Because I Need You Like I Need Oxygen

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Chuuya bought two ice cream cones, one vanilla and one chocolate. Chuuya thought Fyodor was weird for liking the plainest flavor on earth, but he enjoyed it so that was all that mattered right? Chuuya started licking his ice cream cone as he walked back over to Fyodor and Rei. He smiled as he looked up at Fyodor pushing Rei in a swing. Rei giggled as Fyodor did. Chuuya walked over as he handed Fyodor his ice cream cone.

"Thank you." Fyodor said smiling as he kissed Chuuya on the cheek. The swing lost all its momentum as Fyodor started eating his ice cream cone.

"Daddy the swing stopped!" Rei complained.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Fyodor laughed as he started the swing again.

"Higher! Higher!" Rei cheered.

It had been three years since Chuuya had that huge fight with Dazai. Three years since Dazai just fell off of the face of the earth basically. Chuuya hadn't seen him since then. Chuuya would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit worried. Dazai did a lot of fucked up things. Chuuya knew Dazai was a horrible person in the mafia, but could he truly change? Was Chuuya wrong for keeping Rei away from his dad? He felt like Rei had a huge part of him missing. There may not be nothing for them but he could at least let him see Rei slowly but surely. Maybe he should reach out.

"Mon beau? Are you alright?"

Chuuya looked up and he nodded as Fyodor grabbed his hand. "You'd tell me if something was wrong right?"

Chuuya nodded again. "Yeah... I'm fine Fyodor."

"Are you hungry?" Fyodor asked.

"I am!" Rei yelled. Fyodor laughed as he picked up Fyodor out of the swing and spun him in the air and then he pulled Rei sideways and bit his sides lightly to tickle him. Rei laughed as Fyodor held on to him. Chuuya giggled as he watched both of them play.

"Stop it Daddy! Stop it!" Rei laughed uncontrollably. "Mommy save me!"

"Oh no! Mommy can't save you!" Fyodor said as he started walking. Chuuya smiled as he followed behind his family watching them bond as he always has.


Fyodor has ended up taking Chuuya and Rei for Italian. They enjoyed their dinner at the expensive restaurant. But he could tell Chuuya was restless, something was truly on his mind. After their hour dinner they walked home which was only 10 minutes away. Upon walking into their home, they discarded of their shoes, Chuuya and Fyodor gave Rei a bath as they always have since he was little, read him a bed time story, and put him to bed. Now they were in their own bed and Fyodor decided this was a better time than ever to ask Chuuya what was wrong.


Chuuya looked up at him.

"What is wrong? You've been off all day. Even at dinner you were spacing out."

Chuuya sighed. He truly couldn't keep anything from Fyodor no matter how hard he tried.

"I've been thinking... Maybe I should let Dazai see Rei... It's been three years... and uh... I think Rei deserves to know Dazai and make the decision for himself if he wants to have a relationship with him or not."

Fyodor sighed. This is definitely not what he expected, and he truly thought maybe Chuuya had forgotten about Dazai. But could he blame him truly? Dazai was Rei's father no matter how much Fyodor hated that fact, and if Chuuya wanted to give this a try he wouldn't stop him but he definitely wouldn't let Dazai hurt Rei or Chuuya either this is why it had to be done this way. Fyodor grabbed Chuuya's hands and he looked straight into his eyes. "If you want to try this Chuuya. I support you wholeheartedly. But I have one condition. I have to be there the first-time you guys meet up. I don't want you and Rei alone with him right now. Not until he builds some trust."

Chuuya nodded. "Okay... that's fair."

"Okay." Fyodor said as he kissed Chuuya gently. Chuuya smiled as he kissed Fyodor back. Fyodor bit Chuuya's lips as he deepened the kiss. Chuuya blushed and he moaned as Fyodor leaned him back on the bed and he intertwined his hand in his. Chuuya gasped softly as Fyodor moved his lips down to Chuuya's neck. Fyodor nibbled softly on Chuuya's exposed skin, and Chuuya moaned softly as Fyodor did. Fyodor leaned up and he looked down at Chuuya. Fyodor put his hand on Chuuya's cheek, and he rubbed his thumb softly on Chuuya's cheek as he looked at him.

"We don't have to if you're not ready baby." Fyodor said worriedly.

Chuuya's heart swelled at this. Fyodor had been so patient and given him so much time to fix himself and truly heal. Chuuya was more than ready. Chuuya leaned up and he kissed Fyodor again. "I'm ready... I want to..."

"Are you sure...?"

Chuuya nodded. "Just... shut up and kiss me damn it." Fyodor chuckled at that as Fyodor kissed him again. Fyodor unbuttoned the shirt Chuuya currently had on, and he kissed from his neck down to his chest. Fyodor softly latched on to a rosy bud and he licked and sucked softly as he played with the other one. Chuuya exhaled softly as Fyodor did. Fyodor then licked all the way down Chuuya's stomach until he reached the band of his boxers. Fyodor slowly peeled Chuuya's boxers from him, and Fyodor removed his pants and shirt as he was getting hot in it quickly.

As Fyodor was getting undressed Chuuya had closed his legs and he was blushing scarlet as Fyodor looked at him. "Mon beau what's wrong?" Fyodor asked.

"It's just... you've never... my body it's..." Chuuya mumbled embarrassed.

"Oh, my love... You're beautiful just the way you are." Fyodor said smiling. "And tonight, I'm going to show you how beautiful you are."

Fyodor said as he slowly crawled over to Chuuya, and he gently opened his legs. Fyodor kissed from Chuuya's foot all the way down his leg, and he came back up nibbling and sucking softly on his inner thighs. Fyodor then lifted Chuuya's hips a bit which took him by shock but he didn't have time to respond as Fyodor swallowed his cock whole. Chuuya choked on a moan as Fyodor started to suck his cock. Fyodor twirled his tongue around Chuuya's cock and he sucked it hard and fast like it was an olympic race. Fyodor then moved from his cock to his entrance and Chuuya yelped as Fyodor plunged hi tongue inside of Chuuya opening him up lewdly. The sounds Chuuya was making was like music to Fyodor's ears and he wanted to hear more of that beautiful melody. And he heard plenty that night. He watched Chuuya become beautifully undone, and turn into a trembling and shaking mess, he watched as his climax hit him in waves as they made love for the first time that night, and he had never seen anything more truly beautiful.

When the morning came Fyodor smiled as he looked at Chuuya asleep soundly in the bed. Chuuya looked so calm when he slept, it was about the only time he could say Chuuya truly was at peace. Fyodor kissed Chuuya's head gently and he softly rubbed his hand through his hair.

"I love you, my beautiful." Fyodor whispered softly, and he covered Chuuya up more so he wouldn't get cold. Fyodor had business to attend to this morning and he figured it was best if he did it alone. And that's why Fyodor was now standing outside of a house of a man he knew very well. A man who once again was threatening everything he worked so hard for. A man he despised. Dazai Osamu.  

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