had seen the kitchen in its former state.

"Where is she?" he asks instead of commenting on the sticky spot of what seems to be old juice on the counter, I point my chin in the direction of her room. "Sleeping, she went to her nest as soon as we got here, she's... just don't wake her up, baby, she's had a rough day".

He nods and walks away to have a look at her, he needs to see her with his own eyes and I let him as I focus back on the dishes, just some more and that will be done.

It doesn't take too long before he comes back, and when he hugs me from the back, I know exactly how he feels because I feel the same. "Her room smells like tears, hyung, it smells like sadness" he murmurs but I don't say anything, knowing that he doesn't need me to, he's just trying to process.

It's simply not fun, I know we barely know each other, we just met her so it doesn't make sense that we care so much, but we've seen and heard so much that it feels like our responsibility to take care of her now, walking away would be negligence towards a weakened omega, our alpha wolves won't allow it, nor do we want to.

He eventually leaves me to walk around the place, I can hear that he's moving things around, picking up trash when useless paper and letters scrunch in his hold, he grabs additional glasses I missed before coming back to the kitchen, dishes set on the counter by the sink before he searches for the trash bin, ultimately finding it in the corner of the room.

Together, we slowly clean the space as quietly as we can, windows opened to let the inside breathe, curtains slid open to allow the sun in, surfaces dusted as we take in her cheap everything, furnitures old and in a bad state, the floor looks discoloured, the walls have seen better days, everything about this place screams cheap and it's distressing, us who know nothing else but luxury, this is new and shocking.

Eventually, Jimin comes over with a paper in hands, his eyebrows furrowed at it as he reads the content and when he hands it to me, when I allow my eyes to wander over her writing, I understand why right away.

"That's... her monthly budget" I mumble, eyes taking in the terrible amounts greeting me, her rent is way too high for what it is, it's taking up more than half of what she makes and the rest is utilities, food, home insurance, she has nothing left by the end and no entertainment in sight, she's barely holding on by a thread and it makes me feel awful.

I'm not the one who decided of the staff's salary, I gave that responsibility to someone else but I can see now that they're underpaid, they work hard everyday so that we can have a clean environment so what's this? This is how we thank them?

"Look at the amount she sets aside for food... what the fuck can she eat with that? Jungkook spends that amount on lunch everyday, she has to save the same amount for a whole month?" Jimin sounds in disbelief as he says that and when I see him walk over to the fridge, I wait in silence, let him take in the same thing I did earlier.

Thankfully the food the alpha gave me for her fills her fridge, those are nice meals, healthy and filling but it won't last forever, it's enough for a week at most, I know she'll go back to what she already has after that.

"Give me the box over there, hyung" Jimin asks coldly and I hurry over to grab it, take out the smaller empty box inside before walking over to him and when he settles it on the oven by the fridge, I watch as he takes everything out of the freezer with distaste, like they're the reason of her pain even though we both know they've been more comfort to her than living beings have been.

Looking at him pile everything into the box spurs me to do the same with her pantry, everything that has been in there for longer than necessary, out in the trash, anything that wouldn't be good for her health in the box with some exceptions, I know Jimin will bring it to a food bank nearby before going to the grocery store so the empty sight doesn't bother me, he's clearly on a mission and nothing could dissuade him from doing so.

"That's all, hyung? I'll put the box in the car to give away before I go get her real food, text me if you find anything else I should get her, I'll do more than one trip if I have to, I don't care, she deserves better than... this" he says as he walks to the entrance, he's really struggling with keeping his cool, his instincts are pushed on edge, especially because of how sudden I dropped so much information on him.

I nod my head while following behind, the living area already looking much better, though some things I would have fixed can't be done, not now, not without her consent.

"I'll let you know if I think of anything, don't worry. Don't get too much food, she already has the meals in the fridge so anymore than that and it's going to be wasted, though maybe get her some frozen meals from that brand Jin loves, I think they'd be good easy meals for her when she doesn't feel like cooking" I tell him, he hums before opening the door and then grabs the box again before stepping out into the empty hallway.

"Will do, I could see what kind of food she likes so I'll try to stick with similar things as much as I can. I'll be back soon, take care of her hyung".

"You know I will, be safe on the road".

I watch him leave and close the door before turning my gaze to her home, then to her bedroom's door, ultimately sigh before going to sit on her couch, one that has my teeth gritting when a spring digs into my thigh, what the hell?

I stare at the furniture with a glare before settling for the floor with a grunt.

Things will change and she's going to have to give me one hell of a good reason if she tries to refuse, this will not be left ignored, I can't.

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