chapter three.

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Theme song:All my friends are fake-Tate McRae


The morning after the carnival,Gianina found out that after her little heart to heart with Katherine,she decided it was best to turn one of Elena's friends into a vampire.Apparently, things went sour and the poor girl ended up killing a man that worked with the carnival and the Salvatore girl couldn't help but feel responsible but,according to her siblings the Lockwood's were a bigger concern right now.

They called Alaric over to see what information his wife Isobel had on the family and he revealed what Gia had already told her brothers,they are wolves.To make matters worse,they wanted her to work her way into Tyler or Mason's life to see what she could find out,which was so not going to happen.

"Never in a million years am I going to seduce some guy for information."Gianina scoffed at the group in front of her consisting of her brothers,Elena,and Alaric.

"You didn't do that to be a prima ballerina?"Damon raised a brow.

"No,I had talent.Something all of you are apparently lacking.You don't need to seduce someone for info you just find it out but,if you already know the information,why would you need to find it out!?"Gia threw her hands in the air.She understood that she had lived a completely different life from the rest of them but couldn't comprehend why they were so fixated on finding out if they were wolves when she stated multiple times that they were.

"If they are wolves,we are screwed,sister."Damon spoke up.

"Get Elena to do it."Gianina shrugged her shoulders."If you are so screwed i'm sure she's willing to help,isn't that right,Elena?"

The Gilbert girl started to stutter out a few incoherent words not being able to find the correct statement to respond with.

"It's too dangerous."Stefan defended.

"So you send your sister?Lovely.I have plans,i'll see you later."Did Gianina actually have plans?No but,she was hurt that they were willing to let her be in danger and not Elena.She left the house,waiting for someone to come after her but,nobody did.


"Is it me or did Amy Bradley's ass get hot?"Tyler asked as he walked over to Gianina and Matt.

He spotted Gia walking around town and invited her to some party he was throwing.She obviously said yes because,with the way things were going in the Salvatore household,she was thinking about leaving Mystic Falls all together and needed some sort of incentive to stay.

"I did not come to stare at people's asses."Gianina took a sip of whatever unknown liquid was filling her red solo cup.

"Honestly Tyler,you are all class."Matt shook his head and the trio started to laugh.

"Where's Forbes?"Tyler asked Matt.Unfortunately,Gia knew the answer and couldn't share it without exposing the whole vampire secret.

"I wish I knew."Matt sighed.

"On the outs already?"Tyler questioned.Gia who had drank significantly more than the two boys next to her,climbed onto the back of the truck they were standing by and sat down.

"We're fine,i'm fine.I'm just,not sure that she is."Matt furrowed his brows.

"Maybe it's that time of the month."Gianina suggested in hopes of making Tyler and Matt uncomfortable.If that was achieved,they could change the subject.

"What's your uncle doing here?"Matt asked as Mason pulled into the party in his jeep.

Tyler walked away from the two of them and towards Mason's truck.Gia figured she might as well listen in on the conversation so,she shook her cup.

"I think I need a refill,Matt.Could you get it for me?"the Salvatore girl sent a smile his way and Matt nodded.

"Sure,anything specific?"he asked as he took the cup from her hand.

"Surprise me."Gia looked back towards the Lockwoods and Matt nodded before walking away.Gianina started to use her vampire hearing to listen in on the conversation.

"Hoping you can make sure everyone's out of here by dark."Mason said to Tyler.

"What happens after dark?"the younger Lockwood seemed a bit agitated he would have to move his whole party.

"Someone ends up wasted and dead at the bottom of the lake.You heard your mom.The family is liable if anything happens."Mason said.After hearing this,Gia figured this must be the area where Mason goes to turn when he is here.

"Don't be a party killer."Tyler said angrily.

"Hey,I got your drink."Matt came back up to Gianina which scared her slightly because she wasn't on guard,courtesy of her slight buzz.

"Thanks Matt,I think I see my brother over there so i'm gonna go talk to him."the girl carefully took her cup back from Matt and speed walked towards Mason's truck.

"Hey,Lockwood."she smiled at him and leaned her elbows on the window frame of the driver's seat.

"Nina,right?"he smiled back at her and laughed.He wasn't expecting for her to come up to him like this.

"You have quite the memory."Gia nodded her head slightly."Any plans for tonight,maybe we could hang out sometime."

