chapter four.

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Theme song:I don't miss you at all-FINNEAS

Lockwood Mansion,1864

Gianina watched jealously as Katherine and Stefan danced together at the founder's ball.Of course,she couldn't go with the Pierce girl because their relationship wasn't exactly allowed but,that didn't stop her from wanting to go right up to the pair and tell Stefan to go away.

What really peeved the young Salvatore girl was the fact that Stefan tried to kiss Katherine but,she was quite happy that Kat dodged it.

"She looks beautiful."Damon sighed and leaned against the wall.It was quite sad really,three siblings vying for the same woman's attention,all of them knowing Stefan was most likely the best choice.

"I know,I helped her get ready."Gia took a small sip of her drink.She was getting angry though and she would later find out it was for a very different reason than she had previously thought.

"Why is it always him?"Damon asked as he sent Katherine a longing look.

"He is just everything we aren't.Now,dance with me,brother.We mustn't mope,it's unbecoming."Gianina set her drink down and extended her hand to her brother.

"It would be my pleasure."Damon finally smiled for the first time in the night and took his sisters hand.

The two of them danced together for about an hour until George Lockwood approached the two of them.

"May I have this dance?"George asked with a smile on his face.Damon,who was unaware of Gia's past with her ex-fiancé,agreed.

"What do you want,George?"Gia asked as they preformed a dance that would later become a huge tradition for Mystic Falls.

"I'd like us to renew our engagement.I think it could benefit us both."he said as he placed a hand on her lower back.

"There is no touching in this dance."Gianina escaped his grip and walked away towards the back of the property to cry.

She hadn't shared with anyone that the man had the same short temper as her dear father.Nobody knew she was exactly like her mother had been when she was alive.Gianina didn't want them to know.

"All alone out here?"a voice said from behind the sobbing Salvatore girl.

"Go away,Katherine."Gia quickly dried her tears and straightened herself out.

"Now,that isn't the way to treat the woman you love."The Pierce girl sat next to her.

"Please,I can't handle all of this at once."Gia shook her head and ran her hands through her hair.

"You won't have to.We'll be together again,GiGi.I promise."Katherine leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Present day

Gianina was jolted awake by a body jumping on her bed.She was fully expecting it to be Damon because,during her time back in Mystic Falls he always woke her up in some extremely annoying way.

"Morning,sleepyhead."Elena laughed and looked at her."I think Jeremy wants to hang out with you today."

Gia fanned herself and let out a deep breath.Her dream was strangely real and fictional all at the same time.Katherine never found her after her run in with George that night so,what was that memory?

"Are you okay?"Elena raised a brow.

"Yeah,just a bad dream.I'm sorry,Jeremy can come over-.."Gia furrowed her brows at the woman in front of her."What the hell are you doing here?"

"Aren't I getting so good at pretending to be,Elena?"Katherine smirked at her.She was very happy that Gia knew who she was without a doubt.

"What do you want?"Gia got out of bed and walked to her drawers.She was feeling a little too underdressed to be around Katherine and needed desperately to put on some clothes.

"I wanted to see you.I missed you,GiGi.Indulge me for a little while please?"Katherine pouted."You won't even have to put on any more clothes."

"You said you were leaving,Katherine."Gia said in a sing song voice before letting out a sigh.She found a pair of comfy sweat pants and put them on over her sleeping shorts.

"Well,there is three reasons,wanna know what they are?"Katherine twisted her hair around her pointer finger and watched Gia's every single move.

"Enlighten me."the Salvatore girl pulled a sweatshirt over her head and sat on the bed as far away as she could from her ex.

"You,you,and you."Katherine put her fingers down one-by-one as she stated this.

"Are you sure there isn't four reasons?Stefan maybe?"Gia rolled her eyes and pulled up her hoodie.

"Nope,I decided I like you the best."the Pierce girl moved closer.

"Well,isn't that over 100 years too late."Gia smiled sarcastically and tightened the hood on her head.

"It's the truth."Katherine trailer a finger down Gia's leg."and deep down in that gorgeous body of yours is the Gia that fell in love with me,too."


