I Trusted You

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Fyodor knocked on the door of Dazai's apartment. He stood around with his arms folded waiting on Dazai to answer. Dazai opened his apartment door with a furious what. Fyodor looked at the horrid state of Dazai he was an utter mess. Dazai's hair was tangled and greasy, weight was more malnourished than normal, he was pale. It was odd to see the stubborn man in such a state. But Fyodor could care less how bad he felt. He wanted to make things with Dazai very clear.

"Look. I didn't come here to fuss and fight. But I did come here to make something clear."

"Oh and what is that?" Dazai chuckled.

"Chuuya is going to come here to ask you if you want to meet Rei. You're going to tell him no."

"And why the hell would I do that?" Dazai said bitterly.

"Because you don't deserve either of them!" Fyodor spat. "And if you don't listen I will have your ass in court so fast for full custody of Rei."

Dazai chuckled at the threat. "No Fyodor. It's you who doesn't deserve them. Because of your bitter jealousy of Chuuya never giving you the time of day when we were younger you altered his memories."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh don't act dumb you know exactly what the hell I mean. You made Chuuya believe I raped him. You made Chuuya believe I abused him but I never did! But that's all Chuuya remembers because of the shit you pulled. You made him believe the scars on his body was from me but in all honesty they were from you. You fucking demon. Because you couldn't accept Chuuya refused to be what you wanted him to. So then you went and you made him forget you. So you could get a fresh start at mending a broken heart right? There isn't even a record at the hospital of his rape. But there is from him being beat nearly half to death. But you did that out of rage. Because you were there that night Chuuya was trying to tell me he was pregnant. Where you upset because it wasn't your baby? How does it feel Fyodor... to know that the child you are keeping me from is still mine no matter how hard you try and look past that?" Dazai smirked.

Fyodor's eyes narrowed. "Maybe that much is true but you can never love Chuuya how I love him. You abandoned him."

"And you killed our baby. You made Chuuya think of you as an angel now which is truly worse? I left Chuuya to protect him. Not hurt him."

Fyodor looked angrily at Dazai. "You're right I killed that baby. I altered Chuuya's memories because he should have been mine! Ever since we were little you have stolen him from me he always wanted you, loved you, admired you, Dazai this and Dazai that! I hate you with my very being! All I ever wanted was Chuuya! All I ever wanted was for him to love me the way I loved him! But I couldn't because you had to stand in my way! I can't stand you Dazai Osamu! I hate you! I fucking despise you! I wish you were dead!" Fyodor screamed.

"You lied to me...?" Fyodor turned around quickly and he looked at Chuuya shocked. Chuuya had tears in his eyes as he looked at Fyodor.

"Chuuya..." Fyodor said walking towards him. "I-"

"Don't touch me!" Chuuya yelled. "Don't you dare touch me!" Chuuya sobbed. "I trusted you and you lied to me... you lied... everything you told me was a lie... you changed my memories so I'd love you... you made me think Dazai abused me... and raped me... but that was you... and then- you said you killed my baby..."

Fyodor's eyes saddened. "Chuuya... please..."

Chuuya slapped Fyodor hard across the face, and Chuuya couldn't even form words over the rushing pain he was feeling. "I am going to leave with Rei for a few days... when I get back I want you out..." Chuuya said before he stormed off and walked down the stairs of the apartment complex.

Fyodor stood there shocked as he heard those words. Dazai brushed past Fyodor and he rushed down the stairs and caught up to Chuuya. Dazai grabbed Chuuya's arm and Chuuya looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Chuuya... I'm sorry you had to figure it out that way..."

"It's fine..." Chuuya said wiping his tears. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you... And I'm sorry you missed out on three years of Rei's life... and I'm...I'm sorry about our... our..." Chuuya choked trying to get out the sentence and Dazai pulled Chuuya into his arms and he held him tightly.

"Hey... shh... that wasn't your fault.... It wasn't your fault."

Chuuya sobbed for a few moments before he pulled back looking at Dazai. "Do you have a place to stay until he's gone?"

"My mother... I'll stay with her a few days..."

"Okay good... as long as you're somewhere safe."

"Hey... Dazai...?"

"Would you... would you like to meet Rei...?" Chuuya asked softly.

"I would love to." Dazai said smiling. 

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