As much as Gia denies it to their faces,anytime her brother's ask her to do something,she does it.Even if it includes getting to know someone for information.At this moment,Katherine was the last thing on her mind but,the Pierce woman is always in the shadows.

"I'm busy tonight."Mason let out a sigh and Gia pouted her lips."Maybe tomorrow?This...event is really important."

Gia looked up at the sky and realized exactly what "event"he was talking about,the full moon.

"I'll hold you to it."the Salvatore girl backed away from the truck and held up her cup.

"See you around,Nina."Mason drove awhile while looking through his sideview mirror at Gia until she was out of sight.As his car passed her though,Gia caught sight of her brother with the new vampire,Caroline.

"What the hell was that?"Stefan crossed the rocky road and approached his sister.

"I'm doing what you and Damon asked me to do,Stefan."Gia let out a sigh and finished the entire drink Matt had just poured her."Your boyfriend is over there,goldie."

"Thanks."Caroline smiled and strutted away towards Matt.

"Are you drunk?"Stefan asked.He had never seen Gianina drunk before,it was an odd sight.

She could blame her drinking on a number of things,being an outcast in her own family,putting anyone she cares about in danger,and probably the one problem that seemed to last the longest in her life,she is in love with Katherine Pierce.

"I don't know,maybe you are the drunk one."Gianina chuckled and crossed her arms.

"Yup,you are drunk.Fantastic."


"Did you hear that?"Stefan asked.Gianina couldn't care less about what was happening around her so,she wasn't using her vamp hearing like Stefan was.

"No,but whatever it is i'm sure it's not a good idea to investigate."she warned her brother.

"Just come with me."Stefan jumped to his feet and vamp sped towards the noise.Of course,so she could keep her brother safe,she followed.

They stopped at a clearing in the woods where Mason's car was parked and as they looked around,they noticed claw marks in the ground.

"Stefan,we should get out of here..."Gianina warned.Some sort of figure ran past them as she said it.

Of course,Stefan completely ignored Gianina and stepped closer to the car.A pair of golden brown eyes showed up in the back window of the jeep and the figure jumped right out of the car and past the two of them,knocking them both down.

"Now do you believe me?"Gia and Stefan both got up to their feet and dusted themselves off.

"Yeah,we have to get out of here."Stefan and Gia heard someone yelling "Caroline" close by so they ran over to the area.

When they got there,Caroline was drinking from Matt Donovan so,Stefan pushed her off and calmed her down.Gia kept him from falling to the ground.

"We need to leave."Stefan said to Caroline.All of the sudden,growling noises started coming in their direction."Gia,protect Matt.Whatever you need to do."

The plan was for Caroline and Stefan to lure Mason away from them.

"It's fine,go."Gia nodded her head and the two other vampires ran away.She heard Caroline yelling from a distance and looked towards Matt who probably wouldn't be able to get up anyways.

"Stay here,Matt.Don't move."Gia sped away towards the screams and seen a wolf attacking Caroline.She sped towards them and pushed him away as quickly as she could before he got the chance to hurt the Forbes girl.

For some reason,Mason seemed to have something against Stefan and not Gia.The wolf turned his gaze away from the Salvatore girl and towards her brother ready to attack.

"No!"Tyler yelled.The wolf glanced at him and ran away but,there was a sinking feeling in Gianina's chest.Why didn't he want to hurt her?


"Thanks for coming with me,it must've been weird seeing that."Tyler said as they approached Mason's truck.

"It experience."Gia laughed and the two of them started to look in the trunk.

Tyler picked up some clothes in the back.

"Wanna toss me those?"Mason said from behind them.Gia turned around and he was completely naked so she covered her eyes.

Tyler waited a few seconds before realizing how completely embarrassed Gia was and threw the clothes to Mason.The Lockwood man put a pair of pants on and Tyler shoulder bumped Gia to signal she was good to look.She slowly removed her hands and let out a sigh of relief once she noticed he was dressed.

"It was you."Tyler accused Mason.To be fair,it was him though.

Mason nodded his head slowly."and i'll explain but,I have to talk to Nina first."

"What does she have to do with this?"Tyler asked.He didn't want his new friend to get hurt by whatever his uncle had just turned into.


Author's corner:

Whew here's an update,who do you think Gia's best friendship is with in Mystic Falls?

Any guesses on what Gia has to do with Mason being a wolf?

Hope you enjoyed!

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