Taking A Chance

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Chuuya smiled as he watched Dazai and Rei interact with each other. Rei had been so excited to meet Dazai finally. And Chuuya was happy about that. He was wondering how well the small child would truly take the transition and learning that Dazai was his actual father, but he took it quite well. Better than Chuuya expected. Now that Chuuya could see them together, he could see what clear traits Rei had of Dazai's. Rei had Dazai's face structure, he frowned and furrowed his eyebrows the same as Dazai did, and when they young child was excited he beamed brightly like Dazai often did. Chuuya looked as Rei pulled Dazai over to a crepe stand. Begging his father to get him one of the deliciously wrapped treats.

"Please Daddy! Please! Please!" Rei begged pulling Dazai's hand.

"Dazai chuckled. "Okay... okay!" Dazai laughed again as he ruffled Rei's hair. "Three please. One with bananas and the other two strawberries." Dazai said smiling as he paid.

Dazai waited patiently for the crepes to be made and he handed little Rei his, who immediately bit into the treat. Dazai walked over to Chuuya hand him the other strawberry one and Chuuya smiled.

"You remember I like strawberries?" Chuuya said blushing.

"Of course." Dazai smiled. "How could I forget."

"Mommy cooks a lot of desserts with strawberries!" Rei said. "They're very good! Daddy have you ever had Mommy's desserts?"

"I have."Dazai said as he smiled at his son. "And they are quite delicious."

Chuuya blushed brightly from the compliment his son and Dazai had given him. "I- I'm not that great..." Chuuya pouted.

Dazai chuckled as he realized that tsundere side of Chuuya hadn't changed one bit. Dazai's attention was shifted as he noticed his hyperactive son run off to a booth. Dazai and Chuuya walked over curious to see what had caught their son's attention.

"Daddy, Mommy, look!" Rei said excitedly as he pointed at all the other children and their parents getting face paint. "Can we get our faces painted too?"

"Of course we can!" Dazai said as he happily picked up Rei. Dazai walked over to a woman and sat down with Rei on his lap. "Mmm. What does Rei want to be?"

Rei thought long and hard at the question Dazai asked him. He wasn't completely for sure what he wanted. But he knew he wanted to be a fierce animal.

"I want to be a strong and brave animal." Rei commented.

"Strong and brave huh? What about a Lion?!" Dazai said with a gleam. "Those are very strong and brave animals."

Rei giggled and he clapped. "Yeah! Yeah! Oi! Oi! Ma'am can I get a lion?!" Rei said happily.

The woman giggled and she nodded as she picked up a brush and palette. Dazai and Chuuya watched as the woman drew on Rei's face. Making him look like the brave lion he wanted to be. The woman showed Rei himself in the mirror once she was finished and the tiny child was happy with the results.

"Oh my goodness. Look at my strong and cute lion." Chuuya said kissing Rei's forehead.

Rei whined."Mama I am supposed to be strong and brave! Not cute!"

"Oh. I apologize my strong and brave lion." Chuuya corrected as him and Rei laughed.

"Daddy and Mommy's turn! Daddy and Mommy's turn!" Rei said as he jumped off Dazai's lap.

"Ha? You want us to-" But Chuuya didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as suddenly he was pulled on to Dazai's lap and lanky bandaged arms where wrapped around him. Chuuya blushed brightly as he sat on Dazai's lap. The woman drew on Chuuya's face first giving him a nose and tiny whiskers, making Chuuya into a mouse. While Dazai was made into a cat.

"Meow~" Dazai said as he bumped his nose on Chuuya's before gently rubbing his against Chuuya's which made the ginger blush.

Dazai picked Rei back up placing him on his other leg that Chuuya wasn't occupying. Dazai pulled out his phone, and he lifted it so all three of them could smiled and be taken a picture of.

"On three. One, two, three. Cheese!" Dazai said as they all smiled. Satisfied with the picture Dazai tucked his phone away back in his pocket as he wanted to give all his attention to his family. Chuuya smiled as he looked at Dazai and Rei walking ahead. He loved that Dazai was trying to indulge this moment to the fullest. It was showing how much he was trying. But like most days. It must come to an end.

Dazai had fed Rei and Chuuya at one of Chuuya's most favorite French restaurant. Which Chuuya and Rei enjoyed greatly. And before it closed Dazai took Rei and Chuuya to the aquarium. Where Rei got to see all the cute and friendly sea animals, and even got to feed a few. Rei even had ended up getting a fish that Dazai won him. Which Dazai had placed in a bowl with a good environment for the fish and sat on Rei's dresser. Rei looked at Dazai and Chuuya. Rei was now clean of the face paint and in his pajamas. He was full and content, and exhausted from the long and eventful day with his parents.

Dazai kneeled down and he kissed Rei on thr forehead. "I had fun today buddy..." Dazai said softly.

"I did too Daddy..." Rei said rubbing his eye. "Can we do it again soon?" Rei asked.

Dazai nodded. "Yes we can." Dazai smiled. "How does next week sound?"

Rei yawned tiredly. "Good..." He mumbled as his eyes were closed and he was falling asleep. Dazai smiled and he kissed his son's forehead and covered him up completely. "Goodnight buddy..." Dazai said before turning off the light and walking out of the bed room.

Chuuya looked at Dazai. "Thank you for today... Me and Rei really appreciate it."

"No need to thank me. I was happy to do it. I'd be happy to do it anytime. Maybe even..." Dazai said grabbing Chuuya's hands. "...Just the two of us...?"

Chuuya giggled and he blushed as he stood up on his tippy toes and kissed Dazai gently. "I think... That's a wonderful idea..." Chuuya said smiling.

Dazai smiled like an idiot as he pulled Chuuya closer to him and he kissed him again. Because finally, Dazai was getting his life back. His family.

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