10. the end, or was it?

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Chapter Ten 

the end, or was it? 

3rd person pov 

she didn't know what was happening when sam called them and told them to come to torys apartment but she went with it for her girlfriend. she showed up with robby, hawk , Miguel and demetri., 

"tory?" hawk said 

"whats up?" Miguel asked them 

"what happened to your hand?" robby asked tory and xenia couldn't help but smile at them. it was cute that he cared so much 

"training accident I'm OK" tory said 

" We think we have a way to prove silver assaulted stingray." sam stated and xenias eyebrows rose. 

"if the attack happened at the old dojo, silver installed security cameras." tory stated 

"so its probably on the cameras" xenia exclaimed 

"that place was cleaned out" robby said 

"that might not matter. That we sell at Towne I'll save the footage to a central server. Silver probably took the whole system" demetri exclaimed 

"I think he did. There is a server in his office at the flagship dojo" tory said 

"if we get access to it, we can definitely find that footage. we could even post that stingray clip to their youtube channel" hawk said 

"get a hold of everyone else, let them know that we're taking down cobra kai... tonight" sam said and they texted the group chat before they drove to the flagship dojo 

" if it's the same alarm system that he installed that the last place I might be able to bypass it" robby told them 

"spoken like a man whos done this before" demetri exclaimed 

"karate wasn't my first hobby, I fractured a lot or two before we met" robby retorted 

"okay jailbird" xenia laughed and hawk did too before tory spoke up 

"or we could just scan my key card. So that none of us on probation keep from, you know, violating it" she said and then they heard Chris's  voice 

"whats up, man? So late. Someone took forever to get ready." chris said 

"its the middle of the night" mitch said 

"what is she doing here?" nate asked 

"its fine, shes with us for what we're about to do at least " sam spoke 

"so what are we doing?all your text says is that we're gonna take down cobra kai but how exactly? " mitch asked 

"gonna show them who their sensei is. we think we have proof he's a criminal" Miguel said 

"we're going upstairs to Silvers's office. We need you downstairs as look out" sam said and they all walked inside as they began to hack into the systems. they stood behind demetri as he did it and they all watched him but even then, they didn't find anything. it was a drought. 

"he deleted it" xenia said and they sighed. 

"so what now?" Miguel asked 

"I think there might be some other footage we can use" tory said 

"you wouldn't happen to know the date and time would ya?" hawk asked and tory put in the information as the video came up but then they heard someone call for them. all five of them ran downstairs leaving hawk and demetri together. 

"so you're with them now?" devon asked tory 

" he knew what would happen if him and his friends ever stepped into this dojo again" kenny said 

"how did they even know we were here?" sam asked 

"i don't know" Miguel said 

"mitche come on, get your ass over here where you belong" kyler said and he walked over to them 

"penis breathe how could you?" bert asked 

"i don't know.  maybe cause they don't call me penis breath. No, you guys have been so dead set on taking down cobra Kai. I didn't even wanna leave in the first place. I mean, look around. They got snacks, swag, smoothies. Our dojo doesn't even have a roof. Or, like, any chicks. No offense, Sam." mitch said 

"all right. penis breath, shut up" kyler said 

"i thought you said they didn't call you penis breath" xenia said to him and he stared at her 

"we got a traitor , you got a traitor so that cancels out" kyler exclaimed 

"I'm not a traitor. I'm just not buying what silver is selling and neither should any of you" tory told them 

"silver lied. to all of us" robby said 

"us? what us? only person who lied to me is you" kenny said to robby but Miguel stepped in front of robby and xenia followed. 

"hey. robbys right. you don't wanna do this" Miguel said 

"yeah, i do" kenny said and they all began to fight each other. xenia and sam stuck together. it was clear that they were working together. someone swung on xenia and she hit him in the chest before she spun and kicked his legs out from under him and sam hit him too. he laid on the ground and they watched him before she turned to Miguel and helped him. 

"thanks sis" he said 

"anytime" she spoke and she ran to held robby who was fighting kenny. she laid him out of the ground and helped robby up. 

"you alright?" she asked 

"good, thanks to you" he said ånd she smiled 

"of course" she said and she ran to help the others before demetri and hawk ran down the stairs and Anthony picked up the tablet from the floor 

"protect the egg" Miguel yelled and they all circled around anthony as they began to fight them. xenia kept moving at her own pace and she felt comfortable with it and soon enough the video uploaded. 

they all stopped and watched it. xenia stood next to sam as they watched and waited. 

"that's it? that was your big plan, larusso? breaking into my dojo to steal some footage that changes nothing?" silver said 

"it wasn't his plan, it was ours" tory stated 

"and it changes everything" robby exclaimed 

"our enemies think they can keep attacking us with no repercussions and what does the enemy deserve? you think I'm the only one willing to go to these lengths? their senses broke into my home tonight. my home! attacked me, unprovoked. but here i am. the only one left standing. they think they're entitled to victory because their way is right and our way is wrong but that's not how it works. there are no morals to the story, no happy endings. life isn't a fairy tale, its a competitive  sport. right and wrong, there's no such thing. there are only winners and losers. cobrs kai builds winners because we're willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top" silver spoke 

"can this be over already? can you fight and lose for the sake of us? I'm tired and want to go home" xenia spoke and he turned to her 

"and who are you?" he asked 

"a girl who beat your dojos ass, now stop talking and handle this like a man in your own words" she stated and she looked at daniel who looked at her and sighed. 

"shes right" daniel exclaimed and silver began to circle with daniel as they all watched them. sam held xenias hand and xenia held anthonys as he held miguels and they all watched. the two families were standing close together and they watched as daniel knocked him down to the ground and the cobras began to remove their apparel. 

"holy shit we did it" xenia said and they all smiled as they called the cops and they showed up as they all walked outside and waited. sam wrapped her arm around xenia and they smiled 

"I'm really glad you were here with me" sam said and xenia smiled at her as she brought her hand up and brushed her cheek with her thumb. sam leaned into the touch and she sighed. 

"I'm glad I was here too. i couldn't imagine losing you" xenia told her and sam smiled as they leaned in and kissed each other. xenia ran her hand over her cheek and sam ran her hand over xenias jaw as they held each other and kissed. 

the blue and red lights flashed around them and they smiled into the kiss even though they knew that people were watching but they didn't care. it was them and they were each others. 

they were glad that it was over, it was the end . 

or was it? 


and that's the end of you're so vain until season six, thank you so much for reading and supporting. i hope you'll come back and support this book 

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