"So,I heard you've come into contact with some werewolves."Katherine said as she took a sip of blood from a glass cup.

"You knew."Gia glared at the Pierce girl.

"Knew what?"Katherine folded her legs and smirked.Of course she knew exactly what Gianina was referring to but,it was more fun to hear her say it.

"I could've been a werewolf."Gia stated.Mason Lockwood informed her that her family was apart of the old pack that used to run around Mystic Falls.The Alphas to be more specific.

"Should've,could've."Katherine shrugged.

"What do you know about wolves that you didn't tell me before?"Gia asked.

"Well,remember the founders ball in 1864?"Katherine asked.

"Vividly."Gianina took a sip of her bourbon.She wasn't a fan of it like her brothers but,it subdued her blood cravings.

"Before Damon and Stefan knew my little secret but,you knew and you still loved me."

Lockwood Mansion,1864

"Everyone,will you please join me in raising your glasses to my good friend,George Lockwood."Damon shouted as Gianina walked back into the mansion."George,thank you for so bravely defending the South"

"My honor,Mr.Salvatore.I'd do anything for your sister,and after all,someone had to do it."Damon and George happily clinked their glasses together.

Gianina was feeling absolutely sick of everything happening that evening.After crying,she got very angry and wanted nothing more than to treat George how he treated her but,she restrained herself from doing so.

Katherine was on the other side of the room talking to a man named Henry.He was informing her that someone had been torn to shreds,someone that was not a vampire.

Present Day,Salvatore house

"From the moment I met George,I knew he would be a problem."Katherine stated."He didn't deserve you."

"So,my real family and the Lockwoods are all werewolves?"Gianina asked.

"The werewolf genes run in your families.Not all of you are wolves,obviously."Katherine said as she walked around the room.

"Are there more of them?"Gia was fascinated by the whole situation.She never knew anything about her real family.

"There are other wolves if that's what you mean but,not many.They're practically extinct.They mainly exist now in books and really bad movies."The Pierce girl took another sip of her drink and set her glass down."My turn to ask a question."

"Why did you take Stefan's picture of me and put it on your dresser?"Katherine asked."You wanna know why I came back?Well,I have a better question.Why did you?For Stefan and Damon?No.You knew I was here and you came back to see if you still loved me,didn't you?"

Gianina was shocked by Katherine's words.She didn't know what to say or do so,she stayed silent and averted her eyes from the Pierce girl.When she turned back however,Stefan stabbed Katherine in the back and she fell to the ground.

"Why were you letting her talk so much?What is she doing here,Gia?"Stefan picked Katherine up.

"I-.."Gianina couldn't even form a sentence.

"She's going in the basement."Stefan started to walk in the opposite direction and Gia got up to follow.

When they got downstairs,Stefan chained Katherine to a chair in a cell.

"Now,where were you two?"Stefan looked between the two girls as Katherine woke up from her vervain injection.

"You were listening?"Gia furrowed her brows at her brother.

"I was concerned."Stefan shrugged his shoulders and looked at Katherine."You were going to tell Gia why you came back to Mystic Falls."

"You don't have to do this."the Pierce girl said weakly as she tried to shake from her chains.The sight of her so fragile made Gia sad.

"Answer the question."Gianina's little brother folded his arms over his chest.

"I came back for Gia."Katherine let out a small whine.She seemed absolutely hopeless.

"We're gonna play by my rules now."Stefan stated.

"Do you really have to do this?She was speaking to me just fine."Gia said angrily.

Stefan ignored his older sisters statement,put on a pair of gloves and plucked a piece of vervain from the plant that was growing in the room.

"Stefan.."the Salvatore girl knew what would happen and wanted him to stop.

He again ignored his sister and pressed the vervain against Katherine's face."Answer the question."

"Are you going to just torture her?"Gia shrieked."Well,i'm not going to watch this."

The Salvatore girl walked away from the basement angrily.She felt like her family only acted like family when it was convenient to them and she hated it.

Author's corner:
So,how do you feel about the story so far?I really like Gia's character because she has imperfections that a lot of OCs don't have.

Anyways,who do you think Gia is closest to overall?